Windfall Tax on Retirees Income


I just received this from a friend who worked with me years ago overseas. He is a DEMOCRAT who asked me awhile back NOT to send any anti-Clinton Jokes. His daughter is married to Billery's financial I quit. Not HE sends me this. I am waiting to reply to him IF HE GOING TO SWITCH PARTY LINES NOW.

Windfall Tax on Retirement Income

Adding a tax to your retirement is simply another way of saying to
the American people, you're so darnn stupid that we're going to keep
doing this until we drain every cent from you. That's what the Speaker
of the House is saying. Read below...............

Nancy Pelosi wants a Windfall Tax on Retirement Income. In other
words, to tax what you have made by investing toward you r retirement.
You aren't going to believe this.

; Madam speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all
stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401K and Mutual
Funds! Alas , it is true - all to help the 12 Million Illegal
Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities! (which to her represents
12 million Democratic votes purchased).

This woman is frightening.
She quotes..." We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income,
(didn't Marx say something like this), in our country and at the same
time limiting the amount the rich can invest." ( I am not rich, are

When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied :
"We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and
minorities. For ex ample, we have an estimated 12 million illegal
immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of
unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a
long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would
like to have as 'Americans'." (Read that quote again and again and
let it sink in. "Lower your retirement, give it to others who have
not worked as you have for it". So they can live like Americans even
though they are NOT.

Send it on to your friends. I just did!! This lady is out of her mind
and she is the Speaker of the House! Imagine a Democratic House and a
Democratic White House and kiss your hard work good bye.
The democrats in DC are nothing but Socialists in drag! ANd, Obama is leading the charge.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Didn't I see this on here a couple months ago I'm sure its more right wing dribble, I don't know who I'm supporting but when the right wing liars start in trying to get the right wing stupidios excited, well, it might backfire
>Didn't I see this on here
>a couple months ago I'm
>sure its more right wing
>dribble, I don't know who
>I'm supporting but when the
>right wing liars start in
>trying to get the right
>wing stupidios excited, well, it
>might backfire
Yeah, because we all know the left never lies, decieves, spins, talks out their backsides, right piper? LOL.

A casual look at the stances of MANY of the DC dems will show a clear Socialist agenda, which is 180 degrees from where/why this Nation was founded. Where in the COnstitution does it advocate entitlements? I have a copy in front of me, please point me in the 'right' direction.


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lots of people carry the constitution in their pockets, sen. Harry Reid carrys one in his pocket, The right has had their time and the country knows the results, now if they want to keep their power and build on it, they better tell the country why, we don,t have slaves any more because things change, in spite of what the founders wanted
COme on piper, you're more like a squeker with that weak come back. Slavery??? Is that the best you libs can do? I'll ask again, where in the Constitution does it give the government the 'right' to take from some and give to others in the form of entitlements? Daniel Boone, back when he was a Congressman was taught an importnat lesson on entitlements. He voted for an entitlement thinking he was 'helping' his fellow Americans out. When he was out campaigning for re-election he ran across a wise farmer who said he would NOT vote for a man who doesn't adhere to the Constitution. The farmer pointed out that if an individual doesn't have the authority to take form one citizen and give to another, then neither does the Federal Goverment. How about all you libs/sp type are brave enough to knock on the door of every resident in your county and DEMAND money for a 'pet' project of yours? If you don't have the nads to do in person, why do you let the Feds do your bidding for you?


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the point I'm trying to make is the constitution doesn't say a lot of things, things like public lands or income tax, Its my opinion that enough of the wealth in this country is already concentrated at the top, things like patent and copyright laws and property laws make sure of that, maybe you like the idea of surfdom and peons but I don't, and I am going to do what little I can to make sure It doesn't get worse for working people that aren't lucky enough to inherit wealth, so that there is enough left that common people can have an incentive to work hard and reap some reward for their effort
While I have no reason to doubt your intentions are true and just, they are wrong! What "incentive(s) to work are there if you tax the crap out of those who are truly productive? EVERY American has the ability and the opprotunities to be as wealthy as they chose. If one choses to flip burgers, go home and watch American Idol, does he deserve as much as the person(s) who owns the burger joint who employs many?

FYI, more than 80% of all millionaires are SELF MADE and did NOT inherit their millions. I know it makes a great bumper sticker and makes it easier to justify STEALING from those who have earned their wealth, but it is none the less FALSE to believe most wealthy people inherited their wealth. And, if I should amass great wealth, why shouldn't MY kids reap the fruits of MY labor instead of some dead beat crack head? There is plenty of opportunity and wealth for all who are willing to EARN it. Problem is, way too many Americans feel 'entitled' to have wealth just by being born.


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you believe that opportunity is just as great now as as it always has been, and I think if you don't get a start its less, like I said I'm going to do what I can to make sure it doesn't get worse, when I look at property prices in the west, 10-20 years ago 10 acres and water somewhere nice- nice dream, now- dream on, we don't need to tax the crap out of people but America should pay its bills don't you think?
What does America paying it's bills have to do with windfall taxes? Shut down all the Socialist entitlement programs and problem solved. The rich will always find a way to stay rich, but when you tax them and corps you end up taxing the low/middle class EVERY time in the end.

I do NOT believe opportunity is gone for ANYONE willing to make the effort to create value for others. I also don't believe ANY American is entitled to someone elses money. Stop looking to the government as the solution and start looking at ones self for the answers to lifes ills.


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Under Clinton taxes were higher but the economy seemed a lot better and America was paying the bills better. I would rather pay a little more taxes and keep the dollar strong thereby lowering gas prices and all thats associated with high gas prices, I don't see where the big Bush tax cuts have really helped the economy in the long run, now dont get upset I don't want to pay high taxes either and Im not lazy , I just think the tax cuts first policy has hurt the country, It should have been spending cuts first, and tell me if the corps taxes are so high how can they keep giving CEOs hundred of millions of dollars each year, seems strange
I'll not even touch the 'Clinton economy' for now.

As for taxing corps, as I said MANY times, you can NOT tax big companies, They simply will do one of two things 1)move headquartes offshore 2)pass the cost onto the consumers (ie the lower/middle classes). Get it? If you raise windfall taxes it is the lower/middle class who WILL foot the bill. How does that help the economy? If you 'punish' those who employ the bulk of the people, how would that benefit the bulk of the people?


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Pro the debt has nearly doubled under Bush and the economy is in major trouble so please tell us why we should listen to anything you have to say about economics?

It's very doubtful the dems have the answer but the conservatives have proven they don't, give it a rest the gig is up.
> It's very doubtful the dems
>have the answer but the
>conservatives have proven they don't,
>give it a rest the
>gig is up.

What 'conservatives' are you talking about?

Please tell us how windfall taxes on retirees/corperations/'wealthy' people will help the economy and reduce the debt? It is all these STUPID entitlement programs that need to be done away with. Obama wants to ADD trillions to the spending budget, and his answer is higher taxes. Ironically, many countries in Europe are seeing how ineffective Socialism is and are becoming more capitalist minded. America is the greatest country BECAUSE we are a capitalist society. Take away the incentives for greatness by INDIVIDUALS and teh country WILL suffer.


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First off the Pelosi story is crap, she didn't ask for that tax so drop it.

Second we have to raise more money, period, taxing the rich to death won't solve the problem and it will cause harm to the economy I agree. SO, that means we all have to pay. right now every US citizen owes over $30,000 on the debt, the debt conservatives racked up the vast majority of. so just what tax plan to reduce this do you propose that makes everybody happy? the trickle down, little tax and don't tax plans got us in debt so how do you think they're going to get us out?

I think we all agree we need to cut spending but that's not easy and most of our domestic spending we can't cut very much. so lets cut our foreign aid , Israel being the largest and the 314.4 million a day we're blowing in Iraq. you don't like that plan either do you? no plan for taxation or reduced spending is going to make everyone happy, period. but the dems are going to have the hammer and that's what we're going to get, like it or not. I'm not very optimistic about them fixing it either but they can't do any worse. infact history shows they do better, check it out for yourself.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-08 AT 12:06PM (MST)[p]Why can't we cut domestic spending? Is it because our 'leaders' lack courage and leadership to do what is RIGHT? That is NO excuse. Get rid of all the entitlement programs INCLUDING Social Security and Medi-Care, all of which are un-Constitutional to begin with.

I agree, we should stop ALL foreign aid immediately. Why are we shipping borrowed money to other countries? But, if we are going to 'aid' any country(s) Israel MUST be included. So, to make the Jew haters happy, lets end ALL aid to other countries.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Obama just today announced that under his tax plan, if you are retired and make $50k or less you would be exempt from income taxes.

BTW PRO, lets get real and be more clear, our "leadership" is selling our nation to China, far worse than "shipping borrowed money to other countries."
>the trickle down, little tax
>and don't tax plans got
>us in debt so how
>do you think they're going
>to get us out?

For arguments sake, we'll accept the fact that it was the republicans who are 100% responsible for 100% of the deficit. 100% of the democrats voted against 100% of the spending bills and voted against 100% of the tax cuts.

My question is this: If you have a set amount of annual household income, and you out spend yourself into a negative household budget, how do you reduce your debt? Do you go get a better job with more money to pay it down? What happens if you just kept spending at the same pace or at a higher level than before? You have more income that is true but what have you accomplished if you don't reduce your spending? In this case, entitlement programs?

Did you ever stop to think that those who pay no taxes, those who contribute nothing to the economy because they mail their income to another country, just MIGHT have something to do with our deficit? I realize the war is taking a lot of revenue but nothing compares to the entitlement programs sucked dry by illegals and those American citizens simply waiting for handouts.

I have to ask this as well.....How can you support ANYONE, Republican or Democrat, who refuses to reduce the growth in spending? This is a rhetorical question but why do the democrats insist that a reduction from say 7% growth to 4% GROWTH is a cut? What about the word growth is a cut? How is ANY increase in current spending a cut?

In closing, you do realize who started the sweeping reform that created the Clinton boom don't you? Does the "Contract with America" ring any bells?

Member: RMEF, SCI, and NRA
Contract with America
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Contract with America was a document released by the United States Republican Party during the 1994 Congressional election campaign. Written by a team of representatives including Newt Gingrich, Robert Walker, Richard Armey, Bill Paxon, Tom DeLay, John Boehner and Jim Nussle, and in part using text from former President Ronald Reagan's 1985 State of the Union Address, and relying on polling from Frank Luntz, the Contract detailed the actions the Republicans promised to take if they became the majority party in the United States House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Many of the Contract's policy ideas originated at The Heritage Foundation, an influential highly conservative think tank.

The Contract with America was introduced six weeks before the 1994 Congressional election, the first mid-term election of President Bill Clinton's Administration, and was signed by all but two of the Republican members of the House and all of the Party's non-incumbent Republican Congressional candidates.

Proponents say the Contract was revolutionary in its commitment to offering specific legislation for a vote, describing in detail the precise plan of the Congressional Representatives, and marked the first time since 1918 that a Congressional election had been run broadly on a national level. Furthermore, its provisions represented the view of many conservative Republicans on the issues of shrinking the size of government, promoting lower taxes and greater entrepreneurial activity, and both tort reform and welfare reform.

When the Republicans gained a majority of seats in the 104th Congress, the Contract was seen as a triumph for Party leaders such as Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, and for the American conservative movement.
Contract with America? you're a right winger and you brought that up? since we're talking about national finances lets take the Fiscal Responsibility Act in the contract with America. like most of the promises made it didn't happen, it called for a balanced budget, Bush almost doubled the debt , so why did you even bring that up?

Pro I would love to do away with all the social services including social security, it will never do me any good. but the problem is this thing that never goes away called " reality ". we can't just let old people starve in the streets or sick people rot on the hospital steps, we just can't.

Welfare? now thats another story but once again we have generations of bums that know nothing else and have no intention of changing. in my opinion we should do like we did with the CCC programs and put these people to work and if they don't like it they could find a better job, but the reality is we won't and even if we wanted to it's illegal.

So since nobody has a plan it's pretty safe to say we can't cut domestic spending much, " let them eat cake " is what you're proposing and all politians know how that story ended. so I say lets start with the money we spend outside the US and see where we go from there.
I saw an article in the paper about how welfare recipients were complaining that their "benefits" wer not keeping pace with inflation and they ran out of food before the next months handouts arrived. Ther was a picture of the "lady" being interviewed. She ws pushing a shopping cart with a small child sitting on top of a bag of charcoal briquets. She is bitchin about not getting enough welfare as she plans a BARBEQUE? WTF!

How about having a section in the stores that has designated items for welfare recipients? Generic foods with nothing but staples.

Why in the hell should someone on welfare expect the same standard of living as those of us that work?

I like this story:

So, I was talking to this little girl Catherine, the daughter of some friends, and she said she wanted to be President some day.
Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there with us - and I asked Catherine - 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?'
Catherine replied - 'I would give houses to all the homeless people.'

'Wow - what a worthy goal you have there, Catherine.' I told her, 'You don't have to wait until you're President to do that, you can come over to my house and clean up all the dog poop in my back yard and I will pay you $5 dollars. Then we can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $5 dollars to use for a new house.'

Catherine (who was about 4) thought that over for a second, while her mom looked at me seething, and Catherine replied, 'why doesn't the homeless guy come over and clean up the dog poop and you can just pay him the $5 dollars?'

And I said, Welcome to the Republican Party.
Here is another one:


Let's put tax cuts in terms that everyone can understand.
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for dinner. The bill for all ten comes to $100.
If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something
like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh $7.
The eighth $12.
The ninth $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that's what they decided to do.

The ten men ate dinner in the restaurant every day and seemed quite
happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a

"Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to
reduce the cost of your daily meal by $20."

So, now dinner for the ten only cost $80. The group still wanted to
pay their bill the way we pay our taxes.

So, the first four men were unaffected. They would still eat for
free. But what about the other six, the paying customers? How could
they divvy up the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair

The six men realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they
subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the
sixth man would each end up being 'PAID' to eat their meal. So, the
restaurant owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's
bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the
amounts each should pay.

And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100%
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33% savings).
The seventh now paid $5 instead of $7 (29% savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings)
The tenth now paid $50 instead of $59 (15% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four
continued to eat for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men
began to compare their savings.

"I only got a dollar out of the $20," declared the sixth man. He
pointed to the tenth man "but he got $9!"

"Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar
too. It's unfair that he got nine times more than me!" >

"That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $9 back
when I got only $2? The wealthy get all the breaks!"

"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get
anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn't show up for dinner, so the nine
sat down and ate without him. But when it came time to pay the bill,
they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money
between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is
how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get
the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them
for being wealthy, and they just may not show up at the table
anymore. There are lots of good restaurants in Europe and the Caribbean.
so whats your point? we should give more tax breaks to the wealthy? The Bush tax cuts, most of the money went to the top I know that, has that helped the working class? no, so who cares? do you suggest that we keep borrowing over a billion a day to pay the bills, or should we raise taxes on the working class? or should we just quit spending, yes thats what they all say, you know what the rich are taxed a lot more in Europe ,In the US the upper income tax brackett was 90% in the 1950s did the wealthy all leave? no, Did they pull in their horns? no, am I saying we should do that? no In the winter I split big logs with an axe and as I slam the blade down hard it helps to think of the right wing scumbuckets like Rush and the simpletons that follow them, the ones that have caused this country and the hard working citizens so many problems, It will take years and a lot of sacrifice to pay back the massive right wing debt.
The rantings of a true Socialist, France would love for you to move there where your style of politics is in vogue. OOPS, my mistake, France seems to be getting away from a socialist goverment. They ran out of working people that was willing to pay for it. If the dumb French could figure it out, when will you!

You guys know a lot more when someone is telling you something than when they're asking you something.

Once more I'll ask, since the vast majority of our debt was from republican presidents why do you think you have the answers now? I have no problem cutting welfare, health care, medicade, social security,food stamps you name it but how do you deal with the aftermath? and what politian from either side can or would get it done? if you can't answer these basic questions you're blowing crap and wasting time that could be used for discussing actual solutions.
ya ya freedom fries and all that, I could go on about which third world country you belong in, but I wont, but I can tell you that your dreams of turning America into a third world country are going to end after this election
Right wingers dont care about solutions, only retoric and excuses, it reminds me of the post about Wes Clarks comments they would never debate what he said, thats what the right has done for more than 7 years-- blow wind
Same hugger woman that doesn't want any digging or drilling in our country. I am seeing Piper as a frustrated lady who is stuck in a job working for the government as a biologist or DFG and who doesn't have a pot to piss in. Very resentful of anyone who has more than her and a huge supporter of the Obama communist express. Anyone who believes in redistribution of wealth is for sure a communist. Not a socialist but a communist. Sad times for our country when the lazy assed youth realize that they squandered their opportunities playing video games and sucking off mom and dad and now they want to destroy our way of life.
you are so wrong about me, I haven't heard anything you have said thats any thing but nonsense
Piper-do you think that advocating redistribution of wealth is a fundamental precept of classic communism?
Anybody who thinks either party is going to solve our problems is a political hack.

Obama is going to win because the right side has abandoned their discipline and spent money like drunken sailor in a whore house. They deserve everything that is coming their way. That doesn't mean the the democrats don't suck it just means the Republicans blew it by acting like idiots. It will happen to the Democrats as well if they hold a majority for very long.

Listen carefully to what Obama is saying. He doesn't plan to "save" the $12 billion a month that is being spent in Iraq. He wants that money, which is not "on budget" money to shifted to other military priorities, which is fine but it doesn't solve a problem of how to pay for it. The money being spent in Iraq is from emergency requests is on top of all the regular spending the military has in their regular budgets.

If you think GWB has spent alot of money just wait until Obama gets done with his first two years with a friendly congress. If you are engaged in a business that wants to expand and hire more people it is about to get alot more expensive to do so. But what would I know I am just a generally middle of the road Republican, apparently according to Piper I hate the middle class, even though by definition I am solidly in the middle class.

I am not against some change to our current tax structure but I am not in favor of class warfare either. Everyone is forgetting the Clinton got his tax increases passed by a Repubiclan controlled congress because he promised to support welfare reform and end the Hillary Care express.

> Once more I'll ask, since
>the vast majority of our
>debt was from republican presidents......

Name ONE President in the history of this country that approved a spending budget?

Member: RMEF, SCI, and NRA
Name one congress that proposed a budget?

If you go deep in credit card debt is it your fault or the credit card company for letting you have the money? are you sure you're not a liberal?
Yes Glen, I think your right on that, but we redistribute wealth all the time in this country with our progressive tax code, and I don't think that makes us communists
When I hear people in power like Jim Webb say we need to figure out how to redistribute wealth concentrated at the top to eliminate that concentration and Pelosi talking about a new method of taxing retirement income of those with more savings to help the poor in America including the 12 million people who are here illegally and need our help I get a little nervous. Those ideas are not considered normal in a capitalist society. Our founding fathers fought and died over double taxation. JMO.
Last time I checked, the Wes Clak issue included links to all statements requested. You were just too lazy to read them...
A guy with more money than a mule could crap told me one time taxation is the only way to keep the game going. capitolism is like a game of monopoly, if you play long enough one player ends up with everything. if estates were allowed to pass from generation to generation untaxed and the rich didn't get taxed down a notch or two there would soon be no middle class and we'd be like Mexico, haves and have nots.

Don't get me wrong I pay a butt load of taxes and I hate every cent of it, but I understand if this game is to last there has to be a little injustice. the only alternative is to shuffle the cards and start all over now and then, that can get ugly.
"Progressive Tax Code" is a term coined by liberal social scientists to further mask the truth about it...

Nobody wants to be "Regressive", so they established the terminology to favor tax codes slanted toward redistribution of wealth from the high end to the low end.

Synopsis ---

After reading the entire thread from top to bottom at one time, it is truly amazing how much we agree on...

Libs -

'republicans have spent too much and now we have to find a way to pay for it'

'we need to cut spending'

Cons -

'our leadership spends too much and dems will be worse'

'we need to cut spending'

Defeatists -

'no politicians will do anything about it'

Now for the profound wisdom... (note sarcasm - dude)

We are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. At times it is hard to see any way out of where we are, but here is the answer -

We got here by incrementalism and incrementalism is the only way out. You eat an elephant on bite at a time, but you never eat it if you don't take the first bite.

We need to get off of our dead a$$es and vote. Vote for the people you trust at the local level, whether they will win or not. If enough people run for office with the right mindset, that of a temporary representative of their constituents - not a life-long career, we might actually see some change.

My point, yes there is one, is that we hold the power and can make change, but it is not going to come by sitting on our a$$es and whining on a bulletin board. Get out and organize grassroots campaigns for sane spending, if that is what you feel is hurting our country.

RE: Synopsis ---

I'll put that on my list of things to do, near the bottom.

If I figured dirt farmer rancher from eastern Oregon could solve the national debt crisis I'd have way better things to do than argue with you neoclowns. yeah, I'll get right after it .

I have plenty of money and no kids so the building debt isn't a major ordeal for me personally. I just think it's wrong, if I'm willing to do my part I'd think someone with a family would want to do theirs. I'm better off letting your kids deal with it later so whatever, rack it up, it's all good.
RE: Synopsis ---

LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-08 AT 07:47PM (MST)[p]Wow,
Being originally from Oregon myself, I'm surprised they let you live in Eastern Oregon.

I'm sure there is a fair amount of sarcasm in your post, but it does lay out what has killed representative democracy in our country - apathy!


PS - I have a three kids - 5,3 and 1 - and I'm able to live nicely in this great country with my wife choosing to stay home with our kids and live within our means...

RE: Synopsis ---

Dude musta inherited his vast cash reserves and property holdings when there was no death tax.

How in the hell can you think its right to take from my kids what I have built to give them a better life?

That is the worst tax we have. I can not believe it even exists. Shows how far we have come from American ideals and values.

Work hard to succeed, then your kids can do it again.

Dude your attitude might be different if you had children. Caring for someone other than yourself would definately change your perspective.
RE: Synopsis ---

There has been an inheritance tax for a lot longer than Dude has been alive, in fact as I said in an earlier post, that tax was first thought of and proposed by Thomas Jefferson a long time ago, goes to show how Americans have regressed over time into such thoughtless greedy pigs, another example, US foreign aid spending in 1946 after WW2 was 18.57% of the federal budget in 2001 it was 0.72% and to hear people cry about that money, oh its just got to end,
RE: Synopsis ---

Two things piper, of course US foreign aid was extremely high right after WWII, we rebuilt Japan and half of Europe for pete's sake. It is your 'ally' huntingdude who is the biggest advocate of stopping foreign aid.

Thomas Jefferson NEVER envisioned the current estate/inheritance taxes in place today, nice try though.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
RE: Synopsis ---

I thought you learned last time about Jefferson and the inheritance tax, thats one thing about me I don't lie
RE: Synopsis ---

Don't get your feelings hurt if we choose to not believe that statement. Experience has taught many of us that liberals like you and the truth are are unknown to each other.

>Name one congress that proposed a

Are you really this ignorant in the ways of our government? Just because the President ASKS for the money, or PROPOSES the spending, doesn't mean he has to get it!! What about that do you not understand????

Member: RMEF, SCI, and NRA
RE: Synopsis ---

Anyone who pays estate tax on less than a huge fortune is a chump, when our 3rd generation family ranch operation was passed down to my sister and myself we didn't pay a cent in estate tax and it's value was in the millions even in 1995. there are plenty of ways around it unless you're stupid and want all the cash NOW, trusts, limited partnerships you name it the loop holes are legal and there for you . if both parents or other owners died at once with no prior planning you could be in a pickle I suppose, or if you're short sighted and stupid would be the other way to pay. if you were dealing with an estate of huge value then yes there's a good chance you're going to pay, but that's what I'm talking about with keeping the game going.
RE: Synopsis ---

yes the point is they thought of the long term consequences, I don't see much of that around here, its mostly talk radio babble and me, more for me, screw the next generation, I thought some of you right wingers were Christians, doesn't that mean we are all brothers and sisters? I grew up fairly poor, and know from watching friends and family what it means to have good paying jobs available and the chance to buy a place to live or some land without being gouged deeply, it gives people incentive to work and do the right things, the way things are going I see a lot of these things slipping away, I think thats why many people are wanting change.
RE: Synopsis ---

I'm not going to give you a sob story about being poor and doing it all myself, but read on...

I don't come from money. My Dad was a career enlisted Air Force guy and Mom stayed home to raise us boys. When I was 18, I graduated High School and joined the USAF. I gave them 8 years of doing what they asked and in exchange they gave me job skills, a Master's Degree and a beautiful wife (looks great in uniform!). I now work for the USAF in a Civilian Capcity and will make $65K this year. I have a nice house with an in-ground pool and three kids. My wife stays home to raise them and my eldest is attending Christian School at a cost of $300/month. I don't have it all, but I'm not complaining.

The point of this is that our country has 4 branches of the military + puddle jumpers and hundreds of other awesome opportunities open to those who choose to work for them. I am sick and tired of hearing that "people don't have options when they are poor". The complete opposite is true There are better college programs for poor kids than middle-class kids. This old excuse is really just a cover for one of two things: Laziness or a criminal record - oh wait, that's just because of prejudiced white cops...

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Hooked on coke,
Do you see the irony of this? I'm one of what you might consider wealthy people you don't think should be taxed Yet you resent me for it from your remarks. now that's funny.

I never have had a job off the ranch that's true. but I've worked my butt off since I was old enough to hold a shovel, my dad wouldn't have had it any other way. he didn't want me going to college because he wanted me here working and that's what I did, and between the real estate boom and years of hard work it's paid off very well. I don't care if you do have a job at Burger King and I don't, I've worked, and even though I don't have to I still do.
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The problem is somebody has to pay for all these government jobs and the retirement and health care and on and on, its putting a strain on the private sector, we got the drug war, the Iraq war, Ronald Reagan was right about one thing government feeds on its self, make problems bigger than they are and make more jobs, and then bleed the private sector more and create more problems and then more government jobs, Im not saying we don't need you guys and Im sure you understand that, but something is wrong when we have 6 or 7 times the prison incaration rate as our neighbor to the north and more crime to boot, look at the housing prices in Alamogordo going up because of the weak dollar and the strong euro, that just hurts young people trying to get a start, and thats because we borrow more than a billion a day to pay the bills
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Where the he!! are you from? The Alamogordo comment tripped me out. Prices did rise, in the early years of the GAF, but they are not rising now!

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I'm from Pinedale Wy, but I have good friends that live there you said you were from N.M. earlier, it wasn't too hard to figure
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Man, you had me thinking I was arguing with my boss...

I might be hunting Wyoming for Doe Deer and Doe Antelope OTC this year...but I don't even know where. A buddy of mine is from there.

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you will probably be going north east from here, its harder to get tags around this area, but if you come through and need a place to stay there is only my wife and I in a big house
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Luckless seems like an alright guy, but if RELH and 202 are with him make them sleep in the car and keep a gun on them.

You've probably already figured that out.
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as I told Piper in the PM, you are more than welcome to use my cabin (read Shack) in NM Unit 34, but I swear if you show up with any U of O Ducks clothing on you had better take it off quick, because I have a special OSU Beavers lighter to set it on fire with...

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piper wrote: "I thought some of you right wingers were Christians, doesn't that mean we are all brothers and sisters? I grew up fairly poor, and know from watching friends and family what it means to have good paying jobs available and the chance to buy a place to live or some land without being gouged deeply, it gives people incentive to work and do the right things, the way things are going I see a lot of these things slipping away, I think thats why many people are wanting change."

Let ME decide what charities to give MY money to. Why do YOU think some pinhead suit in DC is better 'qualified' to decide where MY money should be spent to 'help' those is bad times? Americans give more than ANY other people, let them keep more of their own money and they will gladly give even more.

How will RAISING taxes on the 'rich' in order to give to the lower class help the lower class get the incentive to work? If they can be given money/benefits with little/no effort what 'incentive' is there for them to step up to the plate? Nonsensical socialist dribble.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
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LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-08 AT 10:53PM (MST)[p]I read a study report not too long ago, but long enough not to remember where, that compared to amount of taxation to the amount of charitable giving on a per capita basis. It was a real eye opener. The least taxed state - Wyoming - was the most charitable and the most taxed state - Connecticut - was the least. The chart included showed a nearly perfect inversely proportional diagram across the 50 (not 57 as Obama once said) states. This appears to prove my argument that a flat tax with ZERO loopholes would not hurt, but help, charities.


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