Voting for Biden


Long Time Member
Some truth there.

So can someone explain what biden and harris have to offer other than new green deal, destroy 2nd amendment and shutdown private insurance??

What will they do to help this country?
I voted for Trump because I was tired of two face lying career politicians and out right crooks like Hillary. I feel I made the right choice as Trump has been far better at keeping his campaign promises and no other candidate would have been strong enough to endure what the Democrats have thrown at him.
I will vote for him again!
And There again!

The PISS POOR Choices!

I Just Found Out that CHINA Doesn't Like TRUMP!

But I Think it's Just a Rumor!:D:D:D!
Well I see no one wants to answer my question asked above. Thought I was asking the libtards here a good question

I guess my answer is the same. They offer nothing other than screwing us.

TRUMP 2020
Well I see no one wants to answer my question asked above. Thought I was asking the libtards here a good question

I guess my answer is the same. They offer nothing other than screwing us.

TRUMP 2020

They offer further hate and discontent.
.... seems eerily similar to 2106 - voting for Trump because you didn’t want Hillary to be president.

Sucks that we have lousy choices for President these days....

Good point, some definitely will vote against trump by voting for Biden and this is not necessarily because they like Biden. To many it will be a vote for the lesser of two evils (however they may see these 2- evils).... Like I always preach WE NEED A TRUE 3RD PARTY!!!
Touche' HuntinAddict :LOL:

I am hearing more and more instances where Rep/Cons are no longer supporting Trump - to your point there is already a "pseudo" 3rd party.

At least half of the Conservative Republicans I work with claim they are Not voting for Trump this time around. This does not mean they are voting for Biden.. some of them say they will write someone in.

Of course there are some Democrats who will also not be voting for Biden.. and so one... It will be entertaining to see how it all shakes out in November.
Really? I know of zero republicans that will not vote or vote for Biden. I do know that quite a few blacks are fed up with the democrats. That is the one to watch. If you think Trump losing is a benefit to republican causes there is little hope for you.
I am speaking only of what I see and hear at work (small sample size of course). On a larger scale there is the Lincoln Project movement - if I am not mistaken the Lincoln Project consists of Republicans/Conservatives who claim they are not going to vote for Trump.

Bottom line is there are people out there fed up with both "Parties" and it will be interesting how things shake out.
It doesn’t matter who doesn’t vote for Biden or Trump the end will be the same, a dem or rep will win the presidency not some 3rd party wing nut or some guy that gets his name written in by haters of the party they “used to” support! It amazes me that people think a write in name is a good vote? In California if more people would vote what’s on the ticket instead of writing in Mickey Mouse we might see a difference in what runs this state!
The arrogance of the self righteous will cause everyone to lose things they will NEVER get back in their lifetime without severe hardship first.
Let's see how many turned away from Biden with his VP pick.....I know the 2 Democrats that WERE huge Biden supporters will now not vote at all. She is a disgusting example of the Democrats. Well if your not a Democrat a perfect example of the left leaning party.
Barack Obama
Published 8 hours ago
Tensions linger between Biden and Obama camps throughout 2020 primary campaign: report
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f--k things up,” one Democrat who spoke to the former president recalled him saying
By Morgan Phillips | Fox News

Despite the best-friend bond Joe Biden touts with former President Obama, tensions have lingered between the two statesmen over their vastly different governing styles, according to a Politico report.

To start, a number of anonymously sourced quotes from Obama leaked out throughout the 2020 Biden campaign where the former president allegedly expressed doubts about his former running mates’ fitness for office.
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f--k things up,” one Democrat who spoke to the former president recalled him saying.
When lamenting his own diminishing relationship with the current Democratic electorate, particularly in Iowa, Obama reportedly told one 2020 candidate: “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”
Some Biden aides pointed out that, when Obama’s endorsement of Biden in 2020 finally did arrive, it didn’t have nearly the energy of his endorsement of Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Pretty bad when your ex-boss thinks you are a screw up and don't have what it takes to be president.
Yeah! I never believed Biden's excuse that he asked Obama not to endorse him at the beginning of the campaign. Obama was holding out hoping that someone else would become the Democrat candidate. The DNC was behind Biden just like they did with Hillary 4 years before.


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