What do you fear while in the woods?


Long Time Member
Getting lost? Breaking down? Getting hurt? Running into a bear?

When hunting I think my biggest fear is comming onto a pot garden. You never know how that will turn out.

I'm not afraid of much but you have to see it to deal with it. Something happening at night, pitch dark out, worries me the most.

....and having hot chili the night before with no socks on.
I think getting hurt and not being able to walk scares me the most. Around 7 years ago I was coming off the mountain and my ankle snapped...thought it was broken. I strapped my boot up as tight as I could and made it down. After x-rays the doctor said I pulled tissue off the bone that made the loud snapping noise.
Realizing that I left my wife at the gas station.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
>>running out of beer.

>Jumpin' Jiminy!! Do my eyes
>deceive me?

It must be a hacker Red!

Tag - is that you?? Really?? Are you back??

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Cougars. i can handle everything else i think but those sneaky fellers would get you before you know it.

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne

Things that scare me are bears when I'm sleeping on the ground, ML's when I'm being sneaky, and mosquitos on my junk when I'm droppin a deuce.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
At this point in my life, old, fat, beat up and deaf, the ONLY thing I really fear is falling down in the dark. Otherwise, I have pretty much survived all that other chit.
I worry about mountain lions. I took my son out this evening to call coyotes in and just cruise around (not to shoot, just call em in). As we left the truck I realized I had no weapon of any sort. Walking up the hill, I found the sturdiest stick I could and kept that with me the whole evening. Lions, as said before, are sneaky SOB's!

Pelosies are much sneakier. They wont just kill you, they rob from you with a smile and subsidize the neighbor just getting out of bed while you are on lunch.
LAST EDITED ON May-20-10 AT 03:14AM (MST)[p]Turtles and running out of buttered flavored Crisco!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I am afraid of some dude scoping my junk when I am taking a whiz and accidentally pulling the trigger. It would be hard to miss,even at long distance.
I don't use a flashlight unless its absolutely necessary when I am going in and out of the woods in the dark I am always thinking what if I run into a skunk!
Yea though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for the Lord is my rod and staff and I also pack a big .44 Magnum....
I'd ##### a brick if I ran into a pack of wolves at close distance with nothing but a knife and my bow on me!! If I had a gun it would be game the #### on!!


Where i hunt.
Now if I was hunting in Grizz country that another story.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
"mosquitos on my junk when I'm droppin a deuce.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ The Mosquitos"

Buck did you really want that on a public forum?...... Terry
Thought of something.....

Arabs/Muslims with deer tags....might be inclined to tag a couple.

A booby trapped pot farm?
Boogey man.. He's very scary and he only comes out at night.. very scary.. I personally have never seen him but I am pretty sure I heard him outside the tent before.
running into or being stalked by a cougar. If you have cats and observe them, you will realize how sneaky they really are. I'll walk into the kitchen and turn around and the cat is right there. I'm like where the heck did you come from?

Okay I am calling BS on this one.. I happen to know for a fact that photo of Feleno was taken at last years Burning Man event..

Sorry Feleno I could not just let that one go by as I for one know how much thought and effort you put in to your costume.
Rattle snakes! I just ran into one this past weekend while climbing out of a steep canyon. I keep my eyes glued to the ground looking for them. I still got to close and he buzzed within a couple feet. He was under a rock. That just scares the heck out of me when your way back in the field. Cant imagine being bit!

Hearing Banjo's....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Good call GBA. That's one that is often over looked, and a real danger.

Andyman, too funny! BBOP might not think so.:)

I'm not affraid of cougars, at least not the two legged kind. I kinda like the two legged species. I studied the four legged ones with the AZ G&F years ago down in Klondyke, AZ, man that was fun.

Stick, I've been hit twice by rattlers in the past. They never rattled or injected venom when they struck. Usually they run out of venom when they eat. I know they had just eaten because I killed both of them.

My biggest fear when I'm hunting alone is getting a debilitating injury out there and becoming coyote/buzzard fodder.

In this country, you always risk disturbing a meat bee or hornets nest/hive. No fun, i've been swarmed several times while out cutting firewood and stung while eating or cleaning a deer. The bites-stings used to not bother me too much but here lately, i've started to swell up pretty good where hit. I don't think my getting swarmed again, where i might get dozens of hits, is a very good idea.

#1 Losing one of my kids while hunting. Had a close call once, not a good feeling. #2 Rattlers- lots worse than cougars or bears for me.
If I wasn't such an old fart that's seen just about all of it, I'd think about turning in all my points and quit hunting after reading all these posts!............BUT...LOL!
Actually, buzztails bother me the most because of my hearing loss and the number of times I've been missed. Griz is next on the list. Last time I hunted west of Cody, we saw fresh tracks and/or bears nearly every day. Makes my neck hurt real bad after spinning it like an owl for a few hours early in the morning and evening away from camp!!!
Yeah, sorry for the visual Stickman. But hey, it's better than post 17!

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Wet farts more than 300 yards from the truck, Doesn't happen often but when it does it sucks,

Probably the most spooked I've been in the woods was two years ago in CO. All alone, I killed a buck right at last light in an area where we had seen 4 bears, a huge boar, and a sow with two cubs. Matter of fact, there was an elk kill only 200yrds from where I dropped this buck. I'm not real fast at boning out a deer so it was pitch black for most of the job. No moon. All I had was a minimag I held in my mouth while working. I would freeze at every little sound, listen for movement, and pan around with the light.
The packout was just as bad. Smelling like a fresh kill myself, I had a long way to go to my truck. I had seen ML tracks earlier in the day also. After getting turned around a couple times, it was almost a 5 hour hike to the truck. Several times, I could have swore something was following me. With rifle in hand, I was ready to do my best Chuck Connor imitation if I saw the slightest eyeshine. Boy was I happy to see that truck!

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Black bears don't bother me at all! I've had to take a buck back from one once. Son in law had killed one down in the bottom of a canyon at last light and after field dressing the buck, he hiked back out to get some help getting it out. When we got to the site where he left the deer, it was gone. Using flash lights we followed the drag marks down a dry stream bed. About thirty yards down stream we spotted the bear standing with his front legs on the carcass, while staring into our light beams. Hollering and throwing rocks, we were able to drive him off. We quickly cut the deer, (blacktail), in half at the third rib and each loaded a half, on our pack boards and headed out.
On the way out of the canyon I was thinking about how smart this move was. Walking in the dark with a giant pork chop around my neck. We weren't even armed with a hand gun.
This would have never, ever have happened in grizzly country!
Nothing in the lower 48--I'm packing a 3-inch chambered Taurus Judge; but the thought of gizzlies keeps me from doing a DIY in Alaska or I'd have done one by now...
Those friggen Snipes scare the bejesus out of me! I tried to catch them for years, finally gave up! I figure if they were cagey enough to avoid capture all those years they can most likely put the sneak on me and bite my fat arse!


AWHOLELOTTABULL, I don't have a wheeler, but I understand your anxiety.:)

zekers, comming home to a pissed off wife? I've actually prolonged some hunts for a few days for that very reason. LOL!

Well, after reading some other threads.....trampolines seem to be a concern.....some people actually have seen them in thier back yard.

I personally have never encountered one and I'm not sure I would recognize it anyway.

Aparently, they mostly go after the old and infirm, but on occasion, do pose a threat to younger children.

Man, you just never know!
I did have something happen once that scared the hell out of me. I was deer hunting years ago on a friends ranch by King City (A Zone) and hunted until it got dark. I was walking back to where I was camped and had to climb over a metal gate that was locked and when I was on top of the gate two rattlesnakes began to buzz somewhere below the gate and in the dark I couldn't see them and did not know exactly where they were.

Now I am somewhat scared of rattlesnakes that I can see... but when I cannot see them they really scare me. I ended up sitting up on top of the gate for a about 5 minutes and finally I shot my rifle down at the ground a couple of times where I thought they were. My buddy heard me shooting and drove his jeep over to where I was still sitting on top of the gate and he thought it was very funny and had quite a laugh but I did not see the humor at the time.. I guess the shooting scared them off as they were gone.

I learned a valuable lesson about walking around in the dark without a light. Now I hunt with a backpack and I always have my Surefire flashlight with me which is the best light I have ever had.
I fear my rig and gear being jacked with while I am out hiking around.

Other than that I fear a hunting partner getting injured and not knowing.
"There were all kinds of things which I was afraid of at first, ranging from grizzly bears, to mean horses, to gunfighters, but by acting as if I was not afraid I gradually ceased to be afraid."
Teddy Roosevelt.

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