Tired of the Sportman Groups whining?


So the WHCE is over and the public supported it showing up in record numbers, setting records and raising a ton of money for wildlife. Lets hope it gets used in the best way possible for wildlife.
The bid was poorly written by RMEF and they lost. to quote and avid hunter Chief Justice Scalia GET OVER IT.
If the simple minds would look outside the box it would be apparent that today's sportsman have more important issues than the $1.50 or so difference in an application fee.
its time for RMEF and the handful of whiners to end the B.S the constant attacks on the DWR and anyone else that is not in their ##### circle.
The DWR has more important things to think about - PETA/ Humane society etc than what the handful of habitual whiners have to say.

Look at CA, there most likely will be no hunting in that state in the next 10 years. Where do you thing they will go from there?
Sportmans groups talking smack on each other does nothing but divide Sportman in general and give the Tree huggers added ammo with every #####.
WE better start getting together as Sportman or we will see our kids lose what we taken for granted.
You must work for s.f.w.?
I don't recall rmef whining about anything. I think they took the keep doing what we do attitude and that's conserve wildlife for future generations
I have no idea who this jackass is, but I quit reading his post as soon as I read his comment that the RMEF bid was poorly written!
Just another SFW plant that can't win an argument with the facts, so reverts to name calling - "whining".

As soon as the proceeds from public assets are accounted for, the "whining" will stop. But SFW has no interest in accounting for the funds they make selling / raffling public tags, so the pressure will continue...

If sportsmen continue to turn a blind eye to this type of malfeasance, we will be well on our way to becoming another California. And that will not bode well for sportsmen.

Transparency is the only acceptable outcome.


And RMEF has taken the high road throughout the bid process, opting not to contest the rigged process and continuing to work with the DWR.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-16 AT 09:52PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-16 AT 09:51?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-16 AT 09:49?PM (MST)

Desert I stand corrected i have never seen anything negative from you. The utah rmef facebook page post over the weekend and elkfromabove constant petty posts prompted this post. I have rarely commented on this forum and consider myself a normal sportman i support the various groups when i can and have just become sick.of blowhards like him and Topgun that seperate sportman.
These guys cant see the big picture and realise those other groups will be accountable and all sportsmam win. Unfortunately those guys wont have anything whine about by then.
elk30 posted: "These guys cant see the big picture and realise those other groups will be accountable and all sportsman win."

Huh? That makes no sense.

The lack of accountability by these groups is the issue that separates sportsmen not the fact that some of us are asking for accountability and transparency.

38 posts + disabled profile + SFW lover = plant

So bizarre to continually see these guy's socialist rants while SFW is by far the biggest welfare recipient in the west. Go figure.


Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
It is simple if you don't care one way or the other don't open up the thread. There are plenty of other threads to choose from.i am sure founder loves the traffic.and I am sure he understands it's a topic both sides are passionate about
And now yall start throwing around the word "facts".

The only fact here is yall ARE A BUNCH OF WHINERS.

Hawkeye f-d up and admitted he knew what the money is accounted for on the other thread. I know yall will ignore that because it doesn't jive with your cause.
Oh tristate, please enroll in a remedial reading course. There has never been a complete accounting of how the $5 application fee revenues have been spent. If there was such an accounting, you and your buddy Lumpy would have posted it long ago.

No more feeding the troll today. I guess you will have to keep talking to yourself.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-16 AT 08:45AM (MST)[p]HAHA... You post a post in which you are whining about people whining.

No matter how you slice it the whole process of the Expo this year was a corrupt political mess in which the people and the wildlife lost while a small few lined their pockets.

How was the RMEF proposal weak or poorly written? Why was it after they submitted a proposal that all the sudden we needed a new process? Why did that new process place so much emphasis on prior work done in Utah and not on the potential for new work to be done? Why was the deciding vote cast by a wildlife board member who had direct ties with SFW?

BFD that there was record attendance. We all know that RMEF would have crushed attendance records and brought way more people, businesses and money into the state than SFW.

But go ahead and post a whining post about people whining.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-16 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]>HAHA... You post a post in
>which you are whining about
>people whining.
>No matter how you slice it
>the whole process of the
>Expo this year was a
>corrupt political mess in which
>the people and the wildlife
>lost while a small few
>lined their pockets.
>How was the RMEF proposal weak
>or poorly written? Why was
>it after they submitted a
>proposal that all the sudden
>we needed a new process?
>Why did that new process
>place so much emphasis on
>prior work done in Utah
>and not on the potential
>for new work to be
>done? Why was the deciding
>vote cast by a wildlife
>board member who had direct
>ties with SFW?
>BFD that there was record attendance.
>We all know that RMEF
>would have crushed attendance records
>and brought way more people,
>businesses and money into the
>state than SFW.
>But go ahead and post a
>whining post about people whining.

Give the troll a break. He has to do something while the eyeball glue dries before he goes to the next step on the mannequin! The problem lies in that the glue can is still open on the desk with his computer/keypad! One sentence, then sniff sniff---AH!!!! Another sentence followed by another sniff and the brain cells just keep disappearing!

WONDER WHAT HE IS SMOKING???,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YD.

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