Which would rather have?


Founder Since 1999
If you could draw one of the "Governor Tags" for any state, any species ..... which would it be?

And, do you think you could kill a record book animal?

Brian Latturner
#1 Desert sheep - Arizona

Those big "Breaks" Rocky rams are supurb but there's just something about desert sheep that have always turned my crank.

Now, if my MM friend Greatwestern would hunt Rocky's in NM with me I might be swayed to hunt there too.

Damnation founder, can I please just have 1 of each?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-14 AT 11:10AM (MST)[p]I'm down with that Az muley as well. Don't much care about the "book", though. If I liked one I saw, I'd try to kill him.
Maine moose. I have no idea if I could get a book bull but I'd sure have fun trying.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
If it were extended North of the border, I'd consider a Cadomin mine Bighorn tag. It also seems like a NM Gov. tag used to allow either a Rocky or Desert Sheep. That would be a fine choice as well. Zeke, I know we could engage GW on that one!
Its very hard for me to make a pick, I would take a tag for a Mule Deer or Elk in ANY of the rocky mountain states, they each give you an opportunity at a big animal.

But if I really had to pick one, I would pick an Arizona Mule Deer tag. I would go un-guided and give it hell trying to find a book animal. I think I could do it, but only because Arizona gives you an absurd 365 days to fill your governor tag if I am not mistaken!?
Utah Deer, and I would live on the Henerys for as long as it took to kill a giant, (un-guided)

AZ Mule deer, Montana Bighorn, NM Desert Bighorn not sure in that order but those are the 3 I'd love or hate to have to choose between.
Antelope Island. Then AZ, then CO mule deer gov licenses. But I'm sure I'll win one in a raffle this year.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-14 AT 01:49AM (MST)[p]Any of the following 3; desert sheep, stone sheep or polar bear.
Granted polar bear don't have any gov tags but it is still out of my price range and would be a great tag to get :)


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Calif Mule deer Governors tag!

There are a few Monsters and hundreds of nice Muleys Killed in Cali each year as the State that gets no respect.

With that tag you could hunt as long as there is a season open someplace. Cheaper on fuel, easier on my older rigs, i'd love to give it a go and a good chance to make Calif Book.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Henry's Mule deer

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
There's just something about screaming, bugling elk that gets the adrenaline going. Probably Arizona Elk.
I would choose a Bighorn tag in Southern end of the state. I have a lot of friends that like to go after them. I would use a muzzleloader if I could. Would I get a book sheep? I would have good chance. Ron
High Alti Argali...but I don't think there is a governors tag for those so, Utah Sportsman's deer tag, Montana Rocky and New Mexico Desert sheep tags, in no particular order.....

The black rino tag sold at auction Saturday evening at the Dallas SCI banquet for $350K.

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