What to go along with a wall tent?


Very Active Member
Wondering what necessities you guys that have set up tent camps have found over the years? Do you use cots? How bout' your heat source; wood stove or propane? Do you use a floor? Do you simply string a rope for clothes, etc. to hang/dry on?

My tent is 10x12 without a floor. I think for now I'll use a propane "Heater Buddy" for my heat source and a tarp for a floor. Not sure what I'll use to sleep on. Someone once told me that cots get awful cold in the late fall and winter because the air moves around them. They suggested breaking open a bail of strap to sleep on directly on the ground. Any of you done this?
As for heat we use a small wood burning stove made for wall tent's. We also use cot's along with mummy sleeping bags with 30 below 0 temp. ratings, and we don't have a problem with getting cold. For the floor we use indoor-outdoor carpeting.
Hope this helps
I use a wood stove for heat and line the floor with Ty-Par, a felt like material that is used for landscaping and road construction. It sheds water and insulates pretty well.
we use cots and kerosene for heat source...propane gets too hot for us...if it gets too cold take a big blanket put over your cot and drape to floor to keep cold air from under the cot...if you have a good heat source skip the blanket as you want the heatunder the cot. we drive in so the kerosene heater isnt a big deal if you are horsing wood stove all the way. we use a canvas tarp for a floor with a blue plastic one under it some straw down under the tarp doesnt hurt either. we run a ridge pole out from the tent and tarp over for a cooking area...you dont want your hunting stuff to smell like bacon! ha ha we hang a rope along the ridge pole to hang clothes on to dry out and a small table is nice for putting stuff on and under. The main thing to remember is the more comfortable you are the better you hunt... if you spend all your energy surviving the cold in camp you dont have all to give in the woods...good luck
The wall tent can become as cosy as you want to make it.
a tarp for the floor keeps your socks out of the dirt.
a good wood bruner keeps the conditions warm and dry.
cotts keep you off the cold ground. beleave me you'll stay a lot better reasted onj them.
adn if you get one make sure its a large one.
and has a pad.
when we are in the back country we use pine brows and needles under the floor liner to help insulate your tushes.
we also set up a cook tent,
and a biffy, which are both heated,
3:00 in the morning and getting up to take a crap, a nice warm biffy comes in handy.
as far as string a line for close, not generaly, th horse lines work great if needed.
I also have hanger lines on the inside of the sleeping quarters, for hanging up garments. if you keep them on the floor and in packs the mice have a field day in them.
I have tried many different tipes of heat sources and found wood to be just about the best,
and i use little 1 lb bottels of propane as supplament heat,
with 7500 butner heaters on them. I keep one at the head of each bed just incase someone wants a little extra, on those 7 below nights,
Also build a foyer in the front of the tent, and keep things like your hunting close if dry out there,
I hang a line there, and with fresh pine brows hanging between garment they stay fresh as the summers brease.
a little through rug, at the side of your bed is also a plus.
feels better to you toes then cold plastic or canvas.
in bear country do'nt cook in the tent you sleep.
he might not come in durnint the night, but when you've been out hunting all day, it's not fun to come back to a trashed out sleeping quarters,
especialy one that has been ##### in and pissed on.
remember its your home for the diration of the hunt,
keep it clean, and dry if possible.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-04 AT 07:44AM (MST)[p]Wood heat from a cylinder stove, outdoor carpet with a blue tarp underneath it for a floor, and sleep on cots with pads. Makes for a nice comfortable camp, you can hear me snore for hundreds of yards. Or so they say....
If it a drive to camp we use 3 pcs of plywood for the floor we put them in the back of the truck first so they don't take up much room. you can raise it up a little if it rains and the water runs under it. we use a wood stove for most hunts. we use a stove made by www.cylinderstoves.com works like a charm. we use a couple of different tents but the wall tent seems to works the best.

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