vortex spotting scopes


Active Member
i posted this in the product reviews, but i wanted to post it here also. ive been looking into vortex spotting scopes and have heard different reviews on them. im looking at the skyline ed. how comparable are they to other spotters? i have a guy here at work that swears by them and im looking through his that he has sometime this week. what are your thoughts as far as clarity around the edges and also zoomed? should i consider another brand? leupold, nikon? i cant bring myself to fork the money out for lieca and swarovski, so those are out of my budget. thanks for any thoughts and input.

"Shoot Strait"
I bought the skyline ed angled scope. i love it. I needed a scope that tells me if it has antlers or not. The skyline is very clear. To be honest i have used swarovski scopes in the past. Although great, they are super expensive and in my opinion not worth the money. I can see if it has antlers just as well with the skyline.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-10 AT 09:30PM (MST)[p]I bought one of the 20x60x80 Nomads. And I love it! And Vortex takes really good care of you when somthing goes wrong! I have also used some of the high end scopes. Are they nice? Well ya thats why they cost what they do. But I don't need to spend that much, for now.

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-10 AT 09:54PM (MST)[p]"ocara19"

do you do a lot of packing with that scope? i hear its big and bulky. does it seem to be and issue or not? im sure you would get used to it. thanks for the info and your thoughts

"Shoot Strait"
Ya it is a little big. To be honest it close to the same size as the biggest baddest swarovski. even after all that ive been through with this scope i wouldnt hesitate to buy the same one again. it beats paying over 2 grand. its for sure worth it. to some degree i think buying the swarovski is to show other hunters and their buddies how much money they have...they may have more money then sense
i agree with price on those "nicer" optics. how is the zoom on it? ive also heard that is kinda slow and hard to work with the smaller knobs? do you have any issues?

"Shoot Strait"
the optics are great. there are rough and fine focusing knobs. if they are boobing about the extra couple seconds it takes to focus then they are babies and can pay for their 2 grand scopes. go check one out and see what you like. like i said before, id buy another vortex in a heartbeat.
I own a skyline ed (angled) and a couple of swarovski extendable scopes. While the Vortex is nice, and well worth the money, it is in no way comparable to swarovski glass. If you want a decent scope for about 1/3 the $ of a swarovski, you'll be happy with it. I, however am going to sell mine because I feel I am giving up too much when I dont take the swaro glass.

Oh yeah, and I want to show other hunters that I have more money than sense......
"Yeah, I'll shoot him"
i looked at a few of them and i for sure like the skyline ed. its in my price range and i dont think ill have any problems packing it around. i would like to look through a nice nikon to compare just for kicks. as far as my opinion goes on the "nicer" stuff, i cant bring myself to spend that kind of money for them, its too much. i have looked through them and i think this skyline ed is just as clear and crisp. thanks for all the input and thoughts.

"Shoot Strait"
My buddy has the Swarovski 20-60x80 HD. I have a skyline ED. We had them set up side by side at dusk. They were almost equal in clearness and brightness. I was proud to own the Skyline after seeing that. I paid 450 used. He paid almost 3 grand. Not to mention that the Warranty for the Vortex is unparalleled. The picture is clear from side to side. In my opinion you will not go wrong with the skyline.

Are you sure you have a 20-60x80 Nomad? I've been waiting for Vortex to come out with an HD Nomad version before upgrading my spoter. I'm not even sure that they have it in the plans. All that I see listed on Vortext webpage is a 20-60x60 Nomad. If you have the 80 mm objective lense I think you have the Sklyne not the Nomad. Sorry for the side track.

Actually I just got back from there place with my new Razor and I had compared it to my old Pentax a bunch my self and the Razor does eat it up. Its a sweet scope give it a try.
Well I did compare the two and the Skyline is about 3 inches longer and almost weights twice as much. I can say they are optically about the same.
They must be doing something right. I recently returned from teh National Varmint Hunters Jamoboree and 600 yard IBS match in SOuth Dakota. I saw more Vortex optics being used there than anywhere I have seen. We are talking about guys that can afford to put Niteforce, Swaro, Zeis on their guns and look through. I have a picture of 4 different people looking through Vortex spotters on the firing line. I have been using them in the field for over 3 years now and they have done very well. I highly recommend one.

It's always an adventure!!!
They did make a 20-60x80mm Nomad. I have one also, purchased it from Cameraland. Says NOMAD right on the box. Great scope for the money.
I just ordered my Skyline ED angled today. Tired of seeing them 1-2 miles out and can't tell how good they are. Read all the good reviews and bit the bullet. I can barely afford these - swaro was out of the question for that reason.


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