Unit 20 Moose


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-16-11 AT 10:22AM (MST)[p]I am curious if anyone has some general advice about WY moose unit 20. I have some, but have not scouted yet.

I have a tag here for what will likely be my only moose hunt. Should draw a NM archery elk tag for Sept. 12-22, so I'm thinking it would be best to skip the moose bow season and concentrate on the rut late Sept/early Oct, or when temps drop. I do have some flexibility and was thinking of taking a few days off or maybe a week (I can work in Denver if I want) to rest.

Can anyone describe the access? Do most hunters use horses, backpack or camp from their vehicles? I was planning on backpacking in maybe 5 miles. Anyone aware of how many moose I could typically expect to see? It seems the country these elk live in is more like elk terrain. I have elk hunted a lot, just not moose. Thanks.
I have not spent much time in 20. I had a unit 16 tag just to the north of you in 2008. Similar country. I hunted the last week in Sept. Very hot weather. I stayed in the creek bottoms and hunted morning and evening. Had good success calling bulls in on the evening hunts. Saw many low 30" bulls and a number of bulls that had good width but really no paddles to speak of. Looks like access is tough in that unit, which should make for great hunting. Sorry not much help to you. Best of luck and I look forward to seeing pics come October.
Zim, 20 is a huge unit with very little road access. I'll be hunting this fall with you! it is also pretty good elk terrain, so you should be well suited for the task at hand...just more meat to haul out. This will be my first and only moose hunt, so i need to make the most of it as well. The "info/rumors" I hear from the locals I know who have hunted it tell me they don't see bulls with good palms on them. That they are wide and thin. Also, I have one friend who has been applying for several years, and has one pinned down waiting to draw a tag, says this bull would easily go "book". I'm not sure exactly what score he seems to think it has to his mind, but did say its larger than any bull we have seen in Grand Teton Park, so that says a lot to me. Unfortunately, he won't tell me what location its in.

My route that I commute on, follows the entire eastern boundry of the zone. I have seen several moose this year so far alomng the snake river, coming down from the mtns along the hiway. There are some, about 6-8, different access points along the river to get in the zone, but they only go in a very short distance. Its all on foot or horseback from there. I haven't spoken to more than 2 or 3 people who have hunted in this area just because of the limited access, which would leave me to believe, if you are willing to work for them, bigger bulls would be in the southern 2/3 of the area, but I'm just guessing that. It just seems logical since there would be no road traffic and less "road hunters", just hardcore horse or backpack hunters. the upper 1/3 is interspersed with homes and ranches the further north you go. Still its surrounded with public land, but you really need to start knowing the boundries in that country.

A friend of mine says he saw a lot of bull moose in there this past season while elk hunting. So, if the winter kill didn't hurt us too bad, I'm hoping we can get the chance for a couple of nice ones. I've seen a lot of moose in this area over the years, but can't say I saw anything that really got my heart pounding. keep in mind, all sightings were from the road, so small isn't the rule. I've personally never hunted this area for anything, so I'm going in green too. I will be truck camping when the time comes, so we won't be competeing in the back country!
I hope some of this helps. Good luck this season!

Prarie rocket
LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-11 AT 07:35PM (MST)[p]Unit 20 is a good unit in this area right now but not what it was 10 years ago by any stretch of the imagination. My wife and I have both killed booners in 20. Last year I helped a friend but he only ended up with a small bull. I've hunted moose with friends and family once in unit 10 and 6 times in unit 20. I put my wife, 2 girls and my Dad in for unit twenty this year but no one drew. Hunt it in October, forget the opener. The whole unit is good. Big bulls are found from north to south. Just remember that the wolves have pounded our moose and you won't see the big numbers of the past. I live in the center of 20 and remember going out one morning in October and did some glassing from the truck for elk and counted 15 bull moose during hunting season. It's not like that anymore.
BT, Thats funny just yesterday I was studying the access roads on Google Earth and noticed all the homes which were in that Wilson area. I'm waiting until the New Mexico draw so I can order all my maps together, then I'll call the biologist too. So far I am thinking of accessing from the south or Idaho.
I agree with what BT said. The unit used to be lots better. The wolves are really hurting it. I wouldn't be too picky for what you are holding out for.
I will spend a week or so looking for a shooter, but intend to fill my tag with anything if that's all that's available. I'd like the meat for sure as this may be my only chance.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-11 AT 06:42PM (MST)[p]I went to order some maps for this unit but apparently it is not national forest land? I viewed all the boundaries of the Bridger-Teton NF but it seemed to go around this area. Are there any good trail maps other than USPS topo? Thanks.
Going through my final checklist. Bout ready to roll. Did end up drawing the NM elk tag so I'm doing a combo. Will leave 9/10 and hunt there until 9/22, then work in Denver a few days. So I'll be in Wyoming around October 1st to begin my moose hunt.
Good luck on your NM elk and WY 20 moose hunt Zim!

I am heading out around 9/15 or so and plan to hunt my 61 antelope tag first before I head over to 26 to look for moose with my bow. Have been collaborating with Hoopscoach as he has the same moose tag. Hope to meet up with him at some point.

Shoot straight and stay safe!

Does anyone know any guides with horses that might pack out a moose in the area of Alpine or Jackson?
Barlow outfitting may help you pack one out. They are good at Moose for that unit.
last I had heard was barlow had sold out,but I would just email some outfitters in the area
Just arrived at 3 Rivers Hotel in Alpine to start my hunt. Will begin by taking the day off to go buy some sun tan lotion and flip flops. Tomorrow I'll stop by a couple post offices to see if they have a work station for me to enter data at while I wait for a cold front to blow through. Should have one in Jackson if nowhere else.
Good Luck. It's been a tough one so far. I think numbers are down a bit, but there's some good ones around. Hopefully they'll get moving as the weather cools and the rut picks up.
Took the day to try flyfishing but I suck at that and didn't catch anything. Checked forecast and I'm not huntin tomorrow with 66 degrees. Will scout in the morning, then work all day at the post office to save my vacation day. Then scout the evening. Looks like it will be cool enough to hunt Wed AM.

Still trying to find someone with horses. Should have time to call from work tomorrow. Maybe one of the carriers has a horse. :) Will find out.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-11 AT 01:54PM (MST)[p]I will be elk hunting the 10th thru the 14th near jackson. If you leave your cell number I will call you if I see any moose. I was there last week and saw a few cows. Brian
I will Dave; happy to return the favor from last years antelope hunt. Do you still have the same number? Brian
GOOD LUCK Zim and D,
Chase a couple into unit 25 OK ? I'll be there on the 16th and I'd like to have several to choose from !
Thanks Brian, My cell number is 630-542-0155. I did a lot of scouting and settled on a campsite in the north end of the unit. Short drive to Jackson from where I'm typing now at the McDonald's wifi. I have just seen a cow & calf so far. This unit is rough the hunt is suited for guys with horses no doubt.
We were in the grays the 23rd through 29th. saw 2 dinks at timber line and my buddy saw some cows and one barly more than a dink at the bottom of a rock chute. there was lots of old sign from the bottom to the top.
Shoot just left Jackson Mcd this morning in Riverton now. Wouldnt mind to have met you. Pretty country, town a little too rich for me. Good luck
JMBC, Ya you missed out on shaking hands with Wyoming's worst moose hunter. Yesterday I put in another 5 miles of awesome looking habitat yet observed an astoundingly small amount of moose sign. I also talked to 4 others with tags and their sightings have been dismal as well. I would not encourage any DIYers to apply for this unit. The accessible areas appear to have gone way downhill. I'm taking 2 days off to work in Jackson then will continue hunting Saturday morning. Staying at Motel 6.
You're killing me, Zim. My friend hunted there in 2008. He tagged out the second day (sept 11) on a big bull in the N. Fork of Fall Cr. He saw 8 bulls in 2 days in that drainage. I've only seen a single cow in there.

Hopefully the weather will shake things up a bit. Otherwise it looks like a bunch of us will be shooting at the first bull that walks into an opening on Mosquito Cr.

Maybe blueticker could give us some pointers?
Hunt Report 10/11/11

This is officially the worst hunt of any kind I have ever been on in my life. If you have Wyoming moose points, I would strongly suggest you research the hell out of your selected unit more than typical, and scout it thoroughly more than typical, before applying.

I have worked my tail off for over a week, putting in 10-16 miles per day is mostly remote, difficult to access areas. I have spoken to many elk hunters asking if they'd seen moose. I've done everything. Yesterday I climbed to the highest peak at shooting light, where I could glass 5 miles in every direction. Saw a grand total of 2 cow moose & zero elk. I have spoken with several others with moose tags. They concur. Am aware of 3 hunters who got lucky and tagged small bulls, but for WYG&Y to claim a 100% hunter success rate in this unit is a sham.

Yesterday at dusk I heard a first in my 20 years of hunting.........wolves howling. At least 3 of them, one within ~300 yards. Just prior to that I'd head a bull moose grunting in the timber ~70 yards away. After the first wolf howl the bull completely clammed up.

Thanks god I read in the Jackson newspaper USF&W and the state came to an agreement on wolf management. Too little, too late for my hunt, but should help other sportsmen.

I have 4 days left on my hunt, but realistically give myself a slim to none chance, and slim just left town. Beware others with WY moose points.

20 is a huge unit with plenty of access.

Have ya come in from the Snake River Canyon/south side?

For some reason I thought you where planning on coming in from the Idaho side?

Anyways keep after it and don't get discouraged with plenty of time left to harvest.


Keep after it. Try not to get discouraged. That bull of a lifetime could be just over the next ridge. You can sleep when your dead. Pain is temporary, Glory is forever. Give em hell.

Well, I have run out of inspirational phrases. Best of luck and I look forward to seeing the pictures when you are done.
You see I wish I woulda met ya at Jackson mcd and shook the hand of a real moose hunter. Congrats on the hard fought hunt!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-11 AT 01:42PM (MST)[p]I stayed with my moose, field dressing him until 1 AM. Nice cold 25 degree night and no flies. Butcher at Jackson Hole Processing even complimented me on the excellent condition of the meat. Eager to pull out Sunday morning, go pick up my elk in Loveland, and head home.

If you enjoy listening to wolves howl all night, climbing 2 hours in the dark to glass 5 miles and see nothing, talking to elk hunters who saw one shooter bull moose a mile away in a week of hunting, and having between a 2% and snowball chance in hell of taking a shooter bull...........this is the unit for you. Seriously, they need to get some wolf management in unit 20 and shut down all moose hunting before they're extirpated.

Only two weeks til prime Illinois deer rut. Got to rest up for that next.
>You're killing me, Zim. >Hopefully the weather will shake things
>up a bit. Otherwise
>it looks like a bunch
>of us will be shooting
>at the first bull that
>walks into an opening on
>Mosquito Cr.

dave, You sure your last name isn't Nostradamus? I shot my bull on Tuesday evening by cow calling him...........into an opening............on Mosquito Creek! He was the first bull I saw in 9 days.

As few moose as there were I felt like I just robbed a bank.
Well Zim, he might not have been the monster you were looking for but the effort sure makes him a trophy in my eyes ! I'm leaving tomorrow morning for unit 25. Hopefully all the ones you didn't see are over there. CONGRATULATIONS. Chip
Nice job, Zim! I'm still trying to convince my wife we need to try one more time to find a bull. Hoping that the 4th trip and the last week of October will be the ticket.

I was fortunate to find 2 guys with mules camped in Mosquito Creek who packed my moose out Wed morning. They were from Powell area, and would not take the money I offered in exchange. I left them all my maps, and guided them the next morning on a hunt to fill their cow tag.

Last night I dropped by and they told me of a local from Jackson who'd just stopped at their camp. He has passed on several good bulls including a 44". The biggest he saw was on an island in the Snake River. Claimed he called at it from 200 yards and it was pissed but refused to come in. He claimed it was a grey area wether he could shoot it their, so he passed. The guy also mentioned he'd hiked from Mosquito to Taylor Mountain where I was hunting, so I was in a decent area.

I hope you can return and smoke a shooter. Some cold weather sure would help. If nothing else, you should take your wife and just drive along Fall Creek looking for a cruiser. She might not mind that.
Congrats from back home, sounds like it was quite a hunt and quite a trip.

(aka Murdy)
The moose are responding to calling really well. Dwalton, PM me - I might have some ideas. I haven't really heard of any big bulls, but know where you might find some "last day" bulls.

Wow what a thread. I've never seen someone whine and b%@#$ and moan so much in a post.

And then you disrespect the animal even more by saying "its just a dink". You do not even deserve that bull. It's a shame he was killed by a whine ass like you.

Just because you didn't do the proper research, didn't hunt the right spots, or even know how to hunt moose doesn't make unit 20 any less of an area.

I find it funny how everyone think its doomsday for moose in WY. BS. Everyone complaning just wants moose the easy way. Its not as easy as it was once in the past, but there are still quality bulls coming out of those units.

I hope you never hunt wyoming again. We don't need cry babies like you in this state.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-11 AT 11:37PM (MST)[p]wybhtn,

You need to get yourself a life, bud.

You don't know me.
You don't know how or how much I researched.
You don't know what spots I hunted.
You don't know what spots I didn't hunt.
You don't know how I hunted.

You have no idea how much time I scouted the unit prior to my hunt (6 days!).

You have absolutely no idea how in shape I was for this hunt. You have no idea I ran 6 miles 5 times/week all summer preparing.
You have no idea how many miles or what elevations I climbed each day..........10 to 15.
You have no idea I hiked 3 miles past outfitter camps with BS entitlements to drive his truck 3 1/2 miles past the non-motorized vehicle gates!......and I hiked back the same day!

You have no idea what I did after my hunt. Know what, bud? I stayed to guide an elderly Wyoming RESIDENT to successfully fill his cow moose tag! He didn't know the area like I did, and he told me so. I was glad to help. In fact his partner just called me back again today.

You have no idea this same resident told me a Jackson local with the tag stopped at his camp and confirmed I was directing him to the best drainages I could have at that time.

You have no idea I spoke with 3 area guides afterwards who adamantly confirmed the unit 20 moose herd had collapsed this year and needed to be shut down. All 3 said how lucky I was to take even a small bull, especially as I was a solo NR.

Yes.......I direspected my bull so much I stayed out there a mile from anything in wolf & griz country, alone in the dark, in freezing rain, completely field dressing and bagging my bull until 1 AM in the freakin morning! Upon inspection the next day, the RESIDENT who hauled him out commented he was very impressed with the quality job I did under any conditions.

You pretty much have no clue about anything.......do you?

Sorry if you don't like my review of this unit, but it's not an opinion, it is a plain outright fact. Reality sucks sometimes, doesn't it? But my sole intent is to warn other point holders of the reality, so they can burn their points appropriately.

Perhaps your opinion of good and poor quality would be different if you had to pay $1,400+++ for a permit and wait 12 freakin years? I've been hunting out west for 20 years, in 10+ states, and I know the difference between a good hunt and a bad one.

BTW - How big a moose did you shoot in unit 20 this year???
Quote - "I find it funny how everyone think its doomsday for moose in WY. BS. Everyone complaning just wants moose the easy way. Its not as easy as it was once in the past, but there are still quality bulls coming out of those units."

Really? Seriously?

In 2001 there were 1,215 moose harvested in Wyoming. Ten years later that number had dwindled to 485 moose harvested. That's a 250% decrease. I'm going to go out on a limb, and say there's a serious problem with the moose population in most of the hunting areas.
I can vouch for everything Zim said! I was elk hunting the same general area and it was flat out tough. I hiked a ton of miles and in six days saw four moose, three does and a few elk. Awesome country....tough to find animals! Brian
The only thing you have right zim is I don't know you. And I do not ever want to know a whiner such as yourself. I've based my opinion of you by your posts. You even cried in your last post too. Boo hoo outfitters.

I don't care how many miles you hiked. In fact Thats probably why you didn't kill or see a good bull. You should of been hunting instead of hiking with a gun. Instead you were hiking around infecting areas with your crybaby scent. Wonder how many other peoples hunts you ruined too?

Successful moose hunters in an area such as 20 do not cover much ground. But you didn't think of that. You were too busy being negative about the overall hunt. If you wanted to see more moose why didn't you put in for an area with higher moose pop? Oh that's right, you didn't do any research. Your plan was to just hike around? How did that work out for you?

Are you a biologist? Your numbers don't mean anything If you are not. Did it occur to you that we probably had too many moose? No it didn't. If the moose population was so bad they would close it down. Do you want the state of wyo to keep unhealthy populations just for hunter opportunities? I guess I would too if it kept zim from crying.

Wow, I must say you are truly a piece of work. You're ignorance about the moose population dynamics in Wyoming is staggering.

No sense in aruging a point with someone who just wants to pick a fight. Best of luck to you.


for what it's worth i do have a degree in biological sciences from the University of Wyo.
Yeah dwalton I would say that too if I was wrong.

Zim and yours perspective on moose in wy is its ruined. Mine is its not.

I'll give you another example involving you. You love unit 31 for elk and it gives you a hard on. While there are a lot of people who think that area is ruined. I bet you would disagree.

Maybe I should post a few pics of my buddies unit 20 hunt from this year. Hell just in scouting pics he has 12 different bulls with two smokers. Sadly he killed the biggest one early in his hunt. He was hoping to find a 50 inch bull but settled for 47.

What was nice about his hunt is he didn't complain or cry. He enjoyed the country, the experience and was rewarded in the end.

Awesome of you to come on here and call out another hunter. I've been involved in multiple hunts in unit 20. This has been the toughest year I have ever seen by far. Dwalton threw out some numbers - while he may not be a biologist, the numbers came from one and are readily available on the wyoming game and fish website.

It's known that around half of the moose in all of Wyoming have a parasite. The population is less than half what it was 10 years ago. It has a lot to do with that, as well as predation. In areas like area 20 the calves are getting killed by grizzlies and wolves, and the adults are dying from disease. It doesn't make for a very stable or growing population.
I didn't call out another hunter, I called out a cry baby whiner.

Tough hunt? What do you guys want? It's hunting. That's how it goes sometimes. Do you guys want an apology for actually having to work for something?

Zim is a cry baby quitter. He wanted a big boy but then shot a little one. But he will tell you he hunted hard. Besides walking aimlessly around he was reading the paper and posting here. Yup, he hunted real hard.

Your parasite argument is bs too. I never said the population wasn't down. But there are still plenty of moose there to sustain a healthy population.

What a bunch of whiners.

I guess I'm still trying to figure out where all your anger and hostility comes from. When it comes to biological statistics, you show nothing but arrogance and ignorance.

From your one post, you imply you know me and what makes certain parts of my body erect. If I've met you before, and pissed you off I apologize.

I have to say Brad (wymoose) seems like a very straight-up guy. He has helped me out with several places to look for moose this year. Don't understand your anger towards him.

I guess it just goes back to the simple rule - if you don't have anything nice to say....

Best of luck to you!
Wybhtn, I'm not standing up for anyone, or how hard they hunted. I grew up next to this unit and know that populations are down. You probably shouldn't call BS on something you don't know about. Here's a few articles to help you better understand the issue. Declining Moose numbers are not BS - some reasons are known, others aren't. I hope they can figure it out before the population gets too low.





http://gf.state.wy.us/downloads/pdf/mooseworkinggroup/45th_IFalls_Final_Program.pdf (see abstract on page 27)

This is an issue affecting Wyoming Moose.

I never said the moose pop isn't down. But guess what? So is the deer elk antelope etc. That doesn't mean you can't have a quality hunt.

And I'm not angry. In fact I find it humorous that someone would complain as much as zim about an area he alone picked out.

I have nothing against Mr. carter. It sure is nice of him to help you out.
I got NO dog in this fight-----

All I can add is that I have alot of respect for Ken/Zim in his hunting style and Ken's self confidence from hunting so many Rockie Mountain states and his Harvests....for hell sakes---he is from the midwest!!

The guy is a true DIY go hunt type guy.

Plus my respect for 'dwalton' is utmost as he or one of his family members Always harvest truely respectful representatives of the species they hunt......year -- in -- year -- out.....

My personal thoughts are the WG&F should NOT issue Cow/calf Moose tags in ANY Wyo Moose unit--period.

Blaming the wolf or Grizz is lame--- it is hunters harvesting next years---future years----Moose Cow/calf's that has brought Wyo Moose hunting to what Ken First Hand witnessed.

I certainly Respect your input 'WYmoose' but Jacking up Zim or dwalton is kinda backdoor....logic....nothing personal intended at all WYmoose.

Dude you think I haven't read all your links?

I didn't call BS on declining or lower moose numbers. Show me where I did.

I called bs that there isn't any quality bulls around. Because there still is. And I know what I'm talking about too. Not just you buddy.

All I'm saying is don't cry about having the opportunity to hunt moose. Make the best out of it and enjoy it. Or be like zim and cry every day. Whatever.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-11 AT 09:27AM (MST)[p]wybhtn,

NOBODY on this thread agrees with your expert evaluation.


You clearly have some cob up your *** or something. Come on here calling everybody names. The moderator needs to take out the trash.

I could go on and on with examples that totally debunk your crass comments about myself and others on here, but you have just been ignoring fact after fact after fact so it's obviously pointless.
I'm glad you posted this morning, I was feeling bad that you might of done something to yourself after coming to the realization you wasted your moose tag. The tag I do believe you said would be your only chance at moose (see quote). And you failed.

"I have a tag here for what will likely be my only moose hunt."

What facts have I been ignoring? You guys said the population of moose is low, did I disagree? That is a "fact" I could of told you BEFORE you put in. If only you did some research...

I said you didn't know how to hunt moose. In fact in your original post you even said that. See quote below:

"I have elk hunted a lot, just not moose"

I said that there are still quality bulls there. Do you disagree? Wymoose even said that there is. See quote:

"Good Luck. It's been a tough one so far. I think numbers are down a bit, but there's some good ones around. Hopefully they'll get moving as the weather cools and the rut picks up."

I called you a whiner and a cry baby. See quotes. I will not quote them all, just a few:

"This is officially the worst hunt of any kind I have ever been on in my life."

You put in for an area without knowing anything about it, you said you thought it was "horse" country. Funny I've never see country that is just for horses. And then to even add to it you were trying to find someone with horses during your hunt! Sounds like something a prepared hunter would of done BEFORE the hunt. Let's get back to the whining....

"but for WYG&Y to claim a 100% hunter success rate in this unit is a sham"

Ok Zim so you believe their moose numbers and surveys but you do not believe their harvest info huh? Oh for the record the hunters before you were hunters not whiners. You just got lucky on a bull, that is all.

"Yesterday at dusk I heard a first in my 20 years of hunting.........wolves howling. At least 3 of them, one within ~300 yards" What an awesome experience. Something everyone should experience sometime in their life. Instead you probably didn't go back there because you think the wolves have ruined everything. On my moose hunt we heard wolves every night and guess what Zim. We still killed a monster bull...

"I have 4 days left on my hunt, but realistically give myself a slim to none chance, and slim just left town"

Way to stay optimistic Zim. You must be a fun guy to hunt with. It gets hard and you get crying...

"If you enjoy listening to wolves howl all night, climbing 2 hours in the dark to glass 5 miles and see nothing, talking to elk hunters who saw one shooter bull moose a mile away in a week of hunting, and having between a 2% and snowball chance in hell of taking a shooter bull...........this is the unit for you. Seriously, they need to get some wolf management in unit 20 and shut down all moose hunting before they're extirpated."

Boooooooo Hoooooo

"Only two weeks til prime Illinois deer rut. Got to rest up for that next."

Maybe you should stick with whitetails. And whitetails in the rut. Its obvious you like stuff easy and do not want to hunt for it.

I know of at least one guy who had an awesome experience and a trophy to always remember from 20 this year. Regardless of the size (47 inches :) ) he didn't complain or cry like you did. It's people like you that put State Wildlife offices in tough positions. They can't do whats right because theres always someone there to cry about it.

Have a good life Zim, and don't come back to Wyoming ever again.

I would post more but I'm putting some moose meat in the crockpot.
"Blaming the wolf or Grizz is lame--- it is hunters harvesting next years---future years----Moose Cow/calf's that has brought Wyo Moose hunting to what Ken First Hand witnessed.

I certainly Respect your input 'WYmoose' but Jacking up Zim or dwalton is kinda backdoor....logic....nothing personal intended at all WYmoose."

I'm not really sure what you mean here. There's a lot of contributing factors here. Jacking up Zim? Anyhow - I take no offense.

I'm done with this thread at this point. Nice harvest Zim, good luck DWalton, and I do think there are still a few nice bulls in 20 as Wybhtn said - but they can be pretty tough to locate at times. I also think an increase in population would benefit all parties involved.

Congrats on your DIY moose hunt Zim. wybhtn your a tool!! You've cried more on this thread than any thread I have ever read anywhere. TOOL !!!!!
Way to go Zim you've dug up a jerk in wybhtn. Who's whinning "Zim Don't come back to Wyoming again" Where do you decide who goes to Wyoming or not. Zim I appreciated the report on Unit #20. I have 12 points and that was good info to me.
Nice bull! The hunt is what it is about. I expect you saw some exceptional country up there.
>Way to go Zim you've dug
>up a jerk in wybhtn.
> Who's whinning "Zim Don't
>come back to Wyoming again"
> Where do you decide
>who goes to Wyoming or
>not. Zim I appreciated
>the report on Unit #20.
> I have 12 points
>and that was good info
>to me.

huntnrich, During my hunt I got three PM's from residents with the tag. Each knew at least one other tag holder who went home emptyhanded and two failed to see one shooter bull during their hunts. The unit has been 100% success rate in the past, but that stat should drop considerably. Not trying to criticize WY nor their management. Just the way it is. I watched the biologist check my bull for parasites. They take that very seriously so I expect it's making a serious dent in the herd. Wolves weren't their fault but hopefully that will be remedied starting next year. Hope you find the right unit next year.
wybhtn, It seems to me after reading this thread you just want to pick fights? I am not sure what your issue is or why you feel the need attack another hunter who is trying to fill his tag. This thread was going just fine without your childish input.

You may not agree with his tactics?

You might think he is going about asking questions the wrong way? This is not a tag you get every few years, get it?

Who are you to come on here and become the "Internet know it all tough guy" and start slamming and name calling?

I hope if you ever need help people will be more respectful and helpful than you have been.

Edit you are niether. Good day.

Well it's down to the last week. Did you have any luck convincing the wife to give it one last try? Hope so.

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