Wyoming cabin build


Very Active Member
Ever since I was young my dad has talked about wanting a cabin in the mountains. Well about 4 years ago a piece of property my wife and I have had our eye on in our home state of Wyoming came available. Myself, my dad and my older brother all decided to go ahead and buy it and build a cabin.

This is the view from the land to the south.

It is a great area for deer, elk, moose and bear. If you look close you can see a sow and two cubs.

Last summer we hired Slyter Construction out of Daniel to pour the foundation and build the shell of the cabin for us. Slyter did a great job at a very reasonable price.

It's not a big place, just 20X24 with a 6 foot porch and loft over the back half.


We decided to do the rest of the work ourselves. We ended up getting the windows and doors done, getting it wrapped and installing a wood stove before winter hit. The old cyclinder stove just didn't cut it so we upgraded to a bigger stove before elk season hit.

My wife and I snowshoed in during January. Its about a mile from a snowmobile parking area. The snow had no base to it at all. We went back in in April with my brother. The snow was crusted over and made for easy walking.

Snow was beginning to pile up. This is the swing in January.

This is the swing in April.

The view from the porch to the southwest. Some of you may recognize the view.

My wife enjoying the walk in.

My wife and I walked in over the Memorial Day weekend with our two sons. It was great weather on the way in and the boys had fun playing in the snow.

Warming up by the fire.

The walk out was a little different. The boys enjoyed the walk out. There was still 5 foot drifts in places.

The last two weekends we have been able to drive in. so far this year we have finished the plumbing and electrical rough-in, got the spetic system finished, well pump tested, installed stairs and railing for the loft, cut a path to the well, and got about 1/3 of the cabin sided. We are using half log siding.

It must be government work. One person working and three watching.

The bears are back. Seeing this track in the foundation back fill has my wife on edge. I am planning where to put my bait station.

We are headed back up this weekend to continue on with siding and do some fishing.
I hope you enjoy this. If so I will post more pics as the year progresses.

Some people go camping, we go cabining!! :) cabins are awesome, especially as a kid!! Those boys of yours don't know how much fun they're going to have...looks like a great location!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
Looks great, I rarely read everything written below the pics but you had me the whole way. Make sure you post more pics and the finish project. I hope some day I can do the same thing in a remote area.

Looks great,

Very Cool ! great memories ahead for sure..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Very nice.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
My buddy and I got the same bug a few years ago, but on a somewhat smaller budget. Not long after, his wife was stricken with cancer and I had to buy him out. We continued the dream on my budget (a.k.a. my Home Depot Card) and sweat equity. I have managed to pay everything off and add a few utilities since I've moved to Italy. The sepic tank will be the first thing not done by my hands or a close group of buddies, not to mention the most expensive. I plan to add a solar set-up for power and then similar siding (bark on, though).

Your boys' smiles are the best part because they remind me of my son's smile while we were buidling it... he was 5, but thought he was really driving important nails. He also built a log fort (Ft McQueen) out of deadfall on the property...

Great memories, may God bless your adventures in cabin building...

Can't wait to hunt my NM Unit 34 Archery Elk tag from the cabin in Sept!

Great idea! Your kids will always have cabin memories. We did the same thing 5 years ago. We bought a third of a waterfront cabin with family and are able to hunt, fish, hike, boat etc. My 5 year old daughter has a hard time understanding why not everyone has a cabin. She is now a walleye fishing expert. Keep us posted on the progress.
Mulecreek... very cool build!! Do you mind saying what you gave for the foundation work...I plain on doing the same thing, within the next five years or so... Was there a square footage price you were shooting for?
Looks like some Nice Craftsmanship!

Can you show us some of the Plumbage?

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
We got just about all the work we wanted to get done this summer. My father and I got the drywall up, taped and the first skim coat done in the kitchen and bathroom. The rest of the interior will be done in pine next summer. We finsished the water system. We went with a 40 gallon pressure tank to store and pressurize the system.


Drains and vent stacks went in pretty quick after a lot of planning and dry-fitting. Everything drains like it should. Not as good as the professionals but not to bad for a rookie. This was the first time I used pex. It is fast but those coils are a pain in the butt to work with by yourself.


We got the kitchen sink, bathroom sink and toilet installed and working. We used a leftover sink from a bathroom remodel my parents did in their home. Still need to box in the vent stack in the bathroom.



We set the main panel and wired everything in so it could run off a 3500W propane generator. Our calcs on power requirements seem to be working so far. Lights, receptacles and pump all run like they should.



Wiring at the pump and pressure switch is pretty straighforward. Pump kicks on at 30 psi and off at 50 psi. The pressure tank was not storing as much water as we had calculated. We figured, with the pump off, we should be getting about 10 gallons before the pressure dropped too low to flow. As it was it was only getting about 2 gals. On the way home that weekend it dawned on me. Taking the tank to 7500' caused the air bladder to expand and over pressure. Just like a bag of potato chips. It should have been pre-charged to 26 psi, after checking the next weekend it was up to 49 psi with no water in the system. We bled the system down to 26 psi and it works just like we planned. We can get a little over 10 gallons of water before we need to fire up the generator and run the well to pressurize the system.

My wife, Dad and I installed the kitchen cabinets, countertops and stove last weekend. It's a pretty simple layout and everything went together quickly. Nothing fancy, off the shelf stuff from Home Depot.


The boys are doing their best at being helpful. Luckily the screws are only 1 1/2".


This is the best part of the weekends.

We are going to finish the insulation this weekend and then call it a summer. Archery season starts on the first so its time for the work to end. I have an elk and deer tag. My bother and his son are coming out for elk and I have two frineds from school coming out from Missouri and Michigan for elk. Good luck to everyone this season.

Sorry about the late reply, I must have missed your question. If memory serves me the foundation was about $7K. The cabin is 20' by 24 with 6' porch. This did not include the excavation. In the area we built Slyter is one of the more experienced foundation contractors. With the gas boom there are alot of guys that bought a backhoe and started picking up small jobs. We wanted someone that had experience in the area. I will have to double check on the cost, I don't have my files on me.
That looks great! Anymore recent pics of the outside? Cabining is great and it's more fun watching the kids. Don't forget a hot tub and deluxe firepit. Keep the pics coming.
Thanks for posting your pictures. That is a neat opportunity that you have and like everybody else, I look forward to seeing the updates.
mulecreek, those are some way cool pictures. I am glad for you.

What part of Wyoming? I spent a week in Meeteetsee one day.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
You must be close to Daniel, Cora & Pinedale I would guess....great area and very nice cabin for the family.

Very nice work, That has the making of being a 1st rate cabin.
Looks like a lot of family fun is going to be had.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
As a plumbing contractor, i cringe at seeing that you went with pex type plastic hose for your water lines. With all the ups and downs, loop-dee-loops, water is sure to be trapped in the low spots and will freeze creating a blockege. Great i suppose if you don't plan on using your cabin in cold weather but there is no way of defrosting if any winter, early spring, or late fall use is planned. Myself, i won't use the stuff, even when a customer requests it.

IMO, rigid, either copper or galvi, graded lines where you shut off the supply and open the hot and cold water drain down valves to completely void any water from the whole system is the only way to go in cold climate applications. I hope your system works for your needs.

Nice project by the way! My hats off to you for getting it done and even doing it in the first place!!


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