Will the 300" Archery Muley Ever Fall?


Active Member
Archery records are falling. For over 20 years the Utah State Record Archery Velvet Typical Muley sat just below the 200." Until 2007, nobody had ever topped a 200" Net Score Velvet Muley in Utah....In the last three years it has happened five times that I know of...Obviously there are more hunters in the field and better equiptment being used which are both major contributors to the muely records falling. There was a buck in CO killed last year with a rifle that grossed over 300".....We all saw the buck from the AZ strip that went over 320" gross. It appears that the potential for an archery hunter to make it all happen is there. So, with all of this in mind, will anybody ever break the 300" mark with an archery muley and where do you think it will come from? My guess is yes it will happen in either AZ or Alberta....anyone else?
IMO...if it can happen it will happen!! I think it will have to be off the Strip. Hopefully Sampson and Houdini bred like rabbits before they fell and a lucky bow hunter will have the opportunity at another buck of that caliber someday...

300" typical...highly doubt it!! lol

See how many 300 inch deer were killed in the last 30 years and that ought to answer your question.

Pretty much just a dream for the stick and string crowd if we are honest about it.
"300" typical...highly doubt it!! lol"

Hold on never-catch. With all this "global warming" going on, we may soon never experience a true winter again. This has to bode well for deer and elk, and we could see records drop like flies!:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
It will happen, and men will eventually break the 3 minute mile, and teens will listen to their parents...
okay the whole teen thing wont but the other 2 will.
I hope you're right Eel!! I'd love to see the records keep being broke and bucks n bulls everywhere keep gettin bigger :)

I don't think it will happen. They are just too damn rare. Somebody could get lucky on one though. If so it will be Arizona.
What happens if we ever get a real winter like we had 20 years ago? Are todays animals smart enough to find quality shelter for a blasting cold winter? This may be a true test this year, in SD we have been abnormally cold already this winter with the ground temps starting to hover around freezing (at least two weeks to one month early).
Well there has been a 300+ inch Black-tail killed with a rifle in the Cascades and could only make the Oregon books. So I would say anything is possible. I would say AZ.

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