Unit-44 overrated?


Very Active Member
I drew a 44 deer tag this year and have been doing some research on the unit, I keep reading about what a great hunt it is, but to be honest I have yet to see any photos of any truly giant bucks that have been taken from this unit, and most of what I have read here on Monster Muleys and a few other forums is pretty damn disapointing to say the least.

This is the first deer tag I have ever drawn in Idaho and I have been faithfully putting in every single year for the last 33 yrs.
I have been putting in for unit 40 the last 24 yrs and unit 45 the decade before that, got a wild hair this year and put in for 44 and drew, but I'm starting to think it ain't much better than
some of the general units that border 44.

So how bout it? Anybody have some pics or stories of any 190+ bucks that have been taken out of 44?
Why would you post a pic of a big deer and put the unit you shot it in? I have posted pics of my 203 gross 191 net typical before but have never posted where he lived. Why would I? I also choose not to enter him into the book, I don't want the county to get credit. It just draws more attention to a hunt IMO.

I don't judge the guys who do I just don't understand it.

I think whats disappointing is people put in for units they have never been to and only know what they see on monster muleys or bullshitting at banquets. Then tey draw the tag, dont put in the footwork and glassing hours it takes to pull out a big buck (which can be done in almost any unit in idaho and pull a 200" buck out) and just expect that tag to be great and not have to work for it. I have several friwnds that have drawn that tag over the last few years and have spent countless hours with them scouting. We have turned up and harvested good animals but it was our hard work and dedication that did it. But myself, i cant draw a tag to save my life yet every year i train harder, scout longer, and hunt harder because i have a lot lower chance of finding a 200" buck.

Im disappointed that people draw that tag and instead of being out scouting it in real life they sit on the computer bashing it. I know not everyone has the time or the money to scout a ton but its those who make that sacrifice that earn that 200" buck on their wall in my eyes.

And by the way, i find 180-190+ bucks in general units every year so if that draw unit doesnt have any, maybe just leave that tag with fish and game and someone like me who really appreciates it will come pick it up. Thanks
X2, leave that tag unclaimed and I'd be more than happy to have a chance at getting it on the 2nd drawing... I just have to ask, have you ever stepped foot in 44?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-13 AT 06:13PM (MST)[p]>I think whats disappointing is people
>put in for units they
>have never been to and
>only know what they see
>on monster muleys or bullshitting
>at banquets. Then tey
>draw the tag, dont put
>in the footwork and glassing
>hours it takes to pull
>out a big buck (which
>can be done in almost
>any unit in idaho and
>pull a 200" buck out)
>and just expect that tag
>to be great and not
>have to work for it.
> I have several friwnds
>that have drawn that tag
>over the last few years
>and have spent countless hours
>with them scouting. We have
>turned up and harvested good
>animals but it was our
>hard work and dedication that
>did it. But myself, i
>cant draw a tag to
>save my life yet every
>year i train harder, scout
>longer, and hunt harder because
>i have a lot lower
>chance of finding a 200"
>Im disappointed that people draw that
>tag and instead of being
>out scouting it in real
>life they sit on the
>computer bashing it. I know
>not everyone has the time
>or the money to scout
>a ton but its those
>who make that sacrifice that
>earn that 200" buck on
>their wall in my eyes.
>And by the way, i find
>180-190+ bucks in general units
>every year so if that
>draw unit doesnt have any,
>maybe just leave that tag
>with fish and game and
>someone like me who really
>appreciates it will come pick
>it up. Thanks

Damn Nick yer a hell of alot nicer in person than you are on the net..
I met you while I was out Chukar hunting you were shed hunting,
I find it kinda funny that you act like some kinda bigshot on here cuz when I met you you were very unprepaired,you were quite a ways from your vehicle and you didn't have any water or food, you and your two AF buddies were plenty happy to accept some of mine though.. You sure were much more humble that day fer sure.

Now for the record! I didn't ask for nothin' more than a freakin pic or a story!! But Your tiny little phukin mind ASSUMED!!! that I have never been in the unit, that I don't scout or put in any footwork, I really wouldn't give a pinch of sh!t for you or ANYBODYS!! lil honey hole, secret spot, or a starting point,
If I wanted any of that I would of asked for it, but I didn't!!! did I????? I asked for a pic and a story, thats it!!
I happen to know the value and satisfaction of doing it ALL!! on my own, cuz I been doing it that way my whole freaking life and I ain't about to change now..
You or Juan ain't even got a little clue of who I am or how long I've been stomping around in Idaho back country.
Yer sittin there whining about not being able to draw a tag,
Did you even read my post?? It took me 33 PHUKING!!! YEARS TO PULL A TAG!!!!!!!!!
Sh!t boy I been trying to pull a tag before you were even born!!
x2 for Juan...........

Now for any grown ups that have anything useful to offer without puffing up and trying to sound like some badass wannabe would like to reply let me just clairify a few things..

I put in for 44 because the odds of drawing unit 40 are slim to none and getting worse and worse every year and to be honest after 33yrs of never drawing a tag I just got to the point of thinking I will never draw a tag anyway. So my buddy suggested we put in somewhere different I agreed and suggested unit 52, him and his two sons liked the idea of unit 44 It really didn't make any difference to me anyway cuz I had givin up any hope of ever drawing a tag anyway so I aqgreed to put in for 44.
So whata you know we drew, ok well that's cool with me I've heard good things about the unit, and love exploring and hunting new country.
I have hunted 43 several times and glassed over into 44 looked like some decent country,we've put many days afield in 48 Elk hunting and glassing over into 44 and have skied Soldier mtn many times, plus it's less than an hour from my house to Fairfield.
So we start looking for and at maps of the unit and googleing up what ever info we can find, we went over there scouting and getting a feel for the unit yesterday from daylight to dark, seen a bunch of Elk but not many deer, and no deer and very little sign over 8000'elev.
So from what reaserch that I've done so far I've come to the conclusion that the unit is overrated, many have compared it to units 40 and 45,, so far I don't see any comparrison.
All I wanted from my first post was to see if anybody here knows firsthand of any true whoppers that's come out of 44 in recent years, I would love to be proven wrong about my thoughts on the unit.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-13 AT 06:13PM (MST)[p]No need for the hostility, sheesh. But you are right I don't know you or anything about you I was just simply asking lol... I do not personally believe it's over-rated but that's just me. Also, if you google image search "idaho unit 44 mule deer" you will find some pics that are "web confirmed" unit 44 bucks... I wish you luck on your hunt and hope you find what you're lookin for...
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-13 AT 07:44PM (MST)[p]Thanks Juan, I'll check it out.

As far as the hostility, well it just chaps my hide when some little internet huntin' hero like that boy in post two posted up
like he's some sorta huntin' god or something, pretty easy to pick out the blowhards like him,they're still wet behind the ears but some how have seen and done it all..and yer little question right behind his didn't do much for my attitude,
so I guess youy just got caught in the crossfire.

I will say this for him though he sure ain't afraid to go out and put on the miles shed hunting, I've seen him out in a few of my Chukar spots thinking that boy wants them sheds almost as much as I want some Chukar, there ain't many folks that would go to the effort to get where we are just for a shed or a Chukar.

I guarantee you that little picture he painted of me in post two
Ain't even in the ball park, I ain't going to go off about who what I am, but I promise I have put in my time.

I appreciate the info Juan, good luck this year.

First, congrats on drawing the tag. You have waited a long time to draw the tag and it should be a fun hunt.

In my opinion Unit 44 is overrated. To clarify, I think that it is overrated based on the quality of animals taken vs the draw odds of the tag. There is a lot of hype to the unit mainly from "internet sites and banquet dinners". With that said you should have a great opportunity to kill a quality buck.

I agree with you that it is unfortunate when people attack guys on the internet just for doing some research. Most guys, including Nick and Juan, like to boast that they are billy bad a$$ hunters. There is a huge difference between finding big dear on their winter range and finding them during the hunting season. The idea that "i find 180-190+ bucks in general units every year" is complete bull$hit. If he could find that quality of buck during an the general hunt, he would have more Youtube videos. Because every billy bad a$$ can't resist to brag about how good they are.

Good luck on your hunt.
Id like to apologize for spouting off like that. I personally dont know you and the 2 air force buddies you are referring to i dont believe that you met me. I have never needed supplies from anyone. So i think you might be talking about someone else. That being said, i am sorry. Im just frustrated at all of the stories i hear and people i see in the field that dont appreciate the opportunities they have. Every year i help someone i know with an awesome hunt they draw just wishing i could be the one behind the tag. But that was no reason to las out on someone i dint know. Now that i reread my post i can see how offensive it can be taken.

As far as the needing supplies, i train at the gym all the time, i scout all summer long, i shoot my bow several nights a week, i read maps several nights a week, i save all of my vacation for hunting season, and i put countless hours on my boots and behind my glass. I am fairly young but im hungry!! I hunt really really hard! So i guess when i hear people talk as if choice units are overrated and whatnot it makes me jealous at the opportunities at hand for you.

I think almost all units in idaho have 200" potential and that definitely includes all of the choice draws. It just takes work to find them. Im not saying im se hotshot hunter at all! But i think i put in my fair share of effort. And the last 3 years i have found bucks of the caliber i have posted in general units on public land all diy. That being said, i havent been able to capitalize on them yet. Just video of them, no bullets or arrows.

So like i said, i should have read my post before posting it. For that i apologize. You have a great tag with tons of potential! Hit the hills hard and high and im sure you can find a smoker.
I'd say 44 is over rated, but only because the F&G is mismanaging it. Guys are killing a lot of two points during that early season hunt. I'd question whether enough bucks are living to maturity. If not, the most dominant bucks aren't getting a chance to pass on their genes. I was there in the middle of the rut and saw a lot of dinky bucks chasing does. Having said that, I'd love to hunt the area again some day...
Unit 44 in my opinion is not over rated! There are a lot of deer in this unit and with the long season dates its an awesome hunt. If you want a chance at a "truly giant buck" then your going to have to work for it. Most people that shoot the bigger deer are locals that spend a lot of time in the unit and have years of experience living and hunting in it. However anybody with a tag has the same chance as everyone else. I would just hate for you to get discouraged before you get the chance to experience it. Only you know what deer would make you happy so make the most of it and enjoy your hunt. Dont overlook some of the Access Yes properties that are available to hunt or some of the higher country along the open unit borders, you could find lots of bachelor groups up there. Good luck.
>I'd say 44 is over rated,
>but only because the F&G
>is mismanaging it. Guys
>are killing a lot of
>two points during that early
>season hunt. I'd question
>whether enough bucks are living
>to maturity. If not,
>the most dominant bucks aren't
>getting a chance to pass
>on their genes. I
>was there in the middle
>of the rut and saw
>a lot of dinky bucks
>chasing does. Having said
>that, I'd love to hunt
>the area again some day...

There is no early or 2-point hunt in UNIT 44.
I agree that most of the state hold's 200" deer. I've been lucky enough in 9 hunting season's to get to tag along on deer or elk hunts in some of the better units including 32, 40, 42, 44, and 45, and general hunt units 32, 39, 43, and 73 so I feel like I have a fairly wide perspective of the potential quality and the difficulties in hunting each unit. Given that my personal opinion is that 44 is a much harder hunt to kill a big buck in that most of the others, in part because it isn't a "rut" hunt, and because it takes a much younger man to hike it than say 45. That said it carries deer just as good as any of the others, there just harder to find and get to.

I, unlike some, do not give extra respect for people who think they are better because they spend every minute they don't work hunting or scouting. I have a family, and other priorities.

TO the OP, I would say, you got what you asked for, a unit with as much potential as any other in the state, but since you wanted better draw odd's you chose a unit you will have to work harder in. Don't blame lack of potential. This unit is not overrated, it has an 8-10% draw odd, instead of >5% for a reason.
I dont think you are deserved of some sort of respect for any effort you put in. But i think the unit potential demands the respect of the hunter to put forth the effort for the caliber buck he she wants to kill. No unit is a gimmie. I have always thought the harder you work the better your chances will be at killing the caliber animal one desires. The people that road hunt on opening weekend and thats all are no different than the people who scout it 3 months in advance. The only difference is the possible opportunity to tag an animal that the unit has potential for increases i think by the effort put forth. Maybe im wrong.
One of idahos biggest muleys was shot from the road according to Idaho greatest mule deer book.
Is 44 overrated? Maybe, probably, although bucks come down all the way from the Stanley basin to winter around that country. If you get any early snow up high 44 is gonna be a really good bet to see nice bucks. The problem with Idaho is that every single "top unit" has draw odds that don't jive with the quality of that unit. 45, 40, 42, 44, 22..... all have insanely hard to draw tags, but none of these units one would call premier trophy units. Although I would love to have any of those tags, It feels like it is too hard to draw those tags. I find that strange, maybe a product of no bonus point system? Any one else have thoughts on that? Don't get me wrong I would much rather have a no point system than a point system. The best part about Idaho is not the draw units, It's the quality and quantity of the general hunts.
Well Nick, I appreciate what you wrote in post 9 it took some big ones to fess up like that, no doubt I have a few posts kinda similar to your first post floatin' around out there on some forums I wish I could take back..
I have no doubt that you are a very dedicated hunter, and I'm sure you're a fine young man, I wish you nothing but good luck with future draws and all your endeavors...........

Believe me I know all about the frustrations of sitting on the sidelines watching other folks draw tags.
I'll tell ya though that frustration starts to fade and a little panic sets in when you reach yer fifties and you still haven't EVER!! pulled any kind of limited entry tag,think about that for a moment.

Fortunately My buddy and I are still in great health we both eat healthy and live a very active and healthy lifestyle, with a few parties mixed in there once in awhile of course, Heh-heh... :)
We've been best friends since Cub scouts,theres no doubt in either of our minds that we have each others backs under any circumstances, anywhere anytime.
My pards two son's that also drew,, thats right 4 of us drew unit 44 tags on a party hunt, can you believe that?? :)
Anyways them two boys are in their early twenties they're both lean tuff and ready to go,both very experienced woodsman and dedicated hunters.
No doubt in my mind they both want me and their pa to get the buck of our dreams much more than they want one for themselves and will do anything in there power to insure our success.
Kinda nice knowing that I can go anywhere I please in them mountains and them boys would scramble up there fast as they could to help get it packed out, sure does open up a bunch of country fer sure.

Ain't none of us lookin' for an easy buck, we're lookin' for them WHOPPERS!! that we been dreamin' about our whole life,
and are plenty willing to eat our tags if we don't find what we're after, we've killed plenty of game in the past, no itchy trigger fingers here. I can guarantee that if and when we do connect it won't be anywhere near a road, Both my pard and I own our own business's his two sons work for him and we have pretty much all and any time we want or need to scout and hunt, and we damn sure ain't gonna waste one single spare moment doin' anything else.
I learned a little about the unit today, and of some of the huge bucks that have been taken out of there in the past few years,I now know of 3 well over 200" nontyp.. bucks taken out of there in the past few years,and will get a chance to lay eyes on em this week. My pard has secured accsess through atleast 3 different private properties and has learned of the whereabouts these bucks were shot and was told that there's plenty more where they come from.
All in all I'm now startin' to feel pretty good about this tag,
And we're just barely getting started, Yep the excitment is really starting to hit me now.

Many-many thanks for everybodys time to make a reply and for all the Pm's I recieved, there's a vast amount of knowlage shared on here and i wish everybody nothing but good luck..
>There is no early or 2-point
>hunt in UNIT 44.

My bad. I had a 40 tag and remember of guys telling me about the 2 pt hunt that year...
That's what I've heard also,that a majority of the bigger bucks have been taken off of private land in this unit. Some of them charging a pretty big access fee.
Send me your email address and I will send you scouting pics and harvest pics from 2011 when I drew the tag. In my opinion it's good hunt for the guy who can spend time picking out your buck before the season opens. The biggest bucks I found in pre scouting were all killed on the opener.
There is just to many tags and the bucks are to relaxed that early in the season for everyone to get a big one. who ever works the hardest during the scouting season will have the best chance during the hunt as the deer don't move much that early.
Good luck.
I think its a great unit with great potential to kill a giant. IMO the genetics are awesome in that area. A lot of young, great scoring bucks. I just wish they would reduce the tag numbers and maybe let a few of those bucks get a little older and become true giants.

That being said I have never put in for the unit and probably never will because 225 tags in a lot for that small unit. And if you don't have exclusive access to some private ground it means you'll most likely be in an opening day foot race for your #1 hitlist buck.

It sounds like you have a great start lining up some private access and unlimited days to hunt. If I had the tag I'd definitely be scouting my ass off and plan on taking ole #1 on opening before someone beats me to him.
I wouldn't be bummed if 33 years of waiting for a tag ends in a one day hunt, I'd be relieved.

Good Luck!
it is overrated unless you have access to private land or you ride dirt bikes all over hell. i have pulled a couple nice bucks over the years 25 & 28.5 " 4x4"s never bothered to score...

hunt high on iron mt. early, and don't underestimate the foothills. they hold some big groups of bucks and some real quality. never done much good in the timbered portions.
I had that tag in 2007. That year the snow came early and at that time the hunt didn't open early like it does now. The deer high tailed it out of there that year by the second week of the hunt. I saw some nice bucks early and the end of the season it was a ghost town for deer. Several of us here took a whipin that year because we held out too long but that is hunting.
You have a good tag enjoy it and hunt early. Ron
>I had that tag in 2007.
>That year the snow came
>early and at that time
>the hunt didn't open early
>like it does now. The
>deer high tailed it out
>of there that year by
>the second week of the
>hunt. I saw some nice
>bucks early and the end
>of the season it was
>a ghost town for deer.
>Several of us here took
>a whipin that year because
>we held out too long
>but that is hunting.
>You have a good tag enjoy
>it and hunt early.

^ This. Hunt early.
For whatever reason migration patterns changed in that area. Was not always this way but now the deer seem to bail at the first hint of weather. 44 is a top unit and I've seen some brutes killed and on the hoof in there in years past. Have not looked around much in there lately though.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".

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