Unit 15 Muzzy Elk Success


Active Member
We just returned home from a great hunt shared with some great hunting partners. I couldn't wait to post the pictures of our bulls. The pictures mean little without the story, but we'll fill that in later. We owe a ton of thanks to the many people that helped with information about the unit. I also owe a ton of thanks to my hunting buddy that allowed me to participate in our adventure by adding me to his application. Thanks Bull aka "The Bone Collector", this guy is one of the best! He is one of the most unselfish people I know and one of the greatest hunters I've had the pleasure to call my friend. Congrats on your 350 bull you deserve it!


Sat Am

Meat in the truck

The Bone Collector Sun Am

Biggs Mon AM

The Boys

Truckload of bones

Bull camp
A huge thanks to this group of guys that helped me with unit 15; stinkystomper, Ichiguide, crazyaboutcoues, ScottNM, runninlopes8, and the nicest game officer in the woods; Mischa Larisch. Thanks for the help in making our hunting trip a success!
We were very lucky to have the bulls still bugling all morning long and no moon for our hunt. Thanks guys for the positive responses.
Thanks Smitty, I had an awesome hunt. I owe my success to you guys for scouting up these bulls. Smitty and our other hunting partner Doug scouted daylight to dark for 5 days before the hunt. They were also nice enough to pick me up from the airport in Albuquerque and haul all my gear to camp. So, back at ya for having a great hunting partner. It took along time to draw this tag and I'm glad we were able to make the most of it. Hopefully we didn't use up all our luck and we can do this again sometime.


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