Utah Antelope Success...


Long Time Member
I want to share with you all a great hunt I had this past week with my youngest boy Max... He drew a muzz antelope tag this year and we spent quite a bit of time scouting his unit... He put a lofty goal on himself wanting an 80" goat and at that point I new I had my work cut out me...


He's a senior in high school playing baseball and looking at colleges to attend for aviation, he was only able to be with us one weekend for scouting... The rest was left up to his older brother and myself...But the only weekend he went scouting we found the buck he later would put his tag on...


The above picture was taken about 20min. after finding the before mentioned buck... And he killed his buck about 300yds from where the above picture was taken...

Opening day found us glassing the open sage country he usually called his home, with not much being glassed by 10:00am we decided to move up into the cedar foothills.. After about an hour and half of glassing the foothills we finally found his buck...

We closed the distance to about 150yds. and he let the air out of a great antelope that ended up being above his 80" goal he placed on himself... We both were very excited and and sad at the same time, for his hunt was over in a matter of 6hrs... And his older brother was going to join us starting Friday through Sunday... But he couldn't pass on the opportunity that presented itself...

Time spent scouting/hunting with my boys is something that I wouldn't trade for no amount of money in the world...Enjoy time with your kids because man they grow up fast...

Thanks letting me share this you guy's on MM...
Happy hunting!!!



Awesome Utah goat! Six hours of fun and excitement. Enjoyed my son's Utah goat last year even though it was only thirty minutes into the hunt. Great to teach the kids how to hunt the right way!
Tikka, congratulations to your son. That is a real nice buck.

Hard to hunt with boys in sports this time of year. Good work on making it happen.

Thanks for sharing.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-18 AT 07:38PM (MST)[p]Very nice!!!
Good Time with the fam is always an awesome thing!!!





Roland J. La Pierre
[email protected]

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Wow! Did you put a tape on that bad boy? I'd be curious what the bases and prong measurements are? Congrats!
>Dandy buck. Congrats! Anyone
>score him?

I scored him at 82" but I'm no official scorer... I'm going to have him scored for Long Hunter after he dries...
Congratulations to Max! Dang impressive trophy.

Brian Latturner
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