Thanks to the MM Good Guys


Long Time Member
I don't know any Bad MM guys/gals, because I don't know most MMers well enough to judge you bad. There are plenty on this site who have opinions far from my own (which is OK by me) and some who seem to flat out enjoy antagonizing and arguing. I try not to pay too much attention to them, because that's not why I frequent this place.

On the other hand, I've met some mighty fine individuals on this site who, through our interactions, I could count as MM Good Guys!. Many I would classify as friends and some I would consider very good friends. I've even shared hunts with a few.

To me the MM Good Guys are fellow hunters who are willing to share information and even go out of their way to help fellow hunters. I've interacted with plenty over the years but recently one MMer went out of his way to help me buy me some impossible to find reloading powder, just because he is a Good Guy. Another actually purchased maps, marked good spots on them and sent them to me, without expecting anything in return. When I offered to pay him for the maps and his efforts and he told me he was just trying to pay it forward.
To me, those are MM Good Guys.

There are plenty of you out there and to you I say Thanks, and I solute you!
lbh, I hope you're staying away from the Political Page... it's pretty rowdy there ?. But it's all just harmless free entertainment.

I still think pretty much everyone could sit around a fire and get along just fine on a hunt. We're all hunters at heart and I've had people I banter with here share in my joys and successes and vice versa.

Hopefully you and I can hunt sheep together again one day too! It's your turn to have the tag next time.
I agree LBH. Unfortunately I've had a few MM members try to personally ruin my hunt and spread lies about me. The good thing is most people can see through their BS and shrug it off.
I agree LBH. Unfortunately I've had a few MM members try to personally ruin my hunt and spread lies about me. The good thing is most people can see through their BS and shrug it off.

major bummer
Amen LBH! Some pretty good folks on here I too try to pay it forward when possible. And yes Grizz the political forum is pretty entertaining. ?
Amen LBH! Some pretty good folks on here I too try to pay it forward when possible. And yes Grizz the political forum is pretty entertaining. ?

?? Yep, you and I helped each other out on bear hunts a few years ago. There's still some good stuff going on behind the scenes via PMs!
In general most outdoors men are good guys on here. You do get the tough guy key board talk. But even most of them would help out on the mountain.
There should be more posts like this.

I have appreciated the help I’ve received from a number of MM members over the years. People who have been willing to help me succeed. Likewise, I’ve tried to help others where I had the knowledge and ability to do so and have enjoyed watching them succeed. New friendships and increased knowledge have been the result.

I also enjoy a good hunting story and appreciate those who take the time to document and share theirs on the forum. I look forward to Founder’s webcasts/podcasts and think the idea floated elsewhere of having a “live hunt” thread would be highly entertaining. I come to the site to enjoy (and contribute to) the content. Videos, pictures, stories, and interesting conversations bring me back.

I’m a fan of differing opinions, perspectives, and the freedom we all have to express those ideas. I especially love hearing from the old timers who have a lot of life experience and wisdom to share.

Debating ideas is a great thing and we all know that it can be done in a civil manner. An “ignore” button for those who choose to be idiots is a very handy tool.


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