Unit 10 Archery Elk/EARLY RIFLE


Active Member
Just got back from Unit 10 Archery elk after ten days of hunting. I still have a few mornings left to try and get it done! Overall it's been a fun hunt with a lot of interesting and bad situations along the way!

Here's the unlucky experiences we've had during our hunt.

1.) Brother hits bull, other hunter finds it and cuts the head off. Don't know who has the head. It's a bull with really good bottoms and royal with slightly shorter 5ths. Not many bulls were harvested during the 5 day rain storm and horrible rut for the first week of the hunt on the west side of the unit. If anybody knows who has this bull I would really appreciate some info by pm message or on here. Game and fish was called, if anything shows up of it.--More detail posted on this after the next two situations.

2.) Friday evening, the 8th day of the hunt. We glass four bulls up, two exceptional 380+ type bulls. Also an awesome 360 and 350 type bulls rutting and bugling good with only one cow between them. Saturday morning I set up perfectly on them. The bull is coming in extremely hot. Crosses a meadow and is now coming into archery range and on a direct path to me. All the sudden I hear somebody on the ridge next to me YELLING trying to scare the bull. Bull stops coming in and shuts up. Cow crosses the clearing scared to death. Guy slams his door, starts his truck and goes full speed away and onto the next spot. This guy was also going full speed in his truck that same morning just farther away from me, making noise with his truck and trying to shut the bulls up.

I'm assuming this is a guy out scouting for the upcoming EARLY RIFLE UNIT 10 elk hunt this Friday. I'm also assuming he has these bulls picked out for his clients and didn't want me to have a chance at one of them. So yes he saved that bull on Saturday morning but I'm LOOKING FOR A UNIT 10 EARLY RIFLE BULL ELK HUNTER TO HUNT THESE FOUR BULLS. It's going to have to be somebody who's serious and can be able to scout these bulls from a glassing spot days prior to the hunt. My brother will still likely be hunting these bulls on the archery hunt, but these bulls seem to be staying in the same isolated spot so I'm confident they will be in there on Friday morning. I'm not the type that like to cause conflict, but these guys that are messing other people's hunt up need to be taken care of; especially after I possibly could have had an opportunity of a lifetime. I hope the guy that did this will also read this and understand that this crap needs to end!!

3.) If I sit a tank I'll usually put a sign saying I'm at the tank ahead just to let other hunters know I'm on the tank. I don't mind if people drive by the tank, they have places to go hunt also. What I didn't like about this hunt and in unit 10 is the guy who drives past my sign at 5:00 p.m. on a dead end road. Then he drives back by the tank at 5:40. Then he comes back by my sign at 6:30 p.m. and drives back by at 7:00 p.m. Not only that but he decides on his last trip to slam his door just after passing my tank. Just a lot of careless disrespectful people in unit 10, and I hope the people doing this will read this and start respecting the archery hunters in the field. I know you've got the early rifle tag coming up, but the archery hunters have a tag also and they don't come that often either!!

Here's more detail on how the tracking and finding of the bull went. 1.) Brother hits bull at 20 yards in the chest. After 1 1/2 hours of waiting we track blood trail with a ton of blood. Blood starts to fade to drops after .30 of a mile. It's now getting dark so we decide to come back in the morning to finish tracking. Next morning we track blood to two beds where he bleed a pool of blood in each. Continue tracking with good blood and then to drops again. Finally after .50 of a mile drops and tracks had run out, with no sign of a trail. We looked hard in the direction of travel and everywhere we could but the bull had just stopped bleeding. End up finding the bull with it's head cut off by another hunter several days later 1.60 miles from where he had shot it. Same ridge and direction of last blood trail we had, We just missed getting to it before someone else found it. Good luck to whoever has the antlers, I'm sure you have a good story of how you harvested a dead bull!

Other than that I had a great time even with all the rain. Usually I wouldn't post, but after all that's happened in that unit I'm was pretty diss-appointed with how other hunters are acting these days!
yours is not the only sad story of hunters screwin other hunters.

just seems to get worse each passing yr.

bummer that it is happening
Are you sure it was another hunter/guide who scared those bulls? I've seen plenty of antis do that same crap. And it is illegal.
Mike, I hope your brother can connect on the bull, in spite of the yahoos.
I am with sremin about it possibly being an Anti, unless you have other info that leads you to believe it is a hunter/guide for a later hunt.

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Very strange goings on these days. However I agree with the above, sounds like the type of antics antis do. Good luck on the few days you have left.
I sure hope it wasn't a guide. With this thread and the other 10 thread going right now I don't think I will be putting in for 10 anytime soon. Maybe who ever found the bull your brother shot found it rotting so (although illegal) decided it would be a nice rack to have if no one was going to find it.

"I'm just a guy in front of a computer, wishing he was out hunting, living vicariously through the hunting stories of others." Mountainman99
It could be anti's, but with the area I'm hunting it is closed to vehicles. They had a vehicle in there which means they have limited access. They also were in there days prior driving near the tank I was sitting with a noticably loud muffler.
If it was on the Boguillas it could have been a rancher. During the archery antelope hunt a few weeks ago I saw a rancher pull up to a water hole with a blind and a hunter in it. He let his ranch dog out and started whistling and hollering for his cows for about 20 minutes. Then took off for another tank and did it again. It wasn't my impression that he was intentionally messing with the hunt though, but you never know. I dont think the hunter was very thrilled.
I had a similar situation happen to me in 99. A freind had scouted this area for several months and had a big 7x7 spotted. Opening morning we were on him and just needed a few more minutes to make sure of the light when a little white pickup came racing down this road and spooked the bull and the few cows that were there as well.
The frustrating thing is you have put in a lot of prep and you are a positive, good hunter. You deserve more than this. Like YD said hang in there and hopefully it will happen in these last few days.
Take care, Steve
Sorry to hear about your luck if I should even call it that. I hope you guys can get a decent bull out of their still. My friend has an early tag for 10 and I'm planning on going out there on Wednesday and scouting till opener. (minding my P's and Q's for the archers still). Hopefully we can see one of the bulls you guys have been watching. That's if u haven't shot em all. Ha ha. I live in northern Colorado and will be headed your way. Any place we should concentrate on or steer clear of?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-11 AT 11:53PM (MST)[p]

you can be sure that the majority of the unit has had a good amount of pressure already. the rutting has been slow from most of the reports and is due to bust open in following weeks.

north and west sides are often heaviest hit.

and even around williams

i'd try the area in and around stone quarry lake off the pipeline rd. then maybe up the 6 rd to rodgers canyon- very few people hunt west of 6 and rodgers in the juan canyon area back towards ashfork

you should have better weather conditions and will help with drying out the muddy rds.

bring a gps - easy to get turned around!- good luck
After reading post on AZ forum and on the Elk forum,There seems to be alot of lost Bulls in Unit 10 or just alot of guys on here that aren't finding their bulls after they hit them.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Thanks for all the replies, I just wanted to inform you guys of what's going on out there. I just hit unusual circumstances during my hunt that hopefully don't happen again. Wednesday morning I was able to arrow a 315 bull at 15 yards after calling him in. I had a great time and it was even better to finish off the season with a nice bull!
Doesn't Arizona have a hunter harrassment law? If some jackoff were repeatedly driving past a tank I'm sitting in an effort to keep bulls from coming in, I'd get a picture of his truck and file a complaint with AZGFD under that harrassment law. Regardless of whether it is a slob hunter, or an anti-hunter, the best way to put a stop to that kind of idiotic behavior is to file a criminal complain and have their butt prosecuted.
Great job Mike. Glad to hear that you made it happen after all the trouble you faced. I never read where you complained and with your positive attitude you had success. As I said before you deserved it.

Sorry to hear all the crap you had to put up with. You seem like a good guy who has a high tolerance for a-holes. I'm glad you ended up with a bull, congrats. I have 14 points for AZ elk and don't plan on drawing for 3-5 more years. With all that time and money invested in a once in a lifetime hunt, I hope I can tolerate the BS as well as you. You should put a trail cam up on the road to the waterhole. I don't own one, but I will before I go on my next hunt. I will have one on my camp, waterhole road(if I set on one) and anywhere else I think people are trying to screw up my hunt. I not sure what would piss me off worse, the anti or another guide/hunter doing this. Good luck to the rest of you guys.

Congrats on getting a nice bull considering all the b.s. I helped on an early 10 rifle tag last week and we didn't have anything like that happen to us thank goodness. My buddy did end up shooting a really nice 6x6. Rough scored around 390. Biggest bull I've ever seen on the hoof. Very fun hunt saw alot of 320-350 bulls. Congrats again


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