WTF is Fondler???


Long Time Member
hits must be high enough????

He is busy scamming his next victim for 2020 to use someones points in wyoming.
He's busy trying to figure out how he could have been so easily duped by the complicity and intent of the democrat propaganda machine. When you're not smart enough to know they changed all the rules to try to fabricate a case based on hearsay instead of factual evidence it's hard to admit you were a damn fool. Hatred is a trait that opens the doors to all kinds of irrational behavior and thought and in most instances allows one to show their arse instead of their intellect.
He?s just kicking back looking at big bucks on the wall, getting richer, tougher and better looking while you guys compete to be the biggest Trump suckers and suck ups.
Trump is the most corrupt President in history. Slimy, nasty person. He?s taken politics to a new low. No more discussion on that. Proven fact. Indisputable.

Last scam victims big archery buck. Gee, hope I can find another victim. Ha ha ha ha ha ha

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Lets wait and see fondler.......I think Obama's got a lock on that one hands down and then very closely followed by the Clinton's and the democratic party that sought impeachment from day one while using government agencies to frame him...... but hatred does manage to blind one doesn't it....LOL
Spot on Boskee. When looking for slime and sleeze you'd definitely have to get in line behind O'bama followed by the Clinton's who are at the very top of the slime food chain. When an administration weaponizes various govt. agencies and the intelligence community (that you control) against the opposing party's nominee then as President to take him out. Well that's pretty f'n slimy, some would say treasonous. The Clinton's pay to play scam via the state dept. and Bill's escapades on the lolita express & pedophile island no one can hold a candle to their misdeeds throughout their political careers. I suspect flounder is willfully blind.
>"Hatred does blind guys". There is
>plenty on this site that
>is proff of that

I thought founder was describing mitt...dam such blind bull chit...
Send me your information and I'll let everyone know of your free offer. Do you offer a bed and meals with that free big buck in your backyard? Ha ha

Trump needs to be removed. Bad man.

>A 3X4? I have bigger bucks
>in my back yard. For

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Trump says peace talks with Taliban have resumed during surprise visit to Afghanistan
and our Soldiers. Looks to me like someone that cares for our military men and women

This to me does not look like a Bad Man?

Trump needs to be removed. Bad man.
Trump ?says? a lot and I think most is a lie. But I don't care if you want to believe and support him. But I sure don't.
Now, onto attacking me because I don't share your views. That's what Trump does.

>Trump says peace talks with Taliban
>have resumed during surprise visit
>to Afghanistan
>and our Soldiers. Looks to me
>like someone that cares for
>our military men and women
>This to me does not look
>like a Bad Man?
>Trump needs to be removed. Bad

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
You really don't get it do you Fondler? It's not the fact you don't support Trump. It's the fact you're supporting the cabal that's been proven to use illegal means to try to remove the man......Wake up dipchit you should be brighter than that... but then you keep proving that you're simply not wise enough to see through the chaff......LOL
I'm highly doubtful that you're the smart one amongst you and I. You can't even spell Founder.

BTW - you keep calling people dipchit and you won't be here much longer. If you want to call people names, meet them in a dark alley and yap instead of doing it on the internet. It's cowardly and weak to call people names while hiding. You can maybe do better. Give it shot if you want to stick around and portray how smart you are.

>You really don't get it do
>you Fondler? It's not the
>fact you don't support Trump.
>It's the fact you're supporting
>the cabal that's been proven
>to use illegal means to
>try to remove the man......Wake
>up dipchit you should be
>brighter than that... but then
>you keep proving that you're
>simply not wise enough to
>see through the chaff......LOL

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
You Boys Run Ocho off!

And Now You're Working on Founder!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I really don't understand why it is that some have to drop down to name calling when someone doesn't share their opinion or point of view. That's one of the big reasons I think Trump is unfit to be President. He?s cowardly and really should just be on Twitter calling people fat and ugly, not the President. Of course he's corrupt too, but that's something else.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Is that what's going in this forum? Is there a bunch of cowardly name calling going on to run off anyone with a different opinion?

>You Boys Run Ocho off!
>And Now You're Working on Founder!
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Trump is corrupt???....did you learn that last week on the Schiff show??

....or somewhere else??

LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-19 AT 06:27PM (MST)[p]LOL I'll make it easy for you you can take away my right to post since my right to free speech has been compromised. If you can't grasp how wrong what's going on is right now, I will never make you understand..... The GOP could have done the exact same thing to Obama but they didn't because they were the better men. Obama gave guns to drug lords to kill innocent civilians and that's a far cry from Trump using their same tactics on them. Where will it end in the future?when one party thinks they can throw away the votes of 1/2 the nation...... You win foundler suspend my account and in the end since we're not informing the people of whats going on.... you really lose. That's as careful as I'm going to get.... so we're suckers and you're still a dipchit get over yourself. LOL

It looks like adios boys keep up the good fight! In the end we'll prevail....
Boskee you and the others attacking founder are no different than the radical left, call people names and try to intimidate anyone that does not agree with you.
I agree 100 percent with founder President Trump is not a good guy but with that being said. I believe at this point and time President Trump might be the only person for the job and I personally do not elect canidates on bases of morality or it would be a small field to elect from. I do not know too many pepole that could hold up to the attack's from the left, from the women groups, from the Hollyweirdos and the ultra left news media. It takes his personality too say I do not give a $#@% to what they have too say.
The fact he got the two Supreme Court Justices in place that he did was well worth having him as President.
Now what he did in Ukraine might have been right might have been wrong it all depends what you believe he was trying too accomplish but I know it was not an impeachable offense.
Founder Anyone that wants too !@$#% about your service is just jealous. Most of the guys that do !@$#% about you service probably are the same guys that are always jumping on any little bit of info they acquire ON YOUR SITE "kind of ironic".
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-19 AT 07:23PM (MST)[p]'re thinking brown nosing will get you a discount on a hunt package?????



497fc2397b939f19.jpg's time to wake up and recognize how liberals play the game. They always start out making false accusations against someone else and when confronted pull out the emotional sympathy (I'm hurt You're distasteful) card. See it's OK for him to call us suckers and what ever else he deems OK but yet he rails when we call him out with facts and throw a few names his way........ See we all agree with his right to not like Trump in fact many of us admit he's done some boorish things but it's mild compared to what they've done to him and how they're working with the complicit press to damage Trump with the public. It's OK for them to lie and make things up and call him corrupt when they've all done far worse in their careers.

Founder knows all of this but yet he's fine with the dems using any tactic they want on the man. It's time to wake up and face reality that's how the game is played in politics. They don't have to tell the truth and are protected to say and do just about anything. Founder's not the bright eyed virgin he claims to be and he knows full well politics is dirty business. He slings mud just like the rest of us and the being offended act is just part of the liberals playbook.

It's his site and his rules but he knew full well he was jumping in the pool when he started making claims how crooked Trump was compared to the corrupt left.....who has a lock on it and has for decades. The dems never play by the rule book and never will and it's time you recognize this. Their problem is Trumps taken everything they're thrown at him and he's still in office and they're amazed he's better at playing their crooked game than they are.

In fact the public's not buying their wolf crying act and they just can't figure out how to get out of the mess they created......It's politics and while you've got a good hand on some of it watch out for the sympathy angle because the left always has the righteous cause and they'll remind you every chance they get. Turning the other cheek on a liberal isn't a winning proposition, since they'll use it to exploit your weakness and win the argument. :^)
See the MSM claimed that Trump was playing golf again and Tweeting up a storm on Thanksgiving? F'ing morons.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-19 AT 07:53AM (MST)[p]Notdonhunting this is for you. Take the time to read it, you may find it informative......


NY Post Columnist Notes This Ironic and Odious Part of the Democrats? Trump Impeachment Game
Matt VespaMatt Vespa| @mvespa1|Posted: Nov 30, 2019 2:21 AM

NY Post Columnist Notes This Ironic and Odious Part of the Democrats? Trump Impeachment Game
Source: AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

The game is over folks. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, yanked scores of witnesses up onto the Hill to give bombshell testimony that President Trump made a phone call to the Ukrainians. That's it. Okay, fine. We'll go through this fairy tale. The story goes that in July, Trump threatened to withhold aid unless there was a corruption investigation into Hunter Biden. This became public when a reported CIA agent filed a whistleblower complaint. The agent is a registered Democrat had worked with a 2020 Democratic candidate and made contact with Schiff?s staff prior to filing the complaint. Schiff probably knows this guy and knew the contents of his report before it was filed while orchestrating this impeachment offensive against the Trump White House. Yes, that's rather deep state-y, right?

Witness after witness detailed their disagreements with Trump on Ukraine policy, which isn't a crime. Each tried to say they were nonpartisans, though they were willing participants in one of the most transparent partisan witch-hunts in recent memory. In all, these hearings Schiff held before Thanksgiving changed nothing. No one really watched. No one cared. Polling in battleground states showed impeachment not being popular and the voters couldn't care less. This is a wasted exercise. I mean getting 67 senators to convict and remove Trump was already a tall order, the ultimate in political Hail Marys?and this pass attempt fell way short of the endzone. And Michael Goodwin of the NY Post also noted an ironic and craven aspect to this impeachment theater.

Yes, he mentioned that key witnesses admitted during testimony that Trump legally could withhold aid from Ukraine. Oh, and improper and inappropriate isn't that same thing as illegal. But Goodwin hits the nail on the head when he notes that people seem to forget that Obama didn't want to dole out military aid to the country, which was fighting a Russian invasion, because it might upset Putin. Trump?s Ukraine policy has teeth. No aid was ever withheld indefinitely?Ukraine got it all. And if Democrats are able to remove Trump, the biggest geopolitical actor to gain from that is?Russia. So, screw Ukraine because...?orange man, bad? (via NY Post):

None of the witnesses were actual witnesses to any relevant events, including the July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

They solved that problem early Tuesday with the day?s first two witnesses, Jennifer Williams and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, both of whom listened to the call in the White House. Finally, the impeachment zealots had someone with firsthand knowledge, as opposed to the second- and third-handers last week.

They got even closer in the afternoon, with former officials Tim Morrison and Kurt Volker higher up the food chain. In contrast to all the other witnesses, both had actually met Trump!

The cumulative effect was to create a sense of doubt about the heart of impeachment. Was there really a crime, or was it just a difference of opinion? And how much of it is purely partisan?

The doubts took a leap when Vindman conceded that lawyers said it was legal for Trump to temporarily withhold more than $400 million in aid to Ukraine.

Once fair-minded Americans seriously entertain the question of whether the actions involved even amount to a crime, most will probably find it difficult to conclude Trump represents an urgent threat and must be removed immediately.

Adding to the surreal quality of the hearings is a crucial fact that gets too little attention: Trump?s policy toward Ukraine has been far stronger than President Barack Obama?s. Providing Ukraine with antitank weapons to counter Russian invasions is a direct slap at Vladimir Putin, a move Obama rejected because he feared it would provoke Putin.

Thus, removing Trump would benefit Russia, proving that, for Dems, Ukraine?s security is just another pawn in their war against the president.

Liberalism is without principles. And top-notch snake oil salesmen peddle it. Democrats are pitching this as a stand for institutional integrity when they're the ones at the center of the rot in American politics and life. The anti-Trump deep state, which was previously dismissed as rumor but now accepted, is at the core of this institutional rot. No one trusts these clowns. It's one thing if it's Congress, but it's another when agencies, like the FBI, whose professionalism and impartiality were hallmark characteristics in their investigations, are cast into doubt?there are problems. And this is all because some people didn't like Trump or the 2016 results.

In fact, that's at the heart of this whole circus. Democrats still cannot accept the 2016 election. This is an attempt to undo the results. There?s also a tacit acknowledgment that their 2020 crop cannot beat Trump, especially if the economy continues to roar. And they're willing to sell out whole nations and appease Putin in order to make that happen. Yeah, that's a really great moment in American patriotism there. Cue the eye-rolls. Cue the disgust. Cue the disgrace that is the Democratic Party.
Well homer if I had the time to go hunt out of state then I might would be looking for a discount because I for sure do not have the funds to use founder's service.
But then aren't we all using founder's service when we share info on this site.
Thanks Boskee that was a waste of time reading that news piece.
>Is that what's going in this
>forum? Is there a bunch
>of cowardly name calling going
>on to run off anyone
>with a different opinion?
>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>on Facebook!

Pretty much. Not sure why I still stick my head in here. I think it is a little like driving by a car wreck. I visit political forums on other sites I frequent, and this is by far the least interesting. Others certainly have a degree of "echo chamber" leaning whichever way the majority (or noisiest minority) leans. There is generally some actual well thought out discussion from both sides, not just parroting extremist views, conspiracy theories, juvenile memes, and 7th grade level name calling (which is pretty generous for most of what goes on in here).
The problem is liberals like Founder don't care about the truth and don't want to hear the truth. To them it's all about their hurt feelings.
I caught that in your post as I'm sure others did. I can see you missed why I posted the article. It was about the Ukraine but it also was to expose the tactics used against the man by the liberals, so you could correlate it with others actions. Sorry I wasted your time but then it wasn't a big investment on your part. Don't read the other article I posted either since it too will be a waste of your time. That way it will leave you more time to defend the oppressed among us, a worth while effort with anyone's time.
Is that what I am? A liberal because I don't think Trump should be our President? That's a silly comment. Trump would say the same thing though, that anyone who doesn't like him or disagrees with him must be a liberal, anti-American and he'd call them childish names on the internet. It's silly, and another reason Trump should be gone. His ways are also contagious and he's even drug all other politicians to new lows.
I think he's corrupt and selfish too.

I'm probably a moderate, who leans to the conservative side, and a ?Never Trumper?. I believe many politicians could do whatever good stuff he's done without the dirtiness he's brought on.

>The problem is liberals like Founder
>don't care about the truth
>and don't want to hear
>the truth. To them it's
>all about their hurt feelings.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Bosk and all the rest of you guys personally attacking Founder please answer. And yes homer I am standing up for Founder if for no other reason than some guys acting like some Jack A$$@$. But it would be great to get that discount.

Is Founder a con artist?
Is Founder doing anything illegal?
Is Founder providing all of us a place to Express our freedom of speech and opinions?
Is Founder providing all of us a place to share information and ideas?
Notdonehunting, does Founder's statement posted below sounds like he is giving members the right to express their feelings?

BTW - you keep calling people dipchit and you won't be here much longer. If you want to call people names, meet them in a dark alley and yap instead of doing it on the internet. It's cowardly and weak to call people names while hiding. You can maybe do better. Give it shot if you want to stick around and portray how smart you are.

This is from the guy who has also resorted to name calling of members on this forum. Sounds a little like a hypocrite does it not.

Saying someone is cowardly is not calling someone names if you are going to post an example make it a good one that is pretty lame RELH.
Founder has limitations on how far you can go with your demeaning judgemental behavior. If you guys had been attack another member in the way you all have been attacking him you probably would not have been kicked off of this site but your post and probably the thread would be taking down so yes he has allowed plenty of you guys to go beyond the decency of the rules of Monster Muley with your freedom of speech.
It is still ironic all you guys will get free info from his service but !@#$% about him capitalizing on a market that is honest and can be rewarding if the guys that purchase the info do some work yourself.
All you self appointed hunting zares really need to let Wyoming decide if they want to allow the service he is providing.
>I really don't understand why it
>is that some have to
>drop down to name calling
>when someone doesn't share their
>opinion or point of view.
>That's one of the big
>reasons I think Trump is
>unfit to be President. He?s
>cowardly and really should just
>be on Twitter calling people
>fat and ugly, not the
>President. Of course he's corrupt
>too, but that's something else.
>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>on Facebook!

"while you guys compete to be the biggest Trump suckers and suck ups"

"Trump suckers", "dipchit".

Guess I really don't see the difference. Maybe my skin is thick and I realize what it is, words.

That was a slanted reply and off the topic if I ever saw one. I have never questioned or commented on founder's hunting business.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-19 AT 04:54PM (MST)[p]I certainly don't expect everyone to see things as I do, nor do I expect everyone to like me, nor do I care if they don't. But there are rules here, even if I don't always enforce them as strict as I should. Some people would be long gone if I did.
As for con-artist, I'm not even sure what my con is. I'm kind of interested. Tell me, I need a laugh. Sounds funny already. If it's my consulting service or sharing points, I have many, many, happy victims. And more folks wanting to be victimized this year. Ha ha ha ha

EDIT: I think Trump needs to be impeached for his corrupt move in Ukraine, but if not, then voted out. If he wins again, that?ll be a bummer.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
NOTDONHUNTING Wake up and go up to fondlers post#4 above where he calls us suckers and suckups............then try to comprehend the fact RELH and I BOTH called him out......for that which he accused us of doing.......It's a web site not an AA meeting and a political forum at that so quit wearing your fragile emotions on your sleeve.

Most of us have been on here for years so it's taken in stride with no malice towards anyone. If you're thin skinned, a political forum is the last place you want to be! We all take our lumps and dish it out. If you can't get past that, you're simply not ready to jump into the pool. When you get on here leave your binky and kleenex at home because frankly most of us aren't on here to hold your hand or founders.

Founder doesn't like TRUMP and he knows exactly how the majority on this forum feel and he knew when he threw the jabs, he was going to have to take a few punches in spite of the fake hurt feelings, he projected. If he shuts it down or kicks us off it's not the end of the world and it only costs him in the end. It's his choice and most of us could easily find another way to spend the time we burn up on here and wouldn't lose a minutes sleep over it. Founder makes money off us and when it becomes too much of a hassle we just quietly go away and exercise our right to spend our time on other activity's.
Boskee it sounds like someone else is thin skin you are kind of worked up because someone disagreeing with you.
I should have went and looked at post 4 I did not take the time to research I was going off of what RELH had on his comment.
When guys are question someone's legal and ethical practices that is a little more than jabs at someone. I have stood by baiters (I am not a baiter) and I will stand by Founder eventhough I will never use his service.
I'm not the one crying about things..... that would be you so it's time to man up and you might try growing up a bit in the process.....your binky is showing.
Fair enough fondler that you think Trump is you think Biden is corrupt??

Founder I strongly disagree with you and the lying liberal Democrats concerning the investigation on Joe Biden.

It is apparent that Biden sold his office so that his son could profit by making millions on selling his father's connections. Since Biden is running for President of this country, we have a right to know if he is like crooked Hillary and has his office up for sale to the highest buyer, which would be China. You know that country that Joe Biden is on video saying that they are not so bad after all, yet our experts point to China as being our biggest threat even over Russia.

Biden's son is being sued for child support and the first thing he did was request the court keep his finance records a secret from the public. Are you smart enough to figure out he did that to prevent showing he has made millions off of Ukraine and China dealings?

Also we have a written agreement with Ukraine to investigate Government corruption that along justifies requesting an investigation into Biden and his dealings with Burisma and the firing of the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma for corruption.

Do you want Biden as your president if he is crooked as it appears he might be. I do not want another Hillary that used her position as Sect. of State to make millions off of foreign countries that we may have to make future deals with.

It appears you are foolish enough to accept a greater evil due to your TDS that has influence your wisdom. I don't care that Trump may have knocked Biden out of contention for President, if it helps cleaning out the swamp of corrupt politicians, I AM ALL FOR IT.

Name one politician that is not corrupt in some form or another.

Impossible. I personally don't care for some of Trumps mannerisms, he wasn't my first choice. I do like the way he is putting the middle finger to the good 'ol boy system and the fools he makes of the democrats by playing them like a fine tuned violin.

Being too conservative makes you become a Romney-boy and liberalism, well, that is a mental disorder.

Is there such a thing as a Conservative Libertarian...?
>But there are rules here,
>even if I don't always
>enforce them as strict as
>I should. Some people would
>be long gone if I did.
I'm fairly new here but so far the rules seem to be, "say something I don't like and I'll delete it".

That said, gotta give you credit for boskee still posting....

Carry on...

>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>on Facebook!
Is there such thing as a GOOD Choice when Voting anymore?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-19 AT 06:51AM (MST)[p]Notty......Only in that wild little imagination you have.....about how we're oppressing people....LOL

Bessie when it comes to Washington, corruption has been in vogue for decades.....Trump & newer GOP members exposing the corruption is why they're working so hard to hide the truth...and in many cases we were only offered bad choices all of which were at our expense.....sadly.

The Washington kickback was almost as famous as the Potomac two step which we are seeing a lot of right now as Schiff and co work so hard to bury their scat.
Probably no GOOD choices with the party system as it is, but IMO Trump is the worst we could have ever been dealt. He took political slime to a new low.

The corrupt move with Ukraine is impeachment worthy no matter who the President be, Republican, Democrat, or anything else. Can't have Presidents using their position to benefit themselves in future elections. If it's tolerated, it'll end up leading to a rigged system and a bad place for this country.

> Is there such thing as
>a GOOD Choice when
>Voting anymore?
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Founder, you are so obviously brainwashed by CNN/MSNBC. The corruption in Ukraine happened with Obama/Biden. It's funny that you try to now say that Trump is the one who is corrupt. He's trying to end the corruption that occurred in the past. Blows my mind that you can't see that. TDS is the reason for that I suppose. Wake up!
he's believing the false narrative you know the one they had to embellish in the investigation.......When the diplomats admitted under oath that no crime had been committed one should sit up and take notice..... when one can't admit that diplomats that were there to support the dems narrative wouldn't admit a crime had been committed it goes to show you they weren't willing to lie to promote the party agenda.....and face charges of perjury.....funny how that worked! LOL They all knew that favors for aid is daily business in Washington and has been for decades under all Presidents. Isn't reality a #####!
Have to wonder where exactly he gets his news? The Nixon & Clinton impeachments had actual evidence, actual crimes and bipartisan support. So far the dems have presented zero evidence for the Ukraine witch hunt and it's not bipartisan. TDS on biased steroids. when you get rich in the private sector then become President and leave office less rich....That is corruption???

But becoming President broke and leave VERY wealthy that is not Corruption???

Founder, do you really think Trump is using his position of power to benefit himself personally? How could it be that a billionaire would drop what he's doing and run for office for his own personal benefit? He's already been President and guaranteed all that goes with it. Why would he want to run for a second term on a personal level?

Under this economy Trump could have owned half the world if he wanted to and wasn't so busy being in public office.

It's especially mind boggling that anyone would even think that Trump would put an ounce of effort into finding dirt on Biden. If he wanted dirt he would have asked Ukraine to lie. Seeking the truth is not looking for dirt.
So founder you think that Trump is the worse of the lot that ran for President in 2016. Why don't you tell us who you felt was the best pick of the candidates that ran for that position in 2016. Also tell us why that candidate would have done a better job then Trump has done in his first three years in office.

You know you won't get an answer to that question, maybe founder could enlighten us on who we should be voting for next go around?

I will be shocked if he honestly answers either question.
You all should vote for whomever you'd like. It doesn't matter what I think. I ain?t trying to convince anyone, just stating my opinion that he's not good for the country and I think he's corrupt. I've heard enough from numerous news sources, and Trump and his people to make me feel that he's corrupt.

As far as ?who? should be President..... I don't know, but NOT Trump. I believe there are many people who can do the same good he's done in 3 years without all the bad.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
>You all should vote for whomever
>you'd like. It doesn't matter
>what I think. I ain?t
>trying to convince anyone, just
>stating my opinion that he's
>not good for the country
>and I think he's corrupt.
>I've heard enough from numerous
>news sources, and Trump and
>his people to make me
>feel that he's corrupt.
>As far as ?who? should be
>President..... I don't know, but
>NOT Trump. I believe there
>are many people who can
>do the same good he's
>done in 3 years without
>all the bad.

lol.....oooohkay...powerful argument.Fact filled too.

You Guys are gonna Keep F'N around until you Piss the Boss Off Ain't Ya?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
and that right there speaks need to debate that it's all right there.....:^) Well at least he's honest about not liking Trump just a little short on ammunition as to why as Homer so keenly pointed out. I guess we'll have to mark him off our list for a donation to Trumps reelection fund!
Boy! talk about beating around the bush and failing to have the brass pair to name his candidate of choice after calling us suckers for voting for Trump. I wonder if it was two face fence sitting Mitt Romney.

We Need To Get somebody in there that can & Will do the Job!

This Political BS the last couple of Decades is Getting F'N Old!

Amazing how many Houses I Go to & They've Got the CNN just a Blarrin!

They Never Change the F'N Channel!





Who's Smart enough to do the Job?

And F'N Dumb enough to Apply for the Job?

Answers PLEASE!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Elk, there isn't anyone in this country with enough sand in their craw to stand up to the shot trump has gone through and still hold their head high and move forward! I hope when he is gone a person with as strong of spirit replaces him, he's not very presidential but he is right, just my.02??
Well, the compelling proof that Trump ?is? innocent of corruption and good for the country that you guys share is amazing. So powerful. Ha ha ha
Democrats this, liberals that, blah, blah, blah. They?re corrupt, so it's ok for Trump to be more corrupt. That's just what our country needs, a race to see who's the worse, republicans or democrats. If that's the race, Trump is blowing everyone away. He?s a real winner in that race.

You guys just keep telling each other how great Trump is and I'll continue to see it as I do......CORRUPT and NASTY TRUMP.

A true President works for all American citizens, not just those who show up at his rallies to tell him how great he is. He ain?t good for this country.

Trump works for Trump, and if what his does coincidently helps others, then he'll accept your thanks. But he sure doesn't put the country, or any of you, above himself.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
I think it's hilarious when people make the claim that exposing Biden?s quid quo pro corruption as VP is giving Trump an advantage in the election. Are we to believe that there are enough idiots out there to elect a batshyt crazy old man that more than likely is starting to suffer from Alzheimer?s? Really?

I think flounder the deer salesman is just pissed because Trump plays the game better than the true corrupt dirtbags trying to get rid of him before he destroys the good ole boys club in DC. Obviously Brian is good with more of the same in the get rich world of DC politics of the last several decades. Mind boggling
I'm still interested in hearing who founder thinks would make the best president out of the current field, heck he can even throw in the ones that bailed out if he wants???
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-19 AT 07:54AM (MST)[p]

"A president works for all citizens" and that's exactly what the man has done in spite of the false rhetoric that's constantly being played. That's EXACTLY why the black community, Asian and Latinos are supporting him and the polling number prove it. Then we have the deplorables that support the man along with the INDEPENDENT voters who have flipped on impeachment..........You're entitled to your own opinion Founder but not your own facts.

It's looking more like the house investigation is a sham too since the Dems won't give the GOP copies of all the paperwork in the complaint process. Catherine Herridge who now works for CBS obtained a copy of some document related to the complaint and it wasn't filled out correctly nor signed by the accuser. Now why wouldn't the WHISTLEBLOWER sign the form? Could it be he knows if he did he'd have filed a fraudulent complaint? HMMM It would appear that since the dems can't produce one fact witness that it proves they have no case just another political exercise like they did to Kavanaugh!!!

So it would appear that the dems who refuse to give the GOP copies of all the documents and follow legal precedent are still going rogue. WHY would they do this? Why not produce the evidence? What are they hiding? It would appear that you and Schiff have about as much evidence as each other on TRUMP. It's looking more like Political Theatre to cover something up rather than a fair hearing concerned with due legal process for ALL the American people to make an informed decision......It would appear the dems are more concerned with tarnishing the man rather than giving him due process and that right there speaks volumes about how concerned they are to represent ALL the American people. It also goes a long way to explaining just why there's no bipartisan support for their dog and pony show. It would appear the only thing Trump is guilty of at this point is getting elected and the dems just can't get that bad taste out of their mouth from the loss.

So lets hide behind our veil of congressional protection and damage the man as much as we can before he has his day to show the world we tried and failed to frame him. The press is running out of false cover stories and the dems have overplayed their hands but in the end, TRUMP will prevail again just like he has on every false charge they've trumped up to try to get him, like Kavanaugh. See a pattern here?

Trump will prevail because he simply didn't do anything wrong unlike the dems who conspire to remove him from office. It would appear when it comes to facts founder and the dems are playing the same game and seem short of evidence but have more than enough hate to go around. Hate doesn't convict people of anything but usually winds up hurting those who harbor the feeling more than those who don't. Ironic isn't it..........

Schiff and founder have a bucket full of hatred but not even a tiny thimble of evidence!!

Hate has always tore down more than it's produced in every society where it's been allowed to fester. Maybe it's time the dems recognize their obsession has blinded them to the reality of the situation, you can't convict an innocent man of the crimes you committed when the higher ruling body that has the final disposition solely in their hands simply doesn't agree.
Founder, that's actually very well said. A lot of people feel the way you do so you're not alone. I do feel sorry for you and them. I suppose that's one reason a president can only serve two four year terms.
Well, Homer called me from my important work to enlighten you all, and I've tried. I've now got to get back to my important work of taking the dog for hikes and punching a bag. So I'll leave you all now to argue over who loves Trump more. Boskee is winning, so you others better up your game, unless you're really Hillary lovers and that's why you can't type out long posts saying the same thing Trump told you to think. Up your game if you're a true Trump lover! ha ha ha

If in the future you need to call me back in as Homer did to again try to enlighten you all, feel free. It's entertaining for me and I'm sure very educational for you all. LOL

I'll leave you with these wise words......TRUMP Needs to be Replaced!

Good entertainment! ha ha ha

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Well founder you rested your case, and aren't we fortunate as a country that we use a higher standard to convict people of crimes in this country to this point. You like Adam Schiff are trying to convict the man on opinion and that right there is why your argument and your logic is baseless. If we lower our standards to convict people on OPINION how does one defend himself against baseless allegations? See that's clearly why the only bipartisan support is to not impeach........and that's clearly why you're sitting on the wrong side of the fence but can't see thru the chaff.

Nice to see you're a man of conviction but not too principled in your bias toward least it's something.....aren't we fortunate we're all held to a higher legal standard where innocent until proven guilty is still in play in our country as opposed to the wildly popular court of opinion those on the left so eagerly seek.
Founder is taking a hike because he can not come up with a legitimate argument on what Boskee posted. Founder needs to get a backbone and some gray matter between his ears.

Founder I f you would just say you don't want trump in office anymore because you don't like him and leave off all of the ?he's corrupt? B S I would have a lot more respect for you, but you you keep crying the same song, and a bunch of crooked D C rats try to claim the same thing for three years and come up with nothing at all that will stick to him you just look foolish! I agree with you that he's not presidential at all, I agree that I don't think I would enjoy hanging out with him, but to say he had done nothing for this country in the last three years is just foolishness! Step back and look at the big picture in these United States, the economy is doing very well the markets are doing very well, unemployment is as low as it probably can go! The only people that have not done anything to help this country prosper in the last three years are the left wing dems and all the hate they have brought with them! Could you imagine what could have been accomplished if they would stop crying for five minutes and try and show some support to this country! If you would get off your high horse you would see it, but you have so much hate built up inside you that you can't see past your nose!
Maybe if founder trash talks trump founder will get the billion dollars. if founder doesn't talk trash him then founder wont get the billion dollars. ohhh ya founder has 6 hours to trash talk him..

still waiting on an answer how trump has affected founder. its about time we have a president willing to clean up the swamp. But kinda hard when demoRATS make up crazy stories and accusations on trump. The demoRATs are horrible people. willing to tear anyones life apart. Like judge kavanugh, the dems tried destroying the man over a major made up lie. That is the face of the demorats. If founder spent 5 minutes researching the facts and changing the news channel for once maybe he could get back into reality. speaking of news I still haven't heard any of the left wing media even say a word about the corruption the bidens are involved in. The lies that shifty shift has been telling us for 3 years.

I think Trump is doing a good job, a really good job for the crap and lies he has to deal with. Give the man credit for handling such a corrupted demoRAT party. My one complaint is the stupid twitter. But im starting to think he does to bug the dems, cause they feed off it like vampires..

Whats kinda funny when I stated I didn't like Obama I was called racist. Once again that just proves it. Isnt it amazing how the Clintons get by with so much crap, but yet no outrage. Isnt it amazing how they proven shifty shift has lied and doing this impeachment thing all wrong but once again no outrage. I could go on and on but not enough space to write all the corruption from the demorats
You Guys are Just gonna Keep Rubbin it Ain't You?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

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