Spring Baseball


Long Time Member
Hard to beat a sunny day at the ballpark huh guys? Geezus what a way to ruin an afternoon!!!!
F-Dude just think how warm she'd keep you through the cold winters...and how much quality shade she'd provide during the hot summers...did ya get her phone number??


Warmth and shade would be the last things on my mind if she was mine. Suffocation and will to survive would be my first thoughts.

Phone number!!!? heck yeah. Pretty cool, she's got her own area code.
Feleno, I am so disappointed in you. I was expecting one of your great threads that shows some of what we all love about baseball, good looking women, and got this instead. Shame on you. Now, you either have to make a new thread to redeem yourself, or you get a 3-game suspension.
I do have a 'spring' bikini post in the works, hang with me. I'm trying to make it 'kid safe' :)
I did not know Utah had a major league team.


You don't have to be the best,just good
as the best,forget the rest.
I knew we could count on you Felano. Hurry up with the bikini post. Cause I almost puked in my mouth with this one. I feel sorry for that chair.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
Look at the bright side, if your sitting next to her you can probably go ahead and us it as an extra TV tray to set some Nachos or hot dogs on!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-10 AT 02:03PM (MST)[p]Man that's really just sad.

Makes me want to go running right now and really get the MMBL challenge rolling for myself.


There but for the grace of God (and 73,000 Krispy Kreme's) go I...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Just a guess but, it may have been removed by surgery. At least they could cover the field with her if it rains!

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