Tough guys


Long Time Member
Don't you just love it when you get a PM from somebody on here and all they say is "Go f..k yourself!" or something equally intelligent?
Or they threaten to whoop your butt because they are a "cage fighter".

The words "cage fighter" on MM translates the same as "30 inch bases" - cowardly, lying, 5'2"; 105lb hiding behind a computer screen name in "anonimity" pantywaist pencil neck geek.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I must not make people that mad lol


has anyone seen my kittie
Yeah, I own 47 sex toy manufacturing companies and I get to try out all the new product on no less than 10 hot chicks every day and I make gazillions of dollars too. I'm not a cage fighter though because they wouldn't let me because I could beat all of them so they said it wasn't fair. I am 6'14" tall and weigh 275 lbs. of pure muscle and I came in second at the Mr. Olympia competition once. I only came in second because the winner said that I used steroids but I really didn't. I used Muscle Milk, which I invented by the way! Oh yeah, when I go hunting, the deer and the elk just fall over dead when they see me because they don't want me to shoot them with my 150 lb. Hoyt ShockNAwe XLPQRFG3000 which I helped design. So NVBighorn, if you need some help with these punks, I'm sure I could pull some strings (which I also invented). :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Somebody named Starzz??????


"I was beginning to lose my stomach for guiding, finding that the hunted were often more noble than the hunter."
Jay Hammond
I'll help you too.I've won every fartn contest I got in except one and I tied for 1st in that one.

You don't have to be the best,just good
as the best,forget the rest.
Same name calling.

Same half wit intellect.

Same basketball team name.

Who could it be?

My wife thinks he excessively participates in self abuse!
LAST EDITED ON May-21-10 AT 10:12PM (MST)[p]I had a guy PM me his phone number and tell me "he needed to talk to me NOW".......after a 10 minute conversation where he got his feeling out, I told him how I felt and that I hoped he had a better day.....he called me back 10 minutes later to apologize......most hotheads just need a minute to cool down, unless they are just a douchebag.

This about sums it up...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I had one guy from wa who threatened me on this site and another for calling him out for registering a couple of trophy class bucks as Washington archery kills that were, one shot with a rifle during archery and the second was taken with a rifle in Canada. He was pretty hot especially when I told him how I got my info. He has been banned from a couple of sites for being a douchebag.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

NVB I'm surprised he picking a fight with you , he usually just tries to pick on girls. (unsuccessfully I might add)

Snort you nailed it with the video LMBO.
LAST EDITED ON May-22-10 AT 08:15PM (MST)[p]Only from Jizz,,,,, He was not hugged or loved as a child..

Edit, He still is a kid !! Maybe its not to late?
lol... ive had more than my share of those. I have grown rather fond of them.

LAST EDITED ON May-24-10 AT 06:42AM (MST)[p]Sorry NV I PM'd the wrong person, it was not meant for you. LOL

I have not received a "hate mail" PM yet....just some slaps on the wrist from Founder.

What thread was this PM derived from? I would like to read the thread and see if it was deserved or not. (probably not deserved:)
I posted on another site once about a tag I drew as a non resident and this women that was a member of that site and a resident pm'ed me a long nasty pm about how she hated NR's and we were responsiable for all the mexicans and blacks in her state but she used different language #@%&&*@^ So I copy and pasted it with her name on it and posted it up for everyone to see..... it shut her up.
The only time I got those was on the altamont bull thread in the elk forum.. They were coming in almost every 30 minutes. They were mad enough at me what they were typing didnt make much sense. The emails were a little worse. And when he confronted me at a church dinner and was asked to leave that was pretty funny! But I havent gotten any hate mail since then. Maybe I will have to start trying a little harder.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

NVBighorn, I am coming for You. Let me tell You what You have in store. I am a 6 foot 6 Cage Fighter that was banned from My true love of Boxing. Seems I couldn't control the A$$ whoopin's and was suspended for cruelty. My Forearms are huge from constant self abuse. I am way less fun to be around than Homerj.

What You should be most scared about is the fact I visit MM. Therefore You know, I am a Master Hunter. I have killed over 1000 Dove and tracked them all. Any loser can shoot them as they fly by. Anyway , thanks for making it easy with the name NV. See you soon.
Sheesh NV.. I'm jealous.. I never got a pm where someone said go f..k yourself, no a$$ kick'n threats from cagefighters..

I did get one strongly worded pm from founder for a joke I posted about Michelle Obama if that counts.

I guess I'm doing something wrong and like justr_86 I am going to have to try a little harder.
This thread is simply.....AWESOME. We all know someone, or a few, who are like this in real life. I've never rcv'd a nasty PM but probably havent posted anything controversial. I'd like to see some of those between HoytMe and Stinky or whoever from a while back, bet those were good.

Yukon, OldOregon blew up on you? Now that's funny! I remember the pic he posted of himself when he first got on here....he was sitting in the hi-school library. Kid didnt seem harmful from what I saw of him, you musta really pissed him off! Is he still around>?

I've never once recieved hate mail or nastygrams from anyone on MM. All I get are death threats! ROFL! I die laughing every time I get them. That's what keeps me coming back to this site. Just lots of fun workin guys over with the ol keyboard lol.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
I am wondering why Jazz hasn't chimed in to tell everybody how stupid we are and that this is why we are all the death of hunting in the making.
Well I got one this morning! Apparently someone here works for les schwab and didn't like I was spreading a bad experience that could hurt their business! That was my point! I got the go F*ck yourself, you better keep your mouth shut, you don't know anything about cars. And so on. I'm gonna save it for when corporate calls me back tomorrow!

Must be doin something right finally!

Les Schwab does suck! They broke off 2 of my lug bolts and didn't tell me about it and didn't fix them. I found out a few weeks later when I washed my car. They will never see another dime of mine again.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

People give me a wide berth for some reason. I guess even cage fighters don't want to mess with a hard core turtle hunter???


"I was beginning to lose my stomach for guiding, finding that the hunted were often more noble than the hunter."
Jay Hammond
I feel so alone with no hateful PMs. Have to try harder at being an a$$hat.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Send those boys a case of Muscle milk. LOL
I have had several guys tell me that they was going to stop by my camp,and open up a can of whoop ass. But I guess they got lost or something or maybe the can opener wasn't working.

Just remember old age and treachery will overcome Youth and skill.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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