What is wrong with this buck?


Active Member
I saw this buck in CO earlier in the season. He had some large black lumps. I'd not seen something like this before. Anyone know what it is?


Lots of the deer around here have them. Some of them get pretty darn big, but they seem to come and go like a zit or something. They are definitely spooky looking.

This guy couldn’t even see out of his right eye.
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They look like a wart and can get pretty large. My first archery buck had three hanging from his neck and body. I saw one on the McStay Ranch that had one hanging from his face lake a water ballon. Those bucks need to start hanging out with abetter class of doe. Ha !
Thanks for the information. Here is something I found on google. It is a kind of wart (fibroma).

Wildlife Diseases​

Do warts hurt deer? Can you eat the meat?
Warts are usually harmless to deer, but in rare cases warts on the head may interfere with eating or vision. The growths may be covered with hairless skin, or they can have a rough surface. Deer warts, called cutaneous fibroma, are caused by a virus that is not transmissible to livestock. The meat is edible unless inspection shows an infection in the muscles.

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