Tot Finder


Very Active Member
Did any of you use these stickers for the windows of your Toddler? One of my friends had one on his bedroom window in the early 80s and has long since moved out of the house. His family sold the house year ago and it’s still there. I think the new owners should remove it to keep the fire dept from wasting time looking for a Tot that’s not there. Do people still use them? I haven’t seen any new ones in years and it seems like it would be an advantage to a pedo that is targeting a kid. Do you know any success stories where the sticker played an important role?

Remember “baby on board“ stickers? I saw a truck in Flagstaff way back when that had a “baby on board“ sign. He had bought a doll and screwed it to a piece of plywood. (y)
A buddy of mine in high school had one of the yellow and black signs that looked like the “baby on board” ones, only his said 10” on board. He thought it was funny till he went to pick up a date and her dad asked what the sign on his car meant ?
A buddy of mine in high school had one of the yellow and black signs that looked like the “baby on board” ones, only his said 10” on board. He thought it was funny till he went to pick up a date and her dad asked what the sign on his car meant ?
My license plate for the last 40+ years has been Tony10. If I go swimming in cold water, it changes to Tony5. :rolleyes:
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