Trump out foxes em.


Long Time Member
here's a good article on President elect Trump that shows how he gave the Dems fits and managed to score points on topics that inflamed them......LOL Read slowly TOG it tells you how he beat you at your own games and actually managed to wrestle support from within the dems ranks in the process. Pay attention to how he will build the wall.....LOL sounds a bit familiar doesn't it..... It's a long article but a good read on how he outfoxed them and wound up using logically superior arguments to bolster support in terms the common man could understand.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-16 AT 06:01PM (MST)[p]Trump is going to shake up the politics in Washington. One thing that article overlooked is the appointees to his cabinet. The liberal left tries to play it as appointing big business to key cabinet posts.
Trump is not ignorant and is appointing people who share his experience and intelligence. what I am seeing is the appointment of people who KNOW HOW TO NEGOTIATE which is very important when dealing with trade treaties and other foreign policies. No more giving away the store as we did in the past with the likes of Hillary Clinton or John Kerry.

So Trump promised white people everything they could dream of but will never get. and he won the minority vote off his lies. what an absolute genius, he's terrific.

This is a one term strategy but what the hell at his age he only wants one term. he got what he wanted but you won't.

He's simply a lying con man . watch and see.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>So Trump promised white people everything
>they could dream of but
>will never get. and he
>won the minority vote off
>his lies. what an absolute
>genius, he's terrific.
> This is a one term
>strategy but what the hell
>at his age he only
>wants one term. he got
>what he wanted but you
>He's simply a lying con man
>. watch and see.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

And Remind us what Obama was?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
You had better stop believing your propaganda. His education appointment alone has the black community inspired. Contrary to what you've been indoctrinated with there's a serious effort on the left to keep a high percentage of their voters on welfare rolls. No education leads to more dependence and that buys votes. Trumps education appointment has the black community talking about change they can believe in with charter schools or vouchers ( positive change). Higher graduation rates means more opportunity, tractor boy so keep slinging your bull, but we all know it for exactly what it is BS. So about that electoral college result...Hillary dropped more votes that's not anywhere close to winning is it! OOPS you got conned again! How does that no hope feel now? LOL
Have you noticed how many times when bashing Trump, Dude brings up "white people" in a negative way.
I think dude is in need of a shrink to get over his Indian half hating his white half. No wonder our village idiot is so miserable in life that he must stir the crap pot to ease his aggression. Yeah! a good shrink and numerous hours on the couch could do wonders for such a miserable piece of humanity like Dude.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-16 AT 11:51PM (MST)[p]The political community, including the national media, and the author Victor Davis Hanson believe Trump is cunning and instinctive, animalistic in nature. The very idea that Trump outsmarted all of them, makes them think that he must be animalistic, therefore cunning and instinctive rather than intelligent. Because................they are, including the author, intelligent and Trump couldn't possibly be smarter, just more cunning. Using the terms cunning, with animal instinctive is the same as saying he lacks intelligence but is sneaky, crafty, ruthless, like an animal, but not like a human of superior intelligence.

Personality, I think the guy just has a ton of common sense. I don't think there is anything cunning or instinctive about Trump at all. I don't think he ever sat down and put a plan together to defeat the Demo-ists at all. I think, 20 years ago, he was going nuts trying to build a business in a world that was going off it's "common sense rocker". I think he got up every day, went about his business .and said to himself, whole sh!t, what in hell is wrong with people and why are they acting like this.

When he decided to run for President, he just spent 18 month spewing out his 20 to 30 years of frustrations and as it turned out it was the same frustrations half the country had been feeling, for just as long. While he seemed so foreign, unconventional, moronic, and laughable to the elites, it seems absolutely logical and normal to the non-elites.

I don't think Trump is cunning, nor demonstrates animal instincts at all, I think he is straight-up normal and has enough money so that he doesn't give a damn what the elite think, or do. He speaks and conducts himself the very same as T, RELH, eel, NeM, 264, Bos, CornHusker, and all the rest of you folks. But....... Victor Davis Hanson got this part right, "it's about time".

Remember when Obama was a broke a$$d nagger and Rezco bought him a $600000 house? Hill/Bill were flat broke and now worth 150 million? Now, if you have half a brain do you think a billionaire is more likely to get bought off by lobbyists than a broke politician?
How do you know what Trump's net worth is? how do you know this isn't more about making money than anything else? you need to know how much money he owes before you know how much money he has. and he's gone to great lengths to insure we know nothing about his finances.

Trump isn't any smarter than average. he knows it and makes sure he doesn't get shown up by surrounding himself with people he knows won't expose that fact.,-trump-said-he.html

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-16 AT 12:29PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-16 AT 12:26?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-16 AT 12:23?PM (MST)

As another suggested, you don't have to be Einstein to see the changes that need to be made in our country. It doesn't take Einstein to see that we have a border, we have border laws, we aren't enforcing our border laws, we OUGHT to enforce our border laws. It doesn't take an Einstein to see that accepting refugees from parts of the world known to produce terrorists is a foolish policy and that stopping the in-flow of such refugees is prudent.

Neither one of these actions takes above average intelligence to appreciate. It just takes courage and will power to stand up to the ideologues who insist that doing these things is . . . take your pick: xenophobic, Islamophobic, racist, nativist.

It doesn't take an Einstein to see there is something wrong with our trade policies when we have THE MOST LUCRATIVE MARKET in the world, and we can't leverage access to that market to the common benefit of the American economy and the American people. A long-standing trade imbalance on the order of $400 B is unacceptable. It doesn't take a genius to see that it is galacticaly stupid to allow that to continue. Again, ideologues have waved their magic wand and said "Tariffs are evil -- we can't have tariffs!" Really? We can't? Why not? If we have an $800 B trade deficit can erecting tariffs really be worse than that? I'm not saying we need to erect tariffs or that Trump will erect tariffs. But he can and will leverage the value of access of other nations to our market to benefit the American economy and the American people. That is a no brainer.

Knowing we need to rework our trade agreements or just repudiate them whole-hog doesn't take a genius. Again, it just takes courage and will power to stand up to the powers that currently benefit from such a hemoraghing trade imbalance.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-16 AT 12:41PM (MST)[p]How much of our Trade deficit is because of our thirst for oil and cheaper goods?

How do we spark a trade war with such a massive debt that needs to be serviced and a historically strong dollar?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-16 AT 12:54PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-16 AT 12:51?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-16 AT 12:40?PM (MST)

If you haven't noticed, the trade deficit means, in essence, that these other countries are NOT buying our goods in the first place. Again, I'm not saying tariffs are needed or that Trump plans to employ them.

China has long been recognized to be a currency manipulator, not just by Trump but by many. China has long been recognized to block access to their market in many ways, not just to the US but to European businesses as well. Trump has said he will call a spade a spade and label China a currency manipulator. That will have consequences for China's ability to sell into our market. There are other systematic trade barriers to US goods. I believe one of these is that a VAT tax is applied to US goods in other markets that does not apply to home market goods -- a de facto tariff. If we are ourselves the victims of de facto tariffs in other countries, prudence says we do something to level the playing field.

In any case, there are some really brain dead trade conditions that Trump's predecessors have allowed to continue. It doesn't take a genius to recognized them or redress them.

Opinions may vary. I suggest we revisit this subject in 2 years and see how things look from that stand point. My prediction is that many improvements will be observed, and -- most pertinent to my position in my posts -- the improvements will flow from actions that can be seen to be "no brainers." The reason the "no brainer" actions have not been taken prior to Trump is because of political ideology and a lack of fortitude and courage. That is my prediction. Time will tell if I am vindicated or not.

On further thought, NeMont's post is a good example of ideology interfering with common sense solutions. Tariffs HAVE been used to good effect in US economic history. Tariffs have been identified as evil pursuant to economic ideology. It is the nature of ideology to brook no dissent and to admit no counter arguments. Tariffs HAVE been used to good effect and in precisely the situation we find ourselves today. I can grant that tariffs may interfere with selling US goods in other markets without that implying tariffs are never prudent and useful. If you look back in time to when tariffs were useful in US economic history it was when it was desired to protect local businesses against competition from abroad. It can be argued that this is the situation we find ourselves in -- when we have a $800 B trade deficit it is probably more important to protect our local businesses ability to sell into our local market than to promote our local businesses selling into foreign markets. That selling into foreign markets thing isn't happening so much period.

Again, I am not saying Trump is going to use tariffs broadly or that tariffs are the answer. Trump may use tariffs surgically, for example where the VAT tax works in some foreign markets as a de facto tariff against US goods.
The "no brainer" items you listed are not being done for a couple of reasons and it has to be with both parties. Trump was not elected king and he still has to get congress to agree with him. Republican goals may be different then Trump goals.

We should figure out how to save this thread to see what actually happens. It will be interesting to watch.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-16 AT 01:01PM (MST)[p]I think Trump as executive has the power to enforce the border laws that are already on the books. Those laws are not being enforced. Of course Trump can enforce them.

With reference to admitting refugees, again, of course Trump can stop in-flux of refugees.

With reference to trade agreements, I think Trump in his role of president can indeed designate China as a currency manipulator and can judge that nations are in violation of their existing trade agreements with us and take action accordingly, on his authority as executive.

You are cherry picking one item (tariffs) from my emails to say all the actions are beyond Trump's prerogatives. Perhaps tariffs are outside Trump's prerogative -- a power reserved to Congress -- but the other things I site are, I believe, in Trump's purview.
Why do you suppose both Bush and Obama have decided not to label China a currency manipulator? Bill Clinton did just that in 1994 but has anything changed in our relationship with China? There are about $1.2 Trillion reasons for this but if Trump doesn't care about what it cost to service our debt or who is going to buy our bonds, then I am good with labeling China a Currency manipulator.

I don't believe we will be tearing up our trade agreements carte blanche any time soon but I guess we can wish.

Tariffs can be used but they are usually swatting the fly on your forehead with an axe. That never turns out good.

You can't preach that the free market fixes all and then demand a government intervene to pick winners and loser unless you are willing to deal with all the unintended consequences.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-16 AT 02:44PM (MST)[p]So do you think Trump will deport the illegals and build the wall ? or do you hope just he will? let's establish your expectations so we know if we're just blowing smoke or if we're fixing problems.

Obama ran on " hope ' too and you didn't like it when he did it. I see no difference.

As Nemont said let's check back later and see what's actually happened. I cannot wait.

phony azz feel good terifs to save a few union jobs at the expense of US exports is crony capitalism at it's worst. every action has consequences and Trump seems to be too dumb to know it. or care.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Could it be that we have a deficit because:

We, in our early support for trade unions, unions that were formed, founded and justified out of abusive business owners, national and international corporations, that were paying too little and endangering peoples lives, allowed the unions, once they grew powerful enough to control elections, to raise wages and drive over regulation, to the point nearly all of our manufacturing has moved off shore? How can you have a trade balance, if you have nothing to trade?

LIke so many thing, union were a very good thing, then the wrong people got control of them and use them to abuse rather than benefit, as they were originally intended.

How can you have anything to trade if our wages, for the last 30 year, are 5 to 10 time higher than our competitions?

How can you build manufacturing facilities and maintain current ones, when we're regulated on nose picking, taking a leak, smoking a cigarette, birth control, drinking a Pepsi, calling a woman a lady, heating with natural gas, driving a truck with a cracked windshield, digging a hole in a gopher's back yard, putting up a 50 foot flag pole, speaking English, hiring the best person for the job, and I understand from my son, who make silly little signs for women to hang in their living rooms, out of plywood and paint, a thousand more hoops he has jump through to stay in compliance? the entire world, can afford, or would want to "buy American", based on the "wise and intellectual politicians, professors, media reporters" business plan we've been living under for the last 30 years? None, I mean none of these types could develop, manufacture, or market a bottle of drinking water to a desperate, choking of thirst millionaire.

We'll never solve our deficit problem until we have something to sell somebody? Simple as that. And we can snarl and snap and piss and moan about it and global warming, and the price of tea in China, until the cows come home and nothing is going to change, except the size of the deficit. Or........... we can use some common sense and start lifting some regulations, and no..............I don't want to go back to $2 and hour for labor or filthy air and toxic rivers and lakes. There is a huge difference between $75 dollars an hour for factor work and $2 an hour for factor work. Same with the difference in filthy air and zero pollution.

Common sense must become the norm again. But will it? I thought Trump would loose, so what do I know. Maybe he'll surprise me again, I sure as heck hope so. I got hope again, I guess there are some that don't. Well, we've traded places I guess, sorry they feel that way but I feel better, for the time being.

> I got hope again,
>I guess there are some
>that don't. Well, we've
>traded places I guess, sorry
>they feel that way but
>I feel better, for the
>time being.

That was the way I felt after GWB replaced Clinton. The air was fresher, the sky bluer, the adults were finally back in charge and I got dissuaded of that notion by his second term. I was a true believer in him after 9/11 and the horrors of that day and it's aftermath. The whole world was behind us in our fight and GWB squandered it and with it $5,037,588,850,915 addition debt added to the credit card, an economy in free fall and never ending war.

I never bought into Obama's hope and change and he took the lessons of Bush and doubled down on almost everything Bush showed him how to do: more spending, more spying on Americans, more war, more nation building, more debt racked up.

So I am highly cynical of this guy, he wasn't elected king and it appears he and congress want to return to the days leading up to our last economic melt down. It is as if they are on a feed back loop of going back and doing the same thing over and expecting different results.

The reason Trump is president is union workers in WI, MI and PA. he promised them the moon and they bought it.

Now Trump either has to pizz on them or us. which will it be? does he insulate American workers from competition or not? don't give me any shuck and jive about regulations because the cost of American healthcare alone is far more than the foreign workers entire salary and their healthcare is government funded. we cannot compete and we never will.

I believe in buying American when I can, and I do. but I don't want to be forced into it at any price because of liberal union azz kissing promises made by a con man.

What kind of conservatives are you people anyway? the amount of spending Trump has proposed , the crony capitalism and union brown nosing would have been something libs would have been giddy about in days of yore. Nemont nailed it you're fakes.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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