Up to 7,038 cases


Founder Since 1999
Just a couple of days ago I posted 3,800, now 7,038!

I sure hope this social isolation tactic works. But still, a near double in 3 days! More and more businesses putting things on hold. Things can't remain shut down forever. If this doesn't work, at what point do we begin getting back to work and life and just except the illness and deaths? Death rate could be in that 2% range is what I think.
I hope smart people are scrambling hard to find a vaccine!
Best to plan for the long haul. Vaccine is 12-18 months away, assuming it’s a good one which is no guarantee (this years flu vaccine was not very good for example). Social distancing will slow things down so that our healthcare system is not completely overrun like Italy. Best predictions are that 80% of the population will eventually become infected. Anywhere from 1-2 million deaths expected in the US alone. Prepare yourselves and your family for a long disruption of normal life.
Now that test kits are getting distributed case numbers will go up. How many went unreported? We firmly believe the virus went through our community last part of January ish that closed schools and had 100s of works home with no way of confirmation. We just felt with it the best we could. So far "0" cases in our commuting little town.
Theres alot more positives out there but they are not allowing testing. My son works for the GOV and hes going through everything right now, coughing, sore throat, fever from 101 to 103 and they are telling him just to stay home, self quarantine and since hes young if he doesnt get worse to stay home for 14 days, and his wife has to stay there also. Hes not getting tested at this time. These numbers of positive are so skewed.......
Testing will always be behind the curve. But if you are going to wait for a positive test to decide if you need to stay home, well you might be part of the problem.
Now that test kits are getting distributed case numbers will go up. How many went unreported? We firmly believe the virus went through our community last part of January ish that closed schools and had 100s of works home with no way of confirmation. We just felt with it the best we could. So far "0" cases in our commuting little town.
Tailchasers we said the same thing my wife and I had it in December and we are convinced that it was this virus. I had the one where I had the cough and chills my wife had the full blown flu. My guard who gave it to us ended up have pneumonia and being checked into the hospital.
You're not "up to" 7800 cases. You've had positives on 7800 cases.

Guys keep talking about flu numbers. They are crap. If you don't report the flu, it's not counted. So it's based on a model. Based on fluff.

Since the first case in China was Nov 18, back that off possibly 14 days, it's Nov 4.

There's a million or better cases in the US. We just caught 7800 positives.

But even the most conservative numbers.

7800 cases x 2(the 2:1 infection rate) you are at 15600 cases.

Further. Italy went full lockdown on 12th. There is ZERO evidence it did anything other than further bankrupt the country.
10, 760 positives. 160 deaths.

1.4% death rate.

64 total cases in serious condition.

10, 345 are mild

And NO ONE believes their are only 11k people with it.

I don't think only 100,000 would be believable.

What happened to Rudy Robert? Or Tom Hank's? They were international news.

The media is still breathlessly waiting for a celebrity to die.
If we don’t do testing how will we know how fast the virus is spreading. Don’t we want to know that so we can figure out what measures need to be taken to slow it down and get it stopped?
How many people need to get sick and die before we take it seriously?
If we don’t do testing how will we know how fast the virus is spreading. Don’t we want to know that so we can figure out what measures need to be taken to slow it down and get it stopped?
How many people need to get sick and die before we take it seriously?

This is all kind of cute but what will happen next flu season? How will they decide if it's okay to go to work? They didn't seem to mind 30,000 deaths from the flu this year. Who will make that decision?
Private industry is willing to take your money; starting Monday you can fork over $135 and get tested with a mail in kit.
They just said 78 positives for 1500 test in Utah. So I guess all those negative can just go about their lives. Not a problem, Right?
Perty Much the Same way they are where You Live!

You Have TARDS that Live by You as Well,Right?

A Bunch of them F'N TARDS from out your Way Drove clear out here to Raid the Basin Stores but they were Late!

I've Got Fresh Venison Waiting if things get Tough Enough Hossy!

How's no TP in the basin?

Maybe you guys can explain to the "wise ones" amongst us what lockdown and $28 oil does for the basin.

Hell I guys can't even poach to feed your families, ain't no deer
Wildebeest and Impalas accept the risk of drinking from a crocodile infested river. We may just have to accept the risk and get back to work. Even if one case is left, it will flare up after controls are removed and no mass vaccine is available.
Wildebeest and Impalas accept the risk of drinking from a crocodile infested river. We may just have to accept the risk and get back to work. Even if one case is left, it will flare up after controls are removed and no mass vaccine is available.

Careful Elmer. I've been telling people on here for a week they should get to work. I've never seen grown men get so angry at the prospect of labor. Hell, one says he wants my business to burn down and for me to get gravely ill. I'm learning lots of these internet fellas ain't to much on the idea of actually getting outside their house and making a difference.
Wow. Not sure you understand whats going on outside your garage. You see, everybody wants to go back to work but they can't.

I can't wait for you to grab the mic when this is all over and claim credit for the country pulling itself up by its bootstraps.
No they don't. If you want to go work you work. You are so used to people telling you what to do you have forgotten how to be free.

Quit finding excuses and get to work. Quit living in fear.
I'm retired. Get off the damn internet and get to work.

My wife scares me. And she is home now on account the school is shut down and all. We all want this to be over. :oops:
After listening to all the news about covid-19 (Trumplague)I'd rather be the point man on a search and destroy mission in Vietnam than be a grocery checker. What's their life expectancy?

I went to the store this morning and everybody was hoarding big time. I got the hoarder fever and took what was left. A case of marinated artichoke hearts, the last 3 cans of tomato sauce, no salt added, and a half gallon of Almond milk. I hate all those things.
Funny how those politicians are telling everyone to not go to work but have no idea what the lack of $$ is doing to families. We own a commercial building and I am worried that our tenants won't be paying rent due to not being able to work. I contacted my bank to see if I am able to postpone 1 monthly mortgage payment and put it on the back end of my loan and the answer I got was that the payment still needs to be made, but the can cut out the principal so only the interest for the loan is paid. Its a commercial loan...the interest is 75% of the loan payment! LOL.
Actually working for free at a church very often does put food on the table.

Go to work. Tell your boss to get to work. Tell your boss you are looking for a boss that puts people to work.

Actually it's the weekend so go hunt. ? But Monday, get to work.
Funny how those politicians are telling everyone to not go to work but have no idea what the lack of $$ is doing to families. We own a commercial building and I am worried that our tenants won't be paying rent due to not being able to work. I contacted my bank to see if I am able to postpone 1 monthly mortgage payment and put it on the back end of my loan and the answer I got was that the payment still needs to be made, but the can cut out the principal so only the interest for the loan is paid. Its a commercial loan...the interest is 75% of the loan payment! LOL.

Hey, good thing is the government will ban evictions. ?
Tri, I'm with you in spirit. For most, going to work is not really an option. It's the boss who said there is no work.

Having said that, if I was laid off in dire straights I'd be applying at grocery stores or hustling up lawn mowing jobs, or something. The night fish are running here now and I might even get the commercial license ($75) and do that. I did it one summer when I was working swing shift at the plywood mill.
I agree with Tri.....

bluehair- we have a small business with 18 people that rent from us. We've been "told" to close doors but we aren't. Too many depend on working to make a living. Weird how that works. We'll wait until some "official" comes to our doors and tells us we HAVE to close. Seeing it on the news doesn't do it. I'll close doors when I have a certified letter in hand from the entity that has the power to make us close doors. Until then, we've told our renters to proceed with caution and use common sense. If they are worried that they'll contract CV, then they'll more than likely be at home not working anyway. :)
We do what we need to for our families. When we get thru this there will be plenty of time to pin medals on the guys who made principled stands. In the meantime, i hope your tenants keep paying even if its with a bailout check.
I'm plowing through a 80 hour week. Can't say its business as usual, but there's no show of slowing down in sight. Just a few minor changes. So far....
On a side note, saw 3 help wanted signs on a 30 mile commute yesterday. Store owners say nobody applying, I assume out of fear of the covid....

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