Staying In Shape



I have always been in fair shape, but in the last couple years I have take up running (training for an ultra marathon). I have noticed a BIG difference in my longjivity on all day walks for a good buck in the hills. When my buddies are huffing and puffing, I am still going strong. I will allow, it has come at a price (Plantar Fascitas is a b!tch, and there have been IT Band issues) but for the most part it has made me a more productive hunter.

I was just curious, am I weird or does anyone else stay in good shape?

I've been doing CrossFit for over 3 years now, it's been the only thing that holds my interest to keep going. I'm old enough now, (37) that exercise is crucial to staying strong and healthy. I've always been able to hike wherever I wanted as long as I needed, but staying in shape all year sure feels good.

I have found that taking some supplements like glucosomine, fish oil, vitamins and such really help my body recover quicker.
Im with you, but I dont train for marathons. My passion is hunting and keeping in shape makes the hunting much more enjoyable and productive. Some people who dont hunt ask why do I excerise, guess they just dont understand my reasoning.
I drink so much beer that I have become a fatass the past ten or so years. I don't hike much anymore, just sit and glass from my lawnchair in the back of my's been fairly productive?? Nice part is the cooler is only arms reach away so the beer is always cold...

It does make a guy feel good. As to the beer drinking? After my long Saturday runs (if nothing else is going on afterward) I have a brew. It is a fantastic recovery drink, and about the only thing my stomach will tolerate for a couple hours. Calories are calories at this point and I am generally looking to rehydrate and replentish any way I can. It hasn't seemed to slow me down at all.

I use GU gels while I run and when I am on a long hike in trip. The consistancy makes me gag, but other than that...not too bad.

Side note...the minimalist shoes make excellent stalking shoes. It is almost like wearing a moccasin.
The earlier you start taking care of yourself, the better off you'll be when you hit 64 like I am now! I was in 4 different states for 11 straight weeks on hunts last Fall and have no problem staying up with most guys half my age because I have always stayed very active year around. My BP and pulse the other day was 64/122 and 64 because I watch what I eat/drink and do an hour of brisk walking every day of the year when I'm not actually hunting. I mow three yards every week (4-5 hours total)with a push mower about 5 months of the year and move snow off three long driveways as much as possible by shoveling during the winter up here because I have never been into jogging, running, weights and such. I've always figured that if I can keep my legs in shape that the rest of me will be okay. So far it's working great and I sure don't feel my age!
i started working out when i was 12 and am 33 now. i always thot i knew what i was doing and in good shape until i met slammy. i figured if i could bench 340 and squat over 400 and hunt for weeks that i was good. then slammy gave me new workout ideas and boy did my eyes open. i wanted to get ripped and followed his advice and within 3 months i was pushing 7 to 8% body fat. then i decided being lean did me no good and i decided to go with just being strong as heck and in good shape. slammy gave me more pointers and today i stay about 14% body fat at around 295 lbs. i can rep 480 on the bench 7 times. i can curl 80 lbd dumbells for a workout and my squats are huge! to boot i can throw a 100lb pack on my back and disappear for a week with no problems. i can honestly say im in the best shape of my life and never felt so good. i can honest to god say that slamdunk was a god send.
Slammy must not like me, he's the one who told me to park my lawn chair in the bed of my truck...said fat guys like me have no chance of ever being healthy!!

Thank you Stinky, it's been fun wathching you exceed your own expectations. Sure wish i had an appetite like you, i'd be at least 250 by now!! But hey, 45 years old, 230 lbs and about 15% i have no room to complain!!
>Slammy must not like me, he's
>the one who told me
>to park my lawn chair
>in the bed of my
>truck...said fat guys like me
>have no chance of ever
>being healthy!!
>~Z~ know i luv ya Z!! ;-)
I started jogging this year to get in shape over the summer and have decided to just keep at it all year instead of having to get back in shape each year. My goal last year was to run 6 miles in under an hour and I was able to do that a few weeks before my New Mexico elk hunt. Ended up putting over 50 miles on the boots that week with over 12,500' of elevation gain and there was no way I could have done that without being in the shape that I was in. Of course I ended up shooting my bull less than a mile from camp on the last day, but it wasn't for lack of effort on my part earlier in the week.

I Ran 10.49 miles yesterday at a 10:45 min pace trying to keep my heart rate in the aerobic zone. Planning on running my first 1/2 marathon coming up in April and hoping to beat 2 hours.
I deer hunted up above bountiful this year and saw some guys hunting off a curb in the road sitting in lawn chairs drinking beer, about a hour and ahalf into my walk i thought to myself those guys got the right idea.
>i started working out when i
>was 12 and am 33
>now. i always thot i
>knew what i was doing
>and in good shape until
>i met slammy. i figured
>if i could bench 340
>and squat over 400 and
>hunt for weeks that i
>was good. then slammy gave
>me new workout ideas and
>boy did my eyes open.
>i wanted to get ripped
>and followed his advice and
>within 3 months i was
>pushing 7 to 8% body
>fat. then i decided being
>lean did me no good
>and i decided to go
>with just being strong as
>heck and in good shape.
>slammy gave me more pointers
>and today i stay about
>14% body fat at around
>295 lbs. i can rep
>480 on the bench 7
>times. i can curl 80
>lbd dumbells for a workout
>and my squats are huge!
> to boot i can
>throw a 100lb pack on
>my back and disappear for
>a week with no problems.
>i can honestly say im
>in the best shape of
>my life and never felt
>so good. i can honest
>to god say that slamdunk
>was a god send.

Jesus Pete, are you Brock Lesnar!

"In the breast of every meat hunter there beats the heart of a secret, frustrated trophy hunter."
GToutdoors.... I finally had to have surgery on my fascia. It disabled me for a couple of years and really put a damper on my miles in the field plus the weight gain. Those cord shots don't last forever.
I just started working out daily with - the workouts are generally 7-15 minutes but they are insane.
Tenzig Norgay was in fair hunting shape when he hiked to the top of Mount Everest. I don't believe his bench press or curl ability on weighs was ever a factor.

I run about 20 miles a week, I've really cut that back as I'm 55 now and get above that I have some knee issues. I lift 3 days a week but I go for reps not high weight. I doubt if I could bench 200 or squat 300. I think if you keep your weight in line and stay active it does really help.
I took up running about 1 year ago, Always tried to stay in decent shape but running competively has made a huge difference in my ability to hunt the rough high country. I am 57 and can keep up with most guys half my age. My second half marathon was last september, ran under 1 hour 37 minutes. Looking to qualify for Boston at the Utah Vally Marathon this year.I have yet to find anything better than running for a total body workout. I also lift 2-3 times a week for upper body conditioning to help with archery.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-12 AT 11:42PM (MST)[p]Glad to see ya acknowledge Tenzing (norgay) Sherpa over Sir Edmund in the first confirmed summiting of Chomolungma from the south...English Mallory MAY have indeed reached the top before his death some decades earlier from the Rongbuk (Tibetan) side (my dear bud since childhood was on the expedition with ol' Conrad that discovered Mallory's body in the graveyard under the second step... Aye, Tap!)

Ya, bench press and stairmachine skeelz ain't got nothin to do with the real world of hunting/mountain climbing...and marathon running for those that are less than Elite (many times even for them) is simply bad for your health

This thread strikes me as a 'my unit is bigger than yours' type deal eh?...whatever, I get up the hill without any problems, and will hump a 150+ pound meat pack (mainly because I'm lazy and don't like to make two trips if I can avoid it!) outta the high country any day of the week...and then drink a LOT of fine brews, Nevercatch style :)

Ready to rock and roll again early next mornin'

**edit---sorry, was talkin to Cornhusker in my opening paragraph
I'm 59 and it is a must to stay in shape if I'm going to keep hunting...I go to the gym 4 days a week....tredmill, eliptical,
Bike, and weights.
Edmund Hillary was an outstanding man I simply mentioned Norgay to show the size of the guy, he was much smaller than Hillary still allowed him great hiking ability and packing strength.

The guy I hunt with on most out of state hunts is 21 years younger virtually lives in the gym lifting an I can walk him to exhaustion. He is 6' and 260 mostly muscle 34 years old, I'm 6'2" 185 not nearly as much muscle mass, 55 year old, but for some reason I can still pack about the same out.
Of course Hillary was a fine man...did much good for climbing, and more importantly, for the indigenous people of the Himalaya

My only issue with him was that he never publicly acknowledged Tenzing Sherpa smoking his azz up the south col in '53...but then, he never really denied it either
Wow Stink....wish I could rep out 4 plus plates like that! Guys like me gotta stick themselves twice a week for 5 years to get that strength :)

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
To stay in shape I decided to start doing triathlons. That was 5 years ago. now I do about 6-7 a year, completed a half Ironman in 5 hours and 12 minutes and am training for a full Ironman. An average week consist of 3-4 miles swimming, 20-30 miles running, 80-100 miles biking, 1 hour of weight training. I do solo backpacking hunts starting at the trailhead at about 9000 ft. and spend most my time at 11000 ft. overlooking a few basins. Since doing triathlons I have never gotten to a breaking point and every year I try to go a little higher or farther than the year before. I am married with one kid and a pregnant wife. Fitting in my workout plan requires many 5am mornings, but it is totally worth it.
I agree with you 110%! I'm 49 and have now run 23 marathons and run 50-60 miles per week. My heart rate is 47. I can hunt up and down mountains all day for days on end. My kids and I hunt almost exclusively in wilderness areas and they are troopers also. We do have horses, but not enough for me to ride. The only drawback of being in good shape is that I'm always elected to pack out the animals (when we don't have the horses)!
>Thank you Stinky, it's been fun
>wathching you exceed your own
>expectations. Sure wish i had
>an appetite like you, i'd
>be at least 250 by
>now!! But hey, 45 years
>old, 230 lbs and about
>15% i have no room
>to complain!!

You???! 15% bodyfat????!!!! bahahahahahaha
I guess I'm pushin 75% then. I'm gonna have to go recalibrate my calipers!
What I meant by my post is that running did me no good. My goal in college was to be lean and one sleek machine. I wanted my mile under 4 minutes. Well I got it. along with it my artery in my right lung started tearing. To this day it continues to tear. Caughing up blood is just part of my life now. In addition all the shin splints and adverse side effects running brings with it made me start to despise running. Then the low body fat issues came. To get your bodyfat around 7% requires a diet that makes you always hate life! One day I finally decided I could workout in a way that would burn tons of fat, keep me in good shape, allow me to eat semi unhealthy meals ever so often and not make my bones ache.

Thats the reason I do less cardio like running. Slammy taught me how to workout and be in just as good of shape as you guys if not better. ever put the treadmill on a 15% incline and walk at a 3.4 mph pace for 35 minutes? sounds easy but try it. There's a lot of reasoning behind it but slammy is f'ing full of unbelievable useful crap that will blow your mind and lead to unbelievable cardio ability along with massive strength gains.

However if you love to run do it. It's all about making yourself happy. I've just found that like myself lots of people are just miserable running.
Running causes muscle atrophy....ever see a runner with thick muscular quads?? ;-)
Heavy weights, big calories and rest build muscle :)
To each his own I guess. I think each person must try to find out what they like to do and stick with it. Being bigger and stronger doesnt mean your in better shape than a lean runner. I like running because it requires no special equipment and/or a gym membership. A good pair of running shoes is all you need. When I was in my 30s and 40s a muscular physique was more important than it is now that I am pushing 60. At my age heavy weights and trying to max out is an invitation to be injured. I am just trying to stay toned and fit, I guess if I had the same issues stinky had with running I would try something else too.
Another Crossfit nut here. I have always done it on my own at the gym but am finally swallowing the pill and forking over the $$ to join a Crossfit Gym. I played sports all my life and baseball in College and still have not had a better workout than I get with Crossfit.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
>To each his own I guess.
>I think each person must
>try to find out what
>they like to do and
>stick with it. Being bigger
>and stronger doesnt mean your
>in better shape than a
>lean runner. I like running
>because it requires no special
>equipment and/or a gym membership.
>A good pair of running
>shoes is all you need.
>When I was in my
>30s and 40s a muscular
>physique was more important than
>it is now that I
>am pushing 60. At my
>age heavy weights and trying
>to max out is an
>invitation to be injured. I
>am just trying to stay
>toned and fit, I guess
>if I had the same
>issues stinky had with running
>I would try something else

Bingo! We have a winner!

I'm 45 now and I have tried to stay in shape. There have been years where I didn't do so good but my main objective is to stay in good enough shape to hike the hills when I'm in my 70's. I have had 6 surgeries on my left knee, including a reconstruction, and 4 surgeries on my right knee. These have all been courtesy of that glorious game we call football. I have taken up running against the advice of my knee surgeon (personal friend). One of the reasons has been so that I can spend some time with my daugther. And the other is because I love a challenge. I'm signed up for the Ragnar (Wasatch Back 200 mile relay) this summer and in training for that. It's a challenge and I love a challenge. In the back of my mind I would like to inflict more pain on myself by trying a biathlon or a triathlon. I'm not much of a swimmer but I love to bike and I am really starting to like the runs. I have a good friend in New York that I hunt with regularly and he has always used hunting for motivation to stay in shape. He is convinced that hunting has saved his life. He quit smoking and quit drinking and averages walking about 20 miles a week. He's 55. I think it's admirable to stay as healthy as you can, however you can and for whatever reason makes you motivated. Good luck to all!!!

Stinky - I called Slammy over a year ago and said I needed some help with my workouts. He said there wasn't anything he could do for this old guy and that I should just concentrate on the wording of my last will and testament!;-)

It's always an adventure!!!
I stay in good shape, but it's motivated from watching my dad battle diabetes ever since I can remember.

Morning routine is to wake up to P90X and Insanity after supper. I'm also short, I can't afford to get fat..there's nowhere for it to go.
Each to they're own. I have found that the key for me is finding a routine I can stick with and not dreed doing. I personally go hiking in the winter. Grab a gun and if I see a coyote, throw some lead his way. Summer time I throw in acouple runs each week. Another lesson I have learned, dont push too hard. Hitting your peak too earily in the year isnt ideal, nor pushing too hard at the end of summer just before hunting season can result in a dreeded injury just before hunting season begins....

Another reason I like the hiking. My feet and boots are always broke in prior to hunting season.

One thing that wasnt mentioned. Mental strength and mental prep of your hunts is just as important as your physical shape.
You are dead on about the mental aspect getting ready for hunting. I read some of these guys talk about reading Hanes or Longs book and getting ready for the hunt. I just shake my head. These guys will have to learn for themselves. The mental game is is the hardest.
I am not bagging on those that are using Hanes as your inspiration to get in better physical shape. Use whatever inspires you to be your motivation.

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