Unit 8 Fishing/Hiking


Very Active Member
I am going to be coming to Arizona late March to take my NR hunters ed class. While there, my step-son wants me to take him trout fishing/backpacking in the mountains somewhere. No where in particular. Maybe 3 days backpacking followed by a couple days at a lodge. So my first thought was to see if there were any decent places in unit 8 since that is where we will draw an elk tag soon. Maybe do some scouting.

Of course, I don't even know if trout fishing is worthwhile in AZ? Maybe I should take him to northern NM or southern CO? Any advice? I pulled up the fishing regulations but got a headache just trying to find when the seasons are. :(

Any advice appreciated.
To fish Lees Ferry and stay at Cliff Dwellers would be an option for better trout fishing in AZ. http://www.leesferry.com/

There is hiking up Paria canyon starting at Lees Ferry, or backpacking down North Canyon from the House Rock Buffalo ranch to the Colorado River.

Most of the roads to the high country trout lakes may still be closed in late March.

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My family has hunted unit 8 since the early 1900's, we practically live in that unit, as for the trout fishing, not good at all. There are a couple of places you can try, white horse lake, dog town lake, sometime JD damn. Yes you can catch some but its really not worth it. Someone brought up lee's ferry, and that is a great place, my guess is that it is a good 3 hours from williams. Definately get out and hike around in williams, Elk should be dropping their racks maybe you guys will find some. Unit 8 is a diverse unit with some good canyons to hike. Its got some high desert, juniper country, and then pines. Check out sycamore canyon, its a beautiful rugged place good luck.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-11 AT 03:08PM (MST)[p]I had not thought about shed hunting. I will ask him if he's interested. Trip will be all geared towards him. Are there any particular parts of the unit that hold more wintering elk, perhaps the south side? Or not enough snow to matter?

Normally I would not be going to the mountains to do a trout fishing trip this early in the year, but he must use his vacation days prior to April 1st. I know he really wants to backpack. I have all the gear no problem. Ideally I'd like to find anywhere we can go backpacking to get into some remote streams with good trout. I think this is what he'd enjoy the most.

I expect if we drove up to NE New Mexico there would still be too much snow for us to drive up to a higher elevation?

We will start our trip by doing the hunter's ed field class together in Yuma March 12th. Will be driving from San Diego.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-11 AT 03:37PM (MST)[p]>To fish Lees Ferry and stay
>at Cliff Dwellers would be
>an option for better trout
>fishing in AZ. http://www.leesferry.com/
>There is hiking up Paria canyon
>starting at Lees Ferry, or
>backpacking down North Canyon from
>the House Rock Buffalo ranch
>to the Colorado River.
>Most of the roads to the
>high country trout lakes may
>still be closed in late

Given the fact the road access higher may be unpredictable, this sounds like a plan.

Has anyone fished this Lee's Ferry? Curious if we could count on catching trout shore fishing.
you can buy a five day fishing for 32.00.

Lee's ferry or the San Juan in NM are world class trout fisheries... but if it has to be backpacking (I myself backpack plenty, so I know the feeling) The only place I can think of might be 'West clear creek wilderness'. It's not all that far and low enough elevation to be usable in March. It's a neat place and has smallmouth, trout and boney tail chubbs. haven't fished there in decades, but used to be good for smallish fish.


Not sure how the wading will be at the Ferry. Last I saw on azflyandtie.com was the flows are up with no word on when they'll go down to allow access for waders. The San Juan in NM may be a better bet if you're looking for bigger fish. The flows won't go up before May most likely and it's definately wade-able now. I actually wish the flows were a little higher to make my life easier with the drift boat.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-11 AT 08:19AM (MST)[p]Thanks for the input. Fish size is definitely a low priorety. Any active fish would be great. This is the first time he's had a dad spend time with him and the overall experience is what is important. I'd like to take him to see a few neat places away from the city, get out in the woods. My initial thought was for hiking to be the main activity, stopping along some small feeder streams to fish along the way. However, whatever is best for this time of year I will go with.

I am thrilled we are sharing the hunters ed field class together. Been trying to encourage him to try hunting, and this is a great way to start. Seems like a good outdoors activity and learning experience at the same time.

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