Unit 89 deer


Very Active Member
Heading north to learn more in a couple weeks. Been studying topography maps of sw corner of the unit as there is less private to negotiate around. Im not locked in to that area but needed a starting point. I would love and appreciate any input from the MM faithful. I want to get it done with my bow as I've got an AZ elk tag that would hurt me heading back up for the rifle season. Won't draw 89 again so want to make the best of this tag, might even use AZ pointguard to redeem my AZ points and focus entirely on this deer tag and return with my rifle if I don't make it happen in September. If I could beg some starting points for early September before they shed velvet I'd be indebted. I'd lean towards PM information as I've learned the hard way about posting this stuff publicly. Thanks guys . Jim
Well Buzz, needless to say, you say that stir up stuff. Yes in fact I do pray, a LOT. I don't however pray like you probably think I do. I pray His / Your will Lord be done, I don't pray for special favor on me. I don't pray once a day in ritualistic fashion....I pray Without ceasing. Might be a great new start to your day as well. He is listening sir.
Well Buzz, needless to say, you say that stir up stuff. Yes in fact I do pray, a LOT. I don't however pray like you probably think I do. I pray His / Your will Lord be done, I don't pray for special favor on me. I don't pray once a day in ritualistic fashion....I pray Without ceasing. Might be a great new start to your day as well. He is listening sir.
Likely the private land owners are of the the Christian faith. It would be against gods will to deny you access to killing some of gods creatures. Might stop in to the local church and get the DL.

Good luck and be safe! Watch your butt hole.
Wow! Guy asks for a little intel as what this forum is for, and the trolls jump on him immediately. Sad state of affairs we have all turned into.
I wouldn’t call Servehim a troll. Trolls are not religious…oh wait.
Appreciate those of you who Love the Lord on MM, the response to a inquiry about deer hunting in 89 from SS/Buzz shouldn't surprise us. Jesus stated clearly the path to destruction is wide and many will choose it , His path is narrow. I praise Him for what He choose to do in revealing Himself to me in 1997. Now could I once again beg for some starting points in 89 to have a better shot at getting a good buck?
Jesus stated clearly the path to destruction is wide
Did you just call me fat? Damn.

In all seriousness I don’t know much about 89 and it’s been 15 years since I’ve been there. If I had info as much as I hate people that spew jesus stuff I would help you out. I don’t need a fiction book or fictional belief system to guide me in life.

Good luck! Allah praises you! Or God. Or whatever. You get the point.
One bad thing about that area is the big HMA is only for elk and antelope. Any public you can access from a public road you could hunt but much of the HMA you can’t hunt. I cow elk hunted it 2 years ago in November and it was Crowded to say the least but I did see a few decent bucks though nothing outstanding. If you want a mature 4 point you’ll likely do fine. Best of Luck.
Can you pray for a giant Wyo muley? The good book says you can ask for anything.And ask often, the persistent widow did!
> Jake, the rancher, went one day to fix a distant
> fence..
> The wind was cold and gusty and the clouds rolled
> gray and dense,
> as he pounded the last staples in and gathered tools
> to go,
> The temperature had fallen and the snow began to
> blow.
> When he finally reached his pickup, he felt a heavy
> heart,
> from the sound of that ignition, he knew it wouldn't
> start.
> So Jake did what most of us do, if we'd have been
> there;
> He humbly bowed his balding head and sent aloft a
> prayer.
> As he turned the key for the last time,
> he softly cursed his luck,
> They found him three days later,
> frozen stiff in that old truck.
> Now Jake had been around in life and done his share
> of roamin,'
> But when he saw Heaven, he was shocked -- it look
> just like Wyomin'!
> Oh, there were some differences of course, but just
> some minor things,
> One place had simply disappeared -- the town they
> called Rock Springs.
> The BLM had been shut down, and there was no grazin'
> fees,
> and the wind in Rawlins and Cheyenne was now a
> gentle breeze.
> The Park and Forest Service folks -- they didn't
> fare so well,
> They'd all been sent to fight some fire in a
> wilderness called Hell.
> Though Heaven was a real nice place, Jake had a
> wondering mind,
> So he saddled up and lit a shuck, not know'n what
> he'd find.
> Then one day up in Cody, on a cold fall afternoon,
> He saw St. Peter coming, and he knew he'd be there
> soon.
> Of all the saints in Heaven, his favorite was St.
> Peter,
> Now, this line, it ain't needed but it helps with
> rhyme and meter.
> So they set and talked a minute or two, or maybe it
> was three,
> Nobody was keepin' score -- in Heaven time is free.
> "I've always heard," Jake said to Pete, "that God
> will answer prayers,
> But one time I asked for help, well he just plain
> wasn't there.
> Does God answer prayers of some, and ignores the
> prayers of others?
> That don't seem exactly square -- I know all men are
> brothers.
> Or does he randomly reply, without good rhyme or
> reason?
> Maybe, it's the time of day, the weather or the
> season.
> Now I ain't trying to act smart, it's just the way I
> feel,
> And I was wonderin', could you tell -- what the
> heck's the deal?
> Peter listened very patiently and when Jake was
> done,
> There were smiles of recognition, and he said, "So,
> you're the one!
> That day your truck, it wouldn't start, and you sent
> your prayer a flying,
> You gave us all a real bad time, with hundreds of us
> a trying.
> A thousand angels rushed to check the status of your
> file,
> But you know, Jake, we hadn't heard from you in
> quite a while
> And though all prayers are answered, and God ain't
> got no quota,
> He didn't recognize your voice, and started a truck
> in North Dakota!
From what I'm seeing for mule deer in Wyoming this year, praying probably won't be enough.
Keep in the back of your mind that there are over 500 elk hunters (cow plus bull) in 89 and the rifle elk season starts Oct 1. Keep praying that things work out during archery. The rifle deer season starts Oct 15 so a couple weeks after rifle elk season. As mentioned above, there is a lot of private land in 89. You can guess where the older aged bucks possibly go once the rifle elk season opens?

Miracles do happen...even with the tough winter and hordes of elk hunters spooking bucks on public land before the rifle season opens!
It's a capital ( L ) and for a change your correct SS , His ways are not our ways , He is always at work and does work in mysterious ways. As believers, we don't put a lot of stock in the things of this world. The Bible actually tells us Satan is the prince of this world " temporarily " that will come to an end. When that happens, you'd be wise to be on the right side of God the Father by accepting Jesus and His free gift of salvation on that cross.

Got lots of help on 89 from folks on MM, I'm very grateful. Thanks guys.
It's a capital ( L ) and for a change your correct SS , His ways are not our ways , He is always at work and does work in mysterious ways. As believers, we don't put a lot of stock in the things of this world. The Bible actually tells us Satan is the prince of this world " temporarily " that will come to an end. When that happens, you'd be wise to be on the right side of God the Father by accepting Jesus and His free gift of salvation on that cross.

Got lots of help on 89 from folks on MM, I'm very grateful. Thanks guys.
If you kill a 200” buck I’ll believe in god. But if you don’t you need to sober up. Deal?
No Deal SS, covered lot of country today , found 5 bucks but nothing over 150. No doubt the winter kill effected even central Wyoming, however im keeping the hope a few good ones survived and I can find one of those good ones. Getting within bow range ... time will tell. I saw 100+ goats each of the last 2 days which I thought was pretty good with many babies. Ran into an outfitter scouting for his own deer tag( hopefully im in the right area) lol. I was optimistic seeing so many goats and babies, he popped my balloon saying before last winter you'd see 400- 500 antelope each day. Really cool country and I'll be back up here in a couple weeks giving it my best shot.
You would be amazed at how some of those older age bucks can literally disappear into thin air in that open country! Once they rub their velvet off they are also a completely different animal! Keep the faith!
You would be amazed at how some of those older age bucks can literally disappear into thin air in that open country! Once they rub their velvet off they are also a completely different animal! Keep the faith!
Or how many of them simply hide in spots most people dr ie past and never bother looking…
They also go nocternal! I've had a few game cams out in past year's and the only time those bucks water is at night. They often don't get up out of their beds during daylight hours unless you almost step on them!
Going to get after them @9/4 , hopefully find one prior to shedding and going nocturnal. The terrain wasn't what I had visioned in my head, lots of just prairie grass in spots, but ravines had sagebrush and most had water. Only had 2 full days to look around, first part of my actual hunt I'll be learning the sage country on the south side of the rim. Going to be a blast chasing them no matter what, just love being out there and the challenge.
Going to get after them @9/4 , hopefully find one prior to shedding and going nocturnal. The terrain wasn't what I had visioned in my head, lots of just prairie grass in spots, but ravines had sagebrush and most had water. Only had 2 full days to look around, first part of my actual hunt I'll be learning the sage country on the south side of the rim. Going to be a blast chasing them no matter what, just love being out there and the challenge.
How did it go?
Well SS, I harvested a decent buck but not the biggest one on the mountain. Glassed him from a mile away topping over the ridge, guessed him as a 180 class buck . Made the stalk and the shot but that rear view was deceptive, great buck with my bow and I'm blessed to have taken him. Doubt that you would have believed in God even if I'd have harvested that 200" buck as you stated prior. Facts remain the same however...He is real and He Loves you despite your not acknowledging His Sons attoining work on the cross. Blessings SS
Well SS, I harvested a decent buck but not the biggest one on the mountain. Glassed him from a mile away topping over the ridge, guessed him as a 180 class buck . Made the stalk and the shot but that rear view was deceptive, great buck with my bow and I'm blessed to have taken him. Doubt that you would have believed in God even if I'd have harvested that 200" buck as you stated prior. Facts remain the same however...He is real and He Loves you despite your not acknowledging His Sons attoining work on the cross. Blessings SS
Congrats on the buck! I prayed for you not to get a 200” buck so maybe there is a god? The lord works in mysterious ways!
Sorry guys, my kids call me techtarded and rightfully so. I'm not skilled enough to post pics on MM. Maybe a quick lesson from someone on here or PM your phone number and I'll text them to you. Heading out tomorrow on another adventure as I drew a unit 2A/2B elk tag in Az.. Been out twice scouting and couldn't find anything good. I'll have three days to scout some more prior to the start of hunt on Friday. If I can't find anything I'm going to use my point guard and hopefully pull another tag soon .SHALOM, keep your eyes on Israel, it's not a matter of IF.... its WHEN God moves.
By the way SS the thumbs up far outnumbered your view. I'm overwhelmed at how many believers I run into out in the woods chasing His critters, some of the most precious times I have with the Lord are in the woods. Praying for you to see His light.... I didn't expect it in 1997 when He showed up in my life.
By the way SS the thumbs up far outnumbered your view. I'm overwhelmed at how many believers I run into out in the woods chasing His critters, some of the most precious times I have with the Lord are in the woods. Praying for you to see His light.... I didn't expect it in 1997 when He showed up in my life.
Congrats on your hunt! Excited to see the pictures.
I went to G/F and turned my tag in through Point Guard. I couldn't find anything in 2A/ 2B worthy of my points. Spending time now in another Az unit looking around for a future hunt. I like what I'm seeing here.
Way to get it done. Congrats on what sounds like a great buck, but mostly the great memories you made and have for a lifetime
Sorry guys, my kids call me techtarded and rightfully so. I'm not skilled enough to post pics on MM. Maybe a quick lesson from someone on here or PM your phone number and I'll text them to you. Heading out tomorrow on another adventure as I drew a unit 2A/2B elk tag in Az.. Been out twice scouting and couldn't find anything good. I'll have three days to scout some more prior to the start of hunt on Friday. If I can't find anything I'm going to use my point guard and hopefully pull another tag soon .SHALOM, keep your eyes on Israel, it's not a matter of IF.... its WHEN God moves.
Any alter boy should be able to show you how to upload a picture.
I’m not a religious person, but mocking another person’s faith, whatever that is, is total BS. Of course, with a sufficiently low IQ, a mock may be all you’ve got.
You really have no idea what you’re talking about. I said 10 Hail Marys and 7 our fathers after I typed that. Jesus says that’s good I’m good with it ?
@Servehim would like me to share some pics for him. First he spots a potential shooter.


The velvet 5x5 turns out to be a very respectable archery buck for area 89, based on what I've seen the last few years. Congrats to Jim!



Your IQ was not high enough to correctly tape your goat, I would not comment if I had embarrassed myself like that.
Prof. Stone says, “It’s not a goat. It’s Antilocapra Americana, or pronghorn… ya xxxxx”!


And servehim… sorry to bomb your thread. Nice buck!
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Not old enough to have been on the Arc if that’s what you are asking.
Wow JB, guessing you're trying to surpass SS in your disrespect for those of us on MM that love and reveer God and His goodness.. living in the darkness of this world is not something any of us should hang our hat on.Thanks again to Jeff for posting pics for me and the many comments and texts I received from the MM faithful. Blessings to each of you. SHALOM. Pray for the peace and protection of Israel....its all going to happen there at some point. The Bible says 365 times " Fear Not" I'm thinking that is not a coincidence.
@Servehim I really like the fact you’re smiling in your field photos. Too many people look super serious in their photos. The cut off sleeves are sweet too. Good luck on rest your hunts!
@Servehim I really like the fact you’re smiling in your field photos. Too many people look super serious in their photos. The cut off sleeves are sweet too. Good luck on rest your hunts!
Thanks SS, I appreciate that. Next adventure is to Texas for whitetail. Wishing you the best in any fall adventures left on your calendar. Know the days are growing short up north. Yes , I like cut off shirts and slider shoes...guess I'm just weird. The smile doesn't go away very often!!!
Thanks SS, I appreciate that. Next adventure is to Texas for whitetail. Wishing you the best in any fall adventures left on your calendar. Know the days are growing short up north. Yes , I like cut off shirts and slider shoes...guess I'm just weird. The smile doesn't go away very often!!!
I've never seen the outfitter I work for wear a shirt that he didn't cut the sleeves off. I think its practical. I just cut the sleeves off some of my first lite a few weeks back. No regrets.

Headed to etolin island today to go chase elk. Should be a miserable time. Looking forward to it.
Keep us posted SS. Love hearing about your adventures up north. Wanna go but all those pics with swarming mosquitoes....maybe I'll grow a set someday and give it a shot.

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