Would you do it?


Long Time Member
Being as I live in a small town,I am often told how "lucky" I am to be out of the city. Indeed, I do feel lucky to live in a small town.

I also hear time and time again people telling me how they would move in a heart beat if they had a job, that enabled them
to live where I do.

Some may sincerly mean this. However, I doubt many could leave the "city" to do so. I am a small business owner and it is very difficult to find people who would move.

So here is my question: Could any of you move out of the city?
My friends love to hunt, but I know none of them would ever move.

I know there are a lot of jobs, and they at times can be next to
impossible to fill (due to location).
If I could maintain the same lifestyle (money wise) in a small town out that was say 1-2hrsa from a "city" then hell yes I would do it. As long as they have the interwebs then I have my forums and my ebay I am good to go!!

:( Somebody didn't like bouncing betty :(
I would do it in a heart beat if I could maintain the same lifestyle money wise. Now convincing my wife is another thing altogether, shes definitely a big city girl but is coming around to my way of thinking. If we were within an hour or two of a big town it would be much more feasible for her.

What ya got for jobs? Where are you at? Send me a pm if you want and I'll take a serious look.
I'm actually trying to make the move now to get out of the S.F. Bay Area. My oldest will run the business so income isn't even a question. My problem is finding a nice small town within 45 minutes of a major airport that is not battling a meth problem.

For example I was thinking of somewhere outside the Boise, Idaho area. But everyday I read the Idaho Statesman about daily shootings or meth related crimes or deaths. I'm flying up next week for 4 days to look at about 20 properties.

I would love to find my Mayberry R.F.D., but I'm starting to think it may not exist.
I've always lived in smaller towns and would not move to the city to save my life!!!! I wish that the city folks would stop moving in on us and demanding that we change our way of life to suit them!! I got yelled at by some broad in a Lexus with California plates for driving my tractor down the road to pick up a brush hog a few miles away. I told her she was in the farming district and I had the right of way. We were both pissed. Now the county wants us to limit the number of livestock that we have because of the new homes down hill from us. Where I live has been cattle land for almost 100 years and now some newbie city folks want us to change out way of life? Bull shei?e!!!!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I have lived in both. Currently live in a small town in SE AZ that is growing way too fast. The Mrs and I are looking to move to an even smaller community further north in about ten years when I retire.

I have lived in Tucson (grew up there, too), Chandler (Phoenix), Flagstaff, Las Vegas, and the San Diego area in the last 20 years. Never really liked any of those places, but it was fun being single in Vegas years back ;)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-07 AT 07:36PM (MST)[p]Eric,

I couldn't agree with you more. Its funny how people want to escape from the crap they live in then, then they forget to leave it behind.


I am hiring Drafter's (AutoCAD). If I could convince a few good
people to move here, I would be happy. I just hired a guy from Salt Lake but he is working from home. I have hired a few locals
but I have ran out of qualified applicants.
I live in Utah, right on the Evanston Wyoming border. I liked the school a little better than Wyoming (Wyoming has great schools also), therefore I chose Utah.

Great fishing, hunting, and during the week, hardly any visitors


The construction industry is booming here. I was told by a local builder, they can't find enough sub's
Ditto PB,

I live in a town of about 1300 and no stop lights, been here twenty years. I wouldn't move back to the Front Range for anything. the last two years I have shot elk within five miles of home.

Live in a town of around 2800.
We have a couple of stop lights, but you
get used to that.

Wouldn't take for it. Lived waaayyyy out in the
country for 15 years, so to me this was Moving To

Live next door to good, good folk which really makes
a difference. Hell, their kids are like our own.
They're out of town right now, and I need to go over
there and let that little AXXhole dog of theirs out
right now.

Excuse me.

I live in a county 3 times the size of Rhode Island, the county has 11,000 people. I live outside of the 2nd largest town in the county 600, and things are a bit crowded for me. On the downside I make a lot less money than I would if I chose to move to the city.
I was raised in small towns, then after HS went to Phoenix for a while, then to Reno for 9yrs. When we had kids starting school we moved back to the small town where I was raised. I commuted 98mi one way on 10hr shifts for 2 yrs before I got a local job that payed a livable wage. I wouldn't have done it any other way. One kid will be a senior, and the other a freshman.
One hr from the city, one hr from 3 different lakes, 1.5 hrs from skiing, local river and stream fishing, chukar, quail,dove and ducks just minutes away. 3500 people in town and no stop lights yet. And one of the best deer and elk hunting states!
Now I make a big city wage here and will never move back to a big city!
I love living out here! I have elk, deer, bear, coyotes, quail, turkeys, pheasant, grouse etc. running through the place all the time. I move out here 12 years ago and made it a point to be a good neighbor. The second day we were here the wife and I were out pulling stuck calves in my neighbor's field. That weekend I was helping repair fences on the other side of his land. My neighbors are in their late 70's early 80's so I do as much ranch work for them as I can. On the other hand, there is a 40 acre chunk which butts up against my back fence that was devided into 5 acre lots and sold a few years after we got here. THe city folks that bought the lot behind me have been nothing but pricks! They calledone day and demanded that I moved my bull because it was making noise and she didnt move out to the country to hear animal noise! Duh! I moved him for one day and after she complained again I moved him back and took his girls from him. It was a couple of sleepless nights for them. Her kids have restraining orders against them for beating on the neighbor kids. Yeah, if you are gonna move out of the city leave the city attitude and mentality behind or someone like me might spread manure on his pastures the day before a big gathering at your house!!! Haaahaaa...... That was a priceless one!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

The wife and I left Cedar City before it was a City and moved back to where our roots are from 10 years ago to raise our kids in a town of 400 people. It gets crazy around hear on some weekends so I leave and go to the family ranch 40 miles away which is in a town of about 30 people.

One things for sure, the smaller the area is the smaller your income will be. The schools are second to none and if a kids grades are good and he/she breaths on a mirror and it fogs up they are on the ball team. The 2007 graduating class was a whopping 23 students.
I was born and raised in Tierra Amarilla NM and lived in Round Mtn NV for 7 years and both of these are very small communities. I lived in Gallup NM, and now live right out side of Albuquerque . IN A HEART BEAT I'D MOVE! Small communities are great to raise a family and the city is only a drive away....When I retire I'm moving back to Chama NM, gonna ride my harley and horses , and grow old...
I do not live in the "big city" but I live in Puyallup with the big city traffic. I would love to squat on Polarbear's back forty. We visited my daughter in Ticoa, WA. Small town of about 800. The only thing you have to worry about is how many pheasant you hit on your way to work in the morning as apposed to the lady commuting up HWY167 in bumper to bumper traffic talking on her cell phone and plucking her eyebrows at the same time.
I really do not see what anyone see's in living in city. We go into Seattle to watch plays and occasionally to dinner. Last time I took the family to see Peter Pan at the sixth ave theatre. We walked down to the waterfront to eat dinner, then walked back up Pike street to Westlake. In that 1/2 mile we had the pleasure to see drug dealers dealing in plain site, drunks and addicts passed out on the sidewalk, prostitutes and even one guy taking a crap right on the sidewalk in broad daylight on a Friday at 6:00 PM on the most popular tourist walk in Seattle.
Gee why would anyone wish to have the peace and quiet and people you might even like to talk to as neighbors when you can see stuff like that happen daily. Dripping sarcasm here!

LOL yes I would move if my work allowed me to.

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.
>When I retire I'm moving
>back to Chama NM, gonna
>ride my harley and horses
>, and grow old...

Oh I LOVED Chama! We spent a couple of nights in a campground there when I was on an RV vacation (horseracing in Santa Fe) with my Grandparents. Chama was such a cool little town.
i love it you amit you have a harley! i sold mine a few mos. back to move to canada. well keep the wind in your face and the sun at your back and ride free! oakey
I grew up 5 miles out side of a town of 350 people. I had thousands of acres of hunting and fishing right out side of my front door. My job keeps me in Phoenix, and I hate living and raising kids here. We try to get out of town as often as we can. Hopefully the the work I am putting in now will allow me to retire somewhere very remote while I am still young enough to enjoy it.
If I could find a way. I would definitely do it. I am constantly looking for property out of the city so I could try and make things work. The problem is, the small towns are getting bigger and bigger and land is getting harder to find.
>If I could find a way.
>I would definitely do it.
>I am constantly looking for
>property out of the city
>so I could try and
>make things work. The problem
>is, the small towns are
>getting bigger and bigger and
>land is getting harder to

Amen! I moved out of the Salt Lake valley to the Tooele valley 12 years ago, now I am crowded again, I live in Stansbury population 8,000 and growing way too fast.

I grew up a few miles outside of a town of 400, had 36 kids in my graduating class, now the classes have 100 kids. My dad recently has someone break ground on a home one mile from his house and he is now feeling crowded. I suppose it is all relative, no in-bred jokes now, to some 8,000 is small, to me it is way to big. Salt Lake is only 20 minutes away, so the city is close, too close for my liking.

PRO - The sad thing is. It's not going to die down anytime soon in your neck of the woods. We are working on a developement in Grantsville for 400-600 new homes over the next five years. Tooele is going to be a hotspot for years to come. It takes less time to travel from Tooele to Salt Lake Airport than it does to travel from Draper or other cities in southern end of the valley. When Kennecott builds their tunnel you'll really be screwed. The last sentence was a joke. Or was it??
And my town, Stansbury is growing faster than Grantsville and Tooele combined. I wish the tunnel was a joke, but I have word from a COunty Commish friend of mine it WILL happen. We don't have the water for all these cement dwellers moving out here, another year like this one and who knows what will happen.

Are you developing in South Willow or the new 'gated' developement or on the south end of Hale?

We are working on the West end of Grantsville from what I understand. I mostly get lot numbers and plat maps that very rarely show me a real address. So I don't have the exact addresses, but I do know it is not a gated community. I don't know if a tunnel will ever be built though. I think they will end up building a highway that goes over the top. Much like the Suncrest Developement from Draper over to Alpine. I know that they do have plans for the ski resort and all kinds of other fun stuff up there though.
Grew up in a small Utah town of 120 and thought I hated it. We had to make our fun like hunting rabbits, swimming in the river, blowing things up and other stuff like that. The only girls for miles around were my cousins and being on a tractor in the middle of nowhere 12 hours a day drove me nuts. Couldn't wait to leave.

Now I live in a concrete jungle full of selfish ignoramasus, mostly recent transplants from SoCal, who are always risking thier very lives (and mine) so they can get 5 seconds ahead of everyone on the freeway. Can't let my kids go out and enjoy nature or even roam the streets because of pedophiles, gang bangers and other assorted dangers.

Polarbear hit it right on about crappy neighbors. I'm tired of em, and my goal in life is to get away from these selfish bastages except, they are all moving to, and driving up prices, where I want to retire to.
I did it.

I moved from the big city 3 years ago and now run my businesses from SE NM.

I drive back to CA every 2 weeks. We made some sacrifices but it has been well worth it.

Polarbear, sorry to hear about your crappy neighbors. Hopefully they move away.
The funny thing is they did move away to Arizona a couple of months ago but because they were asking so damn much for their house and had not done any landscaping, they couldnt sell the damn thing and are back! They were gone a whole 19 days! Man it was nice!!!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

My dream is to retire in a small town in the near future. I'm currently in a suburb of Phoenix and the traffic/crime/Kalifornians/illegals are driving me crazy!

My wife is knocking out her prerequisites for nursing school and should be a RN in about three years. I've been an aircraft mechanic for 23 years and I'm looking forward to having a nice low paying job in a very small town where my wife can work in a small hospital or a country doctors office. My wife's family lives in the Idaho panhandle and everytime we visit, it gets harder and harder to come home.

I envy you guys out in the country and hopefully I can be your neighbor some day! I promise I won't complain about livestock or your tractor in the road! I sure miss the smell of manure too!
I really like reading these posts. I must admit, it did take
some adjustments when we moved. But it wasn't hard; a few less
shopping trips, a few less times eting out.....

I wouldn't trade it for anything. Unfortunately, people are realizing the benefits of small towns and thus, the prices are
going up.
I grew up in a small town with good hunting and fishing. I still live there but the hunting and fishing has really gone down hill. I'm taking care of my aging parents and don't feel that I can leave at this time. When the time comes I sure would like to move to Alaska. I just read that 24,000 sockeye salmon entered the Kenai River on Tuesday.(sigh!)

Either that or I'm buying the guys place next to Pbear! I'll snip the wire and lure his prize cow onto my place! Then offer him half if he will pay the cost of butchering! Free beef for life. (which might not be that long!:))


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