Unit 61 colorado elk


Active Member
I have 24 points and looking for any help I can get , just me hunting alone ,thinking about muzzeloader season fall 2021 for a big bull
Hire an outfitter. That is a serious recommendation. If you have 24 points and can’t ask a better question than “where should I hunt”, there is a good chance you could waste your points. You have waited 24 years for this. So springing for an outfitter is a once in a lifetime cost.

I am close to drawing a LE bull tag in Utah. And when I draw, I will be hiring an outfitter.
I once read an article called “elk at the moment”. So true! Just because you know some good places to hunt doesn’t mean they will be there when you are. You need to know how they react to pressure and where they go when pressured. Need a plan A,B,C.D,E...... Only people who have been there before know that. Another reason to hire an outfitter.
I have hunted unit 62 before , so I have been in the area just never got a tag for 61. I prefer not to hunt with outfitters and do my on thing . Will try to get out there before the season to do some scouting . I am planning on camping on the Divide road and hike in from there. Thinking muzz will be best chance at a good bull ,
Yep me too
Got burned a couple years ago from a guy from Wisconsin that promised to tell his tale.
Showed him 16 shooter bulls in one morning
Never again
If there’s 16 shooter bulls one morning it can’t be too difficult of a hunt to find a good bull.

good luck to the OP. This website is full of old grouchy people btw. Probably haven’t got their SS check for the month ?
Everywhere has it's little secrets and weather can be a huge factor. Boots on the ground ahead of time is definitely a good idea. All that being said, if there was ever an elk hunt to just show up and hunt and have a great time, that is one of em. I wish you lots of luck, let us know how you make out.
“ Everywhere has it's little secrets and weather can be a huge factor. Boots on the ground ahead of time is definitely a good idea”

Hanks Valley, head of Little Red Creek that will get you started. 61 is the land of 250"-275" bulls. If you pay to go guided I would be in 40. You don't need a guide in 61. Lots of elk, Just don't expect 300"+ bulls. They are there, but not many.
its been a while but when I hunted it I just showed up, in elk every day, almost all under 300 though, some days 20 bulls, did find one giant through luck and just covering ground, hunted him for several days but could not tag out. Still one of my funest hunts ever.
TX do you ever post anything constructive, or are you Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka? Just here and serve no purpose?

Its too easy sometimes to say what you are thinking on the internet. I should have just kept my mouth shut. I apologize.

But to answer your question, yes I have helped a number of people on here out, both publicly and behind the scenes. Including the recommendations I made earlier on this thread and a private conversation the OP and I are having.
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The last time I helped a friend out in 61 we saw WAY more people than what I'm used to. My daughter has enough points to draw this year but I'm actually having second thoughts. I may put it off one more year.
There are a ton of mediocre bulls to look at in 61, which is what the majority kill. If you're willing to pass on that class of bull with the possibility of going home empty handed, the chance of finding a big boy is definitely there. By the way, my avatar is a 61 bull. Good luck!
The last time I helped a friend out in 61 we saw WAY more people than what I'm used to. My daughter has enough points to draw this year but I'm actually having second thoughts. I may put it off one more year.
There are a ton of mediocre bulls to look at in 61, which is what the majority kill. If you're willing to pass on that class of bull with the possibility of going home empty handed, the chance of finding a big boy is definitely there. By the way, my avatar is a 61 bull. Good luck!
I agree I would also wait for this COVID stuff maybe to calm down and more work going on. Can't believe how many people have been out and about in units.
For whatever it's worth, and assuming you're a NR, you won't draw a muzz bull tag in 61 this year. Your point pool went 0 for 12 in last year's draw, and the point pool one above you went only 2 for 8. So you're a few years away from drawing that license. As a rule of thumb, for NR's it has been requiring about 5 years to creep one point closer towards drawing. You could draw archery though.
But now that he posted a specific place publicly, you can expect some hunting company at that location.?
Really? How many hunters do you thank are out there with 25 points that don't know about 61? There's only a handful of units that he should even consider.
Yea I know this point creep is tough, but there's always a chance. Just depends on who all puts in . I'll keep all informed how the draw goes
actually, in 61, that is far from true, 0 for 12 last year never. begets 1 for 12 the next. It shows tighter draw in the point pool above you and ofer at your level.

some u nts bounce around, 61 does not, it just gets tougher to draw.
Never honestly been a fan of 61. Spent a lot of time in there last year for my brothers tag. Went about as I expected... not many bulls over that 300 inch mark and too many bull tags given to begin with. Ran it all the way down to the last day of first rifle and killed honestly one of the better bulls taken that week. Cool country, lots of elk but definitely not 20 plus years of applying good.

Last year in unit 61 the early rifle had 68% success and the first Rifle was 38%. These seem low to me. Were people just not finding big enough bulls, or were many people not finding bulls?
Last year in unit 61 the early rifle had 68% success and the first Rifle was 38%. These seem low to me. Were people just not finding big enough bulls, or were many people not finding bulls?
Conditions were absolutely terrible 1st season. Majority of the “big” bulls peeled off the cows after the guns started going off and tucked tail for the desert country. I can tell you from experience it is down right tough to locate those bulls in that thick cedar county when they are silent. Especially when you only have a hand full of days to do it. Majority of the bulls I seen get killed were small 6 points and 5 points. The kind of bulls we kill on OTC units. Couldn’t fathom dumping a rag horn 5 point on day 3 of a hunt you burned that amount of points on. But to each their own I guess. Ultimately it was a pretty piss poor experience. People were every where and a particular outfitter had spotters placed on about every ridge off the divide road.

Thanks for the update. Pretty dismal having 21 NR points. Always thought 61 would be the hunt to chase, but not anymore. Will never catch up to the best units. Wish CO would let you share points, then I would split them with my son or daughter.
I would definitely be playing ball with 40,49,76 instead of 61. At this point I’ve been able to hunt or take part in hunts in all of Colorados top tier units and 61 is undoubtedly the most disappointing of all them, my good friend had the early rifle tag and my brother had the first rifle tag along with another good friend and all of them walked away pretty disappointed after burning 13 to 20 resident points. If you were willing to go with an outfitter unit 20 can be damn good also.
61 can be tough for bigger bulls but last year was a banner season for it. I seen 3 bulls that were over 350" including a 390" that came out of 61.
True. I did have eyes on two of of those bulls in September, but neither one lived to see first rifle. If I were to hunt 61 personally it would be either archery or muzzy. That early rifle hunt royally screws the first rifle hunt.
True. I did have eyes on two of of those bulls in September, but neither one lived to see first rifle. If I were to hunt 61 personally it would be either archery or muzzy. That early rifle hunt royally screws the first rifle hunt.
My son has enough point to draw 61 first rifle and we both have enough points to draw 76 first rifle. They both have that early rifle season though. Of the two I think 61 is easier terrain. What do you think would be a better hunt?
True. I did have eyes on two of of those bulls in September, but neither one lived to see first rifle. If I were to hunt 61 personally it would be either archery or muzzy. That early rifle hunt royally screws the first rifle hunt.
I’ve never hunted elk with bow or ML. Please elaborate. Does CO allow crossbow?
Crossbows only during rifle season. Once I have seen a crossbow during archery season. Claimed it to be a special license because of a physical disability. I didn’t actually demand to see it, but he (and outfitter) got quizzed pretty hard since they had to come onto my place to recover the animal.

BTW, guy looked fine to me. No worse than the old man staring back at him.
Crossbows only during rifle season. Once I have seen a crossbow during archery season. Claimed it to be a special license because of a physical disability. I didn’t actually demand to see it, but he (and outfitter) got quizzed pretty hard since they had to come onto my place to recover the animal.

BTW, guy looked fine to me. No worse than the old man staring back at him.

Interesting and funny story. Maybe he had a friend as a doctor who wrote him a note? LOL. Thank you for responding.
2019 61 1st season bull. I was obscenely lucky to pull one of this caliber out of there (360 and change green gross, 65 inches of mass). Snuck up to him in his bed 5 hours after took the below pic at first light. I would never expect to kill such a bull in there if i was ever able to hunt it again.

None of Colorados ‘primo’ tags are really “worth” the wait, it is what it is. Get the tag and focus on enjoying it, killing a whopper is a low odds proposition for the average guy..
Ignore the trolls. Pretty much in the same predicament. Decided to go with a guide. Could have gone either 40 or 61. In 40, they’re looking for a 320-340 bull. In 61, 300-320. Guide said 61 will be a much “funner” hunt. And it is hunting, so no guarantees! At age of 69, decided to go with 61. Enjoyment over an extra 10-20 inches of horn (potentially?). Oh, am from WI and will post hunt results in this thread.
Ignore the trolls. Pretty much in the same predicament. Decided to go with a guide. Could have gone either 40 or 61. In 40, they’re looking for a 320-340 bull. In 61, 300-320. Guide said 61 will be a much “funner” hunt. And it is hunting, so no guarantees! At age of 69, decided to go with 61. Enjoyment over an extra 10-20 inches of horn (potentially?). Oh, am from WI and will post hunt results in this thread.
You will enjoy your hunt. Garvey?
If there’s 16 shooter bulls one morning it can’t be too difficult of a hunt to find a good bull.

good luck to the OP. This website is full of old grouchy people btw. Probably haven’t got their SS check for the month ?
SS are you sending me a check? I am waiting just send it to Big GC in SF
My son has enough point to draw 61 first rifle and we both have enough points to draw 76 first rifle. They both have that early rifle season though. Of the two I think 61 is easier terrain. What do you think would be a better hunt?
Given the choice I would pick unit #61. I know #76 quite well, and it is indeed beautiful country, but the terrain is harsh and the quality and size of the bulls' has really been overstated by experts on internet boards. I have seen more big bulls in #61.
Congrats to your son Lefty. I hope to be able to hunt and be involved in several hunts in 61 over the next several years. myself, wife and 3 sons have (25, 23, 18, 14 & 14). I have also hunted the unit 3 times for deer and once for elk 3rd season with 2 buddies that had tags.

Fun unit and will see numerous bulls. Always a chance for a great one if in right spot at right time. Most important is to enjoy the hunts and not put to much stress on yourself with total score!!! :)
As stated earlier there was a 390" bull killed early season last year. I have a picture of it, but don't have permission to post. Agree that archery or muzzleloader is the way to go in 61 , or actually anywhere in my opinion.
As stated earlier there was a 390" bull killed early season last year. I have a picture of it, but don't have permission to post. Agree that archery or muzzleloader is the way to go in 61 , or actually anywhere in my opinion.
I have pictures of the same bull. He's a giant!
Did any of you see that Randy Newberg hunt few hrs back where he shots that bull off a cliff practically. Was some different country I wonder what unit that was?
The only bull I have seen Randy shoot was in 61.
So sure? Are you sure it was not?
I'm not implying it wasn't. You know how the internet is. I wanted to confirm before I spent time trying to find/watch it. Sorry if it came off otherwise.

Thank you.
It was terrible up there today, just terrible
This wind is stupid. Bad here too. The high country still looks ok and has been getting a few showers, but it won’t last long. We really need a monsoon season this year. It might keep things from dieing.
wife should draw 1st season elk in 61 next year. ?.

I don't know if waiting for early season is worth it or just go muzzy for myself.

Should be a couple great hunts there in the next few years anyways.
wife should draw 1st season elk in 61 next year. ?.

I don't know if waiting for early season is worth it or just go muzzy for myself.

Should be a couple great hunts there in the next few years anyways.

I would go Muzzy. That first season tag is pretty tough for “big” bulls from what I found, but last year was absolutely brutal conditions first rifle. The early rifle does a good job of taking out the upper end bulls and whatever’s left gets kicked off the cows and runs for the desert to hide out.

I drew Unit 61 Archery Elk and Archery Bear Tags this year. I did some brief scouting last year and was there a couple weeks ago to get a little more familiar with the area. I found a few pockets of elk, a couple good velvet bucks in the making, called in few hens, and found one young black bear right off the road and enough small bear scat to fill a truck bed. I would be open to any and all connections, contacts, advice, and pointers that any of you are willing to give. I've been on MM since 2003, but something happened to my account and I had to recreate/reregister. I have a few friends saying they are willing to come help, but they have conflicting hunts themselves, so I am planning to mostly be hunting solo (which is my usual). I am planning to make many trips over before the season and planning to be there at least a week before the season and stay till they very last day if needed. I have a daughter who lives in Cedaredge, but I live over on the Front Range and there are a lot of miles in between. Again... I would be grateful for any information any of you would be willing to share to help narrow down the territory and help bring 16 years of waiting to a success. Thanks.
I have 24 points and looking for any help I can get , just me hunting alone ,thinking about muzzeloader season fall 2021 for a big bull
Did you draw the 61 MZ tag? I'll be there all through archery (which includes MZ) most likely hunting solo as well for Elk and/or Bear.
I drew Unit 61 Archery Elk and Archery Bear Tags this year. I did some brief scouting last year and was there a couple weeks ago to get a little more familiar with the area. I found a few pockets of elk, a couple good velvet bucks in the making, called in few hens, and found one young black bear right off the road and enough small bear scat to fill a truck bed. I would be open to any and all connections, contacts, advice, and pointers that any of you are willing to give. I've been on MM since 2003, but something happened to my account and I had to recreate/reregister. I have a few friends saying they are willing to come help, but they have conflicting hunts themselves, so I am planning to mostly be hunting solo (which is my usual). I am planning to make many trips over before the season and planning to be there at least a week before the season and stay till they very last day if needed. I have a daughter who lives in Cedaredge, but I live over on the Front Range and there are a lot of miles in between. Again... I would be grateful for any information any of you would be willing to share to help narrow down the territory and help bring 16 years of waiting to a success. Thanks.
Good for you, it'll be a FUN hunt!
I drew Unit 61 Archery Elk and Archery Bear Tags this year. I did some brief scouting last year and was there a couple weeks ago to get a little more familiar with the area. I found a few pockets of elk, a couple good velvet bucks in the making, called in few hens, and found one young black bear right off the road and enough small bear scat to fill a truck bed. I would be open to any and all connections, contacts, advice, and pointers that any of you are willing to give. I've been on MM since 2003, but something happened to my account and I had to recreate/reregister. I have a few friends saying they are willing to come help, but they have conflicting hunts themselves, so I am planning to mostly be hunting solo (which is my usual). I am planning to make many trips over before the season and planning to be there at least a week before the season and stay till they very last day if needed. I have a daughter who lives in Cedaredge, but I live over on the Front Range and there are a lot of miles in between. Again... I would be grateful for any information any of you would be willing to share to help narrow down the territory and help bring 16 years of waiting to a success. Thanks.
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