well....guess I'm a sexist....

How about " enabler" rape/pedophilia.
Brilliant futures trader.
Mourner. Just can't get over Vince Fosters timely err Untimely passing!
Email expert.

Man this country is SICK!!!
In other words, if you oppose Hillary, you're sexist.

Here we go.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
We would not have to worry about it but our dumbass ancestors allowed women the right to vote. I am sexist and will vote against her because she is an ugly woman. If she was cute I might give her my vote. I wouldn't let the wrinkly old bag clean my house.
Glen will say he's joking , but he's not. Look at Palin, dumber than a box of rocks but cute. if she had been ugly it would be Palin who?

This is a dumb subject even by homer standards. some right wing tabloid story designed to get wingnuts excited.

Stay thirsty my friends
Oh yeah.....it's a dumb subject.......but tools of your caliber will be parroting it soon. And you know it.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-15 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-15 AT 10:14?AM (MST)

Woman are just as capable as men on most things and looks should never play into how she's treated. I would have no problem with a woman as president, just not hillary or sarah. Both are too far right or left for me. It's their policies that matter to me the most. I believe a center leaning president, no matter what party, is best for the country. If that's a woman then so be it.
After King Obama is gone, can we call Hillary, Queen Hillary? How about Presidentress?


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Rather than whine about Hillary 23 hours a day you would be better off finding someone who might beat her.

Does winning by being better even cross your minds? it really doesn't seem like it.

Stay thirsty my friends
You have to think a republican will win or you're a liberal? what is that some karma thing you have going?

I'm supposed to assume a suck azz line up like the republicans have will beat a candidate who drafts over 50% of the vote in every match up? if being stupid makes you feel good go for it, I'm a realist so forgive me.

Stay thirsty my friends
...no...you are a liberal democrat living in the middle of a red county riding on all your red neighbor's coat tails...making you believe you are somewhat still free...not appreciating the damage the left is doing to the rest of the country....
Anybody that would give up any kind uf Gun Rights..................well that SPLAINS Perty much everything!

What if they decided to take your Free Money away 440?

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
I'm a moderate republican living in a red county. I have turned to the democrats more and more because they're closer to what republicans used to be than republicans are. I haven't changed, the GOP has.

And the claim republicans have done more than democrats for this country depends entirely on if you're a white male or not.

Bobcat , Reagan supported a ban on your rambo guns and clips. I just don't give a crap if you keep them or not. see what I mean about old school republicans, now you call us liberals.

Stay thirsty my friends
Well 440!

Once again!

You Don't Get it!

They Take a F'N Gun of any Kind you'll Lose your Favorite Elk Rifle!


Foot in the F'N Door!


We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Can you prove that?

They won't let me have a grenade launcher. yet somehow I still see my M-70 collection right in front of me. what gives?

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude it can be proven as it happen here in CA. with our liberal Democrat lawmakers. When they passed the Roberto-Roos bill dealing with so called assault rifles, the Remington 740 & 7400, Browning BAR semi auto and several other hunting semi auto rifles were included in the ban. That bill also limited magazines to 10 rounds.
I was picked by my Sheriff to draft a letter to Gov. Gray Davis explaining that the bill would not help law enforcement investigations and would not deter violent crime.

Gov. Davis removed the hunting rifles from the bill after signing it, but the black rifles remained and so did the over 10 round magazine ban. some of those liberal Democrat lawmakers that passed that bill went on to be elected to Congress in D.C.

Hey dude?

Pay Close Attention to Post # 23!

You throw your Hands in the Air & be a Panny-waste if you'd like!

I can't believe any Decent American would let Forced Communism happen!


We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
So the hunting rifles were excluded, and the rambo chit wasn't. I don't have a problem with that.

I read #23 Bobcat, seems things worked out well for those of us who don't play army man. thanks for helping me prove my point.

Stay thirsty my friends
Wow You are a THICK Headed Bastard!

>So the hunting rifles were excluded,
>and the rambo chit wasn't.
> I don't have a
>problem with that.
>I read #23 Bobcat, seems
>things worked out well for
>those of us who don't
>play army man. thanks for
>helping me prove my point.
>Stay thirsty my friends

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
>Wow You are a THICK Headed
>>So the hunting rifles were excluded,
>>and the rambo chit wasn't.
>> I don't have a
>>problem with that.
>>I read #23 Bobcat, seems
>>things worked out well for
>>those of us who don't
>>play army man. thanks for
>>helping me prove my point.
>>Stay thirsty my friends
> We
>laugh, we cry, we love
> Go hard when the going's
> Push back, come push and
> Knock us down, we'll get
>back up again and again
>We are Members of the Huntin
Dude the only reason the hunting rifles were removed from the ban was because Gov. Gray Davis made a campaign promise to never include hunting rifles in any ban. His fellow Democrats even fooled him in signing the bill by putting in a deception description of what was a "assault rifle" and it was not caught until after he signed the bill into law.

The NRA and several CA. gun groups raised a big stink and he had the bill changed to exclude the hunting rifles. Gets pretty bad when even a Democrat Governor can not even trust his fellow party members on deceiving him and the public at the same time.

You now have people like that in your state government who will deceive you one of these days. When that happens, do you want us to have the same attitude as you do when it becomes your problem?

....he is surrounded by red voters relh.....he can act like that...he's protected....and doesn't even appreciate it.
He may think he is protected. He even knows that the controlling votes come out of the Portland, Springfield-Eugene area that are a hot bed of anti gun liberals. That and most of the coastal area is over 50% ex-liberal Californians. He's screwed just like Colorado.

It worked out didn't it? why can't you be happy by getting what you want.

The reason gun rights are what they are is not republican or democrat, it's the constitution. the SC made a ruling on what types of guns we are gauranteed a few years ago and that will stand any legal or political challenge. give credit where it is due, the founding fathers not some douche bag politicians.

In that ruling rambo crap was not granted protection, you might get a ruling on that someday but you don't have one now. be careful what you ask for you may not like the answer.

Yes you californians are moving in and you are causing problems. but you can't change the constitution. I'm more worried about everything else you're going to screw up. oddly enough most of the californians who move to eastern OR are more conservative than the natives. but it is the west side that runs the state, idiots like Manny.

So my guns are safe and your rambo chit isn't. that gives you and the antis something to do. you have fun with that you naughty little monkeys.

Stay thirsty my friends
I have enough guns, ammo and tactical gear to last me, my grandson and his grandson so you will never really win the battle on those nasty black rifles. I use mine for yote hunting but you would not understand that being from a gay bath house in Portland with your computer.
And what's to stop the SC from sayin u don't need those model 70's anymore either? Or the atf sayin you dont need that 270/06'/300 etc ammo either cause they can be loaded in a pistol and penatrate vests. Payin attentions just an expression lennie, it don't cost a dime!
Dude you are dreaming if you think your guns will be safe at all times.
How many illegal laws have the liberal Democrats passed in states and Washington D.C. only to be overturned by the Supreme Court later. Only problem is that those cases may take several years before they are overturned. You better hope Obama does not get to select another one or two Supreme Court Justice as it will tip the balance in the court.

Yep, I heard the same crap from the NRA when Clinton ran for president the first time. and second. and when Obama was elected. and when he was again.

And somehow I have more M-70's than I did then? go figure.

The Heller case changed everything, you really should get someone to read the decision for you. it took what was thought the law was and confimed it. if the SC ever decided to change that ruling, which is doubtful, nothing I do today can change that.

You're trying to drag people without a dog in the fight to join your army man club and many of us aren't interested in playing. retooling your old ads and running them through the propaganda machine might work on the kids but I've seen this dog and pony show before. have fun.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude you are like the three monkeys. See no evil. Hear no evil. But you sure speak the evil B.S. Go back to hiding you head in the sand with your butt sticking in the air.
One of these days you will feel a sharp pain in that rear end when someone crams a sharp stick up there. As I said before, you are not a friend of gun owners, you are the closet enemy.

"""And somehow I have more M-70's than I did then? go figure."""

Probably all Government Issued Hand-Outs too!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
440,what's wrong with a good hard working law abiding citizen owning a black gun? I don't understand why you would have an issue with such a thing. Most of the ranchers I know let people be as long as they are law abiding,honest individuals. I'm not getting your point of view other than following your parties agenda.
he's a tool grosventrehunter....he is not deep enough to comprehend the 2nd..... save your breath...
I don't need to be a friend of gunowners. I am a gun owner, 60 or 70 of them. You rambo idiots have fun. not my problem.

Maybe that's the problem you up tight paranoid idiots have. too much FOX , too much Limbaugh and too much of your crappy church music .

Have a little confidence in yourself and your country, nobody is taking my guns even if they wanted them . end of story.

Stay thirsty my friends
With Your Attitude & Your Thinking You're very WRONG!

When You Give In & let them take/Ban a Gun of any kind you're giving up your Gun Rights!


Amazing How Blind Some are!

If You Want to Keep your Guns you Man-Up & Help Protect Our 2nd Rights & I don't care if it's a GAWD-DAMNED Red Ryder they are trying to take!

But Instead You Throw your Hands in the Air!

Who said a Nut-Case as yourself should have a Truck Load of M-70's laying around?(Them are Rambo Toys you know!)

> I don't need to
>be a friend of gunowners.
>I am a gun owner,
>60 or 70 of them.
> You rambo idiots have
>fun. not my problem.
>Maybe that's the problem you up
>tight paranoid idiots have. too
>much FOX , too much
>Limbaugh and too much of
>your crappy church music .
>Have a little confidence in yourself
>and your country,
> nobody is taking my
>guns even if they wanted
>them . end of
>Stay thirsty my friends

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
I heard on the news that over 1 million people are homeless because they are fleeing from ISIS. They are hiding out in tents up in the mountains and other places.

How does 30,000 Toyota driving retarded ISIS put the fear into that many people?

We don't need less guns in America. Of any kind.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
I don't see a difference between guns built on an AR platform and regular guns. All can kill.

That being said, Anybody stupid enough to believe they can defend themselves against a military force just with small arms is kidding themselves.

Iraq has 34.2 guns per 100 of population and the U.S. has 34.4, and most of Iraq's weapons are AK's and PKM's. So how does ISIS steamroll over an armed civilian population?

>I don't see a difference between
>guns built on an AR
>platform and regular guns.
>All can kill.
>That being said, Anybody stupid enough
>to believe they can defend
>themselves against a military
>force just with small arms
>is kidding themselves.
>Iraq has 34.2 guns per 100
>of population and the U.S.
>has 34.4, and most of
>Iraq's weapons are AK's and
>PKM's. So how does
>ISIS steamroll over an armed
>civilian population?
The Vietnamese didn't have much more than that. The Taliban didn't have much more than that.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-15 AT 06:29PM (MST)[p]How many of them do we kill in every engagement? They were willing to sacrifice life after life after life and wait us out. We didn't lose on the battlefield the wars were ended with a political solution.

Anybody who thinks they can defend themselves and their loved ones with an AR 15 against a military organization is an idiot who will die for it.

The combined arms of the American military and the fire power any butter bar lieutenant has at his finger tips will completely eliminate any threat posed by a 55 year old pot bellied pretender. Most won't have the balls to stand and fight any way if to came to that.

That is just a fact. I don't really care if you have an AR or an AK I am good with having them. I have had them and sold them but would buy another, they are fun to shoot. It don't buy them with the idea that I can use one to hold off the military.

...well...who am I to argue with a war hero....but the 2nd doesn't guarantee a win...it guarantees the arms. I'd much rather be shot dead by a 'war hero' than marched somewhere and told to shut up and behave by a war hero.
You have to have guns, but you also have to value freedom and be willing to die for it. I'm talking the boomer generation. Millennials who are used to having everything given to them, not so much. They would be living in tent cities hoping Red Cross brings them food like Arabs.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
It isn't so much that we'd win against a modern military with our ar's as much as it would b an easy, much more likely task if we were disarmed. Heaven forbid it would ever come to that but if it did I'm goin out the same way I came in....kickin, screamin and covered in somebody else's blood!
So DW?

Unlike 440 Throwin His F'N Hands in the Air?

>It isn't so much that we'd
>win against a modern military
>with our ar's as much
>as it would b an
>easy, much more likely task
>if we were disarmed. Heaven
>forbid it would ever come
>to that but if it
>did I'm goin out the
>same way I came in....kickin,
>screamin and covered in somebody
>else's blood!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-15 AT 08:45AM (MST)[p]Homer

I see you are too stupid to converse so as typical you resort to a lie instead of a come back, typical.

Why would anyone look to a boomer as an ally in fight? They have lost every war they fought in.

The younger generations the boomers hate so much kicked Ass in every conflict boomers sent them to. I would rather stand up with winners and fight not with losers.


I have no problem with anyone owning AR's for personal defense or any other firearm for that matter.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-15 AT 08:59AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-15 AT 08:58?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-15 AT 08:46?AM (MST)

You say "we didn't lose on the battlefield they ended with political solutions" then in the next post u call them losers? My dad and his two brothers fought in vietnam, as well as many on this forum. There's plenty of reasons I'll never call them "losers" but the biggest reason is they had to fight with 1 arm tied behind their back the whole time. Had they been allowed to win, much like our most recent conflict, neither would have dragged on for 10yrs! And the other reason I won't is the fact that the reason our skirmish only lasted 43 days was those "losers" were in charge of it. They had their last conflict in mind and said they weren't goin down that road again. And for that, I'm eternally grateful to that bunch of "losers"!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-15 AT 09:22AM (MST)[p]Explain that to the low hanging fruit that you count as you allies on here.

Boomers suck that is just a fact and the ones too stupid to understand that deserve to be called losers. They lost, doesn't mean the individual soldiers were loser in life, just that they lost the war. Then as a thanks they dump on anyone who isn't a boomer, turn it around on them and they whine like little girls.

Boomers are to blame for nearly everything they complain about. They inherited the worlds leading economy from the greatest generation and ruined it, they inherited the largest creditor nation in the history of world and turned it into the largest debtor nation in history, they raised the Gen Y's and Gen X'ers and now hate their own kids and grandkids.

What exactly is there to love about boomers? Especially lying, senile, stupid ones?


PS. DW it wasn't a boomer president in charge during the First Gulf War, GHWB was a veteran of WWII and he oversaw that war. The wars boomers get us into last much longer. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan for instance.

I don't care if people want to own rambo guns and play army man, knock yourself out. what I'm saying is you're not going to rope me into a battle that doesn't concern me.

Once again you really need to have the Heller case decision read to you. it confirms my right to own the types of weapons I own . it doesn't confirm your rights to rambo chit with 100 round drums of cop killer bullets. for that as Scalia said " we'll have to see " . so I don't care that's your problem.

I'm sure you don't understand how a Ruger no 1 and a AK-47 aren't the same thing to everyone . and I don't care about that either.

Stay thirsty my friends
I understand they aren't the same thing but it doesn't really matter.

If a whack job wants to kill people they are going to find a way to do that. Look no further than a crazy airline copilot crashing his plane into a mountain.

Plenty say we didn't win the Iraq/Afghanistan war either, are those veterans "losers"?

Figure it out I was talking directly to Eelgrass and the Douche Bag Homer.

Did either of those end with us evacuating people off the roof of the Embassy while the enemy was at the gates of the city?

The veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan are being betrayed by the boomer leadership in the VA, Congress and the White House.

>AT 09:22?AM (MST)

>Explain that to the low hanging
>fruit that you count as
>you allies on here.
>Boomers suck that is just a
>fact and the ones too
>stupid to understand that deserve
>to be called losers.
>They lost, doesn't mean the
>individual soldiers were loser in
>life, just that they lost
>the war. Then as
>a thanks they dump on
>anyone who isn't a boomer,
>turn it around on them
>and they whine like little
>Boomers are to blame for nearly
>everything they complain about.
>They inherited the worlds leading
>economy from the greatest generation
>and ruined it, they inherited
>the largest creditor nation in
>the history of world and
>turned it into the largest
>debtor nation in history, they
>raised the Gen Y's and
>Gen X'ers and now hate
>their own kids and grandkids.
>What exactly is there to love
>about boomers? Especially lying,
>senile, stupid ones?
>PS. DW it wasn't a boomer
>president in charge during the
>First Gulf War, GHWB was
>a veteran of WWII and
>he oversaw that war.
>The wars boomers get us
>into last much longer.
>Look at Iraq and Afghanistan
>for instance.
History repeats it's self, remember the great depression? The stock market and such were ran by low hanging fruit people who spoke like they were intelligent but were cons just like we got today.

The head man is a boomer. Boomers are defined by our government and everyone else as anyone born between the years of 1946 and 1964.

Homer is a loser, again just a fact.

The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are winners as proven by them over and over again both on the battlefield and in civilian life. Just like Vietnam Veterans are winners in life, they just lost the war due to their fellow boomers back home who spit on them when they got back and called them baby killers. That was done by Baby Boomers not the current generation of Americans.

We, the younger generations, honor our service members by showing up at the airports when they return and fly the flag with honor for them, not spit on them and call them names like boomers did.

The term ?baby boomer? refers
to individuals born in the United
States between mid-1946 and
mid-1964 (Hogan, Perez, and
Bell, 2008). Distinctions between
the baby boom cohort and birth
cohorts from preceding and subsequent
years become apparent when
fertility measures are framed within
a historical context. The baby boom
in the United States was marked
by a substantial rise in birth rates
post-World War II.

>Why would anyone with a firing
>brain cell want boomers in
>their corner?

>Hey! Damn kids! Get off my lawn! Isn't this what every >generation does. Does the greatest generation hold no >responsibility for the fact they raised the boomers?

The difference is that the greatest generation made real sacrifices, Survived the Great Depression, Won the War and built a thriving economy. What sacrifices did boomers ever make?

I could tolerate the boomers somewhat if any of them ever admitted the truth and decided to stop bad mouthing the younger generations they are putting into debt prison but just like every boomer I know they don't ever want to admit that their actions have consequences. It is always somebody else who is a fault for the condition of the country.

We have had three boomer presidents: Clinton, Bush and Now Obama.

The day Clinton took office the debt was $4.188 Trillion today after 22 years of boomers being president the debt stands at $18.1 Trillion. Doesn't matter which party the boomer president is from, they spend like drunken sailors.

>The head man is a boomer.
> Boomers are defined by
>our government and everyone
>else as anyone born between
>the years of 1946 and
>Homer is a loser, again just
>a fact.
>The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
>are winners as proven by
>them over and over again
>both on the battlefield and
>in civilian life. Just
>like Vietnam Veterans are winners
>in life, they just lost
>the war due to their
>fellow boomers back home who
>spit on them when they
>got back and called them
>baby killers. That was
>done by Baby Boomers not
>the current generation of Americans.
>We, the younger generations, honor our
>service members by showing up
>at the airports when they
>return and fly the flag
>with honor for them, not
>spit on them and call
>them names like boomers did.
>The term ?baby boomer? refers
>to individuals born in the United
>States between mid-1946 and
>mid-1964 (Hogan, Perez, and
>Bell, 2008). Distinctions between
>the baby boom cohort and birth
>cohorts from preceding and subsequent
>years become apparent when
>fertility measures are framed within
>a historical context. The baby boom
>in the United States was marked
>by a substantial rise in birth
>post-World War II.
Nemont you sound like The great one Obama, you lump everyone together and scold everyone, do your part and wear a condom.
The huffing and puffington post says 60-80. Many say 61-81. He's closer to our age than our dads. When those vietnam vets tried to become vfw members the greatest generation called them losers and didn't want them to b allowed in. Who raised the boomers?
Vietnam was run by Nixon, general Abrams, and general Westmoreland, all world war 2 veterans and part of the greatest generation. George H, general Norman Schwarzkopf, General Colin Powell, ran our 43 day skirmish. Schwarzkopf and Powell for both boomers and served in Vietnam. These are the facts.
I suspect the leaders of Vietnam were over confident and took the enemy lightly coming of their historical victory in wwII. The leaders of desert storm were still pissed off about vietnam. I blame neither group as I simply see it as human nature. I'm just grateful the pissed of one's were leadin us.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-15 AT 11:58AM (MST)[p]


I don't disagree with any of that. Most of what I post about boomers is just a way to poke them in the eye for bad mouthing the younger generations. I don't truly believe about 99% of what I post about boomers.

As for when the boomers were born I use the official definition, anyone born between 1946 and 1964. That is what is used by every government agency. I give a $h!t what Huffington Post uses.


to late, I have three kids. All three are great students and great people, oldest will get her Doctorate one year from now, her little sister will receive her Family Nurse Practitioner degree the year after that and my son will enter The Chemical Engineering program this fall. It pays to raise your kids to want to achieve something in life.

Too bad you father didn't follow your advice.

Nemont maybe you should try Facebook, all your snide remark's could get a lot more attention that you desire, but that might not be good for business would it.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-15 AT 01:30PM (MST)[p]Really?? Says the guy that told me to wear condom. I have a Facebook page and make plenty of snide comments, nothing but good for business.


>AT 01:30?PM (MST)

>Really?? Says the guy that told
>me to wear condom.
>I have a Facebook page
>and make plenty of snide
>comments, nothing but good for
You have a nice day.
LOL! Just another day in the political forum.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Douche Bag go find the quote of me claiming to be a hero at anything. If you can't then own your lie.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-15 AT 08:25PM (MST)[p]oh.....it is an inferred lie....in your eyes.

OK....I'll accept your weakness.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-15 AT 08:59PM (MST)[p]Just like a douche bag to not be able to back up a lie. Figured you to be unable to show any proof or at the very least find an inference that I made to anything heroic

I accept you are both a liar and a douche bag and too big of a puss to back up your claims.


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