What Level Of Expectation


Long Time Member
You bought the goods from a con man so let's see what you get . let's start with the three things Trump promised to do day one and go from there. we can get to all the rest on day two .

the list:


Can we expect any plans before inauguration ? maybe a better question is do you expect anything? if he fails to deliver will you still support him?

Day one:

#1 abolish Obamacare. what will replace it? what about the 20 million who'll lose insurance? will the popular aspects stand or be abolished as well?

#2 The wall. will we wait for Mexico to send funds or do we start construction without a down payment? what happens if they don't pay? a tax increase or just add it to the debt?

#3 Deporting all alien criminals. by bus or by plane?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The big question is when do you plan on switching to melons and peppers? The earth won't be cooling any time soon.
I've net no one, of any economic demographic, who has benefited from Obama care and a lot that have been caused hardship by it.

The wall won't get built. Congress won't fund it. Checks and balances. All candidates make ridiculous promises they can't keep.

Didn't vote for either of them.
Strange.... the market futures were totally in the tank and dropping like a brick last night when the thought of a Trump presidency might actually happen. Today so far markets are up... Hmmm!
So Togwotee has got to be huntindude. Am I right?

"I'll admit it, that's hella funny! Good to see you around 202, I wish you would return on a regular basis there's a lot of bruised low lying fruit on here lately. You should be on here on a regular basis especially since it was your political carpet bombing at the campfire that inspired this forum!"
Thank you Forthewall
>I've net no one, of any
>economic demographic, who has benefited
>from Obama care and a
>lot that have been caused
>hardship by it.
>The wall won't get built. Congress
>won't fund it. Checks
>and balances. All candidates make
>ridiculous promises they can't keep.
>Didn't vote for either of them.
One thing, Obama's baggage is bigger than his bags he will be packing.
Yes, you might have won this time had you been around.

So I'm getting the drift, you don't expect much from Trump. so the con man has pulled off the ultimate con. and there will be no attempts to hold him accountable by his minions.

This is how you drain the swamp? another lying politician? well played.

Enjoy the next 2 years , they will come at a high price for years to come.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I voted Clinton I had to hold my nose to do it but this con man will preside over a fiasco that will be historical in scope. It will be fun to watch many of you squirm when the orange stain actually has to govern.
>I voted Clinton I had to
>hold my nose to do
>it but this con man
>will preside over a fiasco
>that will be historical in
>scope. It will be
>fun to watch many of
>you squirm when the orange
>stain actually has to govern.

sooo what was that you said bout me not having my 2nd amd rights....

So, Corny and Dude, how many years do you think it will take to get the Supreme court back? Get used to good gun laws, no late term murdering of babies, prayer in schools, photo ID to vote, weaker employee unions for people who work for the people, termination of entire departments of government... You get my drift. Trump and his promises don't mean much if we kept our eye on the real prize.
>I voted Clinton I had to
>hold my nose to do
>it but this con man
>will preside over a fiasco
>that will be historical in
>scope. It will be
>fun to watch many of
>you squirm when the orange
>stain actually has to govern.
It's people like me and the others that have to guide you through life.
>Yes, you might have won this
>time had you been around.
>So I'm getting the drift, you
>don't expect much from Trump.
> so the con man
>has pulled off the ultimate
>con. and there will
>be no attempts to hold
>him accountable by his minions.
>This is how you drain the
>swamp? another lying politician?
> well played.
>Enjoy the next 2 years ,
> they will come at
>a high price for years
>to come.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Great post glen! This election was
>about the supreme court and
>the rejection of more socialism.

Well I see that Cornhusker was a fool for the third time and voted for a lying deceitful crook that could care less about him. She really showed her disrespect for her followers by leaving and not thanking them for their support at the campaign headquarters. She did not even have the decent sense of being the one to tell them to go home for the night and sent out her advisor to do it.

As for expectations for Trump. If you judge him by Obama's goal standards, he will not have to do much to surpass Obama's 1.5% for the economy. The same economy that Hillary was going to continue.

I am sitting here and laughing my butt off over the bent wrist liberals here in CA. They are so upset over Trump winning that a group of them are assembling on the state house steps in Sacramento demanding that CA. succeed from the United States. A bunch of losers that do not have the balls to just leave the country and not come back.

It all works out in the end but whats amazing to me is how some people think. Like the state of California background check for ammo what a joke who are you kidding just another effort to limit are ability to stop our second ammendment rights.
At this point, it's not so much about what Trump will do. It's the fact that we stopped Hillary from doing what she was going to do. That will suffice for now.
> You bought the goods from
>a con man so let's
>see what you get .
>let's start with the three
>things Trump promised to do
>day one and go from
>there. we can get to
>all the rest on day
>two .
>the list:
> Can we expect any
>plans before inauguration ?
>maybe a better question is
>do you expect anything?
>if he fails to deliver
>will you still support him?
>Day one:
>#1 abolish Obamacare.
> what will replace it?
>what about the 20 million
>who'll lose insurance? will
>the popular aspects stand
>or be abolished as well?
> #2 The wall.
>will we wait for Mexico
>to send funds or do
>we start construction without a
>down payment? what
>happens if they don't pay?
>a tax increase or just
>add it to the debt?
>#3 Deporting all alien
>criminals. by bus or
>by plane?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Like Your Black Little Buddy didn't F the Debt up even more?


Now You're worried about the Debt!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Quest, that background check in CA. is another backstabbing means for the state to grab money for the general fund. Buyers of ammo will be charged 50 bucks for their background check every 4 years. Sellers of ammo will have to purchase a ammo selling license every year.
Will not aid law enforcement in curbing crime. Just another hurdle for law abiding citizens to jump though while the liberal law makers collect their money and be able to say it is not a new tax.
At least they did not say it was for saving schools like they always do when they want more money and our liberal idiots fall for that excuse every time for the past 20 years.

Quest, in regards to the anti gun bill passed in CA. The CA. Rifle and Pistol Assc. along with the NRA are fighting it. The seizure of large cap magazines without fair compensation to the owners is a possible violation of the 4th. amendment for unlawful seizure.
The part of paying for a ammo buying permit and stopping all out of state on line purchase of ammo will probably come under the laws dealing with fair interstate commerce laws that the Supreme court has in the past issued judgement in favor of firearm manufactures. Needless to say the CA. Rifle and Pistol Assc. are happy that if it goes to the supreme court, the new judge will be a Trump appointee and not a anti gun liberal that Hillary would have chosen.

What's dude gonna do if they Legalize Hi Capacity Magazines?

He'll be SKEERED!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
>Quest, in regards to the anti
>gun bill passed in CA.
>The CA. Rifle and Pistol
>Assc. along with the NRA
>are fighting it. The seizure
>of large cap magazines without
>fair compensation to the owners
>is a possible violation of
>the 4th. amendment for unlawful
> The part of
>paying for a ammo buying
>permit and stopping all out
>of state on line purchase
>of ammo will probably come
>under the laws dealing with
>fair interstate commerce laws that
>the Supreme court has in
>the past issued judgement in
>favor of firearm manufactures. Needless
>to say the CA. Rifle
>and Pistol Assc. are happy
>that if it goes to
>the supreme court, the new
>judge will be a Trump
>appointee and not a anti
>gun liberal that Hillary would
>have chosen.
A wall across the entire border should have been built 50 years ago.

Mexico may not pay for it, but, it would be money wells spent.
.....a whole pile of federal money has already been appropriated.....we just haven't had anyone with some hair to get it done.....of course, just turning the Border Patrol loose to do their jobs would go a long way.
>.....a whole pile of federal money
>has already been appropriated.....we just
>haven't had anyone with some
>hair to get it done.....of
>course, just turning the Border
>Patrol loose to do their
>jobs would go a long

I Agree!

An Obama Appointed Border Patrol with orders not to Shoot!

Now WTF Good is that?

Please do SPLAIN dude?


[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Mayors of LA and NY are saying they will protect the millions of illegals in their cities and that Trump just can't take away their federal funds. That is true but he can let ICE and the BP loose on them like the hounds of hell. The Mezzkin woman that was saying they were going to kill people in their "revolution" while carrying the Mexican flag needs to go first. Now the dopers in Portland are burning, breaking and looting. Love that one! The liberal states are getting tore up by the commies and socialists. Perfect.
Togwotee. you keep proclaiming that in two years the Dem's will be in control again. The numbers are just not there. The Republicans still have a big majority in the house. Will they loose seats in the midterm, it is likely but enough to retake the house. The political winds will need to be blowing very strongly in the Dem's favor for them to retake the house.
The Senate is even more problematic for the Dem's. Yes the Republicans hold a small advantage but this is the problem for the Dem's. There is roughly 33 Senate seats that will be on the ballot in two years. The Dem's will be defending roughly 25 of those seats. Many if not all of the Republican seats are in deep red states and many of the Democrat seats are also in red states. It will be hard for the Democrats to make gains in the Senate and there is a good chance that they could even lose seats.
You got a big helping of Crow this year and now you are asking for seconds.
440 is just a plick and frankly this forum would suck without him. If Trump addresses the border and immigration issues then the democrats will have a hard time finding enough voters to put and keep them in power.

I'm against building the wall and would personally rather see squadrons of A10 warthogs and apache helicopters patrolling the border with orders to shoot anything in the no hombre zone. Pretty sure they would conform to our immigration system rather quickly after a few times of hearing the gau-8 gatling gun roar a few times. Cut the illegals already here off from any job or freebie without having proper documentation and they would self deport at an alarming rate. Any business or citizen caught abetting them pays a huge fine and goes to prison or with Jose. That would be much cheaper,more effective and way more entertaining than a wall.

In all seriousness, we all must have high but realistic expectations of Trump and number 1 for me is for him to call out the rats in DC on both sides of the isle that want to continue the self enrichment and screw the country good ol boys club. He needs to be called out and removed if he joins the club and gets nothing done. There's no time to turn into a pc ##### politician. Only time will tell.
When you say the numbers aren't there for the dems to retake congress in 2018 you assume Trump will be a popular president , I do not. control of congress is 100% dependent upon what Trump and the republican lead congress do in the next two years. it better be impressive because with the power comes the blame. good luck .

It's easy to see few of any of Trump's supporters expect much from him besides not being black or female. so if only one of his promises are fulfilled you'll consider it a success.

The problem is Trump made promises to win blue states he cannot fulfill and dumbchits who bought it like UAW workers will not be as forgiving . they expect the wonderful goods they switched sides for to be delivered.

So we enter a new presidency with very low expectations from the base and very high expectations from the converts. this should prove very interesting.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Your right again T but maybe only partially.

Trump needs to deliver for the upper Midwest however most folks have a far amount of patience so....... if he's making progress, and people see, feel and experience "some movement" in what they believe is or even "will be" the right direction and some "in there household budget" improvement, I'm guessing he can hold their support for another period of time. Barring a stupid war with China or Russia or grabbing some woman by the goods, in the middle of it all, he will be allowed to continue trying. If he can't lead/unit//deliver a tolerable amount, we'll be right back to screaming for a different leader/solution.

The guy may not have demonstrated a tremendous amount of like-ability in the past but throughout this election process he's shown some pretty sauvy intelligence. Granted, the stars were lined up but he was the one smart enough to see it and deliver when the conditions were there, and put the round peg in the square hole. A lot, a hell of a lot of brilliant people, on both sides , tried and came up short, he on the other hand, against damn long odds, rolled the seven. I'm just assuming it wasn't all dumb luck.

I know you"re pissed. I've been pissed for 8 years. It's no damn fun, so I empathize with you.

Let's hope or maybe even "work" for a way we can both get up every morning without a belly ache. Don't know if it's possible but I'm going to try to work toward that end.

Hope the prices for your farm goods go up and the price of your whiskey goes down.

Boy! You are making a lot of assumptions. I guess you have not been watching the man on the street interviews on TV. The majority of Trump voters do not expect him to kick out 20 million illegals or even care about his campaign promises. He is fairly moderate so he may end up with a vastly improved economy, a stronger border, an empowered ICE and BP and stronger police support. If he kicks out a couple of million gang bangers he will be a hero in the ghettos. If he fires some bad apples at the VA he will be a hero. If he puts education back in the hands of the states he will be popular. He may do none of that but it is early to be saying he can't. You may even want him for another 4 years but I doubt he will do that. Say hello to your new President Pence. The people voted once again for change so give it a chance and see if he can do it. They did not like Obama's change one bit.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-16 AT 01:49PM (MST)[p]togwetee.

you are mistaken in my assumptions. I think Trump has serious flaws and is likely hurt the republican party. I am just looking at the numbers and in two years the numbers do not favor the democrats.

I have always thought the Trump would hurt the republican party. There is a chance however that he could change it for the better. I he makes progress in the Midwest he could change the electoral map. There is no guarantee that the Midwest will turn blue again. The Democrats have been neglecting the blue people in recent years.
The Democrats will be defending 5 Senate seats from "Red" States in 2018: Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota and West Virginia.

In addition they will have to defend seats in swing states of Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin and Tim Caine's seat in Virginia.

The House is also likely to remain Republican given that the Democrat bench has been decimated over the last 8 years.


Pretty interesting read.

All this is based on Trump being at least an average president. good luck with that.

He's already backing off his major promises within days of the election. and the republicans have the hammer now , we know what happens with that . they smash their fingers.

With power comes accountability, this was the election for HUUUGE changes in DC. those changes better happen and they better make life 100% better or heads will roll in 2018.

Not in my lifetime have I seen an election with so many promises made. it starts today with promise #34. put up or shut up orange man, it's show time.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>All this is based on Trump
>being at least an average
>president. good luck with
>He's already backing off his major
>promises within days of the
>election. and the republicans
>have the hammer now ,
>we know what happens with
>that . they
>smash their fingers.
>With power comes accountability, this was
>the election for HUUUGE
>changes in DC. those
>changes better happen and they
>better make life 100% better
>or heads will roll in
>Not in my lifetime have I
>seen an election with so
>many promises made. it
>starts today with promise #34.
> put up
>or shut up orange man,
>it's show time.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Like your wanna-be Hillary would'of done a Damn thing!


[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
The seats the republicans need to defend are all most certainly from very safe red states because the democrats kicked the republicans in the privates in 2012. Democrats my not need to defend West Virginia. Good chance that Joe M will switch party by then.

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