What Unit with 9 points


Long Time Member
I am planning on burning my 9 points come the 2011 season...not this year but the next. I've looked at all the "better" units and see that my draw odds are horrible. I'd like to plan a hunt and know that I'm going to get drawn as that will be the only hunt I go on for that year. As I've never hunted Utah before and I don't know much about the different units, I'm going to research several units that I know I have at least a 90% chance to draw. If you were in my shoes, what units would you be looking at? For me it's not necessarily quality of bucks but quantity of bucks. I would rather see more game and have an exciting hunt instead of just seeing one toad and that be it. I appreciate any info....

LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-10 AT 06:14PM (MST)[p]what weapon are you wanting to hunt with? do u have 9 pts. now or you'll have 9 pts. for 2011?
Sorry about that....I will hunt with either a ML or rifle. I believe I have 8 points right now so I will actually have 10 points when I'm ready to burn them. Any help would be great.

You don't have enough points to draw the Henry Mtns. The Pauns is probably 2nd best but you don't have that kind of points either. After that, it is a crapshoot. I would NOT recommend the Book Cliffs if you are after a 28-30" buck or something that will score over 170". Diamond Mountain is like the Book Cliffs, but with crappy access. Also, stay away from 1000 Lakes. Crawfords late muzz hunt is a crummy hunt in my opinion. I don't know much about the Filmore Oak Creek. San Juan can hold some good bucks, and archery hunt down there looks fun. I saw some good ones that came off the Vernon this year, but also talked to some Vernon hunters that were pretty disappointed. Late Dolores Triangle could be good with the right weather. Good luck.

Daxter- I checked the odds for all of those units except Diamond Mountain and Crawford and I am way short of points to get a tag. I appreciate the help....and I am not a 28-30" guy....I'd be happy with a 25"er!

If you're happy with a 25" buck and want to see alot then I'd put in for the book cliffs. That's exactly what that unit is all about. looks like you'll still be a few years away for a rifle tag, but a pretty decent shot at a muzzy tag by then, still not guaranteed.

Keep in mind though that will be the first year of that major shake up of deer and elk hunts here in Utah if it happens. If it does, roll the dice as nobody will have a clue as to potential odds, but muzzy will still be better odds than rifle regardless of the time of the hunt I think.

If you don't want to wait it out, I would look at oak creek and vernon next based on your points. Not as many bucks, but still good hunts and definately a chance at a 25" if you are willing to work.

good luck
I just wrote up a big column and the damnt thing was lost. I'm too lazy to go into detail again. go for book cliffs muzzy IMO. then look at vernon or oak creek. 2011 is when the big hunt shake up is scheduled if it happens. if so odds are anyones guess.

good luck. hope it posts this time as I'm not typing again.
Thanks Father but I think with 10 points even the Book Cliffs would be out of my point range I'd be looking for. By the way, your first one showed up....Thanks.

you're probably right. I was looking at muzzeloader with 8 points, but when you say you have 8 points now (post draw 09) that means you're in the category of 7 for the 09 draw and you are a ways off in that case.

good luck with whatever you decide.
Its a sad state of affairs when you have to wait 10 years for a chance at a 25" buck. When I burn my elk points I will not be going on with the deer game.
I hear you...when I started buying points they were $5...deal of the century! I think after I burn the points I will not be playing the game either.

wisard dont waste your time with book cliffs iwork out there evry day herd is way down very few bucks barely any over 20" to many tags 2009 archery did better for bigger bucks muzzy every one said was bad dumping 18" last day same with rifle if you gave book cliff deer tag i would turn it in point it worst i have seen out there 5 years why !!!!!
it always amazes me when I hear someone tell me the bookcliffs sucks. i guess when you you see over 30 bucks a morning out of your truck it sucks.

If you are after a 25" buck you will get one. If you are after something better you might have to have some trigger control on this unit.

People will never be satisfied. they want better quality. Their is a catch better quality comes at a price. the price is it will take you way more then 15 years to draw the tag if you cut tags.

The truth is you are not even close to drawing a premium tag. so if you just want to hunt DONT over look the cliffs. It is a great family hunt! It has great bucks!


Archery is a year round commitment!!
+1 swbuckmaster

Book cliffs is an awesome hunt. Most people who hunt this unit can't stay off the trigger, and they shoot the first 22" four point they see. I hunted there in 2007 and it was a great time. Lots of bucks to look over, and good vantage points to glass from. Yes the big upper end bucks may be few and far between but they are there.
Wiz, after readin all of the opinions you got, I'll weigh in with mine.

Wait til after the 2010 season and see what type of results that brings, then decide. I know you've got points all over the map. You may just kill the buck of a lifetime this year in NV.

Good luck!!!!!!!
Hey Guys- I appreciate the info. Points don't always guarantee a tag let alone a chance at a big buck. I am putting all of my eggs in the Nevada basket this year and if drawn, I'll put all of my eggs in the Utah basket next year and hopefully draw a good tag. You never know......If I don't draw, maybe leftover WY region D tags will be available to fall back on. My Pops is getting older and we want to experience some different hunting areas. Thanks again guys!

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