The Two Dons - Peay and Trump


Long Time Member
I only caught the tail-end of the interview but Don Peay was just interviewed on KSL Radio by Doug Wright and announced that he is joining Trump's Utah team. Apparently, Don Peay and others will be hosting a news conference today at 11 am on the steps of the State Capital to make a formal announcement. This should be interesting. I will post a link if I can find one.

"2News asked if any tickets will be for the general public. "Our Republicans are the general public," replied Evans. "I think it's premature to be trying to answer those questions.""

-Are they going to auction off the "general public" seats? Sorry couldn't resist. Too soon?

"Peay hunted several weeks ago with Trump's sons in Iowa, just days before the Iowa Caucuses"

-What were they hunting and did Peay tip Trump's son for being his guide?
I still can't even imagine "TRUMP" as president, yet it could happen. In another 4 years Kim Kardashian will probably be on her way to being president. Crazy world we live in.

I guess Peay has to support someone. His job is to be their buddy, donate to their campaign and hopefully they scratch his back down the road.

Brian Latturner
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This could be interesting.
Don did go pheasant hunting with Donald Trump Jr and Eric.

Trump Jr did talk at the expo in SLC. He did a great job from what I heard.

Jr and Eric are hard core hunters wanting the same things what most who frequent this website want.

Public access to lands.States not taking over federal lands.

Management of predators, including wolves and Grizzly's.

Reasonable ESA management. Not caving into the environmental groups.

It could be a huge change in politics for the better concerning our future hunting and wildlife management. Jr and Eric would have a lot of input IMO.

I'm still for Rubio first choice. We need to beat Clinton or this country will go further in the toilet. Rubio will beat Clinton. Just a few thoughts and my opinion. What are your thoughts?
"Peay hunted several weeks ago with Trump's sons in Iowa, just days before the Iowa Caucuses"

So Peay has time to go hunting with politician's kids, just no time for a legitimate SFW/MDF audit. In 10 years. OKay just checkin.
Who, in the USA can help or harm sport hunting and fishing more than the President? Who ever that ends up being. Do you like what Mr. Cruz said he'd do with Fed lands in the west, last week. Do you know what Mr. Rubio said he'll do with 13Million illegals, that will eventually support what most illegals support right now?

Elections and those who are elected effect us all very directly, example is the Utah Legislature and current Gov. that Utahans elected and are now, this very minute voting and supporting something many of you are very opposed to.

I'm voting for Trump, regardless of his association with Mr. Peay or not. We earn what we get, in all things. Better hold your nose, for your our good!

Tell me, which other Rep. Presidential candidate has said he would not turn Fed lands over to the States besides Trump.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-16 AT 01:27PM (MST)[p]ZIM - Peay's a lobbyist, not accountant.

Brian Latturner
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Peay ? who spent recent days introducing Donald Trump Jr. around Utah to campaign for his father, and even went hunting with him ? said Trump wants to keep public lands public, but provide more local control of their management to help improve it.

"I think you all know his signature line: if they don't do a good job, they're fired," which he said many times on his TV show, "The Apprentice," Peay said.

Never said he should PERFORM it himself. He could make it happen with one phone call. As he's promised for years.
Zim, Don is the kind of person that when he wants something done, he gets it done. If by phone call or by doing it himself. I question you hate him. You have said that for years. He has been very successful over the years of getting things done.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-16 AT 08:47AM (MST)[p]Will somebody please post the Press Release link where SFW claimed to be strongly against the land grab and advocated for its defeat, the way it advocates for wolf and sage grouse legislation (the ones they take millions of dollars to "defend")?

I must've missed it and and the incessant emails since then.

I can find a PR for Boone & Crockett, RMEF, BHA, and TRCP, but not where SFW took a pro-public land position.

If they want to throw in with Trump because of his public land position, I'm certain they would've had the guts to make that position known by now since it's in the best interest of the groups they are supposed to work for.

They wouldn't have claimed neutrality and kept their mouths shut up til now, right? Not when an important issue affecting Sportsmen is on the docket.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-16 AT 03:25PM (MST)[p]And I just heard something two hours ago on the radio (570 - I don't know the call letters.) about a Republican debate scheduled or being scheduled to take place in Salt Lake City on March 21, the day before our primaries. I was driving and just caught the tail-end of the hourly national news break. Anybody else hear it or know anything? Was I just hearing things? I know Don Peay's name was mentioned.
Don Peay helped Romney when he ran. He is helping Trump as well. He is a lobbyist and very good at what he does.

Trump has two sons who are avid hunters, fishermen, and over all sportsmen. If Trump becomes president and sportsmen helped him win along with Trumps son's, it will be a big win for hunters.

I know this may be a conflict for a few that don't like Don or SFW, but want Trump to win. I guess you might need to be on the same team for now.
>Don Peay helped Romney when he
>ran. He is helping
>Trump as well. He is
>a lobbyist and very good
>at what he does.
>Trump has two sons who are
>avid hunters, fishermen, and over
>all sportsmen. If Trump becomes
>president and sportsmen helped him
>win along with Trumps son's,
>it will be a big
>win for hunters.
>I know this may be a
>conflict for a few that
>don't like Don or SFW,
>but want Trump to win.
> I guess you might
>need to be on the
>same team for now.

Yes, there is a debate in Salt Lake City on the 21st, but they're not sure who will be there per the dropouts, but they're hoping it's only 4 or 5 left.

And, yes, we need to be on the same team on this issue, but not necessarily on others, regardless of the timing.
Donald Trump is a nut and I can't believe Don Peay supports that dude. Crazy!

Brian Latturner
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I believe Trump is the least "political" of all Republican candidates and he will do the best job to get America pointed in the direction it needs to be to become more self sufficient. People wonder why teachers salaries don't go up even though the school districts have been granted 20% more money over the past 5 years. Somebody likes to give out free sh!t to any Tom, ##### and Harry that says they can't make it on their salary. Guess what....get another job or have your wife get a job and support your kids. I'm done...

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Ever wonder why they're always screaming about needing more money?

Has anyone ever stopped to think, maybe they already have enough, they just mismanage it.

Go look on a right to knows website. Shows the salaries of all people that are paid with tax dollars. We have 2 teachers at my old high school that combined are making over $200K per year. They're married. I don't feel bad for any teacher.

I attended a meeting with SFW and the governor a few years ago when the issue was first brought up about taxing federal land to support our education system. I was naive and stupid then. There is no amount of money that any government entity cannot mismanage and piss away. They'll transfer the lands, sell them off, and then what? What happens when they spend all that money? Where do they go to get more?

Awhile back Idaho sold it's citizens on idea of having a state lottery. They told everyone that a portion of the lottery ticket sales would go to fund the education system. Well, look at them now, running radio ads about how bad their school system is and how they are dead last in the country. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. But where's all the lottery money going?

It's all BULLSH!T

They'll tax everything. Spend twice the amount and then come up with some new campaign that feeds on peoples emotions to get more.

And for anyone that thinks Trump is going to fix the country, well, some other a$$hat said basically the same thing 7 years ago.
I've been vacillating between Rubio and Trump with Rubio as my main candidate. Then Trump said he would not let government land go to the states. I began to sway in his direction, until Romney came into the picture. To little to late I said, then I began gleaning all the information from the debates, from ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox, Fox Financial, studying what I could find on the internet, but mainly listening to the canidates themselves. Trump is so shallow, changes his mind and his stand daily. This man cannot be believed. It is as obvious as the nose on your face. Why would I vote for anyone who acts as childish as him. When you really study him and his past, he is really scary. I have voted straight Republican for years. After what I have heard and studied, I really don't think I could vote for this guy.

He really should change his name to "SHIFTY". Don Peay really needs to reassess his support for this man.

That's my political opinion anyhow.

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