What's your thoughts on Tebow now!

. A good
>offseason and a coaching staff
>willing to help could turn
>Tebow into a good NFL
>QB, although he will never
>be an elite QB.
>I would rather have Tebow
>leading the Broncos into the
>future than another whiney azz
>Plummer, Griese, Cutler, etc.
>Only a few teams have
>awesome QB's.

Yeah, and they all are winning SUPER BOWLS and PLAYOFF GAMES, not just six or seven games po-dunk games in the regular season.

If we
>cannot have the next Elway,
>why not build a team
>around a good guy for
>once, who is smart and
>talented enough to get better,
>and can make it fun
>to spend Sunday's around the
>TV again.

If Tebow can prove that he can throw for 300 yards and 3 TD's consistently (like even the AVERAGE QB's in the league do) then he can be that guy. Just don't see it happening and I don't think the Broncos can waste time trying to develop him into "that guy".


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>If Tebow can prove that he
>can throw for 300 yards
>and 3 TD's consistently (like
>even the AVERAGE QB's in
>the league do) then he
>can be that guy. Just
>don't see it happening and
>I don't think the Broncos
>can waste time trying to
>develop him into "that guy".

You have to admit his spirals have been looking better....at times!
>You have to admit his spirals
>have been looking better....at times!

Yes, at times, when they are spirals and not complete ducks.


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seen this and made me laugh

Hate to tell you experts, but, Tebow is here to stay. At least until he is maimed.
He wins games and sells tickets. Good combination if you own a football team.
If the Bronco's make a deep playoff run maybe. If he is as ineffective as he has been the majority of the season the writing will be on the wall. Winning puts fans in the seats - not just cool, trendy, praying athletes. If they can't continue to win with him then they will get another QB in there who they can win with.


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I love tebow and want him to succeed, but I dont see this lasting. He's screwed them out of a good draft pick by winning, but now I think defenses have figured him out. I want denver to win but I see the steelers winning by 14.
It's no secret i'm a DB diehard, but i have NO faith in Tebow at this point in his career. He's got a LOT of bad habits to break before he's even an "average" QB consistantly.
He's gotten lucky for six straight games, but to lose against the Cheifs and let Orton embarrass us in our own house, wtf???
My guess for Sunday's game is 36-10 Pittsburg :-(
I was looking back through some of the posts and saw Horn_Pukes post about the Raiders...ahh, good times!

Tebow's making a playoff run! Let's see what the second half brings. And yes Roy, I know Big Ben is hurt, that's why we're winning, but I don't care. Take it however we can!
11 seconds into overtime, that didn't last long.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Tebow time going to the next level.Next week comes the PATS

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
All he does is win! I am still not 100% sold but man the kid is a competitor! When he has the look in his eyes and plays with confidence - he is hard to stop. He made some great throws today and truly lead the team. Everybody else lifted their game too though. The O-line freaking rocked today and gave Tim tons of time - enough to be dangerous.

The Patriots game is gonna be fun to watch next week.



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It's going to be nice to see the Broncos get demolished AGAIN by the Patriots. The Steelers were without their leading tackler, their starting RB and their QB has a broken wheel. Why is Tebow getting all the credit? When the Broncos lose by 20 next week, what's everyone going to say? The Steelers were 50% at best.
I guess that's why Thomas had 204 yards today. Fat Ben's ankle must have caused it.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I am with you Bayside - the whole team lifted their play up after that injury to Decker. As I said above - the O-line was ON. They looked great. The D kept things in front of them and contained Big Ben as much as possible - he is GOO-OOD. Stopping them on that last drive was BIG BIG BIG. Great team win - Tebow did a little more than just enough today but if they keep winning, I won't complain too much, and if they lose, I will just look at the stats, as I said before, they never lie.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

where can i bet 100 on this team in vagas. or wendover. the son of gun is luckey enough and good enough to win it all.
>It's going to be nice to
>see the Broncos get demolished
>AGAIN by the Patriots.
>The Steelers were without their
>leading tackler, their starting RB
>and their QB has a
>broken wheel. Why is
>Tebow getting all the credit?
> When the Broncos lose
>by 20 next week, what's
>everyone going to say?
>The Steelers were 50% at

We will say that we made it 2 games into the playoffs which is way furthur than we would have made it without Tebow. This team would have been 2 games short of even making the playoffs if the Tebow element had not came into the picture.
Only one thing is gonna keep Tebow from getting better and that is injury. A very real possibility.

He may never be one of the elite qbs, but, his teams will win.
I do not see him falling into obscurity.
>If he comes out and throws
>for 25 completions 300 yards,
>3 TDs and has a
>QB rating over 125 and
>beats the Steelers then I
>will eat my words.

10/21 316 yards 2 TD's 125.6 QB rating.

Well, I BARELY get out of eating my words. Still under 50 percent completion, but the kid has so many intangibles it is definitely something the NFL has never seen. You can't help rooting for him. Still far from being elite but is proving he can lead this team.


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I'm not a big believer in Tebow, but you have to give him credit. He seems to get the job done. Great win by Denver.

An incredible amount of events had to align for the Broncos to win that game and they did. I like Tebow and respect him but lets give some credit to the OL which was awesome. Also in case nobody noticed Coach Fox took a 2010 3 win team and brought them to a playoff victory. Fox is probably more underrated than Tebow. Congrats to Bronco fans your team really came together. I'm a Packers guy forever and the Giants already have me nervous.
Just left the game Awesome time,The last 5 games Ive been to this year we were on the loseing end.I started to think I was the bad luck.
Sorry, but some of you guys are real rectal orifices.

The guy is the quarterback of a team that is winning...understand the concept?...Call him lucky, well supported, or blessed, but don't say he "can't play in the NFL", because he IS IN THE NFL and is WINNING, which makes your statements look really retarded.

Love him or hate him, he has done more for the game than just tossed the ball around.

I doubt that he will be going anywhere for some time to come.

The more Denver wins, the dumber you guys look. When they lose, throw him to the lions.

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"
God took some time off for the holidays but he was back again yesterday! Roethlisberger vs Tebow? That outcome should of been no surprise, Ben will probably smoke a turd in hell for his behavior.

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