Tithing on Meat???


Very Active Member
Question to all of you that pay a tithe, do you consider the meat from hunting an increase? What about fish? To me I can go hunting and not get anything, so when we are successful it is an increase. I should have taken some pictures of the Bishop's faces over the years when I show up at their door with a bag of meat for tithing. And I tell them it is the most expensive meat on the planet. If you don't believe me ask my wife.

I can about bet whatever the look was, it involved them thinking, 'why did this idiot just give me one more thing to worry about after I get done with yet another day of tithing settlement....' Do your Bishop a favor next time. Forego the horse and pony show, find a needy family who will use it, give it directly, and learn to "pray in your closet."
I prefer to stand on the corner and pray for all you sinner (since I'm so perfect, of course) LMAO

dz, calculate it like any business. What are your expenses and what's the income? only now you can calculate "increase". get it yet? there is no increase in hunting at all if you know simple math!!!! No need to burden the poor bishop with this shtick.

Don't confuse increase with income, especially if you work for yourself!

There, I feel better!

1911, I have always taken it to who the Bishop has suggested. I don't feel it is my position to decide where the Tithes goes. I don't know anyone personally from this site and don't plan on it. So I didn't think this would ruffle feathers about "praying in my own closet". My thoughts about this was wondering if others felt like the "meat" is an increase or income, as I do. And I can let you know that since I started doing this 20 plus years ago, there has always been meat in the freezer. Just wondering if others feel the same.

HA HA!! Taking Malachi 3:10 a little literally there, huh?

Well, I am currently serving as a Bishop and going through tithing settlement right now. It is a good time of year - you get a chance to connect with the members of your ward and see all the families in a short period of time.

If you brought me a bag of meat as tithing I am not sure what I would do, but I guarantee you that I could find a family or two who would put it to good use.


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I have no idea what this post means at all!

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
With the Losses I take each year if you add it all up I Should Qualify for Some Deductions or Rebates!:D

I Don't think We Should Have to Pay any more than We do for the Vitals!

I'm Living & Dieing with the Choices
I've Made!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

>With the Losses I take each
>year if you add it
>all up I Should Qualify
>for Some Deductions or Rebates!:D
>I Don't think We Should Have
>to Pay any more than
>We do for the Vitals!
>I'm Living & Dieing with the
>I've Made!
>Go Ahead!
>Make Me take it down!

So are you telling Roy that you gave yourself a 10% raise?

>>With the Losses I take each
>>year if you add it
>>all up I Should Qualify
>>for Some Deductions or Rebates!:D
>>I Don't think We Should Have
>>to Pay any more than
>>We do for the Vitals!
>>I'm Living & Dieing with the
>>I've Made!
>>Go Ahead!
>>Make Me take it down!
>So are you telling Roy that
>you gave yourself a 10%

No,Not telling Roy about it!

I Think 'They' Owe Me!:D


I'm Living & Dieing with the Choices
I've Made!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

If you people would just study and obey God's Word and not your bishop or your church you would exactly know what to do...
I bet there is a spouse or two who donates her every tenth ride for 'charitable' cause. Let them chime in too.
Come to think of it, Stinky Stomper was donating about ten percent of his meat, maybe more, for quite some time and didn't even know about it. Turns out old cute-e-pie wasn't as southun Bap as she supposed....unless that is part of their doctrine.?? who knows....sorry stinky...not even a dork like you deserves to have a twot like that donate meat curtains to the needy.
Speaking in honest generalities, if it were a requirement to give an honest tithe of ten percent on the meat most guys would be looking at less than 3/tenths of an inch. Not really a big deal no matter how your measure it.


>Speaking in honest generalities, if it
>were a requirement to give
>an honest tithe of ten
>percent on the meat most
>guys would be looking at
>less than 3/tenths of an
>inch. Not really a
>big deal no matter how
>your measure it.

I'm Living & Dieing with the Choices
I've Made!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

i'm no mormon but i know the bible...

Deuteronomy 14:22?27 (NIV)
22 Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year. 23 Eat the tithe of your grain, new wine and olive oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the presence of the Lord your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name, so
I'm pretty sure you Mormons use to pay your tithes that way all the time. I see no problem taking 10% of what you reap and helping others out. I just wouldn't bother your clergy with it. He/she is probably overloaded this time of year anyway.

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