What are the odds?


Founder Since 1999
I picked up the antler in May. Found the buck this summer. What are the odds of that happening? Thousands of square miles of both summer and winter range. 40 miles straight line between winter and summer home for this buck.



Brian Latturner
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I didn't pick up the other side.
The antler was dropped this year.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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Great find and picture, that's what it takes to be a good successful hunter these days, following them all year. I saw a Bull the other day that I picked up his sheds this spring, it's so cool to see and be involved through the whole years cycle. Congratulations the reward is in your hands.
Considering all the bucks you look over during the summer, I don't think the odds are really that low of this occasionally happening to you. I bet you have picked up other sheds in the spring and then seen the bucks during the summer but don't realize it is the same buck because the antler isn't unique like this one. I'm guessing you already have an idea of where many of these bucks winter and summer due to history with the area and that is why you found this shed and then the buck during the summer.
Now if you were specifically looking for this buck after finding his shed, I would say your odds are really low unless you have a history of seeing him on the summer range previous years.
Lotto type odds for sure.

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