Unit 41 Bulls Thread BS


Founder Since 1999
I read most of that thread and there's a lot of crappy back and forth talk that I don't want on this site. End it and don't do it in the future. If you don't have anything decent to say, say nothing.

I ask you all to PLEASE let me know as soon as you see some crappy post like the one ripping the OP for asking for help. I just can't read every post on this site and this stuff slips by and turns into crap like that thread. PLEASE, at the bottom of every post on the site is a link called "ALERT". Just click it and tell me to look at the post. It only takes a moment.

Threads like that disgust me. If someone doesn't want to help someone on this site, don't. But don't rip into someone asking for help. If that's what you want to do, go somewhere else. This site is for hunters to connect and help each other. If you don't like that, go away.

I'll do better to try and read more threads here on the site, but I ask you all to send me an ALERT when you see a post that might need to be removed. I may not agree on all, but I'd guess that I will agree on most.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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Well said, and thanks for trying to mitigate some of the nonsense on here. It's sickening and sad at the same time to see fellow "sportsman" be little and degrade others on a site that's meant to be a resource. Good on you for taking it down.

"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the wolf does not perform in the circus."
Well Said Founder!
As I have said on other sections of MM when I grew up hunting was a family and friend sport and a great time was had by all with success or not. If you are willing to share info do so if not don't it's that simple. Hunting in my opinion has become way to competitive.
Guys come on here all the time the first of July. They say I am busy and I can't scout. Or My child, mom, dad, what ever has drawn a tag. With their first post, the very first post.
They ask for help, then they are gone. They don't come back and leave a report. They don't come back and say thank you. They come in glean the information and are gone.
Then some openly provide that info that was given to them to anyone and everyone.

Some might look at it as helping but its not. It hurts the other guys that hunt that unit. It also hurts hunting in general because those guys don't actually hunt. They are given locations they didn't work for. They didn't hunt!

Its easy to give away info you didn't work for. they didn't spend the time off work, or gas, no nothing. They are not investing in their own hunt. They just ask and expect to receive?

I have helped a lot of guys on here. I am going to say probably over 50 people I have helped. I have developed friendships with some and others never even say thank you. They don't give a report no nothing.

Info on hunts needs to be in private messages not on the open forum.
I understand your view, but I'm not going to allow you or anybody else to make other members feel bad for asking questions. If you don't want to help someone, then don't. But do not post crap making someone feel bad for asking a question.
This site is for sportsmen to connect and share knowledge and adventures with each other.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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Hot spotting is when people share hunting spots in public. It leads to unsportsman like behavior and localized over harvest.

A tip, is in a private message.
Its not arrogance, it is utter disbelief that someone can ask the exact location of an animal and we can either say nothing or give them what they want.
I am stunned by this, Oh well.
Heck ya we have the right to freedom of speech. People like Ron abuse it.
I'm a believer in helping people anytime/anyplace I can. This is my DNA and the way I approach life daily.
Anybody wonder why people are hesitate to post pictures and engage in the forums on MM. The reason is because we have douchebags that can't keep there mouth shut.
Ron is fine to not like people who ask for information, and he's welcome not to give them information, however it's not fine at all for anyone using this site to try and make someone feel bad for asking certain questions about hunting.

It seems simple to me, if you don't like a question someone asks, then just don't answer. And then don't look at the thread again. Simple.

I'm sure Ron is a great guy and has helped many, and that's cool, so don't trash him. He, and others who do it, have been asked not to try and make someone feel bad or stupid for asking questions. Ron and others I'm sure will abide and all will be good.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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My take.
Helping somebody on a limited entry hunt, and helping somebody on a General OTC hunt are two separate things. The area I hunt, and frequently mentioned here, has been hammered by out of state hunters and I can attribute that directly to Social Media. I also saw some appalling behavior this year. Cars not even parked on the edge but in the Hwy. Guys out of said vehicles with spotting scopes trained on the top of a mountain. This in an area that sees a lot of non-hunters. I would say I felt a little angry.

I see both sides of this issue. I love seeing new hunters and showing NR friends a good time. I realize how important NR hunting is to every state, and how Hunting could be gone in 50 years if we don't recruit.

I believe if you don't have something nice to say, its better to not say anything at all. I haven't always, but try my hardest to live by that. I will/have helped many people on LE tags, but keep my mouth shut about OTC units. The areas I grew up hunting for 40 years are being hammered. I would personally like to see units micromanaged better by the F & G. If that means quotas on each unit, so be it. If that means going into draw, so be it. If that means shorter seasons, so be it. I would like to see this valuable resource protected more.
?? Good on you Founder. This has been happening way to often lately.

I have helped numerous people on this site and received help from many. Awesome site.

A person can decide to help or not, in open forum or PM and how much help they are willing to give.

Pretty easy to move on with out a negative post.
To address the group,

Hope you all have a great Holiday and wish the best to all on this website.

In good fun I honestly asked for good spots to find a good bull for one of my dear friends who I love to hunt with him and his family. We live several hundred miles apart and the guy has spent many hours in the unit. He?was more than capable of filling his tag and saw some nice bulls, which ultimately as the tag holder he chose not to fill. There is not one person here who wouldn't ask for info to help out a friend or ?one up? your buddy unless you are a jealous hunter. The time spent in the field regardless of the size of the animal used to be the norm. I guess not anymore. Our group trophy hunts, unless it's a meat tag and enjoy every experience. If truth be told many members of this siite applied for a tags or tags on a whim with info shared here. Once again, the late bull tag in 41 as a NR is tough to draw and a dandy hunt. Sorry for asking info, should have said we had a Henry tag ,Antelope Island, Gila 15/16, Az,10 or Wyoming G/H or AZ strip. Hunting is getting harder and odds tougher. My initial response was in MM good spirit.

Well wish all of you and your 2020 hunts and draws.

Please don't tell me that this site too is now resorting to censorship like the ultra-libtard social media platforms. Last I checked, we still have a First Ammendment.
I've never written a First Amendment for Monster Muleys. That's a government thing. For the most part, Free Speech is allowed on this site, but with exceptions. (See rules for exceptions)

Everyone knows how to behave.

I'm locking this thread, but I do ask everyone to help me out by sending a PM when you see posts that may need to be removed. Thanks

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Well Said Founder!
As I have said on other sections of MM when I grew up hunting was a family and friend sport and a great time was had by all with success or not. If you are willing to share info do so if not don't it's that simple. Hunting in my opinion has become way to competitive.
I couldn't agree.more
Maybe all the guys on here that like to attack people should make their own website! A$$hole outfitters and nobody would bother them hahahaha!

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