Snow Shoes??


Very Active Member
Do any of you guys use snowshoes while out looking for sheds??
Some of the places I SH still have quite a bit of snow when the elk are dropping, and I thought that snow shoes would help out.
Just wondering what you guys think, and how popular snow shoes are in the shed hunting community.

Also, what kind of snow shoes do you guys use/have used. I'm looking into the Atlas brand.

Thanks for the replies.

I would say that if snow shoes are required to access country when deer and elk are dropping then it's probably still to early to be in there running them around. I wish they could get a break. At least let the snow melt and let them recover from winter

Stay classy Utah!
I agree with you, and I am not one of these run the elk up and down the mountain guys for sure. However many of the north facing slopes where I SH will still have 3-4 feet of snow on them, while the south facing slopes will have 6" or some years none at all. I hike into all the areas that I SH. I could get close to some of them by snowmobile, but I don't have one, and I feel that many sheds are missed by using 4 wheelers, or snowmobile's. So for the, "me getting tired of sinking up to my nuts in snow" aspect i've decided to look into using snow shoes to help me out.

Thanks for the quick reply sonora.

Excellent post Huntsonora....and great clarification sliver, i was about to have a heart attack!! Lol

>I agree with you, and I
>am not one of these
>run the elk up and
>down the mountain guys for
>sure. However many of the
>north facing slopes where I
>SH will still have 3-4
>feet of snow on them,
>while the south facing slopes
>will have 6" or some
>years none at all. I
>hike into all the areas
>that I SH. I could
>get close to some of
>them by snowmobile, but I
>don't have one, and I
>feel that many sheds are
>missed by using 4 wheelers,
>or snowmobile's. So for the,
>"me getting tired of sinking
>up to my nuts in
>snow" aspect i've decided to
>look into using snow shoes
>to help me out.
>Thanks for the quick reply sonora.

I apologize for jumping to conclusions.

I see the posts every year here on MM about how the deer get run around on the wintering ground and I probably jumped the gun in assuming you were wanting snow shoes to get out there before everybody else. Its a touchy subject with me and with the rough winter last year and this one shaping up to be a doozy I may have been quick on the trigger in assuming things I should not have assumed and for that I sincerely apologize.

Merry Christmas and I hope Santa left you a pair of snow shoes


Stay classy Utah!
i use atlas snow shoes to get back into my horn hunting spots. and what a life saver. saves all that engery from falling into the snow and pulling yourself out from 3 feet of snow to 4 inches of snow. i think saying chasing the elk is a little to extremne.
Well santa didn't leave me some snow shoes, however he did leave me some cold hard cash. I think that I'll go buy some this week sometime. Hopefully i'll be able to get out and practice this winter before I actually need them for shedding season.

Drummond, I accept your appology man, no worries. I almost expected to get jumped over this subject.

You guys don't have to worry about me, I'm a wait and watch kinda guy, not a guy who spooks the animals out of their beds to run over and look for sheds.

NFH, thanks for the info. I think that I will be getting some Atlas ones. Which size do you have?? And how much do you weigh??


i got the atlas model 1025. at the time i weighed 175 when i got them. they are awesome for side hilling. they flex out so your pretty much walking just normal. i have had them for 2 years and still holding up strong. the foot attachments are built to where you walk normal. they are not like old school shoes and have to pick up you whole leg. i paid 170 for mine. then my dad got a pair and turned into a family event and now just snow shoe for fun.
Thanks NFH, I weigh 160, and was looking into the 1125's They are right about that same price too.
I'm excited to get out trying it.

Thanks man.

one more thing that really helps. get ski poles for walking sticks. they come in handy for everything. to check some of those soft snow patches
Why would you guys want snow shoes I can chase elk and deer on my snowmobile til their horns fall off or until they are so exhausted I can walk right up to them and pull them off. j/k I was actually going to post something similar to this one I am looking into some snow shoes just for shed hunting what kinds are some to look into- I weigh 290 if that helps at all as far as what kind
Thanks again NFH. I went to sportsmans today and looked, and they don't have a very good selection. They only had the trail type shoes in the Atlas. The salesman said that they were all from last year, and they hadn't gotten any 09's in. I will have to look around cause I want a mountain style shoe for sure.

I have a question for those of you that have the atlas shoes. These shoes will let you walk normal and your heels will be able to flex up when walking. I hope I explained my question but kinda hard to explain. Are they hard to walk in and is there a learning curve to use them.
yeah that is true. it sounds weird but it works out great. they are cake to long as you can walk you can snowshoe. the one bad thing is with the atlas style is it flips snow onto the back of your leg. so i just got a pair of gators and that solved the problem of getting wet.
>yeah that is true. it sounds
>weird but it works out
>great. they are cake to
> long as you can
>walk you can snowshoe. the
>one bad thing is with
>the atlas style is it
>flips snow onto the back
>of your leg. so i
>just got a pair of
>gators and that solved the
>problem of getting wet.

Thanks for your help.
Well, I ordered the Atlas 1130's. Thanks to all of your help/input on things. I'm excited to get out and climb some snow covered mountains.

Sonora, no hard feelings man, you seem like a heck of a nice guy.

i have had a couple different pairs i really like my second pair they are denali assent (spelling) you can buy a tail to put on them when you get into more pounder or level walking. and for the steeper up they have a metal flip up to help relieve stress to the calf muscles it helps you fill like your are walking more level if you understand what i mean. and any time your in snow gaitors are a must and i have wool pants that i shoe in when i'm looking for moose sheds
Hey thanks mooseman. I saw those kind with the longer tail that you can add. They look pretty cool. I am excited to try this whole snowshoeing thing out.


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