Value Of Life



I had received an email from an animal rights type, trying to convince me that hunting was murderous, comparing the value of the life of the animals we hunt to the innocent life of a child.

So, I wanted to share my thoughts about that subject. First of all, let me say that these animals are valuable. I don't believe any ethical hunter would take the shot if it meant the end of the species.

However, a human life is vastly more valuable. I know this because the God I praise sent his Son to die for mankind, not for wildlife. However, we have been given stewardship over the animals we hunt, and we owe it to ourselves, the animals and to God to be good stewards in this charge. Don?t shoot up the entire herd trying to get one animal. Make your shots clean and only shoot what you have a tag for. And finally, don't be wasteful. Harvest and use the meat and give thanks that you have the opportunity to enjoy hunting.

Born Again, Husband, Father, and lastly ? Hunter
I think that these people in PETA are idiots! If a person is a non-hunter then so be it, the sport is not for everybody but to try and corrolate the death of animals and the death of humans as the same or to put an animals life before a humans is disgusting.

Noahs Ark will come floating down the creak next.
and all you will join the PETA band wagon.
cough, cough, choke, choke,
If it wasn't for mans ability to use sciense and to think farther than his guts instink. there would not be man,
yes, we would be the lower end of the food chain. typicaly as slow as we are.
I eat, live and will probally die hunting.
I fill the freezer for hard times, or just to have it for next week.
heck last night i did a walk around my pond and picked up 10 huge bull frogs,
Not that i need them know. but if i didn't harvesrt them know they might move on and later when i need them,
they wouldnt be there.
Evolution is mans best friend.
you can't change the past,
and you can't change the future.
but you can "make" the future.
and life is what "you" make of it,

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