Utah sportsman elk


Very Active Member
The lady that drew the sportsmans tag killed a GIANT bull at over 1100 yards....are you cyber badasses gonna thump your chests at her too?

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We need Pics & Footage or it Ain't So!:D

(((RAZZIN Ya HC!:D:D:D)))


I just can't compete with the average distance of Shots any more!

Anybody shoot under 400 anymore?

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-14 AT 08:06AM (MST)[p]I'm not posting it...it's no secret. But I'm not putting her thru the mm bullsh!t
I'll send yA a pic Bess. Pm me your email or phone

Traditional >>>------->
I made a 350 yard shot on a cow elk last year and am still quite pleased with my self........

"I'm just looking for justice, a bit of that tit for tat, and to do it with some style a classic sense of panache"
There are pictures of this bull all over the internet. You haven't seen him ?
haven't seen any video as of yet.
>We need Pics & Footage or
>it Ain't So!:D
>(((RAZZIN Ya HC!:D:D:D)))
>I just can't compete with the
>average distance of Shots any
>Anybody shoot under 400 anymore?
> [font

Hey Bessy, I only shoot out to 125 with my bow.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-14 AT 12:55PM (MST)[p]Don't understand how 1,100 yards or 400 inches makes anyone better than another. Guess egos have to be stroked and one more yard or one more inch is best. Sad, the current state of hunting. Guys throw yardage around like some medal of honor. Sure glad my pops taught me the way he did, that there is no need to be a show-off. Do what makes you happy, just don't rub it in others' faces and expect them to be happy for you.
I would have thought Mossback would have found a way to get their logo on the pic. 3 1/2 football fields. YOu hire a guide, pay him god only knows how much, and the best he can get you is 3 1/2 football fields, I would want a refund. Let me ask you this, if she wounded this bull would we see those pics too? If it was a bad hit would you LONG RANGE WIZARDS come in here and talk? It is very simple physics, the further away you are, the more the chance of a miss, or a bad hit. Can modern guns do it, sure. Hell my Brittish .303 has sights that put it out to 1000yrds. Its a big bull, its lived a long time, I am glad she killed it, but lets be real, every 1 person who pulls it off equals 20 who will wound that bull. Again, she did nothing illegal, or unethical, but IMO its not real sporting. When you let technology take the hunt out of hunting its seems like perhaps there is a line. I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOU SEXISTS!! I have a daughter. She doesn't need her own record book. She doesn't need the "pretty good for a girl" BS. Hunting is equal opportunity, its a big bull regardless, the fact that she wears pink doesn't change that. There are sports where the sexes are different, hunting aint one, STOP with the "for a girl" crap!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
>I would have thought Mossback would
>have found a way to
>get their logo on the
>pic. 3 1/2 football
>fields. YOu hire a
>guide, pay him god only
>knows how much, and the
>best he can get you
>is 3 1/2 football fields,
>I would want a refund.
> Let me ask you
>this, if she wounded this
>bull would we see those
>pics too? If it
>was a bad hit would
>in here and talk?
>It is very simple physics,
>the further away you are,
>the more the chance of
>a miss, or a bad
>hit. Can modern guns
>do it, sure. Hell
>my Brittish .303 has sights
>that put it out to
>1000yrds. Its a big bull,
>its lived a long time,
>I am glad she killed
>it, but lets be real,
>every 1 person who pulls
>it off equals 20 who
>will wound that bull.
>Again, she did nothing illegal,
>or unethical, but IMO its
>not real sporting. When
>you let technology take the
>hunt out of hunting its
>seems like perhaps there is
>a line. I DO
>SEXISTS!! I have a
>daughter. She doesn't need
>her own record book.
>She doesn't need the "pretty
>good for a girl" BS.
> Hunting is equal opportunity,
>its a big bull regardless,
>the fact that she wears
>pink doesn't change that.
>There are sports where the
>sexes are different, hunting aint
>one, STOP with the "for
>a girl" crap!
>"The only thing that stops a
>bad guy with a gun
>is a good guy with
>a gun"

Hoss, from what I know the Lady had a physical limitation that prohibited getting close, this was the shot she had. The rifle used was not a run of the mill gun but one made for long range, and I don't believe it was MB either.

But hey, she still did outstanding. Right?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-14 AT 07:46PM (MST)[p]3 1/2 football fields is 1100 yards?

Nice bull, nice shot. Well done.
So horse Creek you start a topic on here about a person and then say you aren't going to drag her through the mm b.s., Isn't that exactly what you did starting the post? Why bring up the distance if you weren't starting controversy?
>AT 07:46?PM (MST)

>3 1/2 football fields is 1100
>Nice bull, nice shot. Well done.

I was arguing with my kids and trying to do math, thats my excuse and i am sticking to it.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"


3-1/2 football Fields keeps some people happy!:D

>AT 07:46?PM (MST)

>3 1/2 football fields is 1100
>Nice bull, nice shot. Well done.

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
Fix it back to the other one I had?

>fix that signature would ya?

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
So tell us elkun?

After you run the Chief off you back up on the Roof Plinkin?

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
Someday I'll be big enough to be an Internet ethics hero like hossblur on MM but for now, I'll just stay the hell out of topics I have no right to criticize. Anyone who has the audacity to condemn another for their actions based on a picture with no story is a joke to humanity.

Congrats to the the Girl for having the tools necessary to get the job done, the drive to continue the hunt despite a crippling mishap, and to all those who helped her in this endeavor. I'm sure they will say that this experience was one of the best things they'll ever be a part of.

1100 yards is a good piece, for anyone. Kudos to this amazing woman for making the shot that she had.

I don't think I would believe the piece about her having a physical limitation preventing her from getting close. She obviously walked over to the dead bull. I'm guessing she is just an outdoor enthusiast who happens to be a great shot...

It's not exactly the type of hunting I would do. If I could afford top-notch gear, I'd love to be able to tip things over at 1000 yards. I don't know if I could, even with that gear, but I'll admit, I'd like to try.

No matter what, that bull is a BEAST. I'm glad there are other outfits out there who can kill giant animals. I do tire of seeing the same person, with the same guide all the time.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
>Someday I'll be big enough to
>be an Internet ethics hero
>like hossblur on MM but
>for now, I'll just stay
>the hell out of topics
>I have no right to
>criticize. Anyone who has
>the audacity to condemn another
>for their actions based on
>a picture with no story
>is a joke to humanity.
>Congrats to the the Girl for
>having the tools necessary to
>get the job done, the
>drive to continue the hunt
>despite a crippling mishap, and
>to all those who helped
>her in this endeavor.
>I'm sure they will say
>that this experience was one
>of the best things they'll
>ever be a part of.

Before you "become big enough to criticize" perhaps you should find the difference between sporting and ethics. BTW, check your hunters safety manual, it talks about clean, quick kills and not wounding. I didn't say she was unethical. I said, and will say again that at "3 1/2 football fields" you are not being sporting. SPORTING you know the root of which is SPORT, as in SPORTSMAN. I fail to understand why we CAMO up and talk about "hunting our azzes off" if in the end we kill stuff 3/4 of a mile away. Notice I didn't get patronizing like you, I didn't belittle her by pointing out shes a girl(so shes not quiet as good as you because of it), or that she is injured/hadicapped(because we ALL KNOW THOSE PEOPLE AREN'T AS GOOD AS YOU). Funny how pointing out that this long range stuff isn't sporting, and doing so REGARDLESS of who is doing it somehow makes me a jerk, yet YOU break out the "oh for a crippled girl she did good" makes you superior. Who are you to talk about topics? Your a sportsman(hopefully) who is watching his SPORT quickly run away from him. He is someone who watches exclusion of fellow hunters and the change from skill and technique be replaced by technology cheapen the sport to the point of being a video game(I guess all those laws about banning drones in hunting are just done by a bunch of internet ethics police also?). Just because you put on camo and pull a trigger doesn't make you above being a SPORTSMAN. Is there a point to which you say HEY WAIT, WTF are we doing here, or if we sit on the couch and fly our drones around shooting elk at 5 miles with thermal scopes and night vision will you still say, "why us hunters we have to stick together." Hell, why have seasons or game rules, WHO ARE YOU to tell me when I can hunt, what I can kill, or how many I kill? You don't comment on what anyone else does, RIGHT??

Yup, Handicapped girls are capable of being hunters, thanks for entering the 1900's. Whats next, maybe we should let them GALS vote, or drive cars too?

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Browning Rage, She has a broken pelvis as a result of a car accident. Her boyfriend and dad carried her in a half a mile. It took a lot of heart and try by both her and her dad and boyfriend to get her in there. As for you other whiners that it was to far of a shot. She grew up with a 1,000 yard range off there back porch. They are really good honest people.
I like how all you guy think you know what on down on her hunt .first off she does have physically limes right now .I help pack her on the hill and sat with her and waited for the bull to come out ..as far as the long shot she has a range in her back yard . .the bull was thick cove and would not come out tell hr before dark
Never mind a 440 bull with a 1100 yard shot.
Hosslblurt stated in a previous post he had Kids.
Now what i find amazing, is hosslblurt found someone that would have sex with him!! There is not a bigger D-bag on site. Congrats hoss.

Great bull! Awesome shot!!
Congratulations to the lady who took this giant bull with an amazing shot!
>Hoss no one can take you
>serious until you learn basic
>math...1100 yards is not 3.5
>football fields

REALLY??? WOW. You should try reading the thread. I mispoke early on about the 3 1/2 football fields. I was made fun of. Then I put the 3 1/2 football fields in QUOTATION MARKS and used it again to MAKE FUN OF MY OWN MISTAKE!!! Good job on the reading comprehension.
I guess I missed the part about her being a bad person? AGAIN, so that the slower amongst us can catch up.













Hopefully that was slow enough for you.
When you guys want to get out of personalities and discuss the topic join in. YOU ALL amaze me. I and RAGE are the clowns, while you talk about how great this is for a GIRL. How these are honest people (thats good, I was worried they werent'?).
This site used to be about showing pictures and stories, and talking about issues. Seems now its about hero worship and "quit picking on me" BS. Adults can discuss topics, and EVEN DISAGREE without being disagreeable. I guess now I am supposed to curl up because you took a shot at me wife? Or am I supposed to puff out my chest and want to fight because you dissed me? Nice work
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
No hoss 'WE' are not talking about long range and its dire effects on huntings future. 'WE' are congratulating a hunter on a world class bull and effort to get it. 'YOU' are caps locking your personal moral values on every long range thread that pops up hoping that your vendetta will sway others and your posse of Internet ethics police will swell.

Forgive us who disagree with you, not so much in principle, but more in method for kicking back at you and making light of your verbage and arithmetic. Please take this into consideration the next time you want to throw your God like opinion into the wrong place at the wrong time....

> Never mind a 440 bull
>with a 1100 yard shot.
>Hosslblurt stated in a previous post
>he had Kids.
>Now what i find amazing, is
>hosslblurt found someone that would
>have sex with him!! There
>is not a bigger D-bag
>on site. Congrats hoss.
>Great bull! Awesome shot!!
>Congratulations to the lady who took
>this giant bull with an
>amazing shot!

YAWN!!! OH NO someone called me a D-BAG whatever will I do? Isay, good job nothing replaces a thought like an insult. You obviously are a deep thinker. "AAAAAAA I willl call him a D-bag, that will show him" good work, heres your participation trophy, you are special, everyone loves you(gotta keep up your self esteem).
There is no vendetta. It is a beautiful bull. What the HUNTER(notice again I don't try to belittle her like some of you by calling her "a girl" like its second class citizenship) did to get to it is a great story. Curious though, if we aren't trying to beat our chests, why include the yardage? Why not incluce the area? Is it because you don't want clowns like ISAY spending his life trailing around where you found this bull? If so, by including the yardage and bragging about LR shooting aren't you encouraging wannabes like ISAY to try to do the same?
I am well aware there are people(not just REAL MEN like ISAY) that have the equipment, and put in the practice. I shoot, its a skill no doubt. Its simply not real sporting, REGARDLESS of physical condition of the hunter. My dad had lung cancer his last 2 deer seasons, at no point did he decide that bypassing sportsmanship was acceptable becasue he had terminal disease.
Great bull, great story to get her there, kinda sad that proud bull gave up his life from "3 1/2 football fields", or 3/4 of a mile, however you want to look at it. My guess, if you ask her and the guide they would have prefered not take that long of a shot, wonder why if LR shooting is no big deal.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
>No hoss 'WE' are not talking
>about long range and its
>dire effects on huntings future.
> 'WE' are congratulating a
>hunter on a world class
>bull and effort to get
>it. 'YOU' are caps
>locking your personal moral values
>on every long range thread
>that pops up hoping that
>your vendetta will sway others
>and your posse of Internet
>ethics police will swell.
>Forgive us who disagree with you,
>not so much in principle,
>but more in method for
>kicking back at you and
>making light of your verbage
>and arithmetic. Please take
>this into consideration the next
>time you want to throw
>your God like opinion into
>the wrong place at the
>wrong time....
Read the original post, it says it is a pic of a bull a lady killed at 1100 yrds, are we gonna beat our chest about that. It isn't a pic and story posted by the hunter about her hunt. You are congratulating someone who had nothing to do with the post, why bitching about the guys talking about what the OP started the thread about. This thread was specifically a challenge to discusss(argue) about long range shooting on a trophy bull. The OP, and yourself for some reason thinks because she is a girl she shouldn't be treated the same. This is the right place and time because that is what the OP wanted. While you might not like my ethics "police", I never once used the word ethics, kinda funny that you have become the unofficial "bodyguard" of the site. I can't figure out if your a LR guy that got his feelings hurt, or if your a Guide Groupie, or what, but I could really care less. You should however have a beer, or merlot, or whatever, chill out, back her down a little. I am not saying we should lock her up, or that she had devil horns, or whatever, this is simply about when is technology going to start negetively impact the sport. My man, this is the internet, if you get this excited perhaps you should try some Minecraft, the music is more soothing.
For you and ISAY, when you see a post that has a pic that then challenges "chest thumping", its not a post from a hunter looking to share a story, its a post from a 3rd party looking either to discuss, or fight, either way this thread is what the OP was looking for. Otherwise it would have said here is my 2014 bull, and the story would have been included, in which case YOU would be correct it is out of place to pirate the thread for rants.
Nick Jorgensen
Syracuse, Utah

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
This thread just got AWSOME with the "badass" pic above! LOL!!?

Oh and congrats to the girl. Nice bull! Didn't know girls could kill Bulls that big...........JK!
Congrats to the the Girl for having the tools necessary to get the job done, the drive to continue the hunt despite a crippling mishap, and to all those who helped her in this endeavor. I'm sure they will say that this experience was one of the best things they'll ever be a part of.

Why if YOU CAN'T say something nice, say anything at all.
Why is it my way or it not the right way always on this types of posting.

Why don't you guys who are 100% against her shooting that far put up a $50 a shot and see who's wallet gets empty first.
I think I will bet on her.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Wow that's a heck of an elk, and a long shot.
The Elk thought he had a good strategy to stay alive, it didn't work with this girl. I'm guessing the sportsman tag has a different season than the other tags?
Hoss. How far is to far? When did hunting become unethical ? Most modern guns can kill out to 1100 yards or 3 1/2 football fields hell a box of 22 shells says dangerous out to a mile and a half that's almost as much as 3 1/2 football fields should we all go back to dropping rocks on critters when they walk under our tree or can I throw the rock? What if I sharpen the rock and put it on a stick? Can I tie a string to another stick and shoot my sharpened rock? Ill bet more elk are wounded by sharp rocks and lost than by long range shooters.just wondering how far back we have to go to make it fair and ethical?
Incredible bull, 2 awesome shots and an amazing story! After watching that video, anybody who criticizes anything about that hunt is an outright fool.
Great Bull!!
Congrats to the hunter and to her support team. That was not an easy task to pull off.
Wow. I can't imagine what it's like to see a bull like that out in the wild, let alone put it on the ground. Congrats to the hunter.
This story moved me as a person. What a lesson in love, sacrifice, and service. Seriously. This is the best story of the year for me. Literally, it has impacted me in a positive way and makes me want to try harder to help other people.

Awesome bull. One that all of us dream about. But the bull is a distant second to this incredible story.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-15 AT 04:45PM (MST)[p]Even a better story after seeing the Video ! Good job girl!
Its obvious she comes from a hunting back ground. She had all of the high end gear to get the job done.
Congrats to the young lady and all the helpers. Looks like they all put in the work and got it done. Awesome animal!!!!
Correct me if im wrong Hoss but isn't 1100yds more like 9 football fields??? Awesome for her, great bull!!!
The math displayed on this thread is exceptional. 1100 yards is only 11 football fields 60% of the time every time. Unless you are in Canada then it's 9.1666666666666777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 football fields eh?

nope congrats to her that's a very nice bull.but i will thump on the guides first thing she was injured and couldn't get around so the guides to a chance at a 1100 yard and she lucked out but if she wounded the animal and how was you gonna chase the animal with her being in the situation she was in bad call on everyone in that group.just saying.
you go girl very nice bull.
Awesome bull...great story. They all should be proud of that. Elkslayer regardless of the distance she would have had to go after the bull if wounded. She is pretty small so packing her around would not be bad. Correct me if i am wrong but if she had a handicap tag someone could have followed up on her behalf.
My experiance 2 years ago with a hunter of similar condition with the addition of near blind was she hiked the farthest and made it happen on a great bull. She did great
Not saying it was a bad thing on the distance the chances of wounding the animal was very high I know there's guns out there that are plenty capable of hitting that mark as hunters we all now that.I'm very pleased that she got the elk and very grateful they helped her out that way but these elk can run miles wounded and it would of been interesting to see the out come of it if it did get wounded you can only Carry so much weight for so long before you run out of steam and then where are you no bull just one wounded animal running around there's plenty of elk in this state and they could of made it easier for everyone instead of taking the chance on a great bull like that
That said its dead good job very beautiful bull
I have killed a bunch of elk at 100 yards and under. That's easy. 1100 yards way to cool. Congrats to the hunter!!!

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