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I am sure I will end up under the bus for this but??? my .02

I know it's not the view that people seem to think about but we all NEED to think about this:

Ranches have used the system for years as it is, the reality is the income is part of what the ranch makes every year, a HUGE part for many ranches, many of them will not make it if they loose the income from hunting. Cows are not huge money makers prices now are lower then in the 70?s, and costs to raise cattle are NOT what they were in the 70?s, hunters need to keep in mind that if the ranchers are cut off from the income elk and mule generate for them, there WILL be concrescences for wildlife.

I work with some landowner and the game and fish through proper management and habitat improvements goals. Heck yea it benefits me and the ranches that why we do it, but the larger benefit is to the wildlife in the long run. We have lowered fence heights, we are now removing strands from fences to make it safer for elk and deer to cross and not hang up on the fence. We are also working with Game and Fish to put small reflectors on miles and mile and miles of fencing to help elk and deer see the fence in the dark, this is the result of a huge study of elk and deer fence mortality in Colorado and results were unbelievable. I keep water on private lands in tanks that we have to pump water to, (we are adding 22,000 feet of pipe in 2010-2011 to help cattle AND ELK) this water is here for elk and deer 365 as well as cattle, the elk flock to our area in dry times for water, we kill every lion we can and all coyotes with rifle as well as trapping year round, mineral licks salt and feed are all used buy elk and the deer.

Why does this matter, we border public lands, we manage over 40,000 acres that all have a border with public land, BLM, Forest and State Lease. Elk calf on my ranch, bulls rut, mule deer rut in large numbers and most importantly we have water at all times, and deer and elk winter in large numbers with food water and total predator control it's a safe haven. Game and fish have given us more tags for bulls and cows because of the management, we do not use them. The elk on our ranches move between public and private land, I KNOW hunters benefit from the water and wintering areas provided.

If you take away the income, no water will pump, no fences will be lowered they will be raised, predator control will not be as much of an issue, wintering areas will be grazed and numbers of animals will have to be increased resulting in lower quality habitat! Yes I know I benefit from the existing system, but?. w/o the cooperation of ranchers wildlife suffers!

Is there a need to review the program, sure, I see no reason a guy with 5 acres that a elk poops on twice a year should get a bull elk tag. But if that same guy with 5 acres puts a water hole, makes the fences safer plants natural forage that benefits wildlife then we are looking and an owner working to HELP wildlife. Through management plans on SCR we could see the benefits of working for wildlife but it costs money to make changes, money is a great motivator for improvements, but I think improvements should be a requirement!

The only way I will address the HOT tag issue is this, remove the money from the ranches pockets and we loose the water (90% of the permanent water is on private) ranches will block the wildlife and stop management to benefit both cattle and wildlife. Then populations will drop, elk will starve and be shot on DEP hunts. Once the populations drop so do the tag numbers and your odds it's a loose loose deal.

Very good post. It's nice to hear when landowners are working to improve habitat and give back. I agree with what you are saying. I also agree that there should be some sort of overhaul on the system. I like the requirement idea, however, I haven't really heard of any other viable options to help alleviate the problem we are encountering in this state, a whole lot of bellyaching is all. It seems to me, that things are beginning to change here, slowly but surely. I'm happy as hell this year to be able to hunt a half hour after sunset! Again, good post, I'm waiting to hear what others have to say on this one. On a separate note, I'm sending you a pm compasswestoutfitters.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-10 AT 10:39AM (MST)[p]Good post. It seems to me that the system could use some re-vamping. A rancher that puts that much money into wildlife, should be able to benefit from it. A rancher that does nothing to benefit wildlife, does everything to keep it off his property, and then is handed a bunch of unit-wide tags is where the problem really lies.
I always said if I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is buy a ranch in elk country. The second thing I would do is shoot all the cows. I've never understood ranchers that want to keep $4000 bull elk off their ranch to keep their $50 cows alive.
It seems there could be a system in place that benefits the wildlife, ranchers and hunters equally.
It would seem to me, the local Game Bio should be making recommendations for tags based on "in the field" analysis of each property, based on the criteria you mentioned, at a minimum.
Glad to hear that there are a few guys like you and the landowners you work with Compass, but I really think you are the exception not the rule.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-10 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]I will try to be open for education. I would like to point out a few things in your post. You brag on how you "have water at all times" I believe we are capable of creating "water at all on times" on public land, no we are not co dependant on you as you would like us to continue. You talk about raising fences. Many turned the option down when it was offered. I like the idea. You talk about how so much public wildlife has there life on a private ranch like it is a benefit. Then you try a "predator control" as a safe haven. WOW. Without you guys we would have terrible wildlife starving, no water and being devoured by predators. I know elk quality has suffered as a direct result of LO tag abuse in the system. Unit 15 is a prime example. Yes, animals use your stuff, and that is the goal for you. I wish you the best and hope you do towards the NM state sportsman. Maybe we cannot have wildlife in a quality way without the LO. I know we can work together. Right now, we are way out of balance with a 22%NR quota plus higher after LO tags added. Sincerely BB
Good post for sure but I do have some questions for you. My biggest complaint on our lo elk tags are why give lo's unit wide tags if the elk are tearing up their land? And the other complaint I've always had is aren't these lo's supposed to open their lands to all other hunters in exchange for the tags they receive? As I understand it is in the original agreement that's the way it was supposed to work. But its not. I know of 3 huge ranches in 34 alone that receive unit wide tags and still keep general hunters locked out! I understand ranch only tags, but unit wide? Now that's just milking and abusing the lo system!

I just call em as I see em!
Here it is boys in a nutshell!!!

The whole truth and nothing but the truth about hunting in New Mexico.

If you are unlucky in the current draw system you will be unlucky in the new system. It is 100% luck to draw a tag in the great state of New Mexico. Luck is luck and if you are just plain unlucky nothing is going to change.

This is it in a nutshell. Sorry?
CompassWest, good post. Alot of what you say I would agree with but not all. I have no problem with RO. tags when they are improving habitat, but I have a real problem with unit wide tags/SCR when like you said an elk might cross them once or twice a year maybe. I am kinda caught in the middle because many friends and relatives make their living ranching.

I would have to disagree with the idea that many ranches would fold without these tags, their are many ranches in NM that do not receive tags of any kind and are doing well, plus their is ALL the ranches in AZ. that are surviving without any help from LO tags. Nobody is going to be 100% happy either way but the good ranchers/outfitters will survive/adapt just like they do throughout the rest of the US. I am afraid we have let this go for too long unchecked and it is going to be difficult to get any change.
hanks guys

Well said, but on the ranches dependence on the revenue from hunting: my comments we made based on the fact that many ranches in NM in the program HAVE been getting the tags for years, it's a part of the income. Yes many ranches are not blessed in NM and in other states with additional income from tags. It has now become part of the revenue for many ranches! It's like in national lampoons Christmas vacation, when Clark did not get his Christmas check, turned the family?s lifestyle upside down, think about loosing 10-20-30-40-50-60% of your income starting next week, but forever! I know for a fact a few of the ranches we deal with would be in dire straits w/o the additional income from hunting, but they work hard at it to get more tags, on my ranches in NM hunting is higher revenue then the cattle!!!

As for water on public land, I bet if you start work today you can get the environmental impact study (EIS) done in say 5 years I bet closer to 6+ to drill a well because you are going to have to do an additional 2-3 year EIS to get trucks into the area to drill a well and build the access road . Then if you can get the archeology studys done in about 1-2 years for every foot of public land (BLM or Forest) you have to trench to run water to a drink tank. Trust me I know BLM has blocked us from crossing 1798? of blm land with a trench to pump water to a remote area (11 sections) with no roads dirt tanks or water of any kind. We want to place 3000 gallon holding tanks with a gravity fee one for cattle and another fenced out 15 acre area for elk and deer only and pump in water? we can't get access across the BLM because they are 1 year minimum out to inspect the track we want to take across the land.

You want to run above ground water lines, fine its just the same amount of paper work, and 500X the problems in the long run. Thirsty hunters WILL cut the low spots on pipelines for a drink, ATV travel will over time mess up the pipe, then to fix it, all the red tape again, many times a EIS if the project is more then 5 years old!

You want to put a new well on my place next week and have the funding OK I welcome you! You want more drinker tanks ok sounds great you want them less then 100 yards from public ground, how about a guzzler every 2-5 miles on the 22 miles of fence that borders public land ok not a problem we will work with you to benefit wildlife w/o all the BS and red tape and government meddling. Heck I will supply all the free labor you need! Benefit me yup you bet we hunt elk Oct-Dec and mule deer in December as well with special tags, but we bust our butts for the elk and deer, and cattle!!!

This is how working with landowners for the future of hunting in NM is going to happen, we all need to work with the landowners not become a enemy, as a group lend a hand, drive a tractor for a weekend, donate a water tank, plant trees what ever it takes, make it happen.

You know what happens then, more elk MORE TAGS more deer MORE TAGS more antelope MORE TAGS you want to up the odds help wildlife populations expand and your draw odds will got right up as well?..

Excellent post compass, that is exactly what I'm doing on my ranch,the fence is to keep the range cattle off and give the critters a place to reside.I'm working with DG&F ,RMEF and BLM.Local ranchers have been very supportive as have the hunters I've talked to.We all could benefit from projects like these,as the elk,deer,and antelope have.
Water is the wheel that makes this work,Compass is right about RED TAPE it will eat ya alive. With 90% of the water on prvate land. WOW That kind of tell you where the deer and elk are.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
A unit wide LO cannot "lock you out".

The NM trespass law is waived in the case of a unit wide ranch and a hunter with a valid license for that unit.
Now this is what I'm talking about,Great post Compass!

Hey Compass,you've heard the saying "Great minds think alike"?
Well,in your second post when I started reading it,I too thought of Chevy Chase saying "but when people count on their x-mas bonuses as part of their yearly salaries" before seeing you wrote it.Love that movie.

Isn't the complaint by ranchers wanting unit wide tags instead of RO,is because alot of the old timers are afraid of being sued(couldn't this be provented by having an agreement drawn up holding the hunters totally reasonsible for his or her own actions)?I seen that on a post awhile back that was on here when the old rancher went before G&F pleading he's case why he needed more tags,but he only wanted unit wide tags.

If the ranchers out there are anything like our farmers in the midwest,(not all of course)"Their walking around with a Virgina Ham under both arms and complaining they have no bread"(from the Sopranos,I watch way to much TV).LOL

Another complaint above was that the NR's are getting 22% of the tags and the biggest part of the LO tags!When I talked to G&F I asked them what % of all tags were going to NR's? He said just about 50%.Is the problem that there are more applicants in the resident draw decreasing the odds,and don't want to pay the high dollar price for the LO tags? Which I don't blame you.I wouldn't pay it either.But think of the money from the NR's that's brought into the area.

Heck,if the Cardianls are playing in the World Series the local's sure as heck can't afford to go to a game,and we are the ones supporting the team,year in and year out.Still it does bring a ton of money to the area.I don't see any of it.LOL.

NM has the best draw system around,as someone said earlier if your lucky your lucky!I drew 5 tags in 4 years with one being the Sargents first rifle hunt the first time I applied.Two years ago I drew goose eggs and this last year,well I couldn't afford to draw due to the upfront fees.Work is very slow.But when times get better I will be back in and still have the LO option if I don't draw.Because I'd hate to think that I wouldn't be able to hunt NM again.

Someone had a post on here along time ago about a Politician wanting to pass a bill that all the National Forest tags and pricing of the tags should be the same for all R and NR alike,being that everyone's federal tax dollars supports the National Forest,but that ain't gonna happen.Look what the draw tags costs the NR,what is it 10x's the residents tag price. That's fine if it helps support wildlife.I hope it does?

Anyway,I think what Compass said about giving more tags to LO's that are improving their land's habitat is a great idea.It also will increase the herds and even the property values on those ranches including the ones that don't.WIN WIN

Have a great weekend everyone.

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
?Another complaint above was that the NR's are getting 22% of the tags and the biggest part of the LO tags!When I talked to G&F I asked them what % of all tags were going to NR's? He said just about 50%.Is the problem that there are more applicants in the resident draw decreasing the odds,and don't want to pay the high dollar price for the LO tags? Which I don't blame you.I wouldn't pay it either.But think of the money from the NR's that's brought into the area.?
?don't want to pay the high dollar price for the LO tags?

If hunters ?residents? don't what to pay the high dollar for LO tags that's a choice the hunter/sportsman makes. Myself or anyone on the street I live can choose to save and spend the money on a LO tag if they want. I have hunters that are on payments with me for 2-3 years to buy LO tags, residents have the same right to spend the same cash for any tag in the state.

They choose not to spend the cash

>?Another complaint above was that the
>NR's are getting 22% of
>the tags and the biggest
>part of the LO tags!When
>I talked to G&F I
>asked them what % of
>all tags were going to
>NR's? He said just about
>50%.Is the problem that there
>are more applicants in the
>resident draw decreasing the odds,and
>don't want to pay the
>high dollar price for the
>LO tags? Which I don't
>blame you.I wouldn't pay it
>either.But think of the money
>from the NR's that's brought
>into the area.?
>?don't want to pay the high
>dollar price for the LO
>If hunters ?residents? don't what to
>pay the high dollar for
>LO tags that's a choice
>the hunter/sportsman makes. Myself
>or anyone on the street
>I live can choose to
>save and spend the money
>on a LO tag if
>they want. I have
>hunters that are on payments
>with me for 2-3 years
>to buy LO tags,
>residents have the same right
>to spend the same cash
>for any tag in the
>They choose not to spend the

Glad to see the colors coming out. Its all about the money!!!. Well, welcome to "joe resident" and we are coming after our states resources with a balanced proposal. Your pocketbook will be affected to some degree. I am sure you will survive.
Compass,am I missing something here? I didn't say the residents had no right or could not afford to buy LO tags,(I also said if I was a resident I wouldn't pay it),if that's what you thought I was saying I apologize,it must have came across differently on here then in my head as I was writing it,My Bad.

If NR's are getting 50% of the tags 22% draw and 28% LO tags that means there is still 72% LO tags(or is my math wrong)that the residents are using themselves,selling or giving them to other residents correct?

Again,if I offended anyone my apologizes.

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
No not a big deal i know what you were saying, but I see the odds all the time listed including LO tags, everyone as the same right to grab the LO tags for what every the selling price is. People seem to think that game and fish is going to dump all the LO tags back in the draw pool, no, once the units shrink w/o UW lands inluded and all the dep hunt elk are starting to get killed, smaller hunt area less elk, less tags

This is why as a rule i like to stay out of all this kind of crap... cant make everyone happy, me included!!!


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