Thank ___(don't want to offend the gentiles), its expo time!!


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-14 AT 06:13PM (MST)[p]A few words of thanks in advance now that it is soon expo time.

1. SFW. Words cannot express how thankful I am for what you have done for wildlife!! 10 years ago deer were on the decline. You all have stepped up and NOW, there aren't any deer. GOOD WORK!!. Cudos also go for the huge explosion in moose numbers. Luckily, SFW has made Antelope Island habitat hospitable to deer, that huge chunk of change they brought to the island has really improved the sage brush and grass. I rember before you all "saved" the island all the big deer that were out there, but now with your hunt WOW!!

2. Denny Austad. What more can we say. While thousands of jokers sit year after year drawing bonus points, and hundreds of others have to sit out completely during waiting periods, you have "donated" countless hundreds of thousands to Mossback, without you he might be sitting under a bridge holding a sign. Good work sir, right after Teddy Roosevelt, I place you as a hero of conservation!

3. On behalf of the limo drivers and private plane pilots, after Sundance there is nothing to do, thank you for creating work for these guys!

4. Finally, and most importantly, thank you UDWR. Through your endless efforts, and work, you have cut out over 150,000 deer hunters, locked up most of N. Utah in CWMU's and have now created a mulitmillion dollar industry selling big game to the highest bidder. I mean SERIOUSLY, you came up with an idea to auction off tags as a way to raise money for "conservation", and than instead of setting up a website and doing the auction yourself, and keeping 100% of the money raised, you found a way to F*&% that up and hand over millions to a lobbyist. I know, an aucion site on the web, that can't be done, so keep pennies on the dollar and give the government cheese to someone to sell as brie. GENIUS!!! If only and Craigslist were as smart as you are!!

So in short, at this time as we once again gather to see who has the biggest lift on their truck, or biggest magnum rifle, or most plastic in the old lady, or best spray tan mullet combo, let us rejoice in the MAJOR improvements that have been made in wildlife. THANK YOU!!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
So we'll see ya there Hoss???? Ha
PS: very creative writing. I was actually very impresses. Perhaps it's your calling.
Cant believe you forgot to thank BGF...

5. BGF, thank you for bilking the State of Utah out of several hundred thousand dollars to save us from the big bad wolf.
Theres no wolves, I just heard the feds can't remove the "american" grey wolf fom IS list due to shaky population science. Apparently there aren't as many wolves as we think. Its probably just the same few running from state to state.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
No, my money is tied up in a new buisness venture. I have invested a tiddy little sum in the booming betamax video tape technology. You all can get in if you want to retire soon and have millions in the bank!!

>So we'll see ya there Hoss????
>PS: very creative writing. I was
>actually very impresses. Perhaps it's
>your calling.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Money we'll spent if you could stop or slow wolves from coming to your state. I wish Wyoming would of had the hindsight to hire a lobbyist to keep them from coming to Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. With sportsmen opportunity lost by reintroduction of wolves the states affected by wolves could have spent millions of dollars on a lobbying firm and still come up in the black.
Buzz I know you live in a delusional world where wolves are having no impact on wildlife If you are going to the expo you should go talk to Ryan I know he probably isn't a pro union, government is god, bleeding heart bureaucrat kind of guy but he is genuine and very committed and if it was about getting rich he could have found a much more lucrative way to make a living.
As far as the comment of this being the best post of year it is also ridiculous I'm so sick of anti SFW posts (I'm not a active SFW supporter)I could puke. We should have a Anti SFW forum for Buzz and the cronies they could spare the rest of us from having to read it. At least put it in the title of your post is "another anti SFW post" so I can avoid reading it.
>If I had a choice between
>Wolves and BGF I'd take
>Wolves anyday of the week.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

Amen!! But heres the dirty little secret,(there are wolves in Utah). So BGF, following the HIGHLY SUCESFULL buisness model of SFW, comes on the scene, creates "public" outcry, greases politicians, is given a ton of sportsmans dollars to fix a problem, then pockets the money and comes back for more. There are wolves in Utah, what did BGF accomplish for my dollars? The mule deer are disapearing, what did SFW accomplish? You know I watched Charlie Brown again this xmas, and dang if Lucy didn't pull that ball away again. What should we bet there will soon be another "call to action" by SFW/BGF to FIX wildlife for all us slobbering idiot hunters. Keep HOPING SFW/BGF will magically fix something, perhaps they know a spell, or have a magic wand you can donate to buy them. As for me, over a decade of declining mule deer numbers, all the while SFW sucks up millions to stop it is simply a FAILURE. The trailcam pic of a wolf in Diamond Fork, shows the failure of BGF(Diamond fork isn't on the wyoming border, its in central, nearly dead center Utah, if they made it there, the Uintas are full of them) proves that BGF is a sham.

FYI, we lost 150,000 hunters since SFW started helping. IF we had them today, at $40 a tag it would be $8million dollars DWR could use for wildlife per year. How many AI tags will Denny have to buy to equal that?

Thanks for coming to Utah and renting hotels, eating at our restaraunts, and not drinking. But don't pretend that the expo is anything other than rich dudes having a big shlong contest diguised as a "charity" for wildlife. GUESS WHAT, once again LUCY WILL PULL THAT BALL BACK, Utah will have fewer deer next year too!!
I have to say that I agree with #2 and #4 easily... As a lowly Joe Shmoe, I've never kept up with SFW like so many of the rest of you guys, but from what I've seen, I'm going to go ahead and say that I agree with #1 as well...

And I hate the Sundance Film Festival. I hate celebrity and cherish humility.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Couldn't agree more Hoss. Been saying this
Since 95'.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 09:53AM (MST)[p]
They are a little farther south.
hossblur Before you go and tell the story you should get it all correct. The wolves in Diamond Fork were planted there by someone. They did not come from Yellowstone. Two of them were killed and the DNA was sent in and it was in no way tied to the Yellowstone group making shooting one not against the law. They were hybrids being part dog and part coyote. I think that they all 5 of them are now history. Now that being said there is suspicion that more are being planted in the central part of the state. The Manti, Nebo ETC.
>hossblur Before you go
>and tell the story you
>should get it all correct.
> The wolves in Diamond
>Fork were planted there by
>someone. They did not
>come from Yellowstone. Two
>of them were killed and
>the DNA was sent in
>and it was in no
>way tied to the Yellowstone
>group making shooting one not
>against the law. They were
>hybrids being part dog and
>part coyote. I think
>that they all 5 of
>them are now history.
>Now that being said there
>is suspicion that more are
>being planted in the central
>part of the state.
>The Manti, Nebo ETC.

I know the story, I KNOW they are on the north slope of the Uintas. I KNOW they are on Monte. I suspect they are on the Cache. I hunt and have family that ranch the Manti and I don't KNOW about that. The point quite simply is that BGF/SFW sold themselves as being able to do something. They pocket truckloads of money from you and I, and they are either incompetent, or I believe CORRUPT. There has been ZERO improvement in Utahs deer herd(yes I know that is a western US problem). SFW said they could change that(from day one), roughly 20 yrs later the deer herds are WORSE off. BGF will fail. They aren't about anything but collecting cash and gaining power, same as SFW. If your car is broke and you take it to the mechanic to fix it, how many times are you gonna pay him if everytime your car comes back worse. Why do you and I(begrudingly) keep giving SFW money(cash and tags) while the herds continue there downward trend? Dad said it best, "shiz or get off the pot", they have taken enough and accomplished nothing. Pretty black and white.
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

Funny thing is Tristate I didn't picture you as a cigar smoker.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Can't say that I agree with you on this hossblur. I also think that the authorities of the State believe that BGF is making great accomplishes. I think that as long as there is a wolf war going on the State will continue in giving the money as they have been happy with the results. As to the monies that come from all the tag sales 90% goes to the DWR in one way or another. SFW, MDF, RMEF, SCI FNAWs, and others all contribute to the money that comes into the DWR. Nothing can be done with that monies without DWR Approval, thus they control it. These other groups just help raise the money. All these groups are just the same with raising money off the tags yet it is always SFW that gets blamed.
There is of record that wolves have moved in and out of Utah. In fact one with a collar came through Utah and back to Colorado. The only proof of wolves so far in the lower part of the state have been planted wolves. The DWR doesn't want them amymore than you or anyone else does.
What the hell have BGF/SFW done for the deer?? why do some people have there backs????? Deer numbers keep going ddddddooooooooowwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnn. While there bank accounts go uuuuuuuuuppppppppppp. Let me try some of that Koolaid it must be pretty good.
It will be very interesting to see if the list of tags for auctiongoes from being 2 miles long last year to 3 miles long this year. I'm figuring about a mile a year will be added to the list of tags in the bottomless search for dollars. I sure do feel sorry for the Utah guys trying to get a good tag. Glad I live in az.
>What the hell have BGF/SFW done
>for the deer?? why do
>some people have there backs?????
> Deer numbers keep going
>ddddddooooooooowwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnn. While there bank accounts
>go uuuuuuuuuppppppppppp. Let me try
>some of that Koolaid it
>must be pretty good.

I'll tell you why I have THEIR back. Many of us make up SFW we the members are SFW. We have fed mule deer. We have helped transplant mule deer. We have helped plant habitat for mule deer. We have put up miles of fence to protect mule deer from high ways. We have helped raise money to fund all of these projects as well as others. So myself and many other volunteers have all done many projects to help mule deer. The mule deer herds are not in the shape we would like them to be, but I know they are better off because of SFW s efforts than they would be.
I know SFW has done more for deer than you have for elk. Did you ever find that bull with all those extras on the wasatch. What kool aide were you drinking when you saw all those extras. It must have been good. ?
Justin Oliver from west haven. Send me your number and I would love to send a pic of a dead bull with extras off the WASATCH UNIT. What have I done to hurt the elk?? Please tell me bud. SFW isn't any diff then our government take,take,take,and screw us back. Go ahead and keep putting money in the rich guys back pocket while our deer numbers keep going down.
>Justin Oliver from west haven. Send
>me your number and I
>would love to send a
>pic of a dead bull
>with extras off the WASATCH
>UNIT. What have I done
>to hurt the elk?? Please
>tell me bud. SFW isn't
>any diff then our government
>take,take,take,and screw us back. Go
>ahead and keep putting money
>in the rich guys back
>pocket while our deer numbers
>keep going down.

If I made a mistake and wrongly accused you of being the guy that killed two bulls on the wasatch I apologize.
I will continue to volunteer my time to help wildlife in Utah.
>>Justin Oliver from west haven. Send
>>me your number and I
>>would love to send a
>>pic of a dead bull
>>with extras off the WASATCH
>>UNIT. What have I done
>>to hurt the elk?? Please
>>tell me bud. SFW isn't
>>any diff then our government
>>take,take,take,and screw us back. Go
>>ahead and keep putting money
>>in the rich guys back
>>pocket while our deer numbers
>>keep going down.
>If I made a mistake and
>wrongly accused you of
>being the guy that killed
>two bulls on the wasatch
>I apologize.
>I will continue to volunteer my
>time to help wildlife in

Tye pm sent
"I also think that the authorities of the State believe that BGF is making great accomplishes"

Because there getting rich too! They could give 2 shits less about what the general public gets to hunt cause don gives them the best tags.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 08:12PM (MST)[p]Well SFW and the MDF seem to be good friends. BGF and the CMDA are now Banquet buddies. The Colorado State Legislature isn't much of an outfit to speak well of. CPW is having revenue problems.
I am sure they are eyeing this State for a kool aid stand.

What little clout sportsmen have at the State Capital will be destroyed by division in the ranks when their tag grab shows up. We will fight like hell and I hope we get the same results as AZ did.

The MDF and CMDA were asked to stand up for mule deer this year. They choose (Compromise) ?A haters gona hate? You got that right! When I hate ya, I write it down, so I don't forget I hate ya!

Someone post up the selling price of the MDF/Colorado auction deer tag on here when it sells.
I'm no longer on speaking or texting terms with the koolaidoholalics.
Tomichi can you hold these groups off long enough in Colorado for the basin to come back so I can draw my tag first before the big squandering of tags takes place with these groups in the drivers seat. I've been wondering when a plundering was going to take place in Colorado as it has more resources to exploit than Utah. Guess Arizona was just a warm up while in route to Colorado for the big score.
Coues, maybe...I go into every fight thinking I can win!
We have had a little success. The CMDA threw the first sucker punch in early 2013. Purposed 6 more tags 3 auction 3 raffle, one of each in 3 diffrent GMU Groups. They withdrew it pretty quick. We didn't win, but we beat them, on the December Gov tags.
We didnt get unit spicific end dates,but we did get Nov 30th. We knew we had that much won at the June meeting. We had more signatures on our petition then they have members. I again say the worst part will be the division it will cause at the State capital. This fight will destroy us all.
As for your deer hunt start following the Cold in Gunny thread
in Colorado. Send me a coues pic..I need one. You know SW 's boy didnt draw 23 Dec with 8. I need a "lesser" Dec unit hint I can draw more often...You know I dont care if they have both horns!
Tomichi, that's funny right there, i love one horned animals too. I can't wait to come hunting in your neck of the woods, as you and big steve w. are some of the best hunters i've had the pleasure of hunting with. Please continue to do battle with the thieves in the night tag grab. Also, would you tie up a 4 year old 4 point to a tree in the basin for me. I need all the help in can get. Text me your number i have some great coues pics to get the ole ticker beating a little faster. I also have just the unit for you for coues, she's a beauty too.
Won't it be interesting if a certain legislator
Draws an expo tag this year??

How many Monroe tags are in the giveaway??

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-14 AT 01:33PM (MST)[p]The quote at the end of this is one of the scariest things I've ever seen posted on this website. Lets hope that very very very few people feel this way.
Coues, scares the chit out of me too...

TriTip is something else. Right up there with
the SFW Business model.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
More people each year realize it is truth. Wildlife conservation is dynamic and can not sustain itself under the same rules of management that our grandparents used.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-14 AT 04:30PM (MST)[p]Tri why won't anyone consider a hike in tag and license fees. How much money was actually raised in Utah by the sale of the 2 mile long list last year. For sake of argument lets say it was 1.5 million dollars. How could this not be made up by license sales to Utah residents and non resident applicants. Why are we in such a rush to shut out the common man out of hunting by taking more and more tags from the draw. By your response I'm assuming that if your good with taking more and more tags from the public then your good with shutting the common man out of hunting in the future by way of selling more an more tags to the auction. Stand on your statement cause this will affect your business also. Raise tag fees for the common man for a try. 20 bucks on everyone in Utah would make more than the 2 mile list. Better yet get rid if a few of the groups trying to get all these tags cause there are to many groups asking for tags and there aren't enough tags to suffice all these groups individually. Your answer to your quote should be a telling reminder to all on this site. The true methodology finally comes out. Raise prices not eliminate the majority.
Pssst. Don't tell anybody , but Ma Nature
Could give a rats ass less how much money
You spend. You can't buy rain. You can't buy
Your way out of devastating winters.

If you could, with all the funds spent in Utah
We should be the mule deer Mecca of the

Keep hitting the kool aid there tritip.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
To hell with raising prices. How about get some of those tags back and cut way back on Govt expenses. We can start with state vehicles. Have you seen the rigs they drive? What about wages? What about pensions? Get some of those tags back and raffle them off!

Making money for the gubmint won't solve your problem. You must increase the value of the resource to both the public and the private sector. As for cutting out the average joe that is his problem. That's right I just said that. I am a conservationist first and a killer second. The bickering between classes over who gets to kill the last few mule deer is a substantial reason we are all in this predicament today. Quit worrying about whether there is economic "equality"in the hunting woods and start worrying about whether there will be a huntable population for anyone. If you want to jack up the tag fees across the board go for it. Lets say every single deer tag needs to cost $2500. Go for it. Every single tag. Now who just got priced out of the market? How about this lets make every single deer tag over the counter. That's right no more preference points or draw. Oh yeah one small catch. Every tag is $15000. Now who is hunting? But technically speaking the hunting in your favorite zone just got better. Notice I am not saying that the deer herd got better, just the hunting. Just because the hunting for you and your buddies doesn't exist anymore because of fiscal constraints doesn't mean it hasn't become spectacular for the guys who can whipe themselves with c-notes.

So what do you say Coues? Are you ready to quit fighting a bunch of silly class wars and start actually doing something to help mule deer?
How have Arizona Colorado and New Mexico have done so well without all these tags. We've had this discussion before And all I hear is Utah is diff than everyone else somehow. Maybe Utah needs to do a any chupacabra hunt cause Utah must have chupacabra s that are specific to Utah and are killing all the Utah deer. I'm reaching for anything that could possibly be the answer of why Utah is so poorly run and has to do it diff than everyone else. Someone build a wall around Utah so this infection can't spread. Why is Utah so diff again. Is Utahs habitat that much diff than the rest of the western states habitat wise or is it just the groups that are supposedly trying to help so hard that's really the big diff and not the supposedly diff habitat. Are there diff trees in Utah , is there some kind of poison grass there. What a joke. Stay away from Arizona so the common man has a chance to hunt here still.
SFW Banquet in Richfield was packed last night. May have been their biggest crowd for Richfield. Also heard the Expo expanded into another addition bay at the Salt Palace and it filled up in 2 weeks. It will be interesting to see what attendance is? I'm guess up from last year. Seems to be gaining support. If reality matters?
Yes habitat is different from Utah to Arizona. Habitat and management can differ just in Arizona. Are they managing all of the areas in your state the exact same? I would highly doubt that. But that isn't what I am talking about anyway. You the hunter and EVERY SINGLE DEER, exist in a capitalist society driven and steered by private enterprise. One of the cornerstones to this entire system is the dollar. The dollar is there to determine VALUE and translate exchanges within that system. Selling purposely undervalued deer tags is in direct contradiction to this system. That combined with the idea that the people own the deer is in fact one of the greatest socialist conflicts within our economies. WHY IN THE WORLD IS A BUSINESSMAN IN NEW YORK, or anywhere, EVER GOING TO CARE ABOUT A MULEDEER ANYWHERE? At best a mule deer is a side show or hobby to him. At worst it is a liability, and that is dangerous to any wildlife management plan.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-14 AT 05:46PM (MST)[p]This has nothing to with class warfare it's about opportunity tri. Why doesn't every else have the same problem. The problem is greed tri period. If its about the money then raise the price. I guess class warfare has a little to with it if the class is 80 percent of the people. Tri keep banging the buzzer cause when it goes off in Utahs face and the groups associated with it , then you will see hunting and the animals that inhabit Utah Arizona Colorado and every other state aren't really that much diff. It s about the approach tri and the methodology. Please have someone in here that really knows the differences between Utah and Arizona speak up. I am desperate to find out the answer of why Utah is so diff than every other successful state. Tri you know the answer have the balls to say it.
All I can say is come to Arizona or Colorado or New Mexico tri for all answers. The answers are here not there and this is obvious to anyone who wants to fix the problem based on our lack of tag sales. Come learn the right way tri instead of trying it the wrong way. Pretty obvious I anyone who isn't star struck by the dollars. Ruin your state tri I could care less about Utah anyways I just feel sorry for the majority there.
Quit being melodramatic Coues. My state isn't even Utah. I have hunted all those states mentioned except for Arizona. Regardless of the state the disease is the same all over the west. Your like a farmer worrying about how much a bucket of fried chicken costs and who can afford to buy it but you don't even have chickens to sell and your coup has fallen down. If you think Arizona is immune to the same problems of human/animal conflict, habitat alteration and encroachment, and increased resource competition you are %100 lying to yourself. Also just because you claim you are not engaging in class warfare doesn't make it so.
If you call me dramatic for defending my future hunting rights in my own state , and those rights being determined based on the amount of money in my pocket , you have me pegged tri. Tri with all due respect does anyone know how much money the 2 mile list last year in Utah generated. If possible please try to find out the gross generated and the net generated after all these groups received there management or whatever you call it fee. When the tag sale plan is pushed onto other states these groups must have these numbers readily available. The reason why I'm so curious is how much would it really take in license and tag fee increases in Utah to equal or better the money generated by tag blow outs. Does anyone on this site know these numbers , they have to be readil available. If the diff between a nominal tag increase of 30 dollars and license fees of maybe another 20 dollars isn't much than raise them till they are. There are tons of guys on this site, someone has to know. Excellent debate tri , I can see you've thrown in the towel on the majority's hunting rights, please forgive me for not throwing in the towel on mine, even If its my opportunity in Utah .
>All I can say is come
>to Arizona or Colorado or
>New Mexico tri for all
>answers. The answers are here
>not there and this is
>obvious to anyone who wants
>to fix the problem based
>on our lack of tag
>sales. Come learn the right
>way tri instead of trying
>it the wrong way. Pretty
>obvious I anyone who isn't
>star struck by the dollars.
>Ruin your state tri I
>could care less about Utah
>anyways I just feel sorry
>for the majority there.

FWIW, Tristate is from TEXAS, not Utah! I'm not sure he's even ever hunted here in Utah.
Thanks for the clarification on that but I'm arguing with the tri based on the methodology he's purporting to be the wave of the future. Sorry for the mix up.
And there is the problem. Finally we get to the root. You are "entitled" to go hunting. You should be allowed to hunt every year regardless of consideration for any other person because you have decided it is your "right" earned for your benefit with nothing more than the effort of breathing. Good to see you don't believe you should earn it. You are so special that the full force of the government should be standing behind you and demanding from all that YOU get a deer tag because its your right. Who gives a flying flip if there is even a deer to hunt as long as Coues gets his deer tag that he believes he is guaranteed by law. And you try to convince me that this isn't class warfare while calling your hobby a "right"????
>Thanks for the clarification on that
>but I'm arguing with the
>tri based on the methodology
>he's purporting to be the
>wave of the future. Sorry
>for the mix up.

That's OK. I only mentioned it to show that 1) Utah wasn't responsible for the education he received. 2) Tri feels he has to spread his methodology elsewhere in order to save the species. 3) His methodology works best for his taxidermy business because it's mostly the wealthy who can afford to line their dens with trophies which is what he's really after. 4) He thinks that more "value" (read money) automatically translates into more and bigger trophies regardless of the things Mother Nature throws at them. 5) He wants to show us he's smarter than those who disagree with him.
Hey trilip, without the entitled unwashed
Masses who guarantee your right to hunt
There will be no hunting.

Entitled?? Money allows some to hunt every year
And yet you consider those waiting in line 20
Plus years for a tag entitled. Pot meet kettle.

Your view of what hunting should be has nothing
To do with the resource and everything to do
With those that you consider worthy of "earning"
Their right to hunt.

Tell me trilip what exactly do I have to do in your
Eyes to be worthy of hunting every year? Scratch
A big check? Is that all it takes?

You are a joke.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
Isn't it interesting how the Expo has grown and grown year after year. Even with all the anti it continues to grow. I would guess it is because the majority of the hunting people support it. The other States look at it and how it works. Now the surrounding States, Arizona, Colorado, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, as well as the big Indian Tribes send tags to the expo to be auctioned off because of the money that the bring. Now some of the other states are starting to look at Utah and the money that is raised by selling tags and are thinking maybe they need to work at something like that. Money is needed and the States do not get it. You say raising the tag prices would make up more than what the tags bring in. Will your figure is way short. You need to attend the Board meeting where they talk about the monies that the tags bring in. Why do they not raise the price of tags? They are trying to raise the prices. It has to go through the Legislation where it is now and if they get it and it goes into effect watch the people scream about the increase.
What is really interesting is all the complaining that goes on here by people that have no idea how the system works. Lots of false accusations against organizations and DWR. Don't guess and don't make false accusations, speak the truth. It will get you farther.
you really think that adding 150,000 tags back into the general draw, will help bring back the herds?
All it would do is destroy the quality of hunting that we do/or are starting to have right now.
>Hey trilip, without the entitled unwashed
>Masses who guarantee your right to
>There will be no hunting.
>Entitled?? Money allows some to hunt
>every year
>And yet you consider those waiting
>in line 20
>Plus years for a tag entitled.
>Pot meet kettle.
>Your view of what hunting should
>be has nothing
>To do with the resource and
>everything to do
>With those that you consider worthy
>of "earning"
>Their right to hunt.
>Tell me trilip what exactly do
>I have to do in
>Eyes to be worthy of hunting
>every year? Scratch
>A big check? Is that all
>it takes?
>You are a joke.
>"The future is large scale auction
>The majority of the tags should
>go up
>for auction anually. It MIGHT even
>good to allow second sales of
>tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
>and then re-selling them to the
>TRISTATE 8/17/2012

Hey wiley?

You sure it's only gonna take me 20 years?:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

You missed the point. Hunting isn't a right. Period. It isn't a right whether you drew a tag with twenty years of points and it ain't a RIGHT for a guy that spends twenty thousand dollars to buy a tag. It is no ones RIGHT.
>Making money for the gubmint won't
>solve your problem. You
>must increase the value of
>the resource to both the
>public and the private sector.
> As for cutting out
>the average joe that is
>his problem. That's right
>I just said that.
>I am a conservationist first
>and a killer second.
>The bickering between classes over
>who gets to kill the
>last few mule deer is
>a substantial reason we are
>all in this predicament today.
> Quit worrying about whether
>there is economic "equality"in the
>hunting woods and start worrying
>about whether there will be
>a huntable population for anyone.
> If you want to
>jack up the tag fees
>across the board go for
>it. Lets say every
>single deer tag needs to
>cost $2500. Go for
>it. Every single tag.
> Now who just got
>priced out of the market?
> How about this lets
>make every single deer tag
>over the counter. That's
>right no more preference points
>or draw. Oh yeah
>one small catch. Every
>tag is $15000. Now
>who is hunting? But
>technically speaking the hunting in
>your favorite zone just got
>better. Notice I am
>not saying that the deer
>herd got better, just the
>hunting. Just because the
>hunting for you and your
>buddies doesn't exist anymore because
>of fiscal constraints doesn't mean
>it hasn't become spectacular for
>the guys who can whipe
>themselves with c-notes.
>So what do you say Coues?
> Are you ready to
>quit fighting a bunch of
>silly class wars and start
>actually doing something to help
>mule deer?

So you're saying that purposefully manipulating or changing the system to exclude those who have fiscal constraints isn't class warfare, but resisting those changes is? Please explain how that works.

And, capitolistically, why should we who have fiscal constraints start actually doing something to help mule deer that we can't hunt? What's the incentive?
"So you're saying that purposefully manipulating or changing the system to exclude those who have fiscal constraints isn't class warfare, but resisting those changes is? Please explain how that works."

First off elk I would like to commend you for asking the first really logical questions on this thread. Your actual motive is incorrect. The manipulation of the "system" in no way decides who is or is not excluded from the system. Its motive is to raise the value of the resource to the level in which it corresponds with all other items and products within the capitalist society that surrounds it. The restriction of access comes forth through the payer just as it would with absolutely anything you buy. The value is recognized and the price is set just like taking a lady on a date. You can decide whether or not the experience is worth your hard earned dollar and whether you can afford it. Business doesn't exclude people on class. If you have the money you can pay to play.

"And, capitolistically, why should we who have fiscal constraints start actually doing something to help mule deer that we can't hunt? What's the incentive?"

You very well may not do anything to help the deer. But if the value of the deer actually increase then businesses will develop that actually cash in on that value. Those businessmen will put forth the money and effort to develop your deer herds because it will benefit them fiscally. Right now in this state we have the Texas Bighorn Society. It is full of members and volunteers that will never be able to afford a bighorn hunt and will probably never go on one in this state. But landowners, businessmen, volunteers, and TP&W have worked hand in hand for decades now to take the bighorn population from 0 to over 1000 and hunting for them has been reinstated here.
Deerlove, They are not registered this year again. Not sure why the are not there. I been meaning on dropping by and visit with them. I have a house in Kanab and spend time there. Been told to drop by but have not.
Tritip, is correct. Hunting in Utah is not a right.
I stand corrected.

I should have used privilege.
Regardless, as long as a part of the public
Trust (wildlife) is being debated, there should
Be no limiting factor as to its availability to any
Member of the public.

Your statement above about "earning" the
Privilege of hunting remains hogwash.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
"I should have used privilege.
Regardless, as long as a part of the public
Trust (wildlife) is being debated, there should
Be no limiting factor as to its availability to any
Member of the public. "


So I guess all those laws on the book that regulate hunting should be taken off the books since they limit your "availability" to the trust?????? So you don't even think you should have to have a tag anymore????????? Hey don't let those evil gubmint types keep you away from "your" deer, right?????
>you really think that adding 150,000
>tags back into the general
>draw, will help bring back
>the herds?
>All it would do is destroy
>the quality of hunting that
>we do/or are starting to
>have right now.

Let me start with the obvious, did cutting 150,000 hunters improve things? If so why are we here? Second. It was in the 90's, Bret Bateman(Byrons son) was a framer that I spent a lot of time working with. He came around to talk to us about a new group that felt that the average everyday sportsman didnt have a voice with the DWR, and second, that deer numbers were plumeting and the DWR didn't care. I didn't join because I was newly married and didn't have the money to join or to buy raffle tickets. THAT was SFW's start, that was SUPPOSEDLY what they were gonna be about. Those 150,000 people, WERE EVEVERYDAY guys, they were folks that were most likely not die hards. They were the guys that bought tags to come hang with the family, or friends. They weren't guys who worried about tags in Feb. Who does SFW represent today? How many warehouse guys, construction guys, truck drivers are in those auctions? How many can even affod to get the family in the expo? OPEN YOUR EYES, SFW is for those guys that pay the bills, YOUR NOT IT! Look at their history, look at what they have supported, ACTUALLY LOOK AT THE FACTS. They are very stubborn things. They don't take into account how much you want to help, how much you like hunting, how much you HOPE SFW is doing good, how much you want the deer herds to return to their glory days. THE FACTS ARE PRETTY DAMNING, when you compare them to what SFW PR spins. They supported cutting hunting numbers, they supported chose you weapon, they are anti stream bed access(forgot that one didn't you), they are pro CWMU, pro increased auction tags, pro trophy hunting, pro limited access, pro wolf, pro private ownership of all wildlife etc, etc, etc. I understand the SFW membership are doing some good projects, and care, and want to help, BUT THAT ISN'T WHAT THE MODERN SFW IS ABOUT, sorry but those are the facts, take your emotion out of it and its clear.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-14 AT 04:29PM (MST)[p]I don't think there is any question that SFW and the likes have done good things for wildlife. The question(s) is, have they been good stewards of the money these tags have generated?Have they yielded enough results to justify the number of tags auctioned? I believe those questions can be largely answered by the sportsmen who hunt Utah. My problem with SFW, DWR ect is that they invest large sums of money in projects within limited entry units. This benefits only a small number of hunters who are either lucky enough to draw the tag, or wealthy enough to buy one. The money raised from conservation tags should be allocated based on the percentage of tags issued in a given unit and in a given year. For example, if 90% percent of tags issued each year are within general season units than 90% of conservation dollars should go towards projects within general season units.Likewise, if 10% of tags issued each year are within limited entry units lets allocate 10% to projects within LE units. Heck, I would even suggest we allocate an additional 5% to LE units if it resulted in more LE tags being issued in the future.Bottom line, if they are spending more money on limited entry projects than GS projects we have a flaw in the system that benefits only the rich and the small few who are lucky enough to draw. I also think SFW and others need to do a better job of transparency and accountability. Let hunters know where the money is spent, but even better, let them know what the results are, good or bad. I know not every project will yield positive results. I personally think the deer transplants from overpopulated units to under populated units are awesome. They may or may not work, but we have to spend the money to find out. I believe SFW has one major flaw and I heard this directly from Don P. a couple years ago. They believe that by increasing and improving habitat within a unit, will increase populations of deer and elk within that unit. It sounds good in theory, but in reality there are several more variables that come in to play. The largest being a reduction in tag numbers, which is a very controversial topic in Utah. look at Colorado. Colorado has proven that the quickest way to increase populations is to kill fewer animals.Novel idea, I know!CO sells a fraction of the conservation tags Utah does, and have fewer habitat projects than UT, yet have healthier populations than UT. SFW can not continue to perpetuate the lie that more auction tags results in more money which results in an increase in ungulate populations.Couple that with predator control and we still haven't seen populations increase.

My feelings on tag reduction have evolved over the years. Not long ago, I use to be a big advocate for tag reductions, however, in Southern Utah, where I live, we don't seem to have a lack of deer, mostly due to mild winters. It's the age class of bucks that suffers due to over harvest of younger bucks. With that said, I always manage to find a big buck to hunt every year. I also want my kids to have opportunity to hunt more often. If I lived in northern Utah, where deer populations are declining, I might have a different opinion. Tag reductions, as painfully as they might be, may be the missing link in populations increases.
Are you thick or a troll, there trollstate?

I said there should be no limiting factor,
As in preferential treatment, towards any
Member of the public.

Going back to your myth that some deserve
To hunt more than others because only hunters
With thick wallets are worthy right??

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-14 AT 06:16PM (MST)[p]Nope. I know what I read and what you didn't take time to think through before you wrote it. I don't mind if you want to clarify your silly statement now but don't deny you stated what you did.

Now onto your next statement. Where in the hell did I tell you any one person "deserved" to hunt for any reason whatsoever anywhere on this thread. I never did so those are your words not mine. I think your problem and many others is you think you are entitled to your deer tag. You want to put as little effort and money into getting a deer tag. Life doesn't work that way boy.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-14 AT 06:55PM (MST)[p]Why would anyone on MM engage in a conversation/debate with Tristate. Ignore his posts it's as simple as that.
I haven't been on MM in a while.
I check in and what do I see?
The Pig is still sitting on his fat a$$ in TexASS, wasting his life away on the internet worrying about what's happening on Utah.
Hey Pig, have you had anymore discussions with your lawyer buddies about your internet arguments with the poor ole common folk of Utah?
Get a life, Loser.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-14 AT 10:01PM (MST)[p]From post 49 of this thread.

" Good to see you don't believe you should earn it."

Again, back to you tritip. What EXACTLY
Did you mean by this sarcastic comment?
Your words, no misinterpretation.

Are you the person that decides "who has "earned"
It"?? Is Don Peay, Miles Moretti, Greg Sheehan?

Apparently for around 500 permits they are
The people that decide and profit handsomely.

My two cents on the subject. If wildlife agency's
Claim to follow the North American Model, any
State that has a bonus point system is discriminatory.
Any state that sets aside wealth, landowner
Or guide tags is discriminatory. The public in these
States don't have equal access to ALL of these permits.

Now, as you can see by your words that make up my
Signature, I know exactly what you believe and what
You stand for. Exclusion and division of hunters based
On their bank accounts. You are for a system that is
The end of hunting, public lands and wildlife.

And tritip, I got your BOY swinging chump.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
"" Good to see you don't believe you should earn it."

Again, back to you tritip. What EXACTLY
Did you mean by this sarcastic comment?
Your words, no misinterpretation."

First let me explain something to you since you are to busy worried about what swings, boy. THAT ISN'T SARCASM. That was a truthful opinion. You obviously are to dimwitted to know the difference. I will expand on it now. You don't think you should have to work hard, save a wad of cash, and then have to prioritize and sacrifice something to decide whether you are going to buy a deer tag this year. You want the draws to open and with whatever change you can scrape together out of your seat cushions and swipe out of your mommies purse you want a deer tag. You want a deer tag to be the equivalent of a movie ticket.

"My two cents on the subject. If wildlife agency's
Claim to follow the North American Model, any
State that has a bonus point system is discriminatory.
Any state that sets aside wealth, landowner
Or guide tags is discriminatory. The public in these
States don't have equal access to ALL of these permits."

Have you tried to buy a tag and been told you aren't allowed? I want you to answer this question. I am answering yours so put what you have "swinging" on the block be a man for once and answer my question. Has one person in any of these groups or at any of these sales told you that you are not allowed to buy a tag? DO you even know what discrimination is boy? Like most you are so stupid that you believe money decides who a man is. Maybe if you could get past this you wouldn't worry about who has money and who doesn't so much.

"Now, as you can see by your words that make up my
Signature, I know exactly what you believe and what
You stand for."

Good because them' words weren't sarcasm either and you seem not to know the difference.

"Exclusion and division of hunters based
On their bank accounts. You are for a system that is
The end of hunting, public lands and wildlife."

And where did I ever say that anywhere, boy? Where? How do you get that from anything I have ever said? I live in a state where there is very little public land, almost all hunting is driven by the almighty dollar, and we have more wildlife and hunting than YOU.
Actually tripunk, your hero's in SFW, specifically
John Bair along with Tony Abbott ended the best
Archery elk hunt in the west.

Actually the Dixie and Beaver Chapter of
SFW took a statewide hunt away.

Actually SFW supports a bill that changed
The Utah constitution in locking "Selfish fishermen"
Out of thousands of miles of water in the State.

Shall I keep going BOY.
Do you want elk or deer plan facts?? Unlike your
##### ass I was on both committees and saw what
They did.

You, ##### boy, are an idiot that has no idea
Of what you speak.

Did I answer you question #####??

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
No you didn't answer the question. You threw a little girl fit and through out a bunch of irrelevant things hoping no one would notice you aren't man enough to answer the question. Now man up and answer it.

When have you ever been told by any of these people or organizations or a state that you are not allowed to buy a tag that other people are allowed to buy? When?

You know the answer to that question will show the world that you are a childish kid throwing a temper tantrum, no different than one of those entitled ghetto thugs who is getting kicked off their food stamps. Now the stage is yours to dodge the question again.
You truly are a simp.

Alright little boy. How about the 200 tags
Stolen for the expo that are unavailable
Unless you get to Salt Lake to validate??

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
You are still dodging the question boy. Who told you that you can't try to get one of those tags? Quit dodging the question. By the way all those rich people you hate so much, guess where they have to go to validate. Oh but I must have forgot you are better than them.

I see now what the problem is. You have a problem with effort, amongst other things. You think you should be able to sit on your lazy butt and some gubmint employee will deliver applications to your door and take payment and hand you tags. Welcome to the real world boy.
Trib!tch just stop. You say I dodge your
Question and then instantly make an excuse
For my answer. If my answer is not valid why
Argue it??

Glad to see you changed your verbiage
From "earn" to "effort".

The fact is this trib!tch. Not every person
Has access to every permit. Deny spin and
Argue all you wish, boy. It doesn't change the

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
Answer the question boy. Who told you that you are not allowed to go get one of those tags. I haven't changed anything. You don't want to earn a tag and you don't want to put forth any effort. You are a spoiled lazy child. Answer the question. Who told you that you are not allowed to go to the expo and do exactly what the people you hate are doing?


Have you ever stopped to think that in all these battles that you lost against these people that you think took your tags there has been one common thread? YOU!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-14 AT 11:52AM (MST)[p]Wanted to remind everyone that arizona applications are due today online or in person. Tristate please make sure you get your application in today, i wouldn't want you to miss out on seeing what a state that is firing on all cylinders looks like, without unnecessary tag blow outs. It's amazing what we've accomplished over here without having to pander to any economic group. 2+2 still equals 4 over here. I know utah is amazingly diff than arizona and the other western states some how(i'm still not sure what the diff is though other than greed), but at least an ole school approach is working somewhere even if it isn't utah. These states should be applauded and will serve as a template for utah when everything goes south with the pander to the top 5 percent and somehow we need to buy our way out of that one mentality. Tristate, if you draw az i will do the hunt for free just to see the look on your face when your getting literally run over by giants. That would be priceless in my book!!! I will carry my that was easy button i carry for just such a situation, and i will allow you to use it standing over your 380 bull.
Tri, read this really slow.

When 200 public permits were set aside for the
Expo, they came with requirements that eliminate
Many from their opportunity to obtain one of these

If you can't or won't get to the expo you are not
Eligible to take part of this portion of the public trust.
Still with me there d!ckhead??

To answer you question directly and succinctly
The following groups and people placed discriminatory
Requirements on the availability of this portion of
The public trust.
RMEF part of the original 5
NWTF part of the original 5
FNAWS part of the original 5
Utah Wildlife Board
Utah DWR.

The above groups told me the only way
I am eligible to apply for these permits is if
I attend this event.

Clear d!ckhead??

Now answer my question.

Who decides who has "earned" the opportunity
To hunt?

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
Have you ever stopped to think that in all these battles that you lost against these people that you think took your tags there has been one common thread? YOU!

Ya think it's just me that's pissed??

Why do you think the RMEF and NWTF
Dropped out of this??

Why do you think these two groups are going back door
With legislation that will cover their asses once a detailed
Audit is done.
Wait till the next 5 year contract comes due, you'll see pissed off.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
Another thread hijacked by Tristate's nonsensical drivel from the otherwise great state of Texas. Is there anyone on this forum that agrees with Tristate's views on wildlife? If so, please stand up an be counted. Even Birdman's "arguments" appear to make sense when compared to Tristate's attempts at reasoning. I smile every time I read the quote in Wiley's signature line. It really does tell you all that you need to know about Tristate.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Bowtech Destroyer
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
"If you can't or won't get to the expo you are not
Eligible to take part of this portion of the public trust.
Still with me there d!ckhead??"

So its YOUR decision whether you go. That's my whole point. These people you hate aren't stopping you. Maybe the deer are discriminating against you when people have to actually get off their lazy butts and get in a car or plane to travel and go hunt them. You don't mind traveling to go kill a deer but somehow you are being violated when you actually have to get on your feet and get the deer tag. Your crying is comparable to a pissed off welfare recipient who can't get their check auto-deposited and they actually have to get down to the government office to collect. And you are too stupid to know that isn't discrimination. Of course you didn't know what sarcasm is either so why am I not surprised.

QUIT YOUR CRYING AND GO TO THE SHOW! If you don't go its your fault not anyone else's. You must be a woman. Only a woman would dodge accountability on this level.

By the way Hawkeye, talk all the trash you want but you as an attorney know this boy isn't being discriminated against.
Troll state I wouldn't go to that expo even at gunpoint.

You are an idiot.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
Wait a minute you expect the entire state to make concessions for you to get a tag because you won't go somewhere at "gunpoint".

Only a certifiable bat-crap crazy lazy bumb would complain about someone not bowing to his every need.

What's funny about this is I bet you get your mommy to take you there anyway.
Ha Ha tritroll you are something else.....

Actually the hunters of this state made concessions
when the Wildlife Board gave these groups these tags to pay for their little shin dig.

Why should a guy from St George have to drive 300 miles
to have the same opportunity at these PUBLIC permits that should be available as part of the general draw?? Is making the public do back flips for SFW and MDF part of "earning" the opportunity to hunt?? Hell why not include the YMCA or the PETA in the process??

Crawl back under your bridge tritroll??

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
Your silly ass understands that until a few
People got pissed and threw a fit none of this
Money from these tags was required to hit the
Ground to actually benefit wildlife right??

That's right tridouche, they could actually spend
What they need to cover overhead on this great
Expo from the publics permits.

Of course a good tea bagging crony capitalist like yourself
Would find this highly offensive yet you
Argue to your last breath to continue welfare
For these two groups.

Turn in your Ron Paul shirt.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
Where do you think they would hold an expo with tag draws and auctions? In the middle of nowhere? They put to where it will generate the most money. BECAUSE ITS ABOUT MONEY! You,know the stuff you are angry other people know how to make. And there is absolutely not one thing wrong with selling a tag. It doesn't violate NACM. Many states all ready do it.

Now you can go off on your rant about SFW and accountability and hope it makes everyone not notice that your a spoiled child who is just pissed his hobby has to be treated like the rest of the hobbies in America.

What I am starting to realize is you are a part of a larger problem. That problem is that you and many others do not have the mental capacity whatsoever to contemplate, money, demand, business, or capitalism. You just discovered what sarcasm is this morning.
Resident crony capitalist tricrony!!

Money for who?? Not wildlife.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
Tri serious question here.

Sincerely, do you have a learning disability??

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
No boy. I do not have a learning disability. See that's how you answer a question.

I find it amusing that a kid who doesn't know what sarcasm or discrimination is would ask this question.
Then you are the dumbest sumbitch I've come

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
Guys remember we are all attached to this site thru one common love and that's hunting. I think we all, including myself forget this at certain times. In a sense we're all friends if you think about it. This stuff doesn't help either side of the argument. Spirited discussions are one thing but nobody wins at this level. I would bet if tristate had a flat tire in the field most would still help a fellow cause of the hunting bond. Just saying.
A neighbor of mine was complaining that he doesn't have a computer and can't afford an envelope or a first class stamp to put on said envelope. He is pissed that it's totally unfair that he can't apply for a Utah permit. maybe we should help him out since he can't seem to save enough money to apply for some of these expensive applications. What do you think?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-14 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]>A neighbor of mine was complaining
>that he doesn't have a
>computer and can't afford an
>envelope or a first class
>stamp to put on said
>envelope. He is pissed that
>it's totally unfair that he
>can't apply for a Utah
>permit. maybe we should help
>him out since he can't
>seem to save enough money
>to apply for some of
>these expensive applications. What do
>you think?

He probably can't afford the gas either then or the current tag fees, i would say tough luck at that point. I would advise your neighbor to save enough money for next weeks food bill instead. I would also tell him that with fewer and fewer tags being available each year due to more and more tags going to auction that his chances of getting anything decent was next to none. I would advise him to stay away from a money trap with the draw and all, and he could go buy premium steak at the grocery store for much cheaper.
Should I be honored that my name was brought up in this thread? I have no idea what the best archery hunt in the west was and I have no idea why my name was even mentioned with such an act. But I am sure Gordy will enlighten me as to why he chose to lump my name in wife a wildlife board members name who was born and raised to bleed the sfw.

As for the expo goes I will take some blame for the permits being there and for the money not going back to wildlife. YEs I helped set this process up but it also was doing what it was meant to do when I was still involved. Of course that was over 5 years ago and as we all know now the money is not being used as it was intended.

ANyway this posts are old and if any of you want to make a difference simply dont apply for the tags. If there is no demand for the tags they will go away. Problem is MOST of you are against them in words but for them in actions. DONT APPLY and then you will really stand against the welfare.

Tony Abbott
I vote to boycott the Expo. The problem is too many guys like to get all dressed up, stick their noses in the air, rub elbos with each other and sling a bunch of B.S. That aint for me.Especially for an unworthey cause. Not to mention corruption
>hossblur Before you go
>and tell the story you
>should get it all correct.
> The wolves in Diamond
>Fork were planted there by
>someone. They did not
>come from Yellowstone. Two
>of them were killed and
>the DNA was sent in
>and it was in no
>way tied to the Yellowstone
>group making shooting one not
>against the law. They were
>hybrids being part dog and
>part coyote. I think
>that they all 5 of
>them are now history.
>Now that being said there
>is suspicion that more are
>being planted in the central
>part of the state.
>The Manti, Nebo ETC.

I can attest to what Birdman is saying here. I personally know the guy that exterminated the "two" wolves. They were turned loose by a guy that lives in Diamond Fork. He's been a thorn in the side of everyone in Diamond Fork for years. My friend shot them out of self defense one day while duck hunting on the Spanish Fork river. They were about to tear his lab apart. They were all hybrids which, according to biologists are even worse than the original pure blood.

It's always an adventure!!!
>Anyway this posts are old and
>if any of you want
>to make a difference simply
>dont apply for the tags.
>If there is no demand
>for the tags they will
>go away. Problem is MOST
>of you are against them
>in words but for them
>in actions. DONT APPLY and
>then you will really stand
>against the welfare.
>Tony Abbott

Tony, I also agree the posts are old (going on for 10 years), and I don't bother much any more. However I am glad the info stays fresh for the ongoing newbies that wander in. They need to be informed. I also agree the only way to end the fiasco is to not attend the Expo, and to not buy any stolen tags. I'd never in my wildest dreams think of setting foot in there, and know of many others that feel the same. Unfortunately, part of the DP business model is appealing to that percentage of hunter's weak to their own selfish personal greed (the lemmings). DP is a master at tapping into them. Exactly opposite of the NAMWC.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club

Sounds like he is being discriminated against. Probably grounds for a Federal Civil Rights case. Wiley Wapiti better get Holder on the bat-phone.

Seriously Wiley I hope you get the tag you want when you go to the expo.

I am one of the newbies to this site but I can tell you Tristate is spot on in his assessment on hunting is not a basic "trust" right, but a privilege.

It has been very entertaining to say the least and thought provoking its very best. There is a good mix of differing opinions on everything here as it well should be.

I to am absolutely blown away at how Utah takes so many tags to the expo to auction. I think the basic premise was right among the involved organizations and in particular the Mule Deer Foundation. The other organizations while doing much good didn't have at much at stake as state of Utah and it mule deer situation. They have chosen to throw a huge pile of money at the problem from the top down instead of the other way around. The Utah Division of Wildlife has to get back to the basics and start limiting licenses and start managing the root cause of the mule deer decline. The decline is in all of the western states except for the fact that Colorado has somewhat better numbers but maybe some habitat positives and are wiser on keeping license sales to the needed level to promote healthy deer herd.

Old Couesmagnet is pretty much spot on in the way AZ is managing its wildlife. Even though their mule deer numbers are way down they continue to limit the number of tags in the Arizona Strip and Kiabab to effectively still produce monster muley bucks each and every year. You may never get drawn but if you do you have a chance to get one of those old big boys but they are getting somewhat scarce and the big name outfitters really put the kabosh on them.

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