
Long Time Member
While We're Talkin Trappin......................!

Wondering Who's Got Their Feet Taken Out From Under Them?

I'll Have To Admit!

I'm on That List!

Was Fishin A River Here On The South Slope!

While Walking Somewhat Parallel To The River Around An Extremely Steep Hillside with a Trail about 6" Wide,I'm Walking & Keep Looking Over At The River When All Of A F'N Sudden I'm Teats Down Thinking WTH?

A Little Trail-RASH & A Broken Fire-Stick!

At First I Didn't Realize I Just Got My Ass Snared!

My Friend Still Laughs about It Today!

The Guy That Set The Snare & Never Pulled It REALLY LHAO About it Every Time I See Him!

Post Em Up!
Can’t……. Quite possibly the only thing that hasn’t tipped me over. I’ve fallen over darn near everything there is to fall over.
I have been pinched in leghold traps multiple times. It will happen again.

It's not that big of a deal. Contrary to popular belief they aren't designed to maim or damage the animals. They are designed to hold them until I decide what to do with them. When I want to release an animal I can release them with no harm and they are perfectly functional.
Back when we could trap in Cali, my best friend was pretty damn good.


His Newhouse Bear Trap collection was impressive.
He had all of the big ones in multiples.
50s 5s 15s 6s and everything else.
You sure wouldn't want to step in one of those!!!

Had a lab get snared close to a bever pond, thought he'd been caught on someone's broken off fishing line until I tried cutting it off.

Have great respect for skilled trappers
Haven't been snared or trapped, but some piece of chit put a bunch of unmarked snares below Glendo, WY damm and my dad's highly acclaimed golden retriever found one and before they realized what had happened the dog died.
Maybe I better reconsider this……… does a lariat count?
I was working on the wipers on my ‘56 chebby hotrod many years ago, when the hood slammed on my hand catching me up by the passenger side windshield.

I could either chew my arm off, or take my chances that a neighbor would see me which is what happened after about an hour.

I thought I was going to lose my fingers, and have to hire someone to pick my nose.
That Car Have A Little More Weight In The Hood Than They Do Now?

I was working on the wipers on my ‘56 chebby hotrod many years ago, when the hood slammed on my hand catching me up by the passenger side windshield.

I could either chew my arm off, or take my chances that a neighbor would see me which is what happened after about an hour.

I thought I was going to lose my fingers, and have to hire someone to pick my nose.
I have had a few hounds get caught in leg holds over the years. One ended up with frostbite and lost some toes. But kept hunting.

I did have one run through a snare but the collars kept it from doing damage.
Back when we could trap in Cali, my best friend was pretty damn good.

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His Newhouse Bear Trap collection was impressive.
He had all of the big ones in multiples.
50s 5s 15s 6s and everything else.
You sure wouldn't want to step in one of those!!!

View attachment 104808
Not sure what year or location those cats are from. But if they were prime and in the late ‘70’s that’s a lot of money on that fence. In the late ‘70’s I was getting between $550 and $700 for prime cats in the high Sierra’s.
Great collection of traps. Hopefully his kids keep them displayed.
Not sure what year or location those cats are from. But if they were prime and in the late ‘70’s that’s a lot of money on that fence. In the late ‘70’s I was getting between $550 and $700 for prime cats in the high Sierra’s.
Great collection of traps. Hopefully his kids keep them displayed.

The old boy did some hunting too..

trapping.........probably the lowest low brow hillbilly thrillbilly blood sport out there. I don't mind underwater sets for 'rats and beaver but land sets and snares, give me a break

catch and injure or kill my hunting dog, I'll pound you senseless
I feel like a dog would have a better chance in a leghold than 10' underwater on the end of a drowning cable from a beaver set.
I'm happy to say I was never trapped. The Doctor never had to tell me I was in love, not that a second opinion is a bad idea...
When I was a kid I stepped into a set my dad had just made. Scared me more than it hurts for sure.

In high school I ran a trap line that I would check on the way to school. One day I had a skunk caught and I just couldn't let myself have that trap sitting there all day doing nothing so I made a reset. Sure enough I got to school and they said I smelled like a skunk so bad I had to sit in the hallway all day.
trapping.........probably the lowest low brow hillbilly thrillbilly blood sport out there. I don't mind underwater sets for 'rats and beaver but land sets and snares, give me a break

catch and injure or kill my hunting dog, I'll pound you senseless
I can tell you this much. If it wasnt for us trappers you wouldnt need a hunting dog. Because A there would not be anything to hunt. B your dog would then be on the menu of every wolf or coyote around.
Maybe educate your self on the benefits of trapping before you call it a blood sport.
Every trapper I know works very hard to make it as humanly as possible.
For that matter we try to keep it bloodless because blood creates more work prepping the pelts.
trapper's are not about accountability.
You are so full of ****. You don't even know what you're talking about. Getting caught in a foot hold trap isn't that bad especially if it has offset jaws like Utah and most other western states require. There isn't a trapper out there who hasn't caught himself. The worst thing about getting caught in a trap is getting your hand out with your one free hand.

Last month my pup finally got caught with a four-coiled number two Bridger while I was making a set. I turned my back for five seconds to grab the lure and SNAP! He started yelping really loud and I spun around and got his foot out and inspected his paw which was fine. I was worried there would have been damage but two minutes after he was released you couldn't tell he had been caught at all. He had no limp and was running full out. He learned his lesson and no just sits back or lays down and watches while I make sets.

Trappers are accountable and every legal trap has either a name and info or a registered number on it depending on what state it is. They are required to make timely checks on their traps and held to a high accountability. Nobody wants to catch a dog but if that happens in a legal set it's on you not me. If you don't like it you will have to contact the DWR to get my info from my trap number. If you think you want to take it into your own hands from there that will also be on you so cut your losses while your only down one dog.:eek:
Trappers are folks who couldn't muster themselves as slob hunters. Trapping is the low on the totem pole if you know what I mean
You are a damn idiot. A good Trapper can read sign, track and hunt better than any regular ”hunter”. If it wasn’t for fur trappers exploring the west and learning the land for early settlers your candy ass would still be sucking your thumb on the east coast.

Have fun troll.?
trapping.........probably the lowest low brow hillbilly thrillbilly blood sport out there. I don't mind underwater sets for 'rats and beaver but land sets and snares, give me a break

catch and injure or kill my hunting dog, I'll pound you senseless
Well how about you control your dog and not allow it to get caught in a trap. Trappers have as much right as you and your mutt…
I'm not for or against trapping, but it does suck when you run across a green trapper. As long as its legal there isn't much you can do about it. Up here and in many places its against the law to set off someones trap. Earlier this winter my dog and a friends dog ended up in traps. The trapper was very green and setup right off the trail and he was also trapping on private land he didn't have permission for. He did has a sign with his phone number warning people there were active traps. My first thought was if you have to put a sign up likely thats not a great place to put traps. Dogs were ok so I called the guy once we had service. He apologized and went and moved his sets. We didn't set off rest of them or steal them.

Mine got caught in a trap about same time.

I kept the trap, left a note, trappers never called, not suprisingly.
A drywaller that steals, surprise. This is the part where you say the trap was set illegally blah blah blah.

Or do you make it a habit to steal people's stuff? How do you know the note was found? You just walk around with a pen, notepad and a ziplock bag? hahahahaha
You are a damn idiot. A good Trapper can read sign, track and hunt better than any regular ”hunter”. If it wasn’t for fur trappers exploring the west and learning the land for early settlers your candy ass would still be sucking your thumb on the east coast.

Have fun troll.?
You're correct. but what about the bad or green trappers?
You are so full of ****. You don't even know what you're talking about. Getting caught in a foot hold trap isn't that bad especially if it has offset jaws like Utah and most other western states require. There isn't a trapper out there who hasn't caught himself. The worst thing about getting caught in a trap is getting your hand out with your one free hand.

Last month my pup finally got caught with a four-coiled number two Bridger while I was making a set. I turned my back for five seconds to grab the lure and SNAP! He started yelping really loud and I spun around and got his foot out and inspected his paw which was fine. I was worried there would have been damage but two minutes after he was released you couldn't tell he had been caught at all. He had no limp and was running full out. He learned his lesson and no just sits back or lays down and watches while I make sets.

Trappers are accountable and every legal trap has either a name and info or a registered number on it depending on what state it is. They are required to make timely checks on their traps and held to a high accountability. Nobody wants to catch a dog but if that happens in a legal set it's on you not me. If you don't like it you will have to contact the DWR to get my info from my trap number. If you think you want to take it into your own hands from there that will also be on you so cut your losses while your only down one dog.:eek:
So funny you mention about getting caught and having to get yourself out with free hand.
I received my trap registration number last week and set my first trap.
I only have one hand and whole time while placing set I’m talking to myself “Don’t get caught, don’t get caught,…..
I'm not for or against trapping, but it does suck when you run across a green trapper. As long as its legal there isn't much you can do about it. Up here and in many places its against the law to set off someones trap. Earlier this winter my dog and a friends dog ended up in traps. The trapper was very green and setup right off the trail and he was also trapping on private land he didn't have permission for. He did has a sign with his phone number warning people there were active traps. My first thought was if you have to put a sign up likely thats not a great place to put traps. Dogs were ok so I called the guy once we had service. He apologized and went and moved his sets. We didn't set off rest of them or steal them.

A drywaller that steals, surprise. This is the part where you say the trap was set illegally blah blah blah.

Or do you make it a habit to steal people's stuff? How do you know the note was found? You just walk around with a pen, notepad and a ziplock bag? hahahahaha

Who said I used a pen, notebook, or ziplock? You have a vivid imagination don't you

I doubt the trap was set illegally. It was however left out of season, and unmarked, and was obviously not checked like the law requires.

Yup. I stole it like I steal empty shotgun hulls, and beer cans. Liter is liter.
Who said I used a pen, notebook, or ziplock? You have a vivid imagination don't you

I doubt the trap was set illegally. It was however left out of season, and unmarked, and was obviously not checked like the law requires.

Yup. I stole it like I steal empty shotgun hulls, and beer cans. Liter is liter.
*litter. Might want to take that English 101 class again. Microbiology degree requires it….

Maybe the trapper misplaced it. It’s been known to happen. Doesn’t give you the right to steal it. Did you break sticks to make a note? Or did you draw it in the sand? Knowing you it was crayons ?
I'm not for or against trapping, but it does suck when you run across a green trapper. As long as its legal there isn't much you can do about it. Up here and in many places its against the law to set off someones trap. Earlier this winter my dog and a friends dog ended up in traps. The trapper was very green and setup right off the trail and he was also trapping on private land he didn't have permission for. He did has a sign with his phone number warning people there were active traps. My first thought was if you have to put a sign up likely thats not a great place to put traps. Dogs were ok so I called the guy once we had service. He apologized and went and moved his sets. We didn't set off rest of them or steal them.

A drywaller that steals, surprise. This is the part where you say the trap was set illegally blah blah blah.

Or do you make it a habit to steal people's stuff? How do you know the note was found? You just walk around with a pen, notepad and a ziplock bag? hahahahaha
Hossblur is a drywaller? HA! That's makes sense....boomboxes, do-rags and meth. I knew there was always something wrong with Hossblur!
You are a damn idiot. A good Trapper can read sign, track and hunt better than any regular ”hunter”. If it wasn’t for fur trappers exploring the west and learning the land for early settlers your candy ass would still be sucking your thumb on the east coast.

Have fun troll.?
by golly, if it werndn't fer' trappers! HA!!! Post of the day.
Bull **** statement. We all have to put our name or trappers ID number on every trap or snare we place in the field.
ya....but you're never accountable or responsible for an off catch, whether big game or a lion hound...meaning, you don't have to pay the damages. But, in return, I stick my boot straight up your azz. That's why I shoot to h3ll all legholds I come across and tin snip all snare sets so we don't have to have a confrontation
ya....but you're never accountable or responsible for an off catch, whether big game or a lion hound...meaning, you don't have to pay the damages. But, in return, I stick my boot straight up your azz. That's why I shoot to h3ll all legholds I come across and tin snip all snare sets so we don't have to have a confrontation
What a chicken **** we have here!
QUOTE="SS!, post: 2157853, member: 9746"]
*litter. Might want to take that English 101 class again. Microbiology degree requires it….

Maybe the trapper misplaced it. It’s been known to happen. Doesn’t give you the right to steal it. Did you break sticks to make a note? Or did you draw it in the sand? Knowing you it was crayons ?

I don't know man, it's your fantasy, tell it how you want. Maybe I used smoke sign

I could point out the law, the area, and who is trapping it, and why, but what's the point?

I saw Blue hair post an article. I'm going to respond. Just wanting to make your stalking easier and all.
ya....but you're never accountable or responsible for an off catch, whether big game or a lion hound...meaning, you don't have to pay the damages. But, in return, I stick my boot straight up your azz. That's why I shoot to h3ll all legholds I come across and tin snip all snare sets so we don't have to have a confrontation
You are a damn idiot. I hope just one time I find you messing with a trap.

You are pretty tough… I would gladly have a confrontation… keep your mutt out the traps and you won’t have an issue.

I know maybe I should just shoot your worthless inbred beast to avoid an issue…
I bet he is an expert autoerotic asphyxiation as well. It appears he must do it often…

I was friends with a gov trapper before he died. He was, as are most, very sensitive to public sentiment. Catching a dog, or any pet, was a sign to him. As was not checking traps, and not knowing where his traps were.

The one that got my dog, was trapping illegally, which I'm guessing was why he didn't call me for his trap back.

It's not my thing, but trapping is pretty cool
I was friends with a gov trapper before he died. He was, as are most, very sensitive to public sentiment. Catching a dog, or any pet, was a sign to him. As was not checking traps, and not knowing where his traps were.

The one that got my dog, was trapping illegally, which I'm guessing was why he didn't call me for his trap back.

It's not my thing, but trapping is pretty cool
Trapping is a very cool thing and the rate of accidental catches are low and rare. They do happen, but again a legally set trap is a great thing for many reasons.
That's why I shoot to h3ll all legholds I come across and tin snip all snare sets so we don't have to have a confrontation

Woulda Been Nice If You'd Found The One That Took Me Off My Feet!
Trapped through the mid ‘70’s to mid ‘80’s before fur prices took a dive. Made some good money. The only really dumb thing I saw was a couple inexperienced guys setting large conibear traps on land.
Yeah well keep your hunting dog off the private I trap and we'll have no issues.
I had one killed on public land with a conibear in a box set about 150 yards from boat ramp and restroom area. Was great dog caught quite a few lions with him was just coon hunting for fun that night 7 years old in his prime
Trapping has a place but if people aren't smart about where and how they trap that sport it screwed it already is in some states
ya....but you're never accountable or responsible for an off catch, whether big game or a lion hound...meaning, you don't have to pay the damages. But, in return, I stick my boot straight up your azz. That's why I shoot to h3ll all legholds I come across and tin snip all snare sets so we don't have to have a confrontation
Good to know that you are a lawbreaker.
Tampering with traps or snare is illegal .
I promise if any trapper ever catches you there will be confrontation.
I trapped a ton in my 20s and 30s, all dry sets and snares for coon, fox, and coyote. And ran my own hounds every night. I’ve caught myself a time or two and also a time or two I’ve had a hound get where they shouldn’t be and got themselves caught. It happens ! I wouldn’t change a bit of it ! Ended up on my face more than one time wandering around in the dark checking snares ….. as I snagged myself in them !
You're correct. but what about the bad or green trappers?
I’d you mean bad as in they suck at it they either get better or quit if they can’t figure it out.

As far as being green this is only my second year of doing it if you don’t count 30+ years ago when I bought half a dozen traps, had no clue what I was doing I had no mentor to teach me, there weren’t a lot of learning resources then and I quickly gave up. So by that right I’m pretty green but I’ve had a couple good mentors. Guys in the Utah Trappers Association have been really helpful showing us greenhorns the ropes.

The learning curve can be shortened quit a bit now because there are a lot more learning resources like books, videos and the internet. Even someone who is green can learn quickly if they are determined. If they aren’t determined they usually quit if they aren’t seeing success.
I trapped a ton in my 20s and 30s, all dry sets and snares for coon, fox, and coyote. And ran my own hounds every night. I’ve caught myself a time or two and also a time or two I’ve had a hound get where they shouldn’t be and got themselves caught. It happens ! I wouldn’t change a bit of it ! Ended up on my face more than one time wandering around in the dark checking snares ….. as I snagged myself in them !
If your hounds were worth having you wouldnt need any traps
Trappers are folks who couldn't muster themselves as slob hunters. Trapping is the low on the totem pole if you know what I mean
Post up some hunting pics big guy, I have. Big bull, B&C sheep, decent mule deer, etc.. Where are your pics mighty hunter?
I had one killed on public land with a conibear in a box set about 150 yards from boat ramp and restroom area. Was great dog caught quite a few lions with him was just coon hunting for fun that night 7 years old in his prime
That is not cool, why I trap on private. I also support notifying folks when trapping on public lands, signs etc.
Some regs need to be in place, trapping in well used public areas.
Sorry about your dog, conibears show no mercy, don't use them myself.
That is not cool, why I trap on private. I also support notifying folks when trapping on public lands, signs etc.
Some regs need to be in place, trapping in well used public areas.
Sorry about your dog, conibears show no mercy, don't use them myself.
I have nothing against responsible trappers
I actually owned quite a few night and grand night champs. Youngest being a 9 month old redbone I still own. I enjoyed both trapping and the hounds if that’s okay with you ?????
Then why run traps for the same animals Your hunting especially in the same place your hunting.
Then why run traps for the same animals Your hunting especially in the same place your hunting.
I very clearly posted that I’ve had a hound or two get into trouble when they got where they’re NOT supposed to be…….. as in someone eles trap on the wrong ground ……… DUH ?!!!
So funny you mention about getting caught and having to get yourself out with free hand.
I received my trap registration number last week and set my first trap.
I only have one hand and whole time while placing set I’m talking to myself “Don’t get caught, don’t get caught,…..
It will happen it’s not if but when. You are going to need to stand up and use your feet to open it and release your hand. I haven’t been able to get one open with my knees yet, I probably need more practice:LOL:

If you need to use your feet I hope you have better balance than me and hopefully nobody is watching.:ROFLMAO:
It’s pretty interesting to see some of the misconceptions and lack of experience surrounding trapping & snaring, and how it fuels an emotional response from some of the members here that I have a lot of respect for. Just like any other group out there, there are some bad apples, in addition to those that simply make a poor decision (whether intentional or not). I get it, some people here have a right to be bitter based on a personal experience where they lost a pet due to someone’s lack of judgement; however, I would suggest it’s best to try to avoid projecting that sentiment on the whole trappping/snaring community. Heck, there are hunters that get shot every year due to mistaken identity, but I think we can all agree that it wouldn’t be a fair to paint the whole hunting community as a bunch of archaic Neanderthals out the shooting each other, thus we must ban the activity all together.

As for trapping and snaring, I’ve done more than my fair share. They are very efficient, effective, and humane management tools when utilized properly. Despite their reputation, they can be very selective through trap size, pan tension, or loop size, lock selection and breakaway device or stop, along with set type and (most importantly) location.

Additionally, I’ve always run my dogs on the trapline as well. They have been caught a few times over the years, and can see how it could upset some people… when a dog gets caught in a trap for the first time it will panic, as it has no idea what just happened and invokes a fight or flight response. Unfortunately, upon seeing this reaction, the owner of the dog tends to panic as well, thinking that their dog is being hurt and needs to take immediate action to save it. This typically overwhelms the dog even more and fuels the flight or flight response…. It’s best to stand near, and calm the dog down for 10 mins before setting it free (most people would have a very different perception of traps if they did this)… if a dog has been through this a time or two, you get a very different response. In the rare occasion that my dogs get caught now, they will just sit down and look at me like they are simply annoyed. Absolutely zero injury.

The reason I mention this, is that traps get a bad wrap due to false preconceptions fueled by a lack of knowledge and experience. They are merely a restraint tool when utilized properly, which is exactly why Wildlife managers still utilize them for capture/collar, relocation, etc (even for some ESA listed species, as well). In fact, one of my favorite ways to demonstrate this to somebody curious or skeptical is to set a trap off on my own hand. It’s honestly no big deal.

Snares run a little higher risk, obviously; however, most dogs that are accustomed to being tied or leash trained will stop prior to being in danger. Here again, it seems a lack of knowledge or experience with snares often leads to panic, when really snares can be opened quickly and with little effort. Honestly, 5 minutes of education on types of snare locks and how they function would save people and their pets a lot of unnecessary grief.
It will happen it’s not if but when. You are going to need to stand up and use your feet to open it and release your hand. I haven’t been able to get one open with my knees yet, I probably need more practice:LOL:

If you need to use your feet I hope you have better balance than me and hopefully nobody is watching.:ROFLMAO:
Amen to the ‘hope nobody is watching’ comment.
When I clean an Elk on my own I’m sure it looks like quite a comedy show to someone watching that does not know I am missing my left hand.

As to the getting caught in a trap, I made some 10” cheaters that slip on to the ends of the trap to increase leverage/reach so that I can set them with my knees.
I keep them in my bucket and within reach as I finish every set.
Caught a big Rottweiler while coon trapping one time.Little 11/2 coil spring had him by two toes. My brother and I went home and made a catch pole and brought back a tarp . Pinned him with the catch pole and put the tarp over his head and stepped on each side and released him. We were worried how how he would be when we released him but he was like a little baby. The dog was huge and if he had pulled at all he would have been out of that trap.
I caught my foot in a 330 conibear trapping beaver one time.
Was trapping coons along a corn field one time. Private property with permission. Checked the traps and had two coons in snares that were tore to shreds. Figured it was dogs. Checked the next day and all the snares and traps were gone. Talked to the landowner and he said he saw lights out there the night before.Had a buddy that lived in the area and he said he new a guy that coon hunted that area and he would ask around. Turns out the guy was telling everyone his dog got caught in a snare and he pulled all the traps and snares. I had permission .He didn’t.

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