The Cowboys Will Win The Superbowl


Long Time Member
Well guys, I'm a little early with my prediction this year, but just remember.....You read it here first. Yep, Home Team in the BIG GAME. Training camp has started. Things look GOOD! Who the HELL can beat them this year, Huh? It will be a long season for the Haters and any Cowboy opponent. mtmuley
It looks like the drinking started early today. LOL
Can you spell VIKINGS

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Dang, you finally made the playoffs after eleventy hundred years, and now you are going to the SB?

They aren't getting past the Saints in the playoffs, and will likely lose to the Packers, 49ers, Giants, etc in the reg season.

Ha! No drinking today, but there will be ALOT of beers Superbowl Sunday when the Boys kick the crap out of some AFC pretender. The Vikings? You can't be serious. Surgically repaired ankle. Need I say more? The Saints? Lucky to make the playoffs this year. Luck and last minute wins only carry a team so far. A Division Championship, Homefield throughout and the sixth Trophy. mtmuley
I got to tip my hat Muley, you're a straight up dedicated fan...and a glutton for abuse. :)

Good luck to your Cowboys this year!!

Oh hell, here we go with the crack wagon fans already! The Vikings, Saints, Ravens, and Colts all can kick the hell out of the Cowgirls. They all have the secret weapon on their sides, otherwise known as the HOMO,I mean Romo. He will break all of you Cowsucks fans hearts again, mark my words.
2Buck Tell us how you really feel. Don't hold back just let it all out.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
You already have turmoil among the ranks. Your superstar rookie thinks he's to good to go through the hazing process. Just another year of showboats, hotdogs, and excuses why they didn't make it. Go Broncos!
Geez............are we up to this already?
You need some safer drugs! The ones you are on now are distorting your sense of reality even beyond what "acid" was capable of.

......then again, Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.
VIKINGS.....All have better players and stand a better chance.

Yep.. Looks as though someone has their beer goggles on...

I agree that the Cowboys might win another super bowl but the tricky part is figuring out which super bowl in coming decades.

Some of us "mature football fans" might have less years left on earth than it takes the Cowboys to win the big one..

I hate it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is President.
I'm right there with you mtmuley! Go 'Boys!!

BTW if I was Dez I wouldn't carry Roy Williams' pads either. Roy Williams hasn't done crap but talk ever since he got here. Just a has-been receiver trying to get a dig in at the rookie about to take his job.
>VIKINGS.....All have better players and stand
>a better chance.


We will see. I think alot of you haters are in for a big surprise this year. This team is stacked and you would have to be blind not to see it. New england, niners haahaahaaa....
The Cowboys win the Superbowl? No disrespect, but I hope your a road-hunter cause you would get lost out in the brush!LOL!!!
MTMuley....... I appreciate your loyalty but it's just not in the cards for Dallas again this year. I like to watch Jerry spend his money and get disappointed almost as much as Mark Cuban! Seriously I hope they have a good season but this year ain't gonna be the one either! They'll do better than my Cardinals will but that ain't saying too much this year!
I don't blame Dez or any other player for that matter. I am not into the hazing thing and this stuff of passing down generations and making the time come together. That is just plain stupid. It happened to us so we can do it to you. Give me a break. Times change, generations change, deal with it and move on. I would have told Williams or anyone of them to stick it and walked off as well. Good for him and I hate the Cowboys. Until last year it was great to remind my friend that his beloved Cowboys had not been in the playoffs since before his 11 year old was born. Now I need something else but it is great to make the hair on his neck stand up talking about worthless Phillips and the Boys.
>I don't blame Dez or any
>other player for that matter.
>I am not into the
>hazing thing and this stuff
>of passing down generations and
>making the time come together.
>That is just plain stupid.
>It happened to us so
>we can do it to
>you. Give me a break.
>Times change, generations change, deal
>with it and move on.
>I would have told Williams
>or anyone of them to
>stick it and walked off
>as well. Good for him
>and I hate the Cowboys.
>Until last year it was
>great to remind my friend
>that his beloved Cowboys had
>not been in the playoffs
>since before his 11 year
>old was born. Now I
>need something else but it
>is great to make the
>hair on his neck stand
>up talking about worthless Phillips
>and the Boys.

The cowboys have been in the playoffs 3 out of the last 4 years. This year will be 4 out of 5 with a superbowl appearance.
I don't blame Dez or any other player for that matter. I am not into the hazing thing and this stuff of passing down generations and making the time come together. That is just plain stupid. It happened to us so we can do it to you. Give me a break. Times change, generations change, deal with it and move on. I would have told Williams or anyone of them to stick it and walked off as well. Good for him and I hate the Cowboys. Until last year it was great to remind my friend that his beloved Cowboys had not been in the playoffs since before his 11 year old was born. Now I need something else but it is great to make the hair on his neck stand up talking about worthless Phillips and the Boys.

I disagree. Hazing is a ritual, from the time a freshman gets a swirlee, to the military, college, sports, whatever. Nobody likes to be hazed or messed with, but to handle it like a man is to be respected by your peers, superiors, and teammates. It creates a comraderie and tight knit team. The guys who refused to be hazed or squeeled to the superiors were labeled wusses and were quickly weeded out. I have no use for sissies who think they are too good for rookie hazing.
Ahhhh yes. The Haters have come out. It is so easy to despise the things that you envy, isn't it? Take a NON-BIASED look at the team and players from purely a FOOTBALL point of view. Sure, it's only on paper now. Yep, I agree, Romo has a lot to prove. I'm not worried. He's not the first NFL QB to have it rough before taking off. Last time I checked, a solid defense, proven running game and a steadily improving reciever set goes a long way. This team is young and gaining speed as they play more together. I'd notice even if I wasn't a fan. The coach? Yeah, he sucks BAD. Let's see.....33 and 15 record in 3 years. Hey Sage, thanks, 35 plus years as a fan, and it sure ain't easy. mtmuley
The "hazing" deal is a stupid little thing and the only reason we are hearing about it is because it's the Cowboys.

That said, I get the point about building cameraderie and all that jazz(although I think most enlightened people think it's BS and hurts as much as it helps). But I can guarantee you if it had been Romo,Ware,Whitten, or any other veteran who has actually contributed in the last 5 years Dez would have done it no questions asked.

Roy Williams has done absolutely nothing to earn anyone's respect.I think that was the point and IMO it is well taken.
Dam man did your parents not raise you right as a kid.
Their already fighting and training camp just started.
They should have drafted a QB and threw Romo out. He is a choke artist.
Best of luck to the Cowgirls.
Dissing Romo is stupid. He may or may not win Super Bowls but there are GMs on about 25 teams who would give their left nut to have him. And they know a little more about it than you...
Then why havent they made a move to get him cbeard? you should propbably think about that! you do not hear anything about other teams wanting romo. You dont know sh!t from shinola! Ill be here to laughing at you for saying that after he CHOKES agian...yes i said again like the previous years...if you didnt get it?
Please step away from the pipe and get real help. The "Cowboys" ain't going anywhere this year. We all know that the "Pack" is back and our QB will win it all for the team.[/img][/url] start this thread and then whine because the "haters have come out".....?????? What part of the term "SPORTSFAN" don't you understand?

( I deleted the part where I said you were crying like a 10 year old)

You love the Cowboys, others HATE the Cowboys and they love someone else. It has been so since competitive sports was invented.

And as far as the hazing tradition goes.....that is EXACTLY why Dallas will not ever gell enough to play to the potential of thier parts.

The issue is real now and is the first of, what I suspect, will be many problems that will derail this "group"....they ain't ever going to be a "team".......which is way cool to me because I love to see them self destruct in thier first few weeks of training camp.
In my earlier reply I incorrectly stated they had not been to the playoffs for a long time, in my haste to write I should have put they had not "won" a playoff game since before his son was born. My bad.

As for the hazing, just a personal opinion and that is what makes the world go round but I think it is lame. Happened to me in high school and in no way did it make us a better team when I was the sophmore or the senior. Hazing makes a team gel? I don't believer that for a second.

The cowboys thrive on turmoil and this group of players does not thrive on it like Aikman, Irvin, Novacek and Smith did.

As long as the Cowboys don't win it all; it is all good.
Northwyowannabe, Just what is shinola? Your a packers fan? You got beat by the Cardinals! Haaaahaaaahaaaa! You just keep talking. We will see if you show your mug around here after Dallas kicks the crap out Green bay this year.
They haven't made a move to get him because he ain't going anywhere genius. Kinda like Manning,Brady, and a few others. You don't trade your star quarterback and other teams aren't stupid enough to even ask...
>Then why havent they made a
>move to get him cbeard?
>you should propbably think about
>that! you do not hear
>anything about other teams wanting
>romo. You dont know sh!t
>from shinola! Ill be
>here to laughing at you
>for saying that after he
>CHOKES agian...yes i said again
>like the previous years...if you
>didnt get it?

Speaking of not knowing sh!t from shinola, it took Peyton Manning, what, 9 years in the league as a starter to win a SB? What a loser!!! He was choking A LOT those years. I suppose the Colts should have sent him out of town after his 4th year as starter.

But you are right, Romo sucks, it's just a fluke he owns a pile of team passing records already.
>They haven't made a move to
>get him because he ain't
>going anywhere genius. Kinda like
>Manning,Brady, and a few others.
>You don't trade your star
>quarterback and other teams aren't
>stupid enough to even ask...
Haha you fellers are so touchy...must be that time of the month? You didnt really compair him to those elite QB's...did you? He is an ok QB until it comes down to the wire and he shaking like a dog sh!ting razor blades (the playoff game where he fumbled the hold on the feild goal). i know he was younger then but come on he hasnt done anything to prove how good he is.(plenty of chances to)
Yes i am a packers fan...but did you watch the whole game...yes yes they lost i know but they showed some fight! Are you a cowboys fan? im just stirring the pot here fellas i could care less who wins it all but of course we all have our team we are going for.
>Northwyowannabe, Just what is shinola? Your
>a packers fan? You got
>beat by the Cardinals! Haaaahaaaahaaaa!
>You just keep talking. We
>will see if you show
>your mug around here after
>Dallas kicks the crap out
>Green bay this year.
How dare you call me that name... :(
that just hurts. ill be here talking if they lose or win thats just the way it will be bud...
Oh yeah and the saying about shinola means...Possessing poor judgment or knowledge. Hope I could help you out in that area.LOL Just so you know shinola is actually a shoe wax.
Ohhhh little nickman. I am not crying, as you say. I EXPECTED the haters to come out Einstein. It is very, very interesting to me. It seems that in the years the Cowboys look good and are a serious threat to go deep into the postseason...the haters are the most vocal. (The envy thing, remember?) It is alright nickyman. The sun will rise and set, and someday, the Cowboys will surely suck again, as do all teams that have been dominant at one time or another. But, perhaps, they do not suck this year. Only time will tell. As for all the Romo haters. He's gonna get there. He may not be one of the "greats" through his career, but he'll get a ring. mtmuley
I think Romo will be one of the greats if he can have a long career. He already holds a ton of cowboy passing records and gets 4000 plus yards just about every year. He has got one of if not the best group of recievers in the leage. A ring or two will be the icing on the cake.
as QB you have to throw it and have some one good catch it and then run to the goal line. They just might have that some-one this year.
But the Viking are still the team to beat bum ankle or not. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Gator, A Vikings-Cowboy re-match I would love to see. Can't happen since the Vikes will be at home! LOL mtmuley
You got it pegged Viking having the home field advantage thru the playoffs, LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Another year and another Cowboys will win it all thread. Gotta love it. I'm hoping the Saints can go back to back, but the've got a couple tough games right out of the gate!
Didn't any of you haters notice? THE COWBOYS BEAT THE BENGALS!!! Yeah, preseason. SO WHAT! Get used to the winning. Raiders are next. Preseason just means 4 extra wins before the Superbowl. You boys better watch them now, and in the regular season. History made probably. mtmuley you get "midnight wood" coming up with this stuff or are you actually awake when you think it up?
I can't believe this thread is still alive! I'll give it to ya mtmuley. This is by far the longest anyone has talked about Superbowl and Cowboys in the same topic! For the Romo fans, the only value he has is in fantasy football! Sorry, but it is true! Your head coach sucks, your running backs can't stay healthy, your receivers are d-bags! The defense is ah OK. Playoffs-Yes, Superbowl-No freakin way!

I love this time of year! Pretty bad when your drooling over the hall of fame game!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-10 AT 03:23PM (MST)[p]My latest three memorabilia purchases will be going up in value come Feb 2011.

Signed Witten jersey
Signed Ware jersey
Signed Romo helmet

Hmmmm, what future DC HOFer should I buy next?

MT, you always can come watch the Boys play at my house.

P.S. Did someone seriously suggest the Niners are better? Surely you jest.
A team as strong with the promise of the Boys is bound to give a dedicated fan wood, nickman. And oneaway, I don't know what team you are thinking of, but it ain't Dallas. At least you got the defense part right. grizzmoose, I'd love to watch a game with ya. It's always fun watching your team win! Playoffs for sure, hometeam in the big game. mtmuley
Just win Baby
What the hell they got beat By Oakland, Preseason or not what did they do lose on purpose. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Yep! Beat by the Raiders.

Based on your comments from last week, it's the Raiders and the Cowboys in the Super Bowl?????
Haha I just saw a post from this time last year with the same title by the same author. You guys probably knew this, but I got a kick out of that.

Now that going to leave a bruise.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I left for an elk scouting trip so I missed all the fun nickman and RACK had. Hey RACK, no need to call me names bud, it's just football. Keep in mind from now on I have dial-up so you don't need to spend a lot of time concerning yourself searching for video and pics I'm not gonna load anyway. Yep, they got beat and I don't like it. I believe they meet again in the regular season and I predict a very different outcome. mtmuley
Cowboys all the way this year. I kinda wish the Superbowl wasn't at Cowboy stadium, I can already here the pissin and moaning about how unfair homefield advantage is in a Superbowl. GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!
I didn't expect the lone loss for the year to come in the first game. Glad it's out of the way though. mtmuley
That the same way I feel about those Vikings we just didn't want to try to run the the table. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-10 AT 03:15PM (MST)[p]>i really do feel bad for
>that tackle lol he is
>the number one pentalized player
>in the nfl. just got
>caught in a bad situation

Caught in a bad situation?? Brian Orakpo was beating his ass like a drum all night long and on that play had Romo dead to rights because he popped up out of his stance instead of taking a good kick step and doesn't have the speed to compensate for poor technique and laziness. Indicative of the whole Dallas Cowboys football philosophy.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Funny that the Colts lost yesterday and no one is freaking out about them yet. So much hate for the Cowboys. Its funny actually.
>Caught in a bad situation?? Brian
>Orakpo was beating his ass
>like a drum all night
>long and on that play
>had Romo dead to rights
>because he popped up out
>of his stance instead of
>taking a good kick step
>and doesn't have the speed
>to compensate for poor technique
>and laziness. Indicative of the
>whole Dallas Cowboys football philosophy.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Haha i dont mean i feel bad for him but he was holding him all night and the refs missed a few but not that one lol. I am glad their losing...
Way to go "America's crackwagon"... Loved watching the pitiful Skins pound you.... So so funny! Bet the Super Bowl looks a ways off now.....hahahaha. Sorry, still laughing over this prediction of winning the Super Bowl..

As a Redskins fan... I find this post absolutely hillarious. Even though the skins played some very pitiful offence. The defensive win was so sweet.
>Well guys, I'm a little early
>with my prediction this year,
>but just remember.....You read it
>here first. Yep, Home Team
>in the BIG GAME. Training
>camp has started. Things look
>GOOD! Who the HELL can
>beat them this year, Huh?
>It will be a long
>season for the Haters and
>any Cowboy opponent. mtmuley

Yup, you said it! It's going to be a long season. Hell might not be able to beat them, however, I can think of two teams that can!
>I didn't expect the lone loss
>for the year to come
>in the first game. Glad
>it's out of the way
>though. mtmuley

hmmm.....make that the first two.....remind me not to partner up with you in a football pool.....
Cowboys stink it up real bad... Vikings are a better team!
Go Packers...Go Fin's!!!
who thunk? I know it..


hahahaha this post is classic! Wonder what the excuse will be that they aren't winning. Phillips is a gonner. They won't even make the playoffs!
Nobody freaks out because the Colts have Manning, and the Cowboys have, well, not Manning.
I think one of the best reasons as to why they aren't winning is quite simply because they suck!
They better draft Jimmy Johnson from Extenze, and get troy, Emmit and moose out of retirement...AARP cards or not, bet they would beat out the current starters.
The drinking has really started now. Cowboys are still going to the Super Bowl, how can you argue that!! Sepctators, LMAO
Ill step up in mtmuleys place. Im a die hard Cowboys fan and always will be. I dont mind taking the !@#$ from people in here.

I dont think we will win the Superbowl until we get rid of the Doughboy and the Red Headed Stepchild. Jerrah doesnt help much either. I still think that as an entire team, we have the most talent, but they are undisciplined and have no leadership on or off the field. If we had a coach and an OC that was worth their wages, all a yall would have front row seats to a dynasty.

So you can run an tell dat, run and tell dat.
hey that really a quote about that rape video made into a song. haha. funny stuff right there.

And yes, since Jimmy johnson the cowboys have been on the verge of having dynasty after dynasty but the leadership has sucked! Not sure it will ever be like it was in the glory days.
Yep, they have taken on the personality of the their leader, Mr schucksy darn, golly gee. They've got no nuts. All the talent on paper and no nuts. And it isn't going to change until Jerry steps back, fires himself from GM, and just writes checks and plays grabass with all the girls in the owners box. He needs to hand over GM duties to Stephen, and let him hire a coach that will hire his own coaching staff. Restore the chain of command.
If they lose and play hard, I got no problem with that. When they lose like they have lost the last two games, I want to puke. They couldn't even rattle the easiest QB in football to rattle and start throwing picks. Instead, they were getting hit in the mouth, in their own house!
I can easily see them 0-6, then maybe pull out a win against Jax. Maybe that is what it will take to shake things up.
>hey that really a quote
>about that rape video made
>into a song. haha. funny
>stuff right there.
>And yes, since Jimmy johnson the
>cowboys have been on the
>verge of having dynasty after
>dynasty but the leadership has
>sucked! Not sure it
>will ever be like it
>was in the glory days.

Where is our next coach? We're looking for you. We gon find you, we gon find you.
I'm still here. Had to pack out a bud's bull Sunday (missed the game), and everyone I load for just brought me their rifles so I've been burnin powder at the range. Yep, 0-2. Guess I oughta give the Boys up for dead. Last I checked, there are 14 games left. All it takes is a run and winning the Division. I've been a fan of Dallas for over 30 years. Longer than some of the posters on this thread have been alive. And most of these newer guys normally don't contribute anything useful to this site anyway. Give up on my team? Yeah right. I see a win Sunday. If I didn't, I'd sure be a piss-poor fan. mtmuley

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