Super Tag 2



LAST EDITED ON Jun-09-10 AT 06:45PM (MST)[p]Since we are close just wanting to see what species and how many chances others bought.


5-Mule Deer

First time putting in for ID
Blew about 300 bones on it. It's really just a donation to the IDFG. My name must have am * next to it. The * stands for "not a frickin chance".
50 elk
50 deer

same for my bro


one shot
Hopefully switching to the electronic drawing rules out all of the guys that dropped $5,000 and more, still know quite a few that dropped that much.
why would you not just buy a landowner tag somewhere rather than spend that much on a unsure thing? honestly couldnt you get a pretty good tag for that much?
Holy crap, $5000 for one guy and 50 chances for the other. I did not know this was so serious. I barely have a chance with my 5, and I thought that would be above average what most people buy.
Before they switched to the electronic draw, it was a 99.9% sure deal that you were going to draw a supertag, its just the fact of getting that many tickets in the barrel, alot of the guys that can't get ahold of landowner tags do this, the ones that do get ahold of landowner tags are lucky but usually the same ones every year have a deal with the landowner, all that anyone is really looking for is to hunt unit 45 IMO. But there are alot more than one guy doing the 5,000 dollar deal, how do you think the creator of Lowland Mulies gets to hunt 45 every year? When he cant get a landowner tag he does the Supertag deal which is just a tax writeoff to him.
Goose slayer. I would suggest you only post facts. Steve is a great Guy and I know for a fact he has sold some great sets of antlers just to buy super tag tickets. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING STEVE. Hope I draw once in my lifetime.

Ruining 45, could you please explain! Once again you don't know what you are talking about! Let's hear it. Sounds to me like your a dumb a$$ and don't know what you are spouting off about. You can't seperate rumurs from the facts. I'm all ears, lets hear the facts!

LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-10 AT 10:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-10 AT 10:00?PM (MST)

Dumb a$$ may be a little strong, My apologies!


Thanks for watching my back! When you draw the tag give me a call, I'll give you a hand finding a big one. Will hunt 40, than 44 and maybe even 45. Might as well ruin the whole state. It's my fault there are know deer and elk left in Idaho don't you know!

Steve....Most guys that whine and complain on here are
1) jealous.
2) too lazy or too fat to bust their butt looking like we do.

Being a guide, we watch, and sometimes sleep with the animals before hunting season. MOST "hunter" show up day b4 season, after scouting a weekend or two in the summer, and wonder why they cant shoot big trophies. (dont give the secrets away Steve)

Steve, i'll ask you if someone by the last name of Phillips sounds familiar, i believe you and a few others including him started the mule deer hunters of idaho along time ago, i may know a little more than you thik so don't jump to conclusions.
If i drew or bought a tag in a trophy unit every year i think i would have a HUGE advantage in taking a trophy. The image that alot of these magazines and websites put out about these "profesional" hunters is bunk. People now look at these guys like they are some sort of super hunter when the truth is
most of them just spend alot of money to shoot what they want. You put these guys in a heavily hunted over the counter unit and then see how they do, my guess is that they will end up just like alot of the average joes. We all know that unit right by boise still has some toads and is very heavily hunted so i challenge you to hunt it during a general season and kill one of your yearly trophys!
Shedhead....I would partially agree! Look at the Carter's...they are not THAT GREAT of hunters, but look at the animals they harvest.

80% of killing big trophies, is being where they are consistently! Every now and then someone pulls a monster out of an "unknown" unit, but predominately, got to hunt where they are managed for trophies.

With that said, it takes more than an average hunter in a good trophy unit to consistently pull out trophies. Glass, glass and then glass some more! Thats my method. I guide many hunters every year....95% of them do not wait and are not patient enough. ALot try to guide me and tell me how good of a hunter they are, but why hire me then? Not that I am the best, but I do have my own very sucessful way of getting the job done!
Can't we all just get along ;)
I wish everyone would hunt for their own reasons and for their own personal victories and satisfaction. Rather than trying to one up the next guy in order to argue that they are a better
hunter. Who gives a chit. If you are hunting for anyone but yourself get your ass off the mountain, and go take lesson from your grandpa, who I guarantee could give two shits about whether he was a better hunter than some professional hunter. Not directed at anyone just my thoughts.
I agree it works. I only spent around $150 and I drew the super tag for deer. I'm just a poor boy from Caldwell. Ha Ha. Anyway to put in my two cents. I agree with all. If you can hunt trophy units year in and year out you will kill big, but also you need to be a person like steve to put in the time and effort in the unit to kill big as well.

Yep I know Mr. Phillips and about 3,000 other people who talk ##### because they are jealous and really don't know me! Yea Mr. Phillips was one of the original members of DHI and when the organization went from a good ole boys club to a club that started raising money for deer, he disappeared. I wonder how much money, in the past 10 years, your Mr. Phillips has donated to a mule deer organization. Me, since you're thinking it.... Over 30,000 thousand dollars! Not braggin' I did it for the Deer, not me. If it would have been for me I would have bought more tags at your so called give me a big deer area.

I know people who hunt unit 45 every year a pull 180 bucks at best! It's not that I'm a better hunter than anybody else, I just grew up there, thats 25 plus years of hunting that mountain, that gives me the advantage.

Goose, You should really get to know someone and make the judgement call on your own before you take the word of someone who is spiteful and jealous. I know a bunch of people who your so called buddy has talk trash to about me. The ones that have got to know me and judge me for themselves don't even talk to Mr. Phillips anymore!

Mentalmidge, Congrats on your tag! Good luck with your hunt! The hard part is deciding where and when to hunt. Idaho has some great units as you well know!


You are one funny dude! The electronic vs. hand draw they are the same. It don't matter, odds are odds. $5,000.00 didn't guarantee him a tag, so the odds weren't a guaranteed tag for his money. He had about an 80 percent chance and he struck out. It happens every year! Guys draw that buy one tag and guys draw that put in $1,500.00. It's a draw regardless of who or what draws it. You can pet your baby Jesus twice!

You need to stick with the bird hunting it sounds like you might be able to get the job done in that department! Leave the thinking stuff up to the rest of us!

Thanks. If you have any suggestions let me know. I am Brents brother from Grizzly Sports. Hope I can get some sleep this summer its going to be a long summer at that.

I knew who your were! I also know you will have plenty of help! Good luck with the sleeping deal! It sux, trust me! Have fun thats the most important part not to overlook with that tag. I think many times people get caught in having to kill the largest animal in the state they forget to have fun. So enjoy it while you got it my friend, it may not happen again.

Good luck

>You are one funny dude!
>The electronic vs. hand draw
>they are the same.
>It don't matter, odds are
>odds. $5,000.00 didn't guarantee
>him a tag, so the
>odds weren't a guaranteed tag
>for his money. He had
>about an 80 percent chance
>and he struck out.
>It happens every year!
> Guys draw that buy
>one tag and guys draw
>that put in $1,500.00.
>It's a draw regardless of
>who or what draws it.
> You can pet your
>baby Jesus twice!
>You need to stick with the
>bird hunting it sounds like
>you might be able to
>get the job done in
>that department! Leave the
>thinking stuff up to the
>rest of us!

Dear Steve,

yes I do know how to kill geese, also I broke the 200" mark my first time out at Bennett, not sure how long it took you, but it was more in who I know out there, its all in who you know is what i've been told, oh well....Can you tell me what that 30K has done for the herds of idaho? prefferably 32, 32A? etc? Just askin not being an ahole.

I could have broke the 200 inch mark a number of times if I would have chose to hunt with a rifle instead of a muzzleloader! It might be who you know that got you your 200 incher. I much rather do it on my own instead of having somebody holding my hand. Just the way I like to do it!

As far as the deer in 32 and 32a, not a heck of alot. The deer are fine out there, just ask the Fish and Game. LMAO..... By the way we have put a lot of money here in the State of Idaho. The list is pages long. If you would like to see it feel free to drop by I would be glad to show you.

Just wondering did I ruin 32 and 32A? Is that why the herd is so bad out there? You talk about me ruining 45 you just haven't told me how yet? I could see if you said 32, 32A, or even 39. 45 however, has the best buck to doe ratio in the state. I don't get it. Even you can kill a 200 incher down there! Doesn't sound like its to bad to me!

Group hug
I guess I should of put in for the Super draw.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
im not getting in the middle of you children but i will tell you exactly why 32/32a has gone to hell. they are fairly easy units to hunt and its basically right next to......thats right....wait for it......BOISE!!! there are still some great genetics up there, but when you wipe them out when theyre pups, you never get to see the big dogs.
>im not getting in the middle
>of you children but i
>will tell you exactly why
>32/32a has gone to hell.
>they are fairly easy units
>to hunt and its basically
>right next to......thats right....wait for
>it......BOISE!!! there are still some
>great genetics up there, but
>when you wipe them out
>when theyre pups, you never
>get to see the big

deepforks, thanks for the update on where these units are lol, during season all we do is watch all the 2C & 1A weekend warriers drive by and spend most of the season chasing them off all the private ground since they don't know that a fully painted fencepost means its private, or locked gates, oh well though what can ya do.
Good Christ.....not this $hit again.

What, you think they're gonna grant permission just cause you ASK?

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".

Good to see you back on here! Things never seem to change! Except for your name on this site. Still looking to get that bill. Do I have to pay if the bill is over thirty days late? Thanks for your help with the paint.

Best Regards

I was just wondering if pleading no contest to a charge still means your guilty.It may seem off the subject but there seems to be an idiot on here with experience on the matter. (I should of seen this post earlier)

Ever get a speeding ticket? run a stop sign? shoot a pheasant on someone's property without permission?...

You get the idea.
I have no recollection of this incident.

Plus it was those other dudes fault.

Not to mention you can't prove anything.

Wait, What are we talking about again?

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
I was in the DHI lets see about 1993 or 1994 I don't remember. There were about 4 of us from the Magic valley that came up for the meetings. It was just too far to keep going. I never got to know many people then. I remember a couple that is about it. Ron

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