Unit 62 elk


Very Active Member
I put up a post on the "elk" section but have yet to get any responses so I figured maybe someone in the wyoming forum could give me some help. But i drew a unit 62 tag this upcoming season. I have an uncle up meteetsee but he hasnt hunted the area for 4 plus years now and I was hoping someone could feel me in on the area. For instance the quality of bulls I can expect, elk numbers, patterns, grizzly attacks LOL. Any information would be great im going into this hunt realativley blind and am not going to have as much time and desired to scout do to other hunting/guiding obligations so any information would be greatly appreciated.

I can't believe no one hasnt chimed in yet, but Ill give you my two cents. This is one of my favorite areas in Wyoming along with 61,63, and 64. Some of the best elk hunting in all of WY in my opinion. Never hunted 62 but know the area well. My brother had the tag a couple years ago and it is one of his favorites as well. Make no mistake there are LOTS of grizzlys in this area, Francs peak has one of the highest concentrations of them during the moth feeding times. This is a pretty rugged area and would be best hunted by horseback in my opinion. There aren't many roads. I would probably hunt the Francs Fork, but no road access there. Anywhere in the area can be good, just try to get away from the people. I wouldn't settle for anything less than a 330-350 bull in this area if you have the time to hunt. Also, my other brother watched a legitimate 380+ bull a couple of years ago while sheep scouting. Hunt hard and smart and be bear aware and you should have a great hunt and a very good chance at 330+ bulls. If there is anything else I can help out with just ask, or pm me.
Thanks for being the first to get back to me on this. Sounds like i lucked out and pulled a good tag. I do have horses and mules so getting around wont be a problem. I've killed two bulls now in colorado just over the 300 inch mark and I would love to get something in the 350 plus range. I also drew a utah archery tag so ive decided to take fall semester off from college this year. But most of august and part of september are going to be consumed with that so my scouting in 62 will most likely be limited. I would love to get up there in september and chase em with my bow. But im willing to stay up there the entire season if I have to in order to kill the right bull. But being im a non resident ill only be able to hunt wilderness areas if i have my uncle with me. But any insight on spots or people to talk to that would be greatly appreciated.
My brother drew area 56 late this coming year which I think isn't very far away from your hunt. I called a buddy who lives in the Wapiti area (and has for 40 years) and its all about the wolves. That whole area east of the park seems like ground zero. He told me that a very large ranch north of Cody had federal trappers killed 88 wolves on their place this past year. He also talked to some F&G guys who spent a day up in a helicopter and didn't see ANY elk one day. I also heard that guys are now out picking up shed antlers and finding numerous kills.

I'm sure 4-5 years ago the hunting in those areas was very good, I just think its all over now.
Colorado boy, I hope Wine is wrong. Make sure you let us know how you do. 62 has been my choice several times but never lucked out. I stayed away from it this year because 1) My partner is scared of bears, 2) I was concerned about wolf depredation. Nothing concrete on the wolves so I hope that info is wrong.

Good luck
I grew up in Meeteetse and I would say if you have access to horses or mules the Jack Creek area would be a good choice. Hunt the haymaker area or go farther to a place they call last creek along the Greybull river. I have seen huge bulls in that area if you are willing to work for them. As far as bears go we hunted there 2 years ago and saw a few tracks but no bears. Good luck
I drew a 117 mule deer tag in that same area. Maybe we could help each other out. I plan on doing some scouting before season, but am still hoping to find out some information for some help to point me in the direction of a stud muley from the high country. Any help would be great. I'll be happy to let you know what I see as far as big bulls.
I will be headed to 62 on Sept 30th to hopefully kill a good bull. Due to I family tradgedy I will be going without my best friend and hunting partner. I was just wondering if anyone has been in the area this year or has any last minute pointers they would like to share. Have you been able to do any bow hunting Coloradoboy? I wish everyone good luck and happy hunting.
a couple weeks ago we were in the head of venus basin sheep hunting, I saw 2 nice whitetail bucks on the greybull river, one was about 2 miles in from Jack creek and the other was where staurt creek takes off, saw probably 10 muley does the whole trip. As for grizzlies there were 7 at one time in a basin above timberline eating on the moths.
>Bull down guys
Congrats man. Can't wait to see the pics!

"Easy now, keep the croshairs right behind his shoulder & squeeze the trigger"
Congrats on your bull. I saw a lot of great bulls while up there. No good deer though. Did you see any big deer while up there? If so, where? i might try and go back up on Monday again.
Did you run into Mike Eastman of Eastmans up there? He drew a 62 tag this season. Bet they didn't put that in their magazine...
Congrats on the bull, would love to see pics of a 62 bull. Got my area 63/64 bull on the 5th. Love that high country!

My son and I have max. points, I am 75 but my son has horses. If you could give us any infor. from your hunt we would really be gratfully. Can you bow hunt and then rifle hunt this area?

Thank for you help
OK, curious how you guys did????????

I applied 62 before they had PPs, and a couple of years after. I want one good hunt in WY before I try to learn a General Unit. With horses, and Max PPs I should be close. Can you tell me if it's worth it.

I talked to a biologist 10-11 years ago and he was very high on 62. I applied over and over again. 3 years ago I called again and the new guy actually talked me out of 62.

Were bears a problem??? If so, did you take any special precautions??
Unit 62 bull
nice bull you got in 62 this fall coloradoboy
i'm a nonresident of wyo with max points
would you recommend using them up in 62 or applying
for a different area
any help would be appreciated
please pm me thank you 4point
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-11 AT 01:41PM (MST)[p]Max points for deer, elk, and antelope going into the 2011 draw is five (5) if you bought a PP every year since the system was started in 2006. Last season the Regular PP Draw for unit 62 was 80% with the max of 4 PPs. The Special PP Draw was 100% with the max of 4 PPs and 50% with <4 PPs.

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J & J Outfitters

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