
Active Member
Hey just wondering how the rest of the archery hunters did out in the Vernon unit. I tagged out opening day so I didn't really see how the rest of the season went out there. Was there any more good bucks killed during the archery season by anyone on here or anyone you know? Just curious as to how everyone did.

>Post some pictures.

I posted the pics of my buck about a month ago or so on here if that was meant towards me. I think the post was titled "My 2008 LE Buck" or something along those lines.

Hey Jered,

Not yet. I have a rifle tag and I've been scouting out there quite a bit and I've seen a lot of decent bucks, still looking for the one that will score over 200 inches. I'll post come pics on here after I connect with a big one. I saw an antelpoe out there that would definitely be in the record books. I have video of him and I should post him on here. He's so big and old that his horns are gray.
Hey Jered,
I haven't seen or heard of any other big deer come off the vernon unit in the archery hunt except for yours. I also have a rifle tag and have done a bunch of scouting, and like Mossback I have seen a ton of decent bucks but have yet to see on that would go over 200" I saw one out there last November that I though would be really close to 200" but I am not 100% sure. Anyway good luck to you mossback and I might run into out there in about a month or so. Cant wait to see what was taken out there during the muzzle loader.
I saw one out there way back in probably July that was pushing 200+ but never had the chance to hunt him during the season. I just really couldn't pass up a 15yd. shot on my buck as much as I would have liked to hunt the rest of the season. The BIG buck I saw scouting was with another 160ish 4x4 but the big buck was a freak. A 6x6 with crown pts. and two 2-3 inch cheaters off each side. I know I know, I should have hunted that buck the whole season but a 160" buck at 15yds is a dead deer for me. Take it easy.

I don't blame you at all that was a nice buck, and it is hard to pass something that big with a bow. Do you have your buck at the taxidermist?
My neighbor just showed me his Vernon buck he got yesterday. It was a 6x6 with cheaters on each side. About a 28 inch outside spread. This seems to match the one you mentioned. Beautiful buck. I'll try and get him to post a picture.
Yea my buck is at the taxidermsit. I'm getting a Euro mount done on him cause with his mass I thought it would look pretty sweet.

Wow that sounds exactly like the buck I mentioned above. I thought that the buck I had seen had around a 26-28" main frame spread then the cheaters added another 4-6" onto that. I would be interested to know where he got him at and see if it was the same general area. I saw the buck about 3 or 4 times within 200 or so yards each time. He was actually bedded in the same small patch of trees 3 different times in a time frame of about a month or so. Let me know if your neighbor is willing to share where he got him at. If he doesn't want it to be public information shoot me a PM or something. Have a good one.

Hey Muleyhuntr,

Thanks...Good luck to you too. Whats the biggest buck you've seen out there this summer? Anyway I'm sure we'll run into each other its a small world out there. Send me an email and we can talk some more and I'll give you and idea of what I've seen lately and maybe we can talk about where we're both hunting so we don't hunt each others honeyholes...Also if I get lucky and bag one before you and I know where another big boy is hangin out at I'd be more than happy to show you where or give you some info.

[email protected]

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