Well here is my philosify



Deer hunting is a common sport or well should i say hunting i am only 15 so i know i do not have any respect in here and i know that i can't change the way you all feel. But if you are going to put whitetails down look at it from my point of view and i have hunted mulies and alot of other animals i am very fortunate but i live in missouri whitetail country and also the country to alot of hunter. If you were 15 and you lived herre what would you hunt i cant travel alone so if any of my family members dont go somewhere neither can i. But if all you had to hunt is whitetails then you would understand where i am coming from.
You must be coming from a place without English teachers. Quit hunting so much and pay attention in class.
The title of your other post was "I like whitetails better....". Obviously there are some that don't agree with you. In fact, since you have not hunted muleys, what are you basing your comments on? Don't worry about the respect thing, as your age has nothing to do with it. Have fun with the site and don't worry too much if others are not in agreemet with you. Heck, you have an opportunity to learn so much about other types of hunting while you are only 15 because of sites like this one. Take advantage of the situation and don't get hunt up on "this vs. that". BTW, this web address is MonsterMuleys, what do you expect. haha...
ummmm, wow. Well first, stay in school as someone else suggested.

2nd... read, then re-read the name of the web site over and over. See if anything pops in your head about why people are bagging on your whitetails. Generally speaking; if you want to have your opinion shared it helps to find an audience that you might predict to be receptive, read the first sentence of this paragraf again.

Here's my filosofee, when in Rome.... by the way, there's LOTS of places on the web to chat whitetails, have you tried Google yet?

You're 15? I loved hunting and fishgig when I was 15 too, but if I'd had a computer then, I know damn well what I'd have been doing with it... think hard about what kinds of things you might find on the net if you look... LOL

LAST EDITED ON Jan-31-05 AT 01:06PM (MST)[p]nontip, my advice.


That's a "period". Use a few more of them.

Glad you are passionate about hunting. It may keep you out of trouble. If I lived where you do I'd hunt the heck out of those whitetails too. You need to not come on here acting like you're picking a fight, though, because you will be devoured on this site. If you have some real questions you can probably get them answered here. If you have some pictures, even of whitetails, post them here. I, for one, would like to see them. If you have some hunting stories to share, let's hear them. But don't be deliberately starting something.

My philosophy:
You can catch a lot more bees with honey than you can with vinegar.
You tell em kid! Kudos to you. Understand much what is said on sites like this is just meaningless trash talking. Dont let it get to you. I live in Mt where we have a good population of both Mule Deer and Whitetails. I PREFER to hunt mule deer. Just something about them I cant pinpoint why I am so infatuated with them. Mabey the country they live or the impressive size their antlers can reach.
My family and I DO hunt whitetails each year. I do most of my hunting with a bow and there are extended archery seasons here for whitetails only. I must admit 75% of our meat diet is whitetail does. (and they are goooooooood!!) I surely am not embarrased to admit that.
To be honest with you I personally lack the patients it takes to sit in a stand for hours at a time with only close visibility of the surrounding area. I know that is what it takes to harvest quality whitetail bucks with archery equipment. I have a hard time doing it.
It sounds like some members of this site lack that particular kind of patients too but are just too darn stubborn to admit it. Mabey they have been outwitted too many times by wise old whitetails so they have given up the pursuit altogether. (I have come close to doing that)
The kind of patients mule deer hunters searching for quality animals posess is the kind it takes to sit for hours and glass miles and miles of rough terrain, the kind it takes to hike hundreds of miles in that god foresaken country in search of "that one" particular animal and the kind it takes to pass up dozens on the quest for "that one."
I have nothing against people that prefer to hunt whitetails, and surely do not have anything against people that are limited ONLY to hunting whitetails because of the area they live in. I Do have a disliking for poachers, meat wasters, people that abuse the land they are on in pursuit of game and people that put down other sportsman for the types of game or the size of the game they prefer to hunt for.
You are a part of the questionable future of a general pastime we are all passionate about, hunting. Respect whatever game you are in pursuit of, be active in groups that support those animals and the people that hunt them, and just as importantly work TOGETHER with sportsman that share that common goal. That our grandchildren may have the opportunity to enjoy the privelage we do.
Let me appoligize for some of the comments that may have been made to you and about hunting whitetail deer. This appoligy comes on behalf of myself and I would hope the majority of "Strictly Mule Deer Hunters" that love what we do just as you love what you do.
Everyone else, give the kid a break. The LAST thing we need is more sensless conflict between us all. Happy and safe hunting (To Mule Deer hunters AND Whitetail hunters)
i know if i try to make another joke, i'll offend somebody, but after reading the remarks about nontip's education i'll remind ya all that i said that whitetail was the preference of the special ed hunters safety course graduates.

Wise up a bit. These fellows are just have a little fun with you. Mule deer are not genetically superior to whitetails; it's just a different hunting experience. Enjoy the outdoor experience whenever and wherever you can.
No offense taken. I guess the point I was trying to make was most of us could tell these remarks are all in good fun but I dont believe Nontyp saw it that way. Besides, at 15 he is probably more computer literate than most of us and the last thing we need is him crashing the websight with some Whitetail Computer Virus Hobojobo. He just didnt realize you were just trying to get his goat. Which brings to mind another debate. Goat hunting vs sheep hunting. (just kidding)
Isn't there a MonsterDogDinkDeer web site you can go play on? I know they're out there, and I bet everyone there will agree with you and your "philosify". This is MonsterMULEYS so I would have to say most people here like MULEYS better than Whitetails, and it doesn't matter how many Whitetail treads you put up, the outcome will always be the same, people putting down your beloved Whitetails.

Sorry I had to jump your chit like that, I feel real bad. I feel like I just shot a spike Whitetail.
Bad grammar bothers me as much as the guy if not more, but if that were a prerequisite for posting on this forum, we would have to kick a lot of guys off. LOL

Nontyp: Do you go stand in a group of grownups you don't know and dispute what they say? I suspect not. So why are you surprised when you come on a Mule deer forum and try to post something that is obviously going to cause a rukus, then act as if you are being picked on and got your feelings hurt?

As stated above, read the name of this website, and if you want to stick around here, act mature, polite, and get a thick hide.

Good hunting.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Well I enjoyed this web site until I saw this POST. BACK OFF the kid. He is 15 and hunting. Again he is 15 years old with some years of hunting exp. and he is asking these experienced mule deer hunters a question. Now if he was 20 or so have at him but not 15. I can see that this kid is more mature than some of the adults that have responed to his post.

Here is this guy with 6 post, he comes onto this website because he sees all these other hunters with many kills, and maybe he wants to know your opinion or maybe some advice on huntting...........NOT about his grammer skills. I am pretty DAM! digusted over this.
I'm George W Bush. I just post as Colville, when I have the time.

What? You don't believe that? Why not? I said I was George right?

NO WAY. You mean when someone is annonymous they might, lie? Or is it possible that until you know for a fact, that anyone can purport to be anything or anyone they want? They might even do it to stir the pot? Or they might be 15 and silly in which case they got a little ribbing.

Maybe people shouldn't take annonymous threads in gaint pissing match web locations too seriously. God bless you, and God bless America.

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