What do you think it would take for region G to come back?


Active Member
What are your thoughts about region G coming back in the future? What would it take?

I’m doubtful it will ever come back to what it was just 10 years ago.

Just curious of what others think
Zero non resident tags.


A good start would be game and fish to wake up.

Honestly can't speak for that region. Never hunted it
Yeah that would make a few guys happier at the trailhead. I’m not really sure how many tags go nonresident now. I think it’s only at 200. Which if 5-6000 guys are hunting it, It probably has some effect
I’m not a Region G pro, but I think people would be shocked how quickly deer can rebound with a few mild, wet winters stacked upon each other. Unfortunately that is 100% out of our control. Help fawns survive and have a healthy habitat for them once they do, and Region G would be booming in no time.

If you can figure out how to do that, spread the word over to Utah!
It’ll come back just fine. It’s going to take some mild winters and good moisture years but it’s not a 20 year process. Typically it takes 5-7 years for things to really come back. When numbers are down that means there is more leftover feed for deer to go into winter healthy, which in turn means healthy fawns. Now, if we get crushed with another bad winter in a couple years it will set us back again.
I hunted G for twenty years before it became so popular. I last hunted it in early 2000 one thing I noticed was how many more residents from eastern Wyoming that hunted there huge camps of residents and when it was time to go home they shot the first 2 point they saw. I think if residents had to draw that tag it would make the hunting better.
I hunted G for twenty years before it became so popular. I last hunted it in early 2000 one thing I noticed was how many more residents from eastern Wyoming that hunted there huge camps of residents and when it was time to go home they shot the first 2 point they saw. I think if residents had to draw that tag it would make the hunting better.
3 2 1…….🍿🍿🍿
I hunted G for twenty years before it became so popular. I last hunted it in early 2000 one thing I noticed was how many more residents from eastern Wyoming that hunted there huge camps of residents and when it was time to go home they shot the first 2 point they saw. I think if residents had to draw that tag it would make the hunting better.
The last time you hunted it was 23 years ago? Pretty irrelevant opinion then. Especially since the hunting was still really good there for for most of those years from then until now. Sound like an old arm chair wind bag to me
What Ticks N Tines stated is the trick.
What are your guys thoughts on all the guides and outfitters pushing to make it a draw for residents?

I'm fortunate to run with a crowd that has the discipline to pass immature deer, but I am well aware many residents can't. Would keeping a 3 or 4 point rule in place help trophy quality?
What Ticks N Tines stated is the trick.
What are your guys thoughts on all the guides and outfitters pushing to make it a draw for residents?

I'm fortunate to run with a crowd that has the discipline to pass immature deer, but I am well aware many residents can't. Would keeping a 3 or 4 point rule in place help trophy quality?
Antler point restrictions don't work for trophy management of mule deer. Do some digging on google for perspectives but I have studied it, and seen it first hand. They aren't a bad tool to use for a year or two though to save some 2 points. I really don't think it would do much for G though.
Shooting mule deer bucks has very little impact on the population. For G to recover, the doe population needs to increase significantly. Discussing resident or nonresident antlered deer tags, mandatory reporting, or really anything other than what promotes antlerless populations really is off track imo. G has historically been a "trophy" area because when populations are good, the terrain is enough of a limiting factor to allow a good percentage of bucks to reach older age classes. For G to be good again, doe numbers need to significantly increase.

Limiting solar and wind farms on BLM would have more impact than most of what has been discussed above.
Several favorable weather condition years. Like 6 in a row. While I’m optimistic I worry if it will ever show what it’s capable of given all the factors.
Sadly Region G will likely never rebound to how it was in it prime! Region G will have still have its ups and downs in terms of deer numbers and quality depending on winters and moisture.
But the fact that there are unlimited resident deer tags is the #1 issue, more residents like others have stated are deciding to hunt there every single year. In addition with hunters getting better at finding and killing big mature deer every year. You see the same thing in all the other states, this degrades quality overtime and the trend will only continue. Point restrictions also damage the genetics overtime. Nonresidents have a limited quota, the clearest path to recovering deer quality is killing more predators, reducing both resident and non res tags, and praying for good field conditions. Also potentially limiting the types of technology such as making it a primitive weapons unit, though that will never happen.
I have hunted G and H over the years. Great country. Mother nature delivering milder winters and wet springs would be a huge help. Eliminating the outfitters and long range shooters would help. Eliminating point averaging couldn’t hurt. Self control by hunters would really help. Reducing elk numbers just like predator control would not be a bad idea. That being said, you don’t need a truckload of “biologists” to solve the recent problems. Common sense is in order. Unfortunately, that is always in short supply. Just sayin…mh
I have hunted G and H over the years. Great country. Mother nature delivering milder winters and wet springs would be a huge help. Eliminating the outfitters and long range shooters would help. Eliminating point averaging couldn’t hurt. Self control by hunters would really help. Reducing elk numbers just like predator control would not be a bad idea. That being said, you don’t need a truckload of “biologists” to solve the recent problems. Common sense is in order. Unfortunately, that is always in short supply. Just sayin…mh
How would eliminating point averaging, outfitters, long range shooters, or hunters having more self control help G recover?
If the buck to doe ratios are good limiting resident harvest of bucks won't help the overall deer population either. Everything you listed could help contribute to improving trophy quality of bucks harvested. I guess it depends on how you define recovery.
Overall herd health could improve with less elk encroaching on the best mule deer habitat. Mild winters and wet springs/summers. Less predation. More coyotes, mountain lions, wolves and black bears killed, less deer killed. Wildlife crossings are saving deer as we type.
And of all the items listed above, Mother Nature has the biggest influence. She’ll need to cooperate for a few years in a row. I’m hoping for lots of twins dropping in June. And with the way winter is going so far, it looks like the stage is getting set for that possibility. 🙏🏼
And of all the items listed above, Mother Nature has the biggest influence. She’ll need to cooperate for a few years in a row. I’m hoping for lots of twins dropping in June. And with the way winter is going so far, it looks like the stage is getting set for that possibility. 🙏🏼
Agree! The problem it seems the bad winters are getting closer together. Just when you think the population is getting back...bam we have another bad one.
Wyoming should give residents a 7 day head start on opening day of archery and rifle season. Also let's stop point averaging. If you apply with someone in a party, the group goes into the draw with the points of the lowest point holder.
Would this help the herd? Or just YOUR chances at killing a buck?

These are not the same you know!
Try to wrap your head around this. Last winter I sat on a ridge watching some deer while talking to a biologist about the deer herd. He told me the buck to do ratio was 40 something bucks to 100 does which he told me was actually too many bucks for a healthy deer population.

This winter I sat in the same place and although the numbers were way down the buck to do ratio was around 40-50% bucks to does. It sounds like we need to do a better job figuring out how to increase the doe numbers to bring the population back. I don’t believe limiting the tag numbers will increase the herd any faster in fact I think the only thing besides Mother Nature that will help is keeping more fawns alive. Take it for what it’s worth but that’s my two cents.
Make it archery only. Then, it doesn't matter how many hunters are on there. Archery is always the lowest success rate of any weapon type.
Been thinking about that a lot lately. Trying to live in the moment more and making the most of what we currently have rather than thinking of how it used to be.
Great way to approach it. The good old days for you is someone else’s “it’s ruined days”.

Im barely old enough to remember the deer numbers before the winters of the early 90s. And honestly I wish I didn’t. Just have to push what once was and focus and enjoy what it is.

The deer will come back. And a future winter will knock them out. Repeat over and over.
Great way to approach it. The good old days for you is someone else’s “it’s ruined days”.

Im barely old enough to remember the deer numbers before the winters of the early 90s. And honestly I wish I didn’t. Just have to push what once was and focus and enjoy what it is.

The deer will come back. And a future winter will knock them out. Repeat over and over.
Winters of 78,83,92,2011 like he said they come back then another winter takes them out the long drought and increase in elk and predators continue loss of habitat will possibly make it take longer
Just think, today’s hunting will be the good old days for many one day.
It already is and it seems like a sad compromise but the truth is right now will be considered the “glory days” to future generations. Touching that 200” threshold will become more and more distance with each passing year. It amazes me that a 170 buck can be considered a trophy by many in the mule deer game today…..
It already is and it seems like a sad compromise but the truth is right now will be considered the “glory days” to future generations. Touching that 200” threshold will become more and more distance with each passing year. It amazes me that a 170 buck can be considered a trophy by many in the mule deer game today…..
Were there really more big deer back in the glory days? Or is that just the way it is fantasized? I don't have an actual copy of boone and crockett to verify when the most bucks have been put in the books. I'm sure there were more big deer over all back then but what about the top 1% type bucks
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I think you might have a point with the fantasizing aspect. You may have a valid argument but I see things a little differently from my perspective.
1995-2005 were the glory years for giants where I hunt. The 1960s-70s were the glory years for deer numbers but not trophy size.

I'm sure it's different in other places like in the Wyoming range, but I highly doubt my area will ever see glory days of trophy or numbers ever again.
Were there really more big deer back in the glory days? Or is that just the way it is fantasized? I don't have an actual copy of boone and crockett to verify when the most bucks have been put in the books. I'm sure there were more big deer over all back then but what about the top 1% type bucks
I would say there for sure was more big deer back then simply due to the fact that there were more deer. And the fact Mike Eastman was able to get big deer on public land back then. I rest my case 😂

The mind plays tricks on how we remember how it used to be, no doubt the good old days told to us by the old timers the mind had romanticized oh how it really was….
I would say there for sure was more big deer back then simply due to the fact that there were more deer. And the fact Mike Eastman was able to get big deer on public land back then. I rest my case 😂

The mind plays tricks on how we remember how it used to be, no doubt the good old days told to us by the old timers the mind had romanticized oh how it really was….
I'll agree with that
I have followed allow I find it hard to believe that residents think nonresidents are the problem when every person that buys a tag in Wyoming that is a resident can hunt G nonresidents have to draw and I don’t know what maybe 600 tags. Residents need to really think also you don’t even come close to what a nonresident has to pay for a tag but you will complain it’s too much. Come hunt other states and buy tags you are spoiled.
Also you don’t think in the 80’s 90’s That their weren’t tough winters I personal found where 20 deer froze to death on a ridge. Also as nonresident I hunted there 20 some odd years and eat half my tags we don’t come there to shot a dink.
I have followed allow I find it hard to believe that residents think nonresidents are the problem when every person that buys a tag in Wyoming that is a resident can hunt G nonresidents have to draw and I don’t know what maybe 600 tags. Residents need to really think also you don’t even come close to what a nonresident has to pay for a tag but you will complain it’s too much. Come hunt other states and buy tags you are spoiled.
I have hunted or have points in at least 7 states that I can think of off the top of my head and fished in more I've bought plenty of non resident tags
Residents need to really think also you don’t even come close to what a nonresident has to pay for a tag but you will complain it’s too much. Come hunt other states and buy tags you are spoiled.
Yes, this is off topic, but please show me where residents complain about license fees in Wyoming. Show all of us.
And many residents on here hunt other states and abide by their rules.
Would this help the herd? Or just YOUR chances at killing a buck?

These are not the same you know!
I was replying some in response to all of the uneducated comments of Non residents wanting residents to be limited quota. You obviously didn't catch that. The comment about a 7 day head start was funny!🤣 The shed antler season head start is funny too, keep crying, you might get more than you wish for.
I don't think it would "hurt" the deer herd to stop point averaging.
I know a lot of Wyoming residents get tired of hearing about changing our general tags to limited quota. The buck to doe ratios in Western Wyoming are as good or better than most limited units in other states (Paunsagaunt/Henry's) for example in Utah. I'm not saying the trophy quality is the same but we're talking about herd health, right? What are the buck to doe ratios in your state Katoom?
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Refer to post #38, where I talk about my opinion on helping the deer herd.
Hey Katoom, what part of post #30 hurt your feelings, point sharing or the headstart? 🤣🤣😁
Refer to post #38, where I talk about my opinion on helping the deer herd.
Hey Katoom, what part of post #30 hurt your feelings, point sharing or the headstart? 🤣🤣😁
Seems I might have hurt YOUR feelings, I’m fine. Maybe you were building on prior posts with your own dumb post, or maybe your dumb post was organic. But the thread is either about wildlife management and natural forces leading to a rebound in herd health (and by extension great hunting) or just more drivel about those nonresident devils keeping you from personally hanging another rack on your rafter. Didn’t hear much in your post about what you would be willing to give up to help. Anyway, no hurt feelings here bud, and I’ll stop picking on you cause from this point, having been alerted to your sensitivity, it could just be construed as gratuitous bullying.
Residents need to really think also you don’t even come close to what a nonresident has to pay for a tag but you will complain it’s too much. Come hunt other states and buy tags you are spoiled.
You mean like $1600 for a NM oryx tag or $2000 for an Alaska musk ox tag ot $1200 for an Arizona Desert Sheep?

Yeah, I've paid for those, and greedily as a NR. Same with countless elk, deer, pronghorn, etc.

You'd chit a brick if you saw how much I've spent on fishing licenses, hunting licenses, application fees, and point fees.
Were there really more big deer back in the glory days? Or is that just the way it is fantasized? I don't have an actual copy of boone and crockett to verify when the most bucks have been put in the books. I'm sure there were more big deer over all back then but what about the top 1% type bucks
A buck with a 185” frame, and 15” of extras is a giant buck. But won’t come close to making the book. And there have been dump truck loads of those kind of bucks killed out of there. There’s also been MANY that would qualify. But the hunter didn’t GAF about entering them.
You mean like $1600 for a NM oryx tag or $2000 for an Alaska musk ox tag ot $1200 for an Arizona Desert Sheep?
not exactly apples to apples with THOSE species vs elk, antelope & deer!

But it is obviously true, WY residents pay nonresident prices and are part of NR quota everywhere but home. Whatever those states choose to do.
not exactly apples to apples with THOSE species vs elk, antelope & deer!

But it is obviously true, WY residents pay nonresident prices and are part of NR quota everywhere but home. Whatever those states choose to do.
NV has been $1200 for NR elk for how long,? What's the premium deer and elk fee in Utah?

Honestly, I don't know, mainly because if you want to apply as a NR, you just pay it.
Seems I might have hurt YOUR feelings, I’m fine. Maybe you were building on prior posts with your own dumb post, or maybe your dumb post was organic. But the thread is either about wildlife management and natural forces leading to a rebound in herd health (and by extension great hunting) or just more drivel about those nonresident devils keeping you from personally hanging another rack on your rafter. Didn’t hear much in your post about what you would be willing to give up to help. Anyway, no hurt feelings here bud, and I’ll stop picking on you cause from this point, having been alerted to your sensitivity, it could just be construed as gratuitous bullying.
It was the point sharing I bet. 😁 Carry on
In case anyone was wondering, the herd counts done in December showed a buck/doe ratio of 18/100. The fawn/doe ratio was 32/100. Both are the LOWEST EVER RECORDED for the Wyoming Range herd. Those numbers coincide with my non-professional (eyes) conclusions as well. Of course, the Grey's River check station recorded the lowest numbers ever, also.
In case anyone was wondering, the herd counts done in December showed a buck/doe ratio of 18/100. The fawn/doe ratio was 32/100. Both are the LOWEST EVER RECORDED for the Wyoming Range herd. Those numbers coincide with my non-professional (eyes) conclusions as well. Of course, the Grey's River check station recorded the lowest numbers ever, also.
Not good. How did the sheep fare?
In case anyone was wondering, the herd counts done in December showed a buck/doe ratio of 18/100. The fawn/doe ratio was 32/100. Both are the LOWEST EVER RECORDED for the Wyoming Range herd. Those numbers coincide with my non-professional (eyes) conclusions as well. Of course, the Grey's River check station recorded the lowest numbers ever, also.
But the ones that made it are a bunch of fatties.
Zero non resident tags.


A good start would be game and fish to wake up.

Honestly can't speak for that region. Never hunted it
Serious, the NR shoot all the mature deer, therefore, to hell with those big buck killers haha
It's all been said - and then some.

I also want to mention the $200,000 G&F has allocated toward aerial gunning of coyotes in G (Wyoming Range). That is another good thing and will also help. The fencing and highway crossings will also help. Thanks to everyone who has been involved in those efforts. I hope we are able to do those sorts of things in other locations across Wyo. Mule deer are also struggling in other parts of our state.
It will probably never come back with cwd in the herd. Even in the best case we will never see high numbers in the older age classes of bucks.
From what I hear it is all "non resident" issues. Those idiots use long range technology, wound animals, hunt in droves, shoot anything that walks..........at least that is what I hear from Wyoming Residents. (If we could eliminate the non residents we would only be left with hunters that hunt ethically, only kill 190+ bucks, never wound anything, only solo hunt and shoot at a max of 100 yards....aka Wyoming Residents).
No, but if you think 350 non residents are the problem with region G then you're an idiot. The problem is that they don't limit residents. Make residents pick a region.
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No, but if you think 350 non residents are the problem with region G then you're an idiot. The problem is that they don't limit residents. Make residents them pick a region.
And my comment reads that before one resident gets limited that all non residents should first.
There is a quota in G and H for residents.
100% false.

And when WY needed to cut general deer tags, they assigned 100% of those cuts to non-residents. Not a singe resident general deer tag was cut.

Non-residents bore 100% of the cuts in that area.
100% false.

And when WY needed to cut general deer tags, they assigned 100% of those cuts to non-residents. Not a singe resident general deer tag was cut.

Non-residents bore 100% of the cuts in that area.
100% false.
There are only 576,000+ people in WY. There’s your quota dipstick. And most of them don’t hunt.

How many of the NR draw and don’t hunt? I bet less than 5%.

Want to bet the % of resident hunters letting deer live is higher than NR?

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