The New Coues Book!!



According to Tony:


If there are no unforeseen glitches, HOW TO HUNT COUES DEER will be available for delivery in approximately 14 days.
Just got a letter in the mail from Duwane Adams in which he describes a little about each chapter in the book. I will be ordering the book soon. Can't wait to read it.
I cant wait to see it. I know everyone has been waiting and I am excited due to it being the first ever coues book.........Thanks Sniper for the notice......Allen Taylor......
I have seen the outline, chapter by chapter and I think this book is going to be a great guide for all hunters. From novice to professional there is no question everybody will be able to learn something from it.

when and where will it be available? i guess i oughta read it, ya know, to make sure they didn't leave nothin' out.....
I got the letter in the mail too and when my wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday Aug 22nd I put the letter in her hand. Then I got to reading some of the past threads about this book. I just called her and told her not to send the order. She said it was a good thing I called because she had the check in the envelope and was going to mail it this afternoon. Sounds like a great book and I would like to have it but I am not going to send money based on the past history of this apparently phantom book. How do we know this is the real deal?
My wife ordered the book in Oct 02, as part of my Christmas present. I know check cleared and everything, but I haven't heard anything since. Never got the letter that you all are referring to. Hopefully he still has records of my payment. Cait wait to get the book. Hopefully it will help me with my AZ Unit 22 hunt this year!!
Tell your wife to go ahead and mail the check, books will be out soon.
AZKendog3, it should be good reading and certainly won't hurt your odds of killing your buck.

Just the same.....I think I will wait and see what "approximately 14 days" turns out to be. Not a big deal with me and I am not questioning anyone's integrity or reputation, just want a product to be there and shipped quickly when I order and pay for it. Sounds great and I can't wait to get it. I have only taken one coues down in 36B a few years back and had a blast on the hunt. Got a 24B tag this year and figure I can use all the help I can get.
Fair enough Foxcaller. We've all been waiting quite a while for the book. I believe it will be worth the wait. Good luck in 24b and if you have any questions just ask away. There's a lot of great Coues hunters that hang out on this site. Probably hundreds of combined years of experience hunting these deer.

Thanks! Like I said I don't have alot of experience hunting coues. I do have a number of nice mule deer though including one 30 incher that is my best so far. I am a big fan of glassing and have been hunting this way for elk and mule deer for years so I really enjoy the style of hunting that the little whitetails offer. I live out near the proving grounds in East Mesa and hunt 24b and 24a often for my first love- predator hunting! I have seen quite a few coues this past season but the places I saw them I'm guessing will be teeming with hunters this December as they are readily accessible to main roads. I intend to do alot of homework and scouting and will most likely be packing in for a few days with my eldest son (have 3 sons) to get into some nice remote areas. Problem here is my middle son drew a junior muzzleloader deer tag for unit 16a and the hunt runs concurently with my coues hunt. My plan is to take my son on his muzzleloader hunt opening weekend and hopefully find him a buck to shoot. He won't be fussy as he just wants a buck as all he has so far are does from the Kaibab. Then I can concentrate on finding a nice coues. Another nice problem is that we have 5a antlerless elk tags that runs Nov 29-Dec4 so that will take away some scouting time. I will be in Wyoming the first week and a half of October as I drew 2 antelope tags there. My time is tight to be sure so this book will I hope help me to maximize my scouting time and better educate me all around on the coues. BTW-Hello to all, I am obviously new to this board and am enjoying it very much....................Ron.......aka Foxcaller
I will buy the book for sure. Has anyone ever seen Mr. Adams video on glassing? Just curious as to what some of you think about it as I was considering buying it also.
The book, which is due out in August, 2003, is available for $20, plus $3 S&H from:

204 Avenue ?B?
San Manuel, Arizona 85631

I have the video too and it is also very informative especially for beginners.

Ron, I like your idea of packing into some of the more remote areas. That's one of my favorite ways to hunt the Coues deer, have taken some nice bucks that way.

The video can be ordered from the same address as the book or look on the website I think there is a phone number or you can buy online off the website. The video is old but the content and technique is very useful. Its not some hollywood actors filling you with bullpucky but regular guides/outfitters showing how to glass effectively and correctly under conditions.......I watch it each year to re-remember stuff......... Allen Taylor......
FYI > as a remember for anyone who'd like to meet Duwane, he'll be at the two Phoenix-area RMEF elk hunt seminars this coming week, Tuesday and Wednesday Aug. 19/20. I don't know if the Coues hunting book will be available then, but he should have his glassing videos with him available for purchase. Check out the MM's calendar for August at the top of Monster Muley's' Home Page for seminar details ...

Any news on the book??? Haven't received mine yet, seems like we are getting the same story we got 6 months ago...."checks in the mail"
Ok guys here is an update on the Coues Book....ITS DONE. Duwane will pick up the copies next week at the publishers and you guys will soon be reading all the great imformation. I know this has been a LOOOOONG wait but Im sure it will be well worth it.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-03 AT 02:43PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-03 AT 01:44?PM (MST)


An update to your update! :)

I just returned from the printer's a few minutes ago after dropping off several changes for the NEXT segment in the HOW TO HUNT COUES DEER saga. There will be a limited edition of 1,000 books available with a 4-color HARD COVER. Each book will be signed and numbered. The printing and binding will take about two weeks, but it can be ordered now from Duwane for $40 plus $3 S&H at:

204 Avenue ?B?
San Manuel, Arizona 85631

As for the soft cover, it was being bound as of yesterday and will be completed late tomorrow. Because of the holiday weekend, Duwane will pick them up early next week and mail out books to those who already paid for them. They are $20 plus $3 S&H.

Both 6"x9" books are 224 pages, with dozens and dozens of photos. The GALLERY section, which is nothing but photos of hunters with their bucks, is 23 pages with multiple photos on each one. The TALES chapter includes 15 articles by hunters and guides that retell stories of their hunts. It includes one about Sergio Orozco's world-record P&Y, which graces the front cover of the book and is reproduced below along with the back cover.

Now maybe Allen will grant his permission so I can go hunting. -TONY


Tony, you can go hunting now......LOL......Thanks for the status update and I know everyone is going to be more than thrilled with the book. I cant wait to get my hands on the hardcover book.............Thanks again and shoot straight...... Allen Taylor......
Tony, I'd like to purchase a soft cover book, but I have not submitted my check yet. If I sent my check to Dwayne next week, how soon would I get the book?


He will likely mail out within a day of receiving the check. I know he's heading out to hunt elk but I think his wife Mary will be sending them out in his absence. So let it rip. -TONY
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-03 AT 03:17PM (MST)[p]Hmmm, looks like I have to go back to the drawing board with the cover images since IMAGE Station appears to cut off access. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, if anyone would like to see a sample of the book in PDF format (46 pages from various chapters and front and back covers, ), post me an email address in this thread! The file is approximately 700K. -TONY
How about him signing the book for those of us who bought the book a year ago and have had to wait. Brian

I'm not sure if Duwane has any way of knowing specifically when anyone bought the book at this point. He likely only has a list of names and addresses. BUT..I'm sure if you contact him directly, he would be happy to autograph yours for you. -TONY

Let me know what you think after you check out the sample PDF file of the book. I had to compress the photos way down so the DL would be manageable for those folks with slow dial-up modems. If I left it at a quality PDF, it's more than 3 MBs. The one I sent you is only about 600k.

Note that several members of this forum have their ugly mugs in the sample pages. :) -TONY
It looks like the who's who of Coues whitetail hunting.

Hey I photographed a couple of Coues bucks yesterday bedded down under a jumiper. I'll email them to you.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-03 AT 06:58AM (MST)[p]To All,

Anyone who ordered a book through me should receive it shortly. They were all mailed yesterday.

Duwane is also in the process of shipping books to those who had them ordered and paid for.

If anyone would like to get one by using their credit card thru Paypal for quick shipping, use the link below:

The book is $20 + $3 S&H.

Thanks to all for your business and patience. -TONY

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