WYO Hunter Surveys


Long Time Member

I took about 30 minutes today and dug into the Wyoming Hunter Surveys.

First of all, I talked with a G&F contact who also said they were getting some complaints regarding the 2 cards, letter, and even phone calls.

I also contacted Marie Nitschke and had a pleasant conversation with her as well.

Some background is important:

1. The Hunter Survey is contracted out to Tetre Tech by the Wyoming Game and Fish. The contract is an all-inclusive, one time fee.

2. The reason for the early mailings, before the season ends, are to try to get hunters to fill out the surveys while their memories are the best. Its also to begin compiling the data and get it to the G&F as quickly as possible.

3. Marie told me that they are aware of, and have all the information for all the various hunting seasons closing dates. Elk are the most problematic, as many hunts go through January.

4. Tetre Tech tries to limit second cards, as much as possible, until AFTER the closing date of all the LE, LQ tags they havent heard from. Like I said, elk are the most problematic, with general tags the most difficult.

I think the solution to many complaints is simply education. The G&F needs to do a better job of explaining that the Game Survey is NOT done in house, but rather contracted. Tetre Tech pays for the cards, the postage, the phone calls, all that via their contract. They also need to emphasize the importance of hunters getting their surveys done as quickly as possible after their hunts are over. The sooner the surveys are filled out the better for everyone. In particular Tetre Tech, as they wont bother you with another card or go through the expense and trouble of doing so.

Marie was also very open to any suggestions that would make the process work better. Very professional person all the way around.
I always get my surveys filled out. In 2011 I won a sheep print or a a camo winter coat with a nice elk on the back side. Since I didny know what the sheep print looked like I took the coat.. kinda off subject


I think we could all make getting the surveys done in a more timely manner a priority.
The survey says that it is done through Tetra Tech. I have worked with Tetra Tech before and I absolutely remember seeing their name in regards to the survey. Even though TT is fronting the cost of the cards and mailings I can assure you that this cost is captured and covered in the one time fee they get from the state.

I think if the state made the surveys mandatory with a consequence like loosing your ability to get a license for the next X years people would be more diligent about completing them. Alaska has a mandatory harvest record that must be completed or you could risk getting tags in the future and they don't send you anything other than the notice with your harvest tag. I can tell you I am much more diligent about getting Alaska's survey done than I am Wyoming's.

I think I will call this lady and make this suggestion to her.
When I returned home to Michigan from out west last fall the surveys were waiting for me on my desk. Filled them out before I unloaded the truck.
I like the idea of some kind of penalty to those who fail to return the survey but that's a pretty slippery slope right there.
Even without total compliance it's still better than how we do things around here.
For population estimates we have a couple college kids count all the deer turds in a square mile then compare to last year, and the year before, etc. Brilliant thought process.
To come up with a total harvest for the season they count the dead deer hauled back across The Bridge, at least the ones they can see. We're so smart around here....

Semper Fi
Thats worth a try...but that would be a regulation change if you're talking about making the survey mandatory and withholding licenses from those that dont complete it.

May have more luck talking to the Department and/or Commission about that...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-14 AT 02:32PM (MST)[p]Thanks for taking the time to look into that BuzzH and congrats to Michael for winning a prize for promptly doing his! I was one of those on the other thread talking about the surveys and mentioned that they are contracted out. My only complaint was the numerous mailings even though I have filled some out online as soon as the first one came in the mail. Some are delayed like this year when I'm out on the road for quite a while. I'm sure the company adds in all those costs as a part of what their profit will be each year. I also think it should be mandatory for everyone and really in this day and age there is no reason for any mailings, especially now that G&F has gone to 100% online applications. Do it as NM does with the notice on the website and the license when you get it. I didn't know Alaska had the same basic process. It would be neat if they could have everyone give an email addy when they file online for their license. The number for your survey to access and complete it could be sent right by email if they continue with just a certain percentage of hunters surveyed. Think how much that could save even if they only did one mailing per license! If theywent to 100% survey they wouldn't need to even send one mailing out. One last thing and that is like BuzzH stated that the company wouldn't be the one to call, but rather the G&F to get the ball rolling.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-14 AT 02:35PM (MST)[p]I just talked to John Lund the regional supervisor at G and F for this area, he said the same thing, that they try to get the results in as soon as possible, and that's why we end up getting those tetra tech follow up letters before the seasons even end.

I mentioned the method Nevada uses, which is an attachment with the tag that you can fill out or Email in, if a hunter does not comply within a set period after the specific hunt closes, they then forfeit their next years big game hunting privileges, unless they return the harvest results info and $50.00.

A little hunter responsibility wouldn't kill anyone.
If G and F used Nevada's method they would get better results in a more timely manner, plus it would make a lot financial sense.
However, two letters, and two cards, before the season is even over, is just plain over the top!
Are these surveys sent out randomly? I hunted antelope last year and don't remember getting any kind of harvest survey post card.
>Are these surveys sent out randomly?
>I hunted antelope last year
>and don't remember getting any
>kind of harvest survey post

***Yes, they are random and are a certain percentage of the tags issued for a unit or Region, but it seems as if I get one every year for my deer and antelope tags that I buy.
I tend to get one every year for deer, antelope, elk and the extra doe tags I get. I get online and fill them out asap. It takes just a couple minutes and isn't that hard.
>I tend to get one every
>year for deer, antelope, elk
>and the extra doe tags
>I get. I get
>online and fill them out
>asap. It takes just a
>couple minutes and isn't that

***That's right and I really don't see why they can't just go to a 100% survey and require it be done online like other states we've mentioned. Just the postage costs alone that they would save would probably pay for the program.
That's good info Buzz et al.
Thanks for the updates.
As a NR, I wouldn't mind a 100% participation and make it mandatory. The F&G could get all tha data they wanted and hunters would get educated to just do the survey everytime they hunted.
If the F%G want that kind of participation I don't think hunters would mind one bit.
In Washington we have mandatory reporting. We can do it online or over the phone I think.
If you get your report in before the deadline which is in January, you are automatically entered in a drawing for "Incentive Tags". There are only a couple of tags each for deer and elk but they are about like a Governor's tag and let you hunt from Sept thru Dec in any unit that has an open season.

I can't remember what the consequences are for not reporting, I'll have to look that up.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-14 AT 09:34AM (MST)[p]Many of us have asked for mandatory reporting for many years from G&F; including Smokestick. The usual response is that they don't need all that info. They also reply that it's hard to get hunters to respond and that they may even falsify the info.

So according to G&F, hunters DO mind, Zeke. When questioned about the Nevada system of mandatory reporting or pay a fee to be able to apply the following year, G&F were not very amenable to that suggestion, either, claiming that they don't want pissed off hunters. Seems like half the folks hate G&F anyway, so maybe they should quit worrying about PR and do what they think is best for the resource instead of worrying about what everyone thinks.

I filled out my survey on paper and sent it back about 2-3 days after I received it this year. The next day, I got a reminder post card. Good thing that service is contracted out.

I am in favor of mandatory reporting, and if the Nevada system were imposed, it wouldn't bother me in the least. It's a very simple system. I guarantee you would only forget to do it once. I always respond to hunter surveys. Anyone that doesn't is doing a disservice to themselves and fellow hunters.

In my opinion, you can never have too much information.
+1 nontypical I do have a question as to why you sent in paper instead of online? It's much easier and the way they would like us to do them since it's faster and more cost effective.
I really don't have a good response to that question. I usually do them online. I guess I didn't look hard enough for the website or maybe I didn't look at all for it. :) Just a brain fart, I guess..
>I really don't have a good
>response to that question. I
>usually do them online. I
>guess I didn't look hard
>enough for the website or
>maybe I didn't look at
>all for it. :) Just
>a brain fart, I guess..

***That's sort of what I figured, so I'll give you a free pass on that one, LOL!

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