Soooo anyone find the King's sheds.??

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Long Time Member

Anyone know..?
Heard they were poached early...if I were Fish and Game I would of Micro-chipped them and when they would of crossed the border with them,,,nailed em with the lacey act too...
The story (as I heard it) is that at 6am some people witnessed a couple Utah guys stand up in the sage holding the KING's horns. That's pretty much all there is to it. People are crying that they broke the law by leaving their truck before 6am.

I don't think that is going to hold up in court. A guy is allowed to walk around on BLM whenever he wants to. Lots of people upset because they didn't get them, but you can't compete with guys that spend every day up there watching these bucks. They put the time in, and usually end up with the reward.

The ambiguity in the Shed Statue is a joke. People are arguing that because they "Located or Searched" for the sheds before the season, they are guilty. However, what if they watched the buck shed and then put themselves in the general area at 6am. How could you make a case for breaking the law in that case?

I know a guy that watched a buck with one horn in February and never saw him drop. Then he parked on a oil pad (on May 15th) to hit that area (with no sheds located) and the horn was 2 feet off of the pad he parked on. Picked it up 6:02am. How is that any different?

These laws are dumb and they need to go away if they can't manage them or enforce them in an efficient and clear manner.

I'm not trying to defend anyone here and I'm sure there are lots more details to the story, but this is one of those stories that just proves how terrible these shed laws are.
The story (as I heard it) is that at 6am some people witnessed a couple Utah guys stand up in the sage holding the KING's horns. That's pretty much all there is to it. People are crying that they broke the law by leaving their truck before 6am.

I don't think that is going to hold up in court. A guy is allowed to walk around on BLM whenever he wants to. Lots of people upset because they didn't get them, but you can't compete with guys that spend every day up there watching these bucks. They put the time in, and usually end up with the reward.

The ambiguity in the Shed Statue is a joke. People are arguing that because they "Located or Searched" for the sheds before the season, they are guilty. However, what if they watched the buck shed and then put themselves in the general area at 6am. How could you make a case for breaking the law in that case?

I know a guy that watched a buck with one horn in February and never saw him drop. Then he parked on a oil pad (on May 15th) to hit that area (with no sheds located) and the horn was 2 feet off of the pad he parked on. Picked it up 6:02am. How is that any different?

These laws are dumb and they need to go away if they can't manage them or enforce them in an efficient and clear manner.

I'm not trying to defend anyone here and I'm sure there are lots more details to the story, but this is one of those stories that just proves how terrible these shed laws are.
They literally are enforcing them in this case and your belittling it. My guess Is if there is video of them breaking the law it will hold up in court
They literally are enforcing them in this case and your belittling it. My guess Is if there is video of them breaking the law it will hold up in court
If they broke the law, they should be accountable.
My argument is the way the law is written is pretty subjective and could be interpreted in many ways. I'm not a fan of shed laws. I think they contradict the laws of the land (BLM, National Forest, & State) in many ways and just create confusion. Any decent lawyer could dance around these shed statues. That doesn't make dishonestly and deception right, but it does prove that these laws for shed hunting are an issue. These laws are honestly causing more problems than they should be solving. There's more people pushing the limits and toeing the line than ever, and we are not saving any deer by doing this. It has caused more drama than we could ever imagine and we shed hunters are finding less sheds because of it. The Fish and Game have more work than they can handle. People are pissed off. All I see is negativity. Where are the benefits?
There was a black Tacoma 4 dr black topper and tinted windows picking up sheds in the middle of the night. Utah plates.
There was a black Tacoma 4 dr black topper and tinted windows picking up sheds in the middle of the night. Utah plates.
How offensive! Throw them in maximum security prison! How do you know they were "picking up" sheds in the dark is my question? Did you have your night vision on watching? Out there making sure nobody else but you is harassing the wildlife haha. I'm in the camp of these shed laws are ridiculous. I would love proof that any deer or elk were saved by not letting someone pick up an antler. They could be out doing anything else, just don't pick up the antler!....lame.
How offensive! Throw them in maximum security prison! How do you know they were "picking up" sheds in the dark is my question? Did you have your night vision on watching? Out there making sure nobody else but you is harassing the wildlife haha. I'm in the camp of these shed laws are ridiculous. I would love proof that any deer or elk were saved by not letting someone pick up an antler. They could be out doing anything else, just don't pick up the antler!....lame.
incorrect...the blm land is closed to all access until that 6am. doesnt have anything to do with the horns. So when they are out there with headlights walking up canyons and driving on the legally closed roads, it is illegal, and has nothing to do with the horns they are picking up, which is also illegal. and the problem is, when there are a bunch of people who abide by the laws, and 1 group who doesnt, year after year the same group for the most part, why shouldnt they be caught? why shouldnt they be prosecuted for taking away what others are legally waiting to pursue? You utards sure find a way to make blatantly illegal things, seem like its not your problem to follow in other states
incorrect...the blm land is closed to all access until that 6am. doesnt have anything to do with the horns. So when they are out there with headlights walking up canyons and driving on the legally closed roads, it is illegal, and has nothing to do with the horns they are picking up, which is also illegal. and the problem is, when there are a bunch of people who abide by the laws, and 1 group who doesnt, year after year the same group for the most part, why shouldnt they be caught? why shouldnt they be prosecuted for taking away what others are legally waiting to pursue? You utards sure find a way to make blatantly illegal things, seem like its not your problem to follow in other states
Are you saying the roads are closed to "All Access" or the entire BLM land is closed to "All Access"? The stuff I hit down further South only has closed roads (mostly two tracks). Guys can go out and hunt Coyotes, Rabbits, Arrowheads, or anything else they want all year round. That's part of the problem.
If this whole area (That KING is in) is 100% closed to everything until 6am, then I owe an apology. I was not aware of that.
The story (as I heard it) is that at 6am some people witnessed a couple Utah guys stand up in the sage holding the KING's horns. That's pretty much all there is to it. People are crying that they broke the law by leaving their truck before 6am.

I don't think that is going to hold up in court. A guy is allowed to walk around on BLM whenever he wants to. Lots of people upset because they didn't get them, but you can't compete with guys that spend every day up there watching these bucks. They put the time in, and usually end up with the reward.

The ambiguity in the Shed Statue is a joke. People are arguing that because they "Located or Searched" for the sheds before the season, they are guilty. However, what if they watched the buck shed and then put themselves in the general area at 6am. How could you make a case for breaking the law in that case?

I know a guy that watched a buck with one horn in February and never saw him drop. Then he parked on a oil pad (on May 15th) to hit that area (with no sheds located) and the horn was 2 feet off of the pad he parked on. Picked it up 6:02am. How is that any different?

These laws are dumb and they need to go away if they can't manage them or enforce them in an efficient and clear manner.

I'm not trying to defend anyone here and I'm sure there are lots more details to the story, but this is one of those stories that just proves how terrible these shed laws are.
I just have ask where to find the info that I cannot set foot on BLM Land before 6am? Is it only certain parcels? Is it closed to camping? Hiking or Turkey Hunting?
incorrect...the blm land is closed to all access until that 6am. doesnt have anything to do with the horns. So when they are out there with headlights walking up canyons and driving on the legally closed roads, it is illegal, and has nothing to do with the horns they are picking up, which is also illegal. and the problem is, when there are a bunch of people who abide by the laws, and 1 group who doesnt, year after year the same group for the most part, why shouldnt they be caught? why shouldnt they be prosecuted for taking away what others are legally waiting to pursue? You utards sure find a way to make blatantly illegal things, seem like its not your problem to follow in other states
Where can I read that I can't legally hike on BLM land until 6:00 AM on a specific date? I understand road closures, but hiking? That is not the same law in Utah. I turkey hunted, snowmobiled, hiked, chased lions, farted, all on BLM.....just couldn't pick up a horn haha. If Wyoming is different where you can't hike/recreate on BLM until 6:00 AM on a specific date please enlighten me the website doesn't read that way.

Yup 2 guys for sure. Said one was heavy set and other was a slender build. The names I’ve heard were Tom Callahan and Bill Madison. Any of you guys heard this ?
Shed laws prolly created by the same kind of people who invented HOA's.
Soon we will be buying licenses for looking at the fall leaves.
Slippery Slope.
The chances of actually seeing the buck drop his antlers is very slim. Also, the odds that they both dropped at the same time in the same location are very slim. If those guys did know the exact location of the sheds before May 15, they most likely were looking for sheds prior to the opener. Not legal. If the sheds dropped apart from each other, most likely they dropped hours or days apart. So..they had both sides located before May 15? What if they were 500 yds apart? Do they have video of the buck shedding his antlers? That could help them, but they were obviously looking for sheds before 6am.

Either that or they stumbled around in the dark before 6am and got lucky and found them? Searching for sheds in Wyoming is not legal before 6am on opening day. PERIOD.
They were turned into WYGF and caught with the sheds in their truck. When you have pictures of them laying there just before dark the night before and we’re no where to be seen at 5:50 AM from the road. Pictures of boot tracks also matched there’s. Hope it was worth it.
Wonder how stressed out that buck was by being dogged by a photographer in his winter range. Unconscionable
Shed "hunting" laws do not prohibit all access on BLM land, regardless what has been written here.

PS. The fact that picking up discarded antler is called "hunting" and those doing it early are called "poachers" is ridiculous to me.
I feel the same with pronghorn and lower 48 sheep “hunts”.
They literally are enforcing them in this case and you’re belittling it. My guess Is if there is video of them breaking the law it will hold up in court
Your guess would be correct.. if there is any video of any wildlife crime and suspects In said violation can be identified….. ya doesn’t take the brightest mind to figure out that’s perty much a shut and closed case.
If there is evidence of this dude with FLIR imaging picking up this buck early hence before 6:00 am. bring it on… they got em.
I hope somebody corrects me, but isn’t said area strictly no motorized vehicle access January 1 - May 15 & 6:00 am?
Walk traffic is warranted right?
Are you saying the roads are closed to "All Access" or the entire BLM land is closed to "All Access"? The stuff I hit down further South only has closed roads (mostly two tracks). Guys can go out and hunt Coyotes, Rabbits, Arrowheads, or anything else they want all year round. That's part of the problem.
If this whole area (That KING is in) is 100% closed to everything until 6am, then I owe an apology. I was not aware of that.
It's not closed to human presence, just the road closure.
They were turned into WYGF and caught with the sheds in their truck. When you have pictures of them laying there just before dark the night before and we’re no where to be seen at 5:50 AM from the road. Pictures of boot tracks also matched there’s. Hope it was worth it.
Geezus I Really hope you’re right.

I think the mate that picked up the sheds has intelligence way beyond your comprehension.. JS
They were turned into WYGF and caught with the sheds in their truck. When you have pictures of them laying there just before dark the night before and we’re no where to be seen at 5:50 AM from the road. Pictures of boot tracks also matched there’s. Hope it was worth it.
So you (or someone)had picture of the sheds laying in the sage the night before the opener?

If so then what the hell good is the "shed opener" doing? And was that person sited for locating sheds before the opener?
@Boomstick jealously is a hard thing to be awakened to. It Makes reality twist to your thoughts and not like them.

If a case comes up that KINGS sheds were “poached” and convicted. I’ll buy you a steak dinner anywhere in the lower 48.?
So a Wyoming resident draws a good Buck tag next year.. he has 15 out of state Utards help him find a big deer.

Same guy has 15 utards help him locate a 110” shed horn….
Someone explain a logical difference…

Illegal? This stuff gets so F’N dumb.
Well that’s a new thought process..?
You don't want me to get started. It could be very embarrassing to you. You might want to change your picture. Two different holes in your elk, No trees around, yet you some how got in archery range in legal shooting hours in stubble field of a big bull and 8 cows, and got two shots with a bow. I probably know more about what happened than you can believe. Your statements don't add up with evidence, just like the Hyde Park buck case.
Pretty sad the drama that is attached to this deer. Jealousy is the only way to describe what's happened with shed hunting and especially this deer. Most are mad cause they wont get the glory of holding them up and being instagram famous. My favorite part is the person that found the sheds probably wouldn't have even posted them if there wasn't all the drama behind the buck. In my opinion the way the shed law is written is dumb. When I got in trouble for locating few years ago which was before I read the law saying locating and attempting to locate was illegal and just assumed don't pick them up and don't go walking around for them before May 1st. I was driving the same roads everyone and their dog drives to look at deer all winter long and every oil and gas worker drives everyday. I was glassing from my truck with my kowas so I had sheds glassed up from 100 yards off the road to 2 miles. Never walking to a shed and never leaving my truck, but because I put in hours of glassing and "Located" sheds apparently I was way different and way more stressful than the other however many thousand people were on those roads. Obviously I still go all the time but sheds have became a joke.
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Pretty sad the drama that is attached to this deer. Jealousy is the only way to describe what's happened with shed hunting and especially this deer. Most are mad cause they wont get the glory of holding them up and being instagram famous. My favorite part is the person that found the sheds probably wouldn't have even posted them if there wasn't all the drama behind the buck. In my opinion the way the shed law is written is dumb. When I got in trouble for locating few years ago which was before I read the law saying locating and attempting to locate was illegal and just assumed don't pick them up and don't go walking around for them before May 1st. I was driving the same roads everyone and their dog drives to look at deer all winter long and every oil and gas worker drives everyday. I was glassing from my truck with my kowas so I had sheds glassed up from 100 yards off the road to 2 miles. Never walking to a shed and never leaving my truck, but because I put in hours of glassing and "Located" sheds apparently I was way different and way more stressful than the other however many thousand people were on those roads. Obviously I still go all the time but sheds have became a joke.
It really is crazy what it has become. I love antlers as much as the next guy or gal, but I can't bring myself to join the cult that shed hunting has become :ROFLMAO:
You don't want me to get started. It could be very embarrassing to you. You might want to change your picture. Two different holes in your elk, No trees around, yet you some how got in archery range in legal shooting hours in stubble field of a big bull and 8 cows, and got two shots with a bow. I probably know more about what happened than you can believe. Your statements don't add up with evidence, just like the Hyde Park buck case.
Pretty sad the drama that is attached to this deer. Jealousy is the only way to describe what's happened with shed hunting and especially this deer. Most are mad cause they wont get the glory of holding them up and being instagram famous. My favorite part is the person that found the sheds probably wouldn't have even posted them if there wasn't all the drama behind the buck. In my opinion the way the shed law is written is dumb. When I got in trouble for locating few years ago which was before I read the law saying locating and attempting to locate was illegal and just assumed don't pick them up and don't go walking around for them before May 1st. I was driving the same roads everyone and their dog drives to look at deer all winter long and every oil and gas worker drives everyday. I was glassing from my truck with my kowas so I had sheds glassed up from 100 yards off the road to 2 miles. Never walking to a shed and never leaving my truck, but because I put in hours of glassing and "Located" sheds apparently I was way different and way more stressful than the other however many thousand people were on those roads. Obviously I still go all the time but sheds have became a joke.
Yeah if you're cruising around you better not have binos around your neck
You don't want me to get started. It could be very embarrassing to you. You might want to change your picture. Two different holes in your elk, No trees around, yet you some how got in archery range in legal shooting hours in stubble field of a big bull and 8 cows, and got two shots with a bow. I probably know more about what happened than you can believe. Your statements don't add up with evidence, just like the Hyde Park buck case.
But he had face paint.....
So a Wyoming resident draws a good Buck tag next year.. he has 15 out of state Utards help him find a big deer.

Same guy has 15 utards help him locate a 110” shed horn….
Someone explain a logical difference…

Illegal? This stuff gets so F’N dumb.
Wyoming guys don't posse hunt. 15 Utah guys to help? Really?? Where do you come up with this stuff??
Just to clear things up on my end I was not referring to the Kings sheds. I’m talking about other sheds/ matched sets that were laying in the wide open that could be glassed from the road. Which were picked up during the night and were not there at 6 AM. People were caught red handed. The Kings shed story is now on instagram. Enjoy
I'll sum up the post, he did his homework putting in hours and hours watching the buck, he watched the buck shed, he legally picked up the sheds, there are alot of jealous people making up stuff saying they have been confinscated or are being investigated, none of thats true and they are living comfortably in his possession.
I'll sum up the post, he did his homework putting in hours and hours watching the buck, he watched the buck shed, he legally picked up the sheds, there are alot of jealous people making up stuff saying they have been confinscated or are being investigated, none of thats true and they are living comfortably in his possession.
Post up the link please or at least tell us who it is?
There has to be charges to go to court. No charges filed. No investigation.
Great to hear that this might have all been done on the right side of the law.
Ironically, I just this morning discovered that I follow the guy or at least one of them on IG.

He laid it out in a straight forward manner that make sense. They were diligent watching the buck and knew the general location of his last bed with the antlers attached.
Happy that the sheds were picked up from someone that is putting in the observation hours.
I wouldn't pay $5 for them. They're sheds, I didn't hunt the deer so have no desire to put them on my wall. They'd just collect dust in a corner of my garage.
We can rest easy knowing you wouldn’t pay 5 dollars for them. The baseline has been set on what they are worth with this knowledge.

I wouldn’t hesitate to pay a couple thousand knowing I could make 30 to 40% on them. But the person who found them knows better than most what they are worth.
I'd have to get life-changing money to sell such a set. No, I'm not talking millions or anything, but enough that my life would be less stressful to some extent and I'd have to be able to have replicas to put a buck on my wall...

But, I've never been in such a situation, so I guess I'll never know what my price would be.

I appreciate the daily journal entries as a story about this buck... thanks for finding that Jake.!!
I wouldn't pay $5 for them. They're sheds, I didn't hunt the deer so have no desire to put them on my wall. They'd just collect dust in a corner of my garage.
There’s a term for this in the hunting world, Guy Eastman.
Wait... I thought residents had a 3 day head start... :ROFLMAO:

What really blows my mind is people wake up before 6am to chase a stationary object... I still find them when the sun is out...
Wait... I thought residents had a 3 day head start... :ROFLMAO:

What really blows my mind is people wake up before 6am to chase a stationary object... I still find them when the sun is out...
1) its a week head start next year
2) The early bird gets the worm. As a side note if you pick up sheds in western WY before May 1st you want to do it either very EARLY or very LATE
Wait... I thought residents had a 3 day head start... :ROFLMAO:

What really blows my mind is people wake up before 6am to chase a stationary object... I still find them when the sun is out...
Not till next year. And it's seven days. ;)

But I have no doubt the same mind set that found them will figure out a way to circumvent the law. Because that's what they do.

Now would someone please tell me how much those sheds would be worth to a buyer? Anyone know?
Wait... I thought residents had a 3 day head start... :ROFLMAO:

What really blows my mind is people wake up before 6am to chase a stationary object... I still find them when the sun is out...
You wouldn't have found those I bet. Lol
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